The Crypt Keeper Pardons His Criminal Son
We all knew Biden was lying, it's his #1 trait, about pardoning his son The Bag Man. He told us over and over he wouldn't, and he did it. My hope is the next GOP Congress will turn over The Big Guy's Investigation for AG Pam Bondi to bird-dog down and make this Crime Family sweat and spend money on legal fees. This is the only way we can start by purging the corruption we've seen for decades. This is not lawfare, it is real prosecution of criminal behavior.
There are PLENTY of other cases that have been bypassed in the name of Woke/DEI that need to be pursued. The DoJ has 115,000 employees across their entire department - get rid of the rot, and hire stand-up people. And it starts with AG and works it way done to those who will support the Constitution and have integrity.
There are PLENTY of other cases that have been bypassed in the name of Woke/DEI that need to be pursued. The DoJ has 115,000 employees across their entire department - get rid of the rot, and hire stand-up people. And it starts with AG and works it way done to those who will support the Constitution and have integrity.
I knew Joe was going to do this because he said he wouldn't. Surprised?
Trump's cases were raw political lawfare. Hunter lied on a federal firearms form and his gun was tossed in a dumpster near a school. He didn't pay taxes on payola he got as a unregistered foreign agent. This was like Capone owning judges in Chicago.
Trump's charges are being dropped, the only holdout is the Frankenstein Felonies in NYC that keep being pushed out month after month so Bragg and James can get re-elected. Just convict. I'm fine with that as that is how the system works, then it gets appealed. Fine.
What Trump was charged with is no different than others politicians have done and never charged. Try an explain how Biden had classified documents dating decades that he had no authority to have. Same for Pence. Charging Trump and not the others was a travesty of justice.
I hope the new AG, who ever it is, releases the audio, and if there was video, of the Biden Interview that was blocked by Wingman Garland.
BTW, Trump won the Popular and Electoral Votes. The Dems lost, suck it bro. and it is going to be a rough 2-4 years for them, and probably more as the Dem Party was hit with multiple MK-48s and MIRVs.
You'll be fine and better off.
Now, let's see if Crypt Keeper will try to prophylactically pardon himself. This has never been tried so off the SC if he does. This guy makes shame look like a good trait.
Guess being added to Mt Rushmore is off the table.
So Hunter had two hours to murder the entire Kardashian family. Go Hinter go!
Things a person hasn't been formally charged and convicted with yet might still be up for prosecution; this may go to the SC in the next few years.
Things like POTUS pardoning power need to be defined by the SC as they have never been tested. Bureaucracy power, and POTUS immunity have been defined.
More fun to come that the Dems will be Karens about as the Ponzi Scheme stuff they have built starts to erode.
I want the foreign dealings investigated. You know, threatening to call down daddy's wrath on Chinese investors, Ukraine sinecures that might be influencing our policies, 10% for the big man. He claims not to remember some of that because he was so high at the time.
Wonder when some libs here are going to come in and gloat, like kicking a field goal inside the 2 minute warning when you're down 30.
Sure, I'm quite happy if the new Administration beats the SHIT of out Biden like an Orca playing with a seal. What Biden and his lawfare crew did to Trump, his close associates and Jan6 people is just horrible.
I will say the Jan6 people who ransacked and did destruction need to be prosecuted, the ones who just wandered around, no. One that I personally know was prosecuted as she didn't go through the front door metal detector: $100K fine, 6 months home detention, ankle bracelet and no Internet access, plus the several $100K she had to pay for lawyers.
Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2025, like it or not Biden is still president until Trump takes the oath of office on that date.
Trump pardoned his son in law’s father and is attempting to nominate him ambassador to France, there’s your recent precedent.
No. His corruption was to enrich himself and his trashy family. He’s the biggest piece of shit ever to hold that office. Fucking serial liar who will reflexively and casually tell any lie that’s in his interest.
It's "thug" behavior to protect your child when you have the power to do so? Do you have children dude? I ask because I understand this thinking if you don't. But if you do have children then I have to question what kind of man you are if you could sit back and let them be thrown in prison when you could stop it with a stroke of a pen.
Of course he protected his son. Any man who isn't a cunt would have done the same.
In fact, when Biden first refused to pardon Hunter, it made me detest him even more. This past election, Biden lost the male vote by a wide margin. You had best believe that his unwillingness to protect his own son didn't help his cause.
IMO he grossly miscalculated when he told that lie. He did it no doubt in order to avoid delegitimizing the lawfare being waged against Trump, but IMO it backfired. He would have been better off pardoning both Hunter and Trump early on, making it clear that using the legal system for political purposes was unacceptable.
Shame on Joe for again teaching his kids they can get away with anything on the basis of their name! Rich kids get this kind of favorable treatment all the time and start believing they're immune to consequences.
Or maybe this is Joe's payment to his loyal bagman in the family influence peddling business.
"Blaming the kids is a lie and shame,
You know exactly who's to blame!
The mother and the father!"
Biden protected his son because he could. I can't help but have respect for that.
Do you know what percentage of American inmates have a mother and/or father? Take a wild guess.
That next flaming car wreck might have the rest of the family in it.
People just want to be treated fairly. I occasionally have to discipline employees for misconduct. The union and employee generally accept it as long as its fair and consistent. When you deviate from that people get extremely angry and discipline falls apart.
My suspicion is Joe Biden expects to die soon, has no belief in the afterlife, and knows his legacy is in the toilet.
Only bright side is Hunter now can’t plead the 5th when questioned.
Thanks for nothing, Joe Biden.…
@Stud: Please dude, that's incredibly melodramatic. I doubt that almost anyone with a child can't distinguish this from normal circumstances.
If anything, the lawfare waged against Trump has done far more to diminish trust in American institutions than a sitting President who understandably pardons his son to keep him out of prison.
The Bidens went to great lengths to hide this income in very sophisticated ways. They were undone. Let justice be served.…
Of course they will distinguish this. Why you ask? Because almost all of them would have done the same damned thing for their own kids if they could have. Also, the President of the United States having unique powers and privileges is hardly news, lol.
What Biden did is unfathomable to any decent true American. The rest of you are just faggy versions of Putin, who would definitely do it.
By pleading guilty, Hunter Biden removed all opportunity for a criminal investigation to drill down into his illegal activity to find the link that would prove he was acting as the front man for Joe Biden and blow the lid off the entire criminal enterprise which provided malicious foreign actors direct access to the vice presidency and later president of the United States. At the time of that plea, anyone with a brain should have seen that Joe would pardon Hunter. (Trump called it. When asked if he would pardon Hunter, he said it would depend on the facts of the investigation, but he believed that Joe would pardon him first.)
Biden issued a blanket pardon to Hunter not for any specific charges or crimes, but a blanket pardon -i.e. blanket immunity- for anything done between 2014 and 2024. This is after he joined the Burisma board in Ukraine. Joe Biden is protecting himself, his son continues to be the front man.
Again, that’s if Biden was smart. He’s not.
The same argument also gives the President the right to pardon himself. If a president can pardon the first son from any crimes in a given period - known and unknown- why could the president not grant himself the same immunity? SCOTUS would love having to rule on that one. It is a little thing for a bunch of idiots on an internet forum dedicated to strippers and sex workers to abstractly debate abusing power to protect one's child; but to see the leader f the free world, the most powerful country in the world, fully act out the mentality of "laws for thee but nor for me" and using the same language and rational he refutes to protect his child while harassing his political opposition is more damaging than a hundred riots in protest of election results (and there were hundreds from 2016 - 2021, January 6th was but one of these). The Republican congress cannot allow Biden's abuse of presidential privilege to deter them from uncovering his criminal activity. This precedent cannot stand unchallenged.
As far as yet another Congressional witch hunt, when is enough enough? What is it with you angry hyper-emotional fucks who always want payback on political adversaries? When will some of you fuckers grow up and see the bigger picture, which is that the more this shit continues, the more it becomes a never-ending escalating circus on both sides? The lawfare, lawmaker investigations and other crap that has become all too common will just keep getting worse.
The last thing we need is yet another Investigation Congress. I would prefer them to be focused on getting the Trump agenda through. All that is accomplished by yet more investigations is to further polarize half the country into believing that the party in charge is abusing its power. Then, when Congress changes hands in the midterms, they'll feel amply justified in calling for yet more investigations of Trump. And so on, and so on, and so on...
So after he does this thing, he heads off to Angola - a visit he had promised to do, and waited for 3 years and 23 months. He jetted off right after the Pardon.
I hope this somehow finds it way to the SC. The SC dealt with Un-Constitutional actions by bureaucracies (Chevron case), they defined when a POTUS has immunity, and now the Pardoning process needs to be clarified. Watch, Brandon may Pardon himself and the entire Biden clan.
The Found Fathers didn't have MS Word, the quill pen really limited what they could write, and I support handwriting all legislation to keep it tight and precise; we have 16 million lines of IRS Tax Code - that's ridiculous.
Brandon and Doc Jill created Hunter and enabled his behavior, and used him as the Bag Man for Biden, Inc. That is evil for a parent, unless you are a Godfather or Capo, which clearly Brandon is..
Like I said, I hope the House on 20-Jan-2025 turns over all the evidence and data they collected the past 2 years over to the new DoJ AG and take it from there. What Brandon has done will affect POTUS behavior until an Amendment is passed to put some parameters on the Pardon Process, or if the SC gets a bite at that apple to help define what is and isn't proper. This has serious potential for evil.
Example: We all heard about immunity and that Trump would use SEAL Team 6 to whack opponents. What would prevent a POTUS to hire a Wise Guy to do just this, then allow the DOJ to prosecute, find them guilty then the POTUS pardons them. Outrageous, right? This is the type of strawman Dems and the MSM promote, only now Brandon has pushed the Pardon Power to a new boundary, or is there even a boundary?
If a world class brain surgeon had a child with an operable brain tumor, s/he wouldn't be allowed to do the surgery.
Imagine the reaction if Trump pardoned one of his kids the way Brandon did. The MSM would be the ultimate Karens for months.
To be clear, I'd say this about any POTUS who did this thing.
Solid math? Tit for tat? 3 wrongs don't make a right?
Need more for the left side of the equation? Feel free to add:
Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins, or Steve Stockman if needed.
I'm not ok with ANY of the above pardons btw. Just pointing out you fuck tards only look one way when crossing the street.
And that is why he found it so easy to turn his back on our friendly forces in Afghanistan. "I am the big shot and that can't do a fucking thing about it."
So now we have Dems popping up saying how bad the Pardon is for The Party even though they knew all along about Biden, Inc and did nothing by ignoring it. Even Obama back told VP Biden to tone it down.
What we are witnessing is one of the most corrupt POTUS families ever escaping justice, and NOW The Party is worried. Oh, it'll survive, it always does as it depends, in their words, "on the stupidity of American voters and lack of transparency."
Pardons are not done. Hunter was up for sentencing. Next, the rest of the Crew will get Biden Pardon Cover before he is out, probably 8AM 20-Jan-2025 and he won't attend the Trump Inaguration. History needs to be severe on The Biden Family.
Maybe this will help get some parameters around the unlimited Pardon Powers via an Amendment. It won't be easy to do as it is the most powerful political tool a POTUS has.
I disagree, profoundly, with everything you wrote. The Constitution gives Biden the ability. That makes it legal, it does not make it right. He broke his word, he lied from the Oval Office, he crawfished his son to protect his own ass.
Also, the democrat party machine and affiliated entities' lawfare against Trump, his family, his supporters, and his nominees are unconscionable and must be met in kind. Otherwise, it will continue and spread. Democrats are not smart people, they will only learn when it is done to them. The GOP has a history of keeping a stiff upper lip and taking the high road. The democrats have always fought dirty. When the GOP stays high, the dems slink away and do it again. Trump did not prosecute Hilary for her crimes because he wanted to set a unifying example. The dems rewarded him with predawn raids live on CNN, mugshots, rigged trials, and re-writing laws so he could be prosecuted and sued for bullshit. They need to be taught a lesson in a language they understand. Dems are classless scum. They need to be treated like such.
Also, corruption is hardly limited to the Bidens. The Clintons were as corrupt as the day is long, brazenly so in fact by through their money laundering entity known as the Clinton Foundation. And if you dig hard enough, you can no doubt find plenty of ways in which both Trump's and the Bush family's commercial interests benefited from Presidential service.
The reason that it would be foolhardy to circumscribe pardon power or to go down the road of endless investigations of former Presidents all boils down to the peaceful transfer of power from one President to the next.
If a President has to fear political revenge upon himself, his family and other close associates, he will be much more tempted to try to retain power at all costs. Then we become like all Russia and countless banana republics across the world, where leaders will do whatever it takes to hold on to the tail of the lion. A little corruption is a small price to pay to prevent this from ever happening.
Brandon and Doc Jill enabled Hunter from the time he was a child, to when he was booted out of the Navy for Blow, and then used him as a Bag Man. This is parenting?
With regards to the theory that Biden had planned on Kamala pardoning Hunter and being forced by Kamala's loss to do it himself; the timeline disproves that theory. Biden has been stating for months, as far back as June, that he would honor the norms and institutions in the US and not pardon his son. He dropped out in July. It was hardly the first thing he lied about or defrauded the American voter, it is just the most recent revelation. He was planning on doing it as soon as he locked up the electoral votes and became a lame duck; there was simply no limit to how many lies he was willing to tell to win the election.
1) had the Clintons been convicted of any crimes, Gore or whichever democrat held the oval office next would have pardoned them. Abuse of privilege. Pardon power being used to circumvent and avoid justice.
2) Refusing to pardon Trump, the democrat party attempted to prevent he peaceful transfer of power and prevent Trump from being eligible to run or appear on the ballot. The pardon power, or refusal to use it, was implemented here.
3) There is no reasonable scenario which any rational American can imagine where a president would be able to remotely attempt retention of power at all costs. SCOTUS would not allow it. Congress would not allow it. The DoJ and Armed Forces would not allow it. The governors of the individual states would not allow it. It is not worth proffering as an argument.
His "retirement" is sitting on the toilet waiting for me to appear on line. Touch grass, loser.
Weirdo get a life.
So you do want to be in the lynching mob, is that what you’re saying?
1) That's a stupid speculative comment. The important point is that nobody tried to prosecute them, despite the all too obvious low hanging fruit.
2} I broadly agree that they should never have pursued Trump, but two wrong don't make a right. This never-ending tit for tat behavior has to stop somewhere.
3) Out of everything, this is the most asinine thing you've said, which says something. Obviously you are not a student of world history. Democracies are fragile things and we are a young nation by historical standards. If the President could win the support of the military (likely by bribing and promoting key allies) he'd be a good chunk of the way there. It would also likely not happen in one fell swoop. First the election results would be deemed fraudulent and it would most likely snowball from there, in a series of steps orchestrated over time to neutralize opposition. I'm sure some national emergency would also be conjured up, like a threat posed by some foreign power. The Supreme Court and Congress both rely upon the executive branch to enforce their edicts, so they can't stand in the way. The states only have their respective national guards to call, but which states are going to want to wage a civil war against the U.S. military?
So no, if we want to ensure that we continue to having peaceful transitions of power, we need to be sure that departing Presidents don't feel threatened by potential retaliation.
No one said that, nor did I, aside from opinionators on MSLSD and The View. Is that were you got that? Put the hookah down and let your brain rot air out.
What a bunch of Karens.
This was a paper work Frankenstein'ed pile of felonies. He didn't lie on a federal firearms form, he didn't avoid paying taxes like Hunter admitted to.
If seeing him as a convicted felon POTUS helps you sleep well and feel better, good. Enjoy your Twilight Zone episode.
I never watch the TV shows you're referring to, (I get all my information from TUSCL) the foaming around the mouth, kind of gives many of you indoctrinated types away. There is a middle ground, and more of our fellow PLs agree with me than you realize.
As far as a father protecting his son because he has the corrupt power to do so… is it moral or ethical absolutely not. Is it human and normal? Yes… and thats not something to brag about
The vast majority of people out there, would abuse their power and let their family members get away with stuff. Probably everyone would other than extremely religious or principled people.
The logic youre using is the equivalent of the parents of some of these criminals coming out saying they didnt do anything or saying they should be forgiven. If the world followed your logic, if a judge or jury accepted your line of thinking, we would have rampant corruption and society wouldn’t function as it should. Everyone would just be let off the hook for every crime because everyone has family members and friends who don’t want them getting punishment.
Your argument is completely one sided because youre able to put yourself in Bidens shoes and think about how you would also pardon your kids if you had the power to do so. I think you even mentioned wanting your daughter to escape if she killed someone driving drunk. The other side of that scenario is someone elses kid being killed in that accident.
As far as the ability to pardon, it makes no sense why the president would have that power, and that is an example of federal over reach in itself. Nobody should have the power to pardon anybody for any level of crime.
You dont want prostitution legalized, even though it would basically completely get rid of pimps and other crimes associated with prostitutes or their clients; i.e. massive societal benefits. Your reasoning for not wanting it legalized is because youre worried people may start soliciting college girls working retail stores or restaurants, lol.
What i dont get is why not teach and train your kids to behave how you want them to behave, instead of wanting society wide laws and rules because youre worried some girl working retail wont be able to resist $100 or $200.
not to hijack this thread, but what you said reminded me of a question I saw on Reddit.
It was a variation of the trolley car problem. The question is: “if you had the choice of killing 1000 people to save one member of your family, what would you do”
Overwhelmingly, it was 100% unanimous that people would kill the 1000 strangers.
I guess I was bit shocked by people’s answers
As far as the ability to pardon, you obviously ignored my comments further above. It makes perfect sense.
Finally, when did I say that I didn't want prostitution legalized? My issue with old dudes soliciting young girls in public venues has nothing to do with legalizing p4p, but rather involves common decency and respect. Young women should be free to go about their daily lives without creepy old dudes harassing them for paid sex. It's one thing for the girl to already be doing some type of adult entertainment work, like stripping, but quite another to solicit a girl who is just trying to finish her shift at her retail job site.
Even John Stewart wants to know why Joe wrote a pardon for any unknown incidents included in an 11-year period. This is not a narrow and precise pardon to address a miscarriage of justice, this is a get out of jail free card. Most Americans, even democrats in Congress and the media want to know the full story of wtf is going on. Biden is clearly hiding something. We can expect a legal challenge to be heard by SCOTUS, this is a question as serious as the qualified immunity case was.
I guess i was mistaken, I thought you said you didnt want it legalized or perhaps you said if it were to be legalized it should be restricted only to certain red light districts.
As far as the comparison of the girl working a retail shift vs girl working a club… the thing is theres a huge % of both potential buyers and potential providers who currently arent in the prostitution market because of social concerns, professional concerns, legalities, etc. as you know from seeking, there are in fact, precisely some girls who do work the retail jobs, restaurant jobs etc yet are open to p4p. Anyway it should still be handled at the private business level. We have freedom of speech yet almost any restaurant or retail store will kick you out if you go up to another customer and start cursing at them yelling at them etc.
We are supporting Ukraine because we are the leading superpower, we stand for democracy and it's the right thing to do. Trump will have plenty of opportunity again to find dirt on Biden - if he can and wants to - when he gets in office. Whether Hunter was pardoned is irrelevant. Though Trump tried to before, abused the power of his office and was impeached.
Hunter was pardoned for an arbitrary period right before he started at Burisma. Reduced to the "I was high out of my mind" defense for why he didn't remember threatening people in his father's name.
Thanks for looking guilty before a single investigation or trial, Joe.
its about oil and gas, which Russia has in incredible abundance and keeping them from being able to compete with us as a rich superpower.
Nothing wrong with that. America first, economic supremacy is why we all live so good. Just don’t kid yourself.
^^The US needed to enter WW2 because FDR'S socialist policies failed. He let the Japs bomb Pearl Harbor because he needed the justification for Congress to declare war. He knew that was needed to end the Depression.
Ukraine is every bit as corrupt as Russia. It is an open proxy war and being horribly managed by the most inept and incompetent government since the Carter administration. Trump hope to negotiate peace for land. It's not the best outcome, but it's the best we can hope for without further loss of life or a wider conflict.
Gamma, I agree. We will need to negotiate from a better position now or a worse position later. Wild is making some WILD leaps in logic when I'm actually providing the least Putin friendly solution. But whatever he has to do to hide the vegetable-in-chief's corruption.
You got that right, man. Ukraine has the goods on Biden and his son, and they've used it to extort billions of US taxpayer dollars.
I would even go so far as to say Russia may have invaded Ukraine only to get their hands on the Biden evidence so they could manipulate him for their own purposes.
Also, the idea that the Ukraine war is about oil and gas doesn't quite add up either. Ukraine's reserves are a tiny fraction of what Russia already has. Seizing Ukrainian oil and gas assets will only have a marginal impact on Russia's ability to compete as a superpower. There is more a threat to Europe, and Europe knows a win for Putin will only embolden him to make another move West in the future. The US is there supporting not only Ukraine but our European allies.
No wonder the world is showing more willingness to play ball now that the vegetable is on the outs.
More willing to play ball now? LMAO Are you referring to Mexico's threat of retaliatory tariffs ? China banning export of key minerals to the US ? Yeah, Trump's tough guy act is going real well so far.
Mexico is already cracking down thanks to Trump. Coyotes are trying to get their trafficking and rape in before Trump shuts them down, hell Mexicans themselves are taking notice and taking anti illegal immigration positions.
Apparently you don't know much of what "negotiation" entails, since Democrats' policies are to grab their ankles and grovel before bad actors. Who would hurt more from a tariff war, US or Mexico?
Decoupling our supply chains from China is a smart move.
Democrats are the party of weakness and wokeness.
Anyone who thinks that seizing Crimea and attacking Ukraine wasn't 100% based on the fact that demented Putin thinks he is reassembling the U.S.S.R. and that he believed that the impotence of Obama the sissy and Biden the demented would permit him to do so is delusional. Why progressives argue their inane opinions when the facts are plain is just reason #239 why they may be American citizens but will never ever be Americans.
Now this senile old man is going to pack his skis because it is fucking snowing and Friday, I will do my zoom court appearance from the Peak Lodge at Killington. Even better than my zoom hearing from a picnic table at Saratoga last August.
Hey wildto suck cock China banned export of materials because impotent Biden decided to fuck things up even more by putting sanctions on China last weel. Are you really this stupid boy?
Yet here you are commenting multiple times in a thread about it wild4testes #dipshit!
I'm thinking you're giving him way too much credit here, he's a total moron, and I doubt that he's younger than 45-50.
Seriously dude, can you provide even ONE credible link supporting this wildass theory that Zelensky was going to somehow "expose" Biden if the US didn't help Ukraine after Russia invaded?
I’m not against it. It was in the interests of US supremacy, but don’t kid yourselves.…
@wld4puddytat - a fraction of the evidence was placed in front of you. Weakness and wokeness are over; America is BACK!
1) don't go around and around fucking telling everyone that you're not going to pardon and act all high and fucking mighty, this destroys any credibility that the dems and their related shills have with taking the moral high road -- which also opens the door to more of these shenanigans
2) I allow for a high amount of corruption in politics, I like to think the US is better than most, but lately, who the fuck knows. Here, wasn't it enough just to pardon Hunter for the two felonies he pled to, does it have to be for the last fucking 10 years?
The pardon was to be expected. Hell, Ford gave Nixon a full and unconditional pardon.
I have a bigger issue with the lying press secretary Karine Jean Pierre. That mop top cunt stood at the podium for months and multiple times said a pardon would never happen.
The democrat party has been the party of lies and gaslighting since Clinton first said "I did not have sex with ... Miss Lewinsky." The lies and disinformation have only grown in frequency and scope. The dereliction of duty by the free press and willful ignorance of tens of millions of voters are the beneath contempt in their willing acceptance of government corruption.
Calling KJP a liar on this is misguided. She's just a mouthpiece for the White House, she wasn't able to say anything different than what Biden said himself.
As for lies..... there is only one undisputed King of Lies, and that is Donald Trump himself. Aided and abetted by the corrupt right wing media. The Washington Post did a tally of Trump's lies over his first term and the grand total was 30,573 false or misleading claims over four years. Unreal.
The WaPo and NYT, to name 2, were seriously biased with who they sided with and how they "reported".
Did the WaPo do same for Biden - lies, misleading and false? "False and misleading" is open for interpretation; every time a politician opens their mouth... All politicians lie to some extent, some way more than others like Obama "you can keep your doctor and save $2,500 per year" or Schiff "I have video of Trump getting golden showers".
The Dems, DNC, Obama, Clinton, Hollywood, MSM did an excellent job with propaganda at fleecing Dem donors. The Dem Machine recklessly spent money like they do with Taxpayers' money. And they are $20M in debt after spending north of $1.5B.
You'll be fine, way much better, the next 4 years.
She willingly did, and was the spokesperson for Biden and the WH. I view her as a willing cohort who could have quit if she didn't like what was being done. She'll get with CNN or one of their the other MSM outlets.
Yes Trump lies. But as they say two wrongs don’t make a right. The Biden WH and KJP could have set a new precedent and stop the lies….
But I guess Washington politics ain’t gonna change regardless of the political party
LOL, so she repeats lies, but that doesn't make her a liar. Cheapfake. Joe is sharp. Nothing prevents her from resigning her job rather than degrade herself.
Biden didn't "make a bad look," he straight up lied, "on his word as a Biden," again and again.
Trump's lies are "they're eating the cats" when it turns out the woman eating the cat wasn't Haitian. Democrats' lies are "if you like your doctor...," "Joe is as sharp as I've ever seen him...".
It's like Chris Rock (I think) said. "I didn't go to the strip club" and "it's your baby" are both lies, but one is much, more worse.
Now if he had an ounce of brains, he also would have pardoned Trump, which would have given him much more air cover. Kind of sending a "let's move on from all this ugliness" message which really wouldn't have cost anything since the federal cases against DJT are going away anyway. But that was just a bridge too far I guess.
1. Biden is not smart and he’s surrounded by incompetents. His spokesman, for instance, is supposed to do more than allow you to check boxes (black* woman* lgbt*) and look at a binder while leaning on a podium. There supposed to help you approach and message issues so you don’t piss everyone off.
2. He’s weak and surrounded by people with Trump Derangement Syndrome who won’t “allow” him to do it. Fucking weak.
My hope is after 20-Jan-2025 this Pardon Powers gets to the SC for a ruling. I believe it would take an Amendment to clarify this going forward. Now that Americans believe a Line has been crossed that will make it easier for a POTUS to go even farther.
Let's see if he pardons his entire family, who hasn't been charged, including himself.
As far as a Pardon for the remaining Trump cases, they aren't federal so I think those would come from the GA and NY Govs. Good chance for GA, NY is a hot mess.
There is no Constitutional ambiguity requiring a SC ruling. The Constitution gives the President's complete pardon power except in cases of impeachment.
Also, a Constitutional Amendment requires massive amounts of time, coordination and political capital to get passed. I doubt that enough people care enough about this issue to go through that process, even assuming that widespread agreement on the matter could be reached.
Finally, the NY and GA cases are done too. The Supremacy Clause ensures that they cannot pursue a sitting President and 4 years is a long time for these things to languish. I strongly suspect that these issues will quietly fade away on appeals if they are not simply dismissed altogether. The only thing left is for the lawyers to play the string out, lol.
Uh, no. Try "The election was stolen".
Got another one. "Trump is a fascist." That would be why they're so eager to say they'll expeditiously transfer power to the fascist :)
It will depend on what Biden does in the coming weeks. Biden may just push the limit on Pardoning that is unacceptable to Americans like he did with the Borders and Economy. His family got away with millions of tax free $$$ while in gov't (senator and VP.) It really looks like Biden was compromised and bribed by foreign countries. The question remains will his activity be pursued as hard as was done to Trump. No one knows.
I care about the complete truth coming to light. Investigate and publicize every last bit of it, put it in the public domain. It will tarnish the Bidens forever, and Democrats by association.
Given this originated from two former senior advisors to Trump during his presidency, Mark Milley and John Kelly (both highly ranked and decorated retired generals), it is difficult to call this a lie. You're not doing too well on this.
Trump's lies about the 2020 election are on an entirely different level, and a key reason why so many in his party said he was unfit to serve again.
Guess what, sugar tits. He is president-elect. If you're so scared of fascism, move. Otherwise, it looks like you don't believe the words out of your own mouth. Just like Harris.
I also agree with you that the best we'll see happen with Biden, Inc will be shame and indignation forever. Yeah, they criminally got money and got away with it. GOP was asleep and stupid. 2 year investigation and nothing was produced. Hopefully, what they did will be turned over the the new AG in 2025 - I don't have a lot of faith in that though.
On the Biden Family Grift, I want sunlight more than I want heads to roll. Patel also talked about releasing the Epstein client list and Nashville trans shooter manifesto. Good. Didn't Bezos say democracy dies in darkness? I want noonday sun on the longest day of the year in the Sahara.
Dems keep trying to say this isn't a "landslide" or a "mandate," but in this highly polarized, entrenched society, this was pretty fucking decisive. Presidency + House + Senate = America wants MAGA.
Trump's lies are innocuous things like eating cats --> false
Calling Trump a fascist is a lie --> false
Implying I think Trump is a fascist --> false (never said that, though he has well-documented fascist tendencies)
America wants MAGA --> LOL false
Just a slippery snake who keeps meandering with his endless spin and weak arguments.
No sour grapes here, just a much-needed reality check on the MAGA cheerleaders. Expect it to continue for the next 4 years !
"America wants MAGA --> LOL false"
Presidency + Senate + House, fool. America wants MAGA.
To understand what voters want, we have to look at the polls. People voted for lower food prices, among many other things. Since only a small fraction of the country even has a favorable view of MAGA (~ 24%), it's laughable bs to say America wants MAGA.
Have a look at the following article, it's an excellent read.
As Election Nears, Kelly Warns Trump Would Rule Like a Dictator…
Rather than that tortured analogy, here are the numbers you need to know.
MAGA President (312-226) + House (220-215) + Senate (53-47) = America wants MAGA.
No poll matters more than these numbers.
America voted for MAGA
America threw out the party that said they'd stop MAGA
America threw out that party who owns inflation and open borders in favor of MAGA policies on the issue
This election was more about a single person (Trump) and ideology (MAGA) than any recent election has been about any one person + ideology (as we had 4 years of Trump to draw on), and America chose Trump and MAGA.
Keep trying to spin...your boy Obama is now saying this is time for "plurality."
Interesting, that...I didn't see any Dems calling for plurality and moderation in 2020, they said we have the trifecta, it's balls to the wall.
PS - Your NYT article is paywalled, not like I'd use the NYT as better than low-end toilet paper these days
America, in a very decided and overwhelming vote, declared for the GOP. No federal abortion laws, dismantling and rooting out of the DEI, CRT and woke that have been eroding our national identity and unity, no more mutilation and experimentation on our children, secure borders and mass deportations, America First and MAGA. This is what the media and DNC told us a GOP win would mean, so that must mean that America voted for these things by giving the GOP the win. I believe the media was speaking truthfully about this and were right when they made these states. It is very obvious that they lied about so much more.
Look at it this way: whenever Kamala was asked about her unpopular promises - outlawing fossil fuels, disbanding ICE and CBP, ending private insurance and beginning medicare for all, releasing all non-violent offenders from prison and the rest of it- she would deny her endorsement of her own campaign promises by saying that she had not done it in the past four years. Apply the same rationale to Trump - look what he did in his first four years, and expect four more years of that. Now, what exactly did Trump do from 2106-2020 that was so bad? COVID/CCP, BLM, ANTIFA, and the DNC caused all of the problems those four years. What Trump and the GOP accomplished was historically beneficial for all Americans.
@Gammanu95: "...Medicare for call", actually it will be Medicaid for all with more bureaucracy than we have ever seen to control cost and the population. We'll be a Neodymium Magnet for immigration.
Giving the gov't more money, power and control is like a failing company year over year over year over year that is kept funded. So many things are failures for gov't and yet more money is shoveled in.
The best example is DOE. In the mid-1970s, America was the #1 in K-12 public education. DOE was created in 1978. Today the budget is at ~$100B and we are now #32, plus we spend more (~$15,000/student) than other countries. That is complete failure. I heard this analogy on All-In on the Friday Pod.
One BIG problem with people like WLD is they can't provide real information. Miley hated Trump, and of course he'd smack talk about Trump, and the NYT isn't exactly a right-leaning paper, it's better as bird cage liner.
No it doesn't. You need a 2/3 of both chambers of Congress to pass and then 3/4 of all state legislatures to ratify a Constitutional amendment. Biden will likely issue a slew of last minute 11th hour pardons, like all his predecessors before him. Some may even be pre-emptive in nature. It won't matter.
This is simply not one of those issues that is such a slam dunk that a groundswell of bipartisan support will exist to even attempt that massive exercise. Sure there will be a few days of outrage and hemming and hawing, but then it will go away, as it should. We want our legislators legislating, not investigating.
There, I fixed it for you.
Especially when it involves former Presidents. There is a reason that we have historically let them ride off into the night instead of indulging fantasies of political payback. At some point, it will inevitably become an issue that is destabilizing and may someday even interfere with the peaceful transfer of power, as it already does in countless other countries.
I suppose this is what happens when we raise a generation of adults in single Mother households. Especially the boys, who don't learn emotional control and instead grow up almost as emotionally sensitive as women. Too many people are hypersensitive and far too easily outraged, which IMO has led to the crazy polarization of this country.
A little corruption is far preferable than all of this melodramatic side show nonsense. Yes the Bidens were corrupt and yes so were the Clintons. Heck I bet that many if not most other Presidents benefitted as well. For that matter, how many Senators and Congressmen become wealthy while in office from speaking engagements and book deals for books that nobody ever reads?
Whether the Biden's corruption is a little more blatant than we're normally willing to tolerate is a reasonable question. But pursuing it is not worth the potential long-term fallout.
Heck how many
One big problem with Biden, Inc is the DoJ acted as a "wingman" (again) and protected the Bag Man by allowing statutes of limitation to expire and a sweet plea deal that was actually like what this Pardon did ; US banks flagged over 150 transactions when just a couple would have started an investigation.
I know Trump talks of moving forward, Biden's level of corruption and lawfare is really untenable.
Meanwhile Citizens are like Mongo in "Blazing Saddles: "Mongo just pawn in game of life."
Do you need specific charges to level specific pardons?
The presidential pardon privilege needs checks and balances, and should be addressed by Conress. Unfortunately, it is like congressional term limits and curtailing their extensive post-service benefits. They are never, ever, going to vote in the best interests of the nation over their own self-interests.
When parents indoctrinate a child into their crime world this goes way beyond bad parenting. The Biden parents are evil, and it was especially clear when they ignored Navy, their newest granddaughter - that was just wicked bad. Who cares if mom is a stripper as long as the child is raised in a loving family. Then Hunter dated and fucked his brother's (Beau) wife (Halle) after he died. There are strong indications he got her on The Pipe. This is just so gross, it would even make a redneck say "What the fuck?"
The best I can hope for is DOGE will shame and belittle the shit out of congress, and maybe some of these will get primaried and new ones in Congress - kind of like term limits but not. There is still a huge pile of greed even flies wouldn't touch in DC. They are the ones that created this spending problem yet they are the ones now saying, "Oh ya betcha, we agree spending needs to be cut." Yeah, where have you been the past 20 years. we'll see how messy this gets.
I'm looking forward to the DOGE Pod. It's is going to be a riot.
I provided the NYT article which has all the background on how John Kelly came to his opinion that Trump met the definition of a fascist. Go ahead and bury your head in the sand, but Kelly was Trump's longest-serving chief of staff and had far more exposure to Trump's thinking than most people. The central and recurring theme in his interactions was that Trump placed loyalty to himself above loyalty to the Constitution. There's plenty of examples in the article.
Now one might say well this is all just theoretical, speculation, that Trump never ACTED like a fascist. Except, there's that pesky fact that Trump and his loyalists plotted to bypass the Constitution and overturn the 2020 election. If not for Mike Pence, things might have turned out very differently.
So there you have it..... a very legitimate argument why Trump meets the definition of a fascist. I personally would say Trump is part-fascist.
Well, guess we can move on. Flies wouldn't touch this analysis conclusion.
The definition of Fascism is exactly how the Dems governed with Obama (12 years) and Biden (4 years.) If you can't see it, not my problem.
Like I keep saying, you'll be fine.
Liberals and useful idiots are happy to endlessly repeat "Trump is a fascist" and cannot be dissuaded with facts, logic, and debate. They worship the narrative, not the facts.
Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig.