3 mos ago•stoyafreviewedThe Penthouse Club - New Orleans727 Iberville St New Orleans, LA 70130Still the best in NoLA, but that's not saying much
3 mos ago •stoyafcommented onTipping in VancouverHeard that they actually do that in Alberta, but it's not a thing in Vancouver. Also heard that some foreign clubs even sell US dollars (at a terrible…
1 yr ago•stoyafreviewedThee Original DollHouse5570 S Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32839$140 for 15 min AIR dance in back room
1 yr ago•stoyafreviewedCheetahs8105 Clairemont Mesa Blvd San Diego, CA 92111Variable mileage, hardselling multiple LDs
2 yrs ago•stoyafreviewedTheatre Chochotte34 Rue Saint-André des Arts, 75006 Paris, FranceMore of a small, seedy theatre than a strip club
6 yrs ago•stoyafreviewedBazooka's Showgirls1717 Main St Kansas City, MO 64108Okay vibe, mostly meh dancers, lower mileage dances
6 yrs ago•stoyafreviewedTemptations1517 Grand Blvd Kansas City, MO 64108Okay, hands on lap dances, mediocre looks and vibe
6 yrs ago•stoyafreviewedLarry Flynt's Hustler Club225 Bourbon St New Orleans, LA 70130 An okay club in NOLA
6 yrs ago•stoyafreviewedThe Penthouse Club - New Orleans727 Iberville St New Orleans, LA 70130Probably the nicest club in NoLa