Does he REALLY deserve the pomp and circumstance tomorrow?

avatar for jaybud999
He was that ill behaved bratty bastard at the party four years back. Couldn't handle not being invited, and ruined it for everybody.

He can't even handle flags at half mast to respect the institution he is about to run!

What a punk ass bitch.

In any case, I look forward to seeing what his fine choices do for our country (if they don't quit in year one).


last comment
avatar for mickey48066
2 months ago
Attention Jay bud, you stupid moron and traitor to this country. Votes are certified tomorrow. No pomp and circumstance there. Do you mean the inauguration, that's not until January 20 you stupid fool! You've been so badly manipulated by the MSM into believing "Orange man bad" I actually feel bad for you.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ I love watching the left flail at their own powerlessness; all they can do is snipe.
avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago
^^^There it is!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
MAGA, when you think drinking your own tears is a more shameful reaction to loosing than rioting.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ More impotent bitchwhining. Whatever makes you feel like you're scoring points on Trump.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Yes PT, we know you think we should attempt a violent insurrection. Criminal thinking leads to voting in criminals.
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
MAGA folks need to put their money where their mouths are and invest all their holdings into Tesla. Only the true republicans will be able to save us from ourselves. Too many angry people who devote their worthless lives watching media outlets and creating extremist views. That’s sad. Vote independent.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
Keep wallowing in self pity. No one cares anymore; P'Nut the squirrel influenced the election more than Jan 6.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^^ No they need to invest in “ Trump Media & Technology” that would be putting their money where their mouths are.

avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
"...we know you think we should attempt a violent insurrection."

First, at best it was a lousy riot, and Ashley Babbit was murdered by a DC Captain that had a checkered past who should have been fired for leaving his 9mm in a public bathroom.

Elector votes were counted 2 hours later after Pelosi and AOC (who lied about her whereabouts) changed their underwear.

DC cops were giving tours to people.

Many, a 72 year old woman I personally know, was prosecuted on a misdemeanor charge of NOT entering the Capital through a metal detector, $100K in fines, plus legal expenses and 6-month house arrest with an ankle bracelet.

BLM rioters were released with zero changes for arson, shooting people & supported by Kamala Harris' personal donations.

BLM took over federal building in Portland and Seattle and declared a CHOP/CHAZ (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest/Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) and shot at first responders. That was called "The Summer Of Love."

Calling Jan6 an "Insurrection" was just another case of Democrat Lawfare. Terabytes of "evidence" & data from the Kangaroo Jan6 Commission are missing. We also know FBI agents were in the masses, and did nothing. Pelosi even admitted on her daughter's video that it was her fault for denying NatGuard and extra security requested by Trump.

Just stop drinking the Kool-Aid, take off the Converse. No one cares about Jan6, Hollywood, the Dems and Chaney (who committed witness tampering) failed.

I'm 99.999% sure Brandon will Pardon all the Jan6 House Committee members. And why? The best Pardons are yet to come. Giving Mega Dem Donor/Open Border Evangelist George Soros a Medal of Freedom makes the Medal of Freedom worthless now. It was bad enough Liz Chaney got one, but Soros who made his money by shorting and destroying currencies and supporting/placing Extremist Progressive DAs makes it a mockery.

After 4 years of Trump's Presidency we'll all better and this includes the Lefties who will refuse to admit it.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Tells you everything about MAGA, when they assert their good character by saying "it was only a riot". Not surprising they spout lie after lie.…
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
This is going to be @ilbbaicnl and @jaybud999 two weeks from tomorrow.…
avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago

Thank you for showing us a window into the biscuits and gravy that inhabit your skull!

Goatee or full beard?
Ford F150, or Chevy 1500?
Conceal carry or open carry?
Budweiser or....gasp! Bud light?
And finally....hashbrowns or country potatoes with your chicken fried steak?

^^^^c' know you all at least cracked a smile with that list?

avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago

I've never seen that one before. She is straight butt hurt! And her life is still just fine, just like yours was for the last 4 will mine for the next 4.

But Jesus, can't you guys pick a more decent representative for conservative "values."
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@jaybud - In all seriousness, Trump wasn't my first choice either. I wanted DeSantis. I was a conservative never-Trumper until this year when I saw the lengths the left would go to in order to hamstring him. It's theatre of the absurd.

I'm less about private values--couldn't care less that he screwed a porn star, presidents going back to the beginning have had zipper problems--and more about what they will do for American lives. Carter was a decent man and a fuckup president. And I haven't met a single politician from the school board on up who wasn't a narcissist.

Now, I'm counting down the seconds to Jan 20, watching Biden pardon child killers and judges who took bribes to put kids in prison, give a high honor to the Soros, whose campaign donations have destroyed American cities and the relentlessly ambitious but unaccomplished Hillary Clinton, and spend us closer to a debt crisis. We're already curtailing rate cuts as a result.

I'll take Trumpian erratic-ness over this nonsense, and every day thank Sweet Baby Jesus we didn't double down with Harris.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
Not a fan of any of the above, not a lefty or a righty, birds with only one wing just fly around in circles, get nowhere!

So let’s talk common sense
Stupidity is speaking authoritatively about things you don’t understand at all, it’s the willingness to say something objectively false and refuse to admit you’re wrong, it’s the lack of curiosity that allows our leaders to spout bologna conspiracy theories over provable facts.
Y’all need to stop giving elected officials a free pass, if they can’t accept basic facts they are chuckleheads, stupid and should be shunned, not applauded.
We should be making them feel embarrassed for believing claptrap and promoting bald faced lies. It’s not being cruel it is being corrective.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
@PT, have to agree that pardoning the cash-for-kids judge was as bad morally as anything Trump has done.

Biden didn't pardon any child killer. For the majority of Federal convicts awaiting execution, he commuted their sentences to life in prison.

The combination of Trump's actions after losing the 2020 election, his unqualified praise of Orban, and his failure to clearly qualify promises to pardon Jan 6 rioters to exclude those who committed assault indicate he is a threat to democracy, and our safety from politically-motivated violence.

It's laughable to think the people Trump is appointing to executive positions will make our mediocre Federal government anything but worse.

Increasing the deficit due to more tax cuts is a clear net negative. Cutting Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid/Obamacare to offset tax cuts would be immoral.

Arbitrary deportation of illegal immigrants who have a years-long good work record would be cutting off our nose to spit our face.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
He deserves it because he won. Libs that can’t handle that are hypocrites. He’s still a piece of shit.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@ilb -

"Biden didn't pardon any child killer. For the majority of Federal convicts awaiting execution, he commuted their sentences to life in prison."
You're right, I misspoke. But if Biden's concern were the dignity of human life vis-a-vis the death penalty, he would have pardoned the terrorist, the church shooter, and the synagogue shooter. Ergo it reeks of politics. I guess more anonymous murderers' lives have more value.

"The combination of Trump's actions after losing the 2020 election, his unqualified praise of Orban, and his failure to clearly qualify promises to pardon Jan 6 rioters to exclude those who committed assault indicate he is a threat to democracy, and our safety from politically-motivated violence."
(1) I'm the first to admit Jan 6 was disgraceful and Trump could have backed them down harder and sooner. But democracy was never in danger. As @mogul said, law enforcement clearly did not treat this as such. (2) Trump knows how to deal with strongmen, and one of those tactics is buttering them up. The left falls over themselves to say Trump loves strongmen, but Putin made his moves under Obama and Biden, not Trump. Kim calmed down too. (3) I thought he did exclude those who committed violence. But it's been 4 years. How many of those would still be in prison.

The "threat to democracy" trope didn't fly in the election and didn't fly now. Trump had 4 years to be a dictator and didn't do it. Why would these next 4 years be worse? The problem with polls saying "democracy" was an important issue was that the left and right define them differently. Suffice to say, being a man of the right, I define it as freedom of speech (which DOES, contra Harris and Walz, apply to "hate speech" and non-regime approved hypotheses) and allowing the candidate of the people to run on the ballot, free of legal interference.

"It's laughable to think the people Trump is appointing to executive positions will make our mediocre Federal government anything but worse."
We're getting off the topic of Jan 6 here. A lot of untested people, but after the last administration's parade of liars, midwits, and clowns, it's hard to do "worse." The border means something again (Mayorkas was the biggest liar in the administration after Biden himself). General Austin weakened the military in favor of making it a social experiment. John Kirby said LGBTQ right is a cornerstone of foreign policy. A friend from South America said it just galled her socially-conservative, Catholic country that they would not only appoint an openly gay, married man as ambassador (who pontificated to them on the matter) but fly pride flags from the embassy. Shit, we did that in Afghanistan too! Can anyone in the Trump admin be more tone deaf? Let's see...Pete Buttigieg clearly given his position as a reward for dropping out, in which he took 2 months paternity leave while the ports were fucked. Merrick Garland politicized the DOJ going after pro-life grannies while ignoring pregnancy crisis center firebombers because "it was too dark." I don't see how things can get much worse, particularly when we were stronger and more affordable under 45.
I'll give you RFK though, he's a freak show.

"Increasing the deficit due to more tax cuts is a clear net negative. Cutting Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid/Obamacare to offset tax cuts would be immoral."
I'm against further tax cuts as well. But the damage has been done, what with all Biden's blatantly political handouts--anything "green," student loan forgiveness. We won't be able to cut rates further without rampant inflation. We're a cunt hair away from a debt crisis.

"Arbitrary deportation of illegal immigrants who have a years-long good work record would be cutting off our nose to spit our face."
It might not be pragmatic to deport all illegal immigrants who've kept their noses clean, but the word "illegal" says it all. They committed a crime. It is not an intrinsic human right to live in America. It is not racist to choose who enters our borders based on merit. Not to mention, the first priority is going after violent criminals and those who skipped bail hearings.
Biden owns the border, after he removed Trump's restrictions with great pomp and circumstance and made only half-assed attempts to control it. Looking at the record of border crossings and gotaways, it literally doubled within two months of Biden taking office.
There's no hiding from this.
avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago

Refresh my memory, did Trump attend the 2020 inauguration? Can't remember if he went like EVERY other outgoing President....or did he piss himself in the corner like a little bitch because he didn't think he lost?

But he deserves it right?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
@PT you don't seem to understand the concept of danger. If you play Russian Roulette once, and don't die, that doesn't lead to a conclusion that it's not dangerous.

What is the benefit to the US of praising a nasty wanker like Orban? If you want us to believe your Trump decoding over what Trump directly says, I suggest you run for office yourself.

Being sensible, I'll assume you many dubious claims came out of the same bullshit fire hose that the "Biden pardoned a child killer" claim came out of.

I'd suggest, before you make big moral condemnations of illegal immigrants, you consider how lucky you are to live here legally, and the mixed message that they get:… . It's similar to how much of activities that are the subject of this website are in a legal grey area.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
"If you play Russian Roulette once, and don't die, that doesn't lead to a conclusion that it's not dangerous."

That rests on the presumption that you were playing Russian roulette in the first place. All you Chicken Littles have no credibility. You played that card and got (lol) trumped. If you're _really_ that scared, then leave. But you haven't, so I'm left to conclude you don't really mean what you say.

"Being sensible, I'll assume you many dubious claims came out of the same bullshit fire hose that the "Biden pardoned a child killer" claim came out of."

If you can't address a thing I said--Harris/Walz' unbelief in freedom of speech, whom Garland chose to prosecute, the acts of Austin, Mayorkas, and Buttigieg--I guess it's as good an excuse as any not to address it.

"I'd suggest, before you make big moral condemnations of illegal immigrants, you consider how lucky you are to live here legally,"

LOL! Moral condemnations? I've elsewhere, many times, said going after the employers is the most efficient way to do it. But it takes two to tango. One illegal act doesn't excuse another.
Yes, we're lucky to have been born here. No, it's not a natural right, it doesn't "morally" obligate us to take in everyone who crosses the border.
BTW I think a lot of what's discussed here is pretty clearly over the line. We just don't care.
avatar for Rightfield
2 months ago
Fellas - if you think any of the recent presidential candidates give a flying fuck about what happens to you and me, you are delusional.

They care only about themselves. They take certain positions because they believe it will get them votes. They ALL lie with impunity. And somehow we tolerate that.
avatar for goldeneagles9
2 months ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
@gaybud6969 I guess you know that the orange turd did not attend in 2020. What you may not know is that inauguration attendance is not the basis for winning or losing an American election. Votes are. He got the votes, he deserves the presidency.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
I couldn't agree more that Trump is a narcissistic A-hole. A lot of people agree, which is why a good chunk of the Republican Party was ready to move on when he lost the last election.

But never underestimate the capacity of the Democratic Party to fuck something up. Most often of course they fuck up the budgets and schools of whatever states or cities they're running - typically with an elephant dick. But every so often these mean little ankle biters will find some other way to fuck things up in spectacular fashion.

In this case, the lawfare waged against Trump was a colossal fuckup. Heck Letitia James even campaigned on finding something for which to prosecute Trump. Then she and Alvin Bragg, with heavy assists from ridiculously accommodating judges, proceeded to treat two paperwork violations like they were capital cases.

He was done FFS. Soon after Biden took office, Republicans were talking about the next generation of potential conservative candidates. Trump could have been left in the rearview mirror as time naturally did its job, with the last thing anyone remembered about him was his horrible behavior on January 6th.

But no, the mean little ankle biters just couldn't help themselves. They just had to go after him with this ridiculous lawfare in order to play to their constituencies, who were still in the throws of Trump Derangement Syndrome. So they kept Trump prominently front and center in the public eye for all of Biden's presidency. In the process, they made him more popular than ever with the Republican base and even some Independents, who were understandably outrages at these blatant abuses of prosecutorial powers for political purposes.

So in other words, you fuckers who are whining about Trump did it to yourselves. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^ It's funny you have a good point, but it't not totally the Democrats that fucked up, it's also the cowardly way the congressional Republicans sucked up to him, as well, true the lawsuits were stupid, and he invited them, the constant interference in legislative matters was a calculated plan on his part to keep himself in the central focus of the narrative, and his natural ability to cause constant chaos, was more a function of all the news outlets, including the MAGA cult outlets, including Fox News.
avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
Should be a party just because we’re getting rid of Biden. He’s governed with Jimmy Carter level incompetence while being a serial liar and rent seeker.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
^ 25, I agree to some degree regarding congressional Republicans, at least shortly after the election. But by the midterms, time was already doing its job. A lot of the candidates he endorsed lost. The Republican Party continued to pull away from him as his relevance waned.

But then the lawfare kicked into high gear, putting him back in the spotlight as a victim of prosecutorial persecution. And mainstream media gleefully played along, publishing endless hyperbole laden melodrama as they bent over backwards to defend these cases as legitimate and paint Trump as a hardened criminal. And the longer all of this went on, the more sympathy Trump received and the more outraged that a fair % of the public became.

So now here we are. Republican politicians who were desperately hoping that he would just fade the fuck away were once again forced to embrace him as his popularity with their constituencies went back on the upswing.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^ we’ll se how this shakes out, my main memories of Trumps first term , we’re tremendous chaos and incompetence, my guess is more of the same, by the time midterms come around the American electorate will be sick and tired of hearing his nonsense and vote against him like they did in his previous midterms.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@rickdugan nails it, 100%. Trump is the scab the left can't stop picking at. That's how he gets billions of dollars in free publicity, because most of the left (especially the media and prosecutors/AGs) define themselves by their Trump hatred. Without it, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

Trump is still not particularly popular. He's obnoxious, bombastic, and erratic, and this is from someone who donated the individual maximum to his campaign. But he's still a stronghold against the utterly insane depravity of the left. Even after Biden's shitass presidency--which will be remembered for inflation, open borders, and humiliation abroad with a healthy topping of "who was really in charge?"--Democrats could have won if they fielded a remotely competent candidate and center-ish agenda.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
The mass deportations will probably be like the sea-to-sea border wall. As in Trump's first term, there will be showy mass arrests at randomly selected businesses. Few will care about the elementary school kids who come home to an empty house. We end up with shit leaders because, by and large, we are shit.

Trump will likely pick up where he left off in reducing Civil Service protections for lower ranking Federal employees. Is that going to be like Musk "fixing" twitter, losing 15% of daily active users? So, 1 out 8 social security checks or Medicare claims don't get paid? Hopefully, the rumors that Trump considers Musk to be a useful idiot are true, the feeling would probably be mutual.

Tariffs and Civil Service reform can be goods things. So can surgery, but not if the surgeon's only experience is dissecting a frog in HS science class (and getting a D-).

It's been documented that Trump's first term encouraged political violence (… ). Trump responded to his 2020 loss by more overtly motivating political violence, and, when political violence did happen, by slow-rolling the response to it. I don't see that Trump is any less bitter/hysterical now about losing in 2020.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
"The mass deportations will probably be like the sea-to-sea border wall."
You're afraid of it, but you don't think it's going to happen? That makes no sense.

"Trump will likely pick up where he left off in reducing Civil Service protections for lower ranking Federal employees."
You say that like it's a bad thing. Self-serving government lifers are why nothing changes.

"Is that going to be like Musk "fixing" twitter, losing 15% of daily active users?"
More like him cutting X headcount by 80% and showing it wasn't the end of the world. Hopefully he can make the government a bastion of free speech. Any censorship, "hate speech" bureau is a great candidate for the hatchet. Ditto any DEI employees; the country is done pretending it's some kind of prerequisite for success.

"So, 1 out 8 social security checks or Medicare claims don't get paid?"
Are these checks and claims paid out by hand? Otherwise, again, you're not making sense.

"It's been documented that Trump's first term encouraged political violence"
Jussie Smollett agrees. I don't believe in the notion of a "hate crime," no crime is committed out of love. Paper is TL;DR but correlation is not causation. You can't start with "Trump is racist" and end with "that concludes Trump is racist."

Again, if you think America is going to become such a shithole, why have you not left?

More than Republicans _in power_, I'm more happy that Democrats are _out of power_. That's what you get for continuously lying...Biden is sharp as a tack, inflation couldn't be predicted/is transitory/is only happening to the rich/actively a good thing, the border is closed, DEI is necessary, really, what the fuck were y'all thinking? ;)

Man, before the election, I know we disagreed, but I thought you were a reasonable guy. Now you're in the dustyj, RoxJax, CostaTheCrazyGreek, wld4tatas bitterness category.

(I don't put OP in that category. He thinks he's getting under everyone's skin, but I actually like him. He doesn't have a stick up his ass like most of the lefties here.)
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
My memories of Trump's first term was that despite Covid things were better with Joe Biden and the cancer called progressives in charge.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Correction, it would be 8 out of 10 Social Security checks not getting paid.…
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ "Obviously, I can’t prove that Musk eviscerating 80% of Twitter’s workforce is responsible for the almost 80% loss that Musk et al. have suffered."

Sit down.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
@PT I guess you must have love Obama since you didn't leave the country while he was President.

I had an Iranian co-worker, who couldn't go visit her parents or siblings for four years while Trump was President. I'd rather not eat another egg for the rest of my life, than to see another good person needlessly suffer that situation.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ I guess you think that government workers sign Medicare and Social Security checks by hand. It's classic lib nonsense, pretending every government worker is essential. That's why even FDR was against public sector unions, that fatten themselves at the trough and use their clout to vote in people that give them even more benefits.

Perhaps if Iran weren't an apocalyptic theocratic dictatorship, things would look different? I'm glad we're going to have a president that doesn't give the mullahs rusty trombones at any opportunity. Obama and Biden have taught them that kidnapping an American gets them a billion per head.

I predicted Obama's policies would not be good for America, not that having him in office was "playing Russian roulette." No one believes your drama queen nonsense anymore.

Please find something better to offer America than infinite spending, open borders, and DEI.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
OK PT, you'll surely call it pure coincidence if the US is 80% destroyed in four years. That's a big comfort.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Won't happen, and if you believed it would happen, you'd be gone.
Cope and seethe.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
Progressives are literally the dumbest fucks on earth. We survived covid with Trump and no vaccines, with less people dying than under Biden with vaccines and yet some people believe that Trump will fuck things up, which if you look at what Biden did in order for Trump to fuck things up all he has to do is end a bunch of wars than Bidden caused.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
@PT I've being talking about the risk of X, not that I believe or am sure X will happen. I doubt you are actually so stupid as to not understand the difference. Either you seek to be annoying for the fun of it, or hysteria is clouding your thinking. Emigrating is hard, even for a young person, which I am not.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Russian roulette is a good chance of blowing your brains out.
Would you rather do something "hard" or live in an authoritarian dictatorship?
Keep going, you've been exposed as a liar and a drama queen.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
@PT quote word for word where I said the danger of a second Trump term was as high as playing Russian Roulette.

For now, I'm just avoiding MAGA-dominated states. The effects of a Trumpocalypse will not be limited by the borders of the US. May not make much difference if one is in Canada versus a reasonably sane state.

Tell me where I should move to, and why you think they would want an old man around retirement age. Or, just keep name calling. My Cuban fav likes to put on these Dominican gossip shows when she's over. You could probably get invited on one of them, if your Spanish is good enough.
avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago
Just got a chance to look up. Did the certification go smoothly? Or is the MSM covering it up? The deep state could be hiding it....I need to see live feeds from C-SPAN to be sure.

Did Biden do a speech loud and coherent enough to get his followers up to the capitol building? If so, it wasn't any big deal. Even if they bust in there, it's no biggie.

Cue the tears meme! it.....
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
"@PT quote word for word where I said the danger of a second Trump term was as high as playing Russian Roulette."
Here up above.
"@PT you don't seem to understand the concept of danger. If you play Russian Roulette once, and don't die, that doesn't lead to a conclusion that it's not dangerous."
How soon we forget.

"For now, I'm just avoiding MAGA-dominated states."
Yeah, that paradise of Chicago under Brandon Johnson, the crushing tax burden, the myriad carjackings and murders. Hell, Mass might be blue AF but state services are actually decently run. I stay out of Boston though, where they've decided not to prosecute "nonviolent" offenses up to and including burglary.
Please don't inflict JB "The Walking Ozempic Ad 'Before' Picture" Pritzker on the rest of the country though.

"Tell me where I should move to, and why you think they would want an old man around retirement age."
I'm sure you can pay a coyote to smuggle you _into_ Mexico, like in The Shield. Or just cross the Biden border over the Rio Grande. The Border Patrol might look at you like you have two dicks growing out of your forehead, but they have bigger fish to fry. Hell, Cuba would keep you safe from Uncle Sam. It's even full of Cubans! I hear Croatia is a great place for expats and pretty cheap. Or Cartagena. But you tell me, anywhere is going to be safer than Trump's America, right?

The rest of us are going to man up, adjust our investments and life circumstances, and accept that we live in a multi-party democratic republic where we don't always get our way and the world doesn't end.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
^ It's not like a sanctuary migrant raped a special needs child in Rockland and some fucking illegal scum was just bagged with an AR-15 and half a million in drugs in Revere. Healy the cunt blamed the Feds.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ I was talking more about state services and shit. Yeah, forgot about those.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
OK time to get meme-on-meme.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Yeah, except none of those.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Quick quiz: Do actual supporters of multi-party democracy vote for candidates who spread lies to undermine the legitimacy of a democratic election, leading to a violent attempt by a mob to prevent the winner of the election from assuming office?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Multi-party democracy survived just fine.
Hell of an "insurrection," wasn't it? Buffalo helmets? Grandmas waving flags?
You'll live, scooter.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Grandmas waiving flags:…
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
No LEO died, 2 rioters died.
No one cares anymore. Let it go. It's over.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
So Trump's first term was not dangerous, because LE won the body count at the riot he provoked. Yeah, that's some solid logic.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
Nonsequitur city.
Let it go, dawg. Hold your candlelight vigil for Nancy Pelosi's podium. Sacrifice a buffalo skin to...someone.
America has moved on.
Someday, so will you.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
Puddy puddy puddy. Plenty of people care. For example the turds in prison care. It’s definitely not over for them.

Also, people who don’t like rioters pulling (and literally smearing) shit at the capitol. People who want to see those dickheads punished for storming the capitol. Like me.

I’ll save you the trouble of saying “but but but BLM did it too!”

…plenty of people on both sides dislike the asshole blm rioters as well. Like me.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
So, when Biden tightened up on paroling asylum seekers back in the Summer, did you just forget about that issue, and move on?
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
^ilb you are reaching
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
I don't have to reach for consistent reasoning. You don't need to reach for it if you never put it down.
avatar for Icey
2 months ago
Its crazy watching people so stupid they believe trump represents their self interests just because they think he'll normalize their bigotry
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@drew - After 4 years, I think the sentences have been passed down and served. The administration flexed its muscle by holding rioters so long without trial. Point made. It's over.

Every political board I've been on, I've seen fewer and fewer people say anything. For 3 years it's been "Trump = another Jan 6." Now it's "look how nice we were handing over power." Of course every now and again you'll find a harpy like Sunny Hostin saying it's like the Holocaust and chattel slavery. LOL, overdramatic much?

You're generally a reasonable fellow despite an opposing view...ilbbaicnl and Icey are in the second stage of grieving (Anger).
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
Trump may deserve the presidency based on votes, but he does not based on character. We all saw the willful lie that Trump told Americans about the election being stolen, and we now know the full story of the detailed plot to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, and steal the election to stay in power. All which culminated in the deadly events of January 6, 2021.

While we move on, we will never forget this dark and disgraceful episode in American history. Nor the national embarrassment that this man will now be back in the White House again.
avatar for goldeneagles9
2 months ago
avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago


But skibum just wears the one on the right, mainly while he types his comments here.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Whatever tenuous claim Biden might have had to better character was lost when he pardoned the cash for kids judge. Human societies have a problem for which no full solution has been found. They need the services of government, but governments have a strong tendency to make members of society its servants, rather than serving them. Fair elections are an important tool in reigning in that tendency of government. Trump has a clear history of trying to undermine that tool, to a degree that no other major politician has. There is no reason to think he will stop that effort. That's why he represents an exceptional danger in the office of the Presidency.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
@puddy I appreciate you saying that, right back atcha.

I agree with ilb very infrequently, and icey is just a piece of shit and I don’t speak shitese so I don’t know what he’s saying. There’s libs, and then there’s libTARDS. Us institutional democrats don’t like the tard end of the spectrum any more than you do.…

As of August there were 17 still in jail and 126 on pre trial release. Something like 250 have felonies on their records. The longest sentence was 22 years. Sucks to be a proud boy now!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
The irony is rich in how MAGA now makes so many on the same complaints about our justice system that BLM does. Of selective enforcement of laws. Of pre-trial detention effectively being punishment without a trial. But of course, only BLM is pro-criminal when it make those complaints. Rules for thee but not for me is very core to MAGA.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
Clearly Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well on this board. 😉

I have to be honest in saying that I've never understood how any grown ass man could ever vote Democrat, especially an educated one. Seriously now, almost everything that the Democrats touch turns to shit.

Look at every state and city budget where Dems have been in charge for a long time.

Look at the school systems of every major city where the Dems have had sole rule for decades.

Look at the economic problems we get on the federal level every time a Dem is in charge. This time it was inflation and blowout budget deficits. Last time it was a President who presided over the most anemic post-recession "recovery" in the history of our country. Dems continue to try to drag us towards a European model that is already failing several countries miserably, including much of Western Europe, which has experienced economic stagnation for decades now.

Look what happens on the world stage every time the Dems are in charge. Bad actors seemingly wait until a Dem is President to make a land grab, root out dissidents and/or ramp up terrorist support, knowing that appeasement is that party's preferred approach.

Do your preferred social policy positions matter so much to you that you'll keep handing the keys, over and over, to people who have proven time and again to govern with gross incompetence? I just don't get it.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
What is incredibly stupid is some progressive comparing MAGA to BLM. Maga was Unconstitutionally abused by the left-wing legal system, in a matter reminiscent of other socialist governments (See German Workers Socialist Party), while BLM openly supported criminals and engaged in burning, looting and rioting for financial gain, not politics. The idea that progressive men are so fearful of having a penis, so they take it out on others, is pretty status quo for the left.
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
That funny Rick Dugan. Now if only the republicans could elect a Republican for president, America could be great again.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
@Mate: Which part did you find especially funny? The simple fact of the matter is that Dem politicians inevitably fuck up whatever they touch. Yet grown men continue to vote for them anyway.

- They fuck up their economies through high taxation and over-regulation.

- They fuck up their city and state budgets through reckless spending.

- They fuck up their schools by pandering to the teachers unions in lieu of making education reforms that actually make sense.

- They fuck up foreign policy by behaving weak in the face of aggression.

- They fuck up their energy grids through over-regulation and social mandates, jacking up energy prices in the process.

- They fuck up public safety by treating crime and homelessness as social policy experiments.

I could go on. I could also give you too many examples, in each one of these areas, to count. There is no more surefire way of fucking something up than to put a Democratic politician in charge of something.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@rickdugan gets it

America voted for Trump, while Trump publicly promised pardons for 1/6.

I hope ilbbaicnl, Icey, and wld4tatas enjoyed their candlelight vigils and memorials to Nancy Pelosi's podium. 364 long days until they get to do so again.

For the rest of us, 13 days until we can start to undo or mitigate the damage to the American standard of living, social fabric, and image of strength we need to project abroad.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Looks like Greenland is not a good option among places to move to to escape from Trump.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
And what should we be looking to "escape" exactly? 😏
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Probably things like this. Yet another billionaire whose faith in America has been restored.…

Meanwhile, Democrats peddle envy, because private sector wealth makes them envious and covetous, and soon they'll invent a "right" to justify confiscating it.

But hey, you'll always have January 6! Lulz.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
Looking at my review history here, particularly number of reviews per year, made me realize that no matter the shape of the economy, no matter who is in office and no matter how old I am , my life is the same.
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
And yet economic assessments consistently show that Democratic Presidents are better for the country. Here's one. There are many others.

The U.S. Economy Performs Better Under Democratic Presidents…

Bill Clinton had a famous line at the 2012 Democratic Convention:
“Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
^ Clinton had an updated line at the 2024 Convention:

"Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, America has created about 51 million new jobs—about 50 million under Democrats, 1 million under Republicans. 50 to 1! "
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
We don’t have a Republican administration coming up, we just have mass hysteria driven by delusional power hungry apes. It’s my take, but I’m just one eligible voter out of hundreds of millions, so it really doesn’t matter what I think. What matters is the perceptions of the voting block, but one thing is sure, perceptions change quickly when shit hits the fan. I hope it doesn’t, I wish everyone well. Based on what I know governing is a skill that will be lacking
Going forward, unless the hood men and women in Congress pull the weight like they have in the past. Most of those who do all the work you don’t hear about. It’s the shitheads making all the noise, on both sides of the aisle that become attention whores causing mistrust is not the system.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Puddy Tat decided I'm supposed to leave. Sounds live there may soon be a joint Panamanian-Iranian nuclear bomb program, that would be good to get away from.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Tissue?
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