“Imagine” performed at Carter’s Funeral

avatar for Studme53
I’m not that religious but even I think this is weird at a religious funeral in a church.

But a lot of people do things like listen to music, watch movies and TV, etc on a very surface level without getting any of the message the artist is trying to convey.


avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
If that mushbrained nonsense song were played at my funeral, I'd rise out of the casket and beat the shit out of someone.
The second insult to Carter at his own funeral. The first was having Biden give the eulogy.
I “imagine” there’s no heaven or hell, so where’s he gonna go? Purgatory’s not even an option cause he ain’t Catholic.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Has this happened for any other president? During my lifetime I've had Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George Bush 1 also die, and not seen anything like this.
I don’t know.
Do you think your mailman is in mourning today? Ridiculous. I was actually hoping to get an important piece of mail today I need for tomorrow.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Me too. This feels like Biden trying to flex his liberal credentials in his last weeks in office, now that he has nothing to lose. Selling off border wall for cheap, blocking drilling (LOL don't the Dems here love to brag about how he _increased_ drilling), and commuting the sentences of child murderers.

He knows that if America knew he'd do that, Dems would have gotten absolutely murdered in November.
avatar for Good610
a month ago
Imagine was one of Carter’s favorite song and obviously, writing his funeral script, was something he wanted
Kinda like playing Born in the USA like it’s a patriotic song. Don’t trust old people to pick and understand music.
^ Ok - Let’s Get it On is one of my favorite songs, and I might want played at my funeral, mainly for laughs, but it won’t be in a Church, aka God's House.

What Scrooge said about Marley could be said of Jimmy Carter;
“Mistaken in death, as in life, my old friend.”
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
"Imagine" is one of his favorite songs? That explains a lot, same idealistic dumb shit view of the world.
avatar for Good610
a month ago
Just providing intel on why it was played today,
You fucking tards. If he wanted Imagine played, that's what he gets. Nobody gives a fuck what your opinion on that is. You can't even let an old peanut farmer that had a shitty 4 years, and then tried to help more people than you or I combined will ever do.....just have his funeral and fade off?

Instead, you have to insert your political bullshit and project it onto his service?

What a bunch of fuck tards.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Someone can dish it out but he can't take it.
Cope, sugar tits ;)
"You fucking tards. If he wanted Imagine played, that's what he gets. "

Well, given that Carter was a devout Christian, and not a stupid man who can't understand the lyrics of the song, I highly doubt he "wanted" that played at his own funeral.

More likely, now that he's gone and has no say in what happens, the sick fucking liberals who have taken over the party did what THEY wanted, to push that line more to the left.

Obviously you fell for another of their scams.
Fucking moron.
Joe fucked up the eulogy. Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.
^ I didn't see it, but I could've guessed he'd fuck it up before it happened. So unfair to Jimmy. A bad President but a good man. Eulogized by a criminal traitor.
Fuck you Punkin' head.
"Joe fucked up the eulogy. Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." And, those were not Biden's own words, someone wrote it for him. Also, Biden was falling asleep in the front row. Geez. Just wow.

Biden is what it is now. History will not be kind to him. 11 days and counting, and wondering what will get jack'ed up next. I think the worse "peaceful transition" kick in America's ass is yet to come.

This is an important historical point for America whenever a POTUS passes. "Imagine" won't be remembered, more likely fumbling dementia Joe' eulogy will be.
I’m pretty sure it was Obama who said something like, “never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up” when he was his VP. Obama literally gave him a gag-order so he couldn’t make any public comments.
^ Ha ! I google it - I was right!
You guys realize Biden didn’t “close the post office?” He declared a National Day of Mourning which obligates the post office (and the stock market and govt offices) to close. It’s the same thing Trump did in 2018 when GHWB died. It says it right in the article that Stud linked.
It's a nice day here at Sunday River Maine
I mean, playing the communist manifesto at the funeral of someone who hurt this country as badly as Carter isn't exactly inappropriate.
avatar for Iknowbetter
a month ago
One of the best backhanded compliments I’ve heard over the years is that Jimmy Carter was too good of a person to be a decent politician.
gmd made me laugh. If it is appropriate to play the communist manifesto at the funeral of someone who hurt this country as badly as Carter, what would they play at Joe Biden's funeral? Think fast, he's been circling the drain for a while.
Imagine no more merit
It’s easy if you can
Nothing to strive or try for
And AOC’s a fan.

I was gonna drop someone else’s name in there but didn’t want to trigger a capital letter tirade.
Good piece of advice is, pick your music out for your own service. Hopefully someone will follow through with it.
avatar for boomer79
a month ago
I think people misunderstand Imagine. I don’t think it means no countries or religion. It more means seeing people without the things that divide us. We can have religion without it dividing us.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky"

"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too"

"Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man"

"You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one"

It's an explicitly communist, atheist song (which means it should have been played at the DNC). Not to mention shows fuckall understanding of human nature.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
More to the point is that Imagine is anti-religion, so makes no sense at the funeral of a devout Evangelical.

Jesus expected those who traveled with him to give their possessions up. But it's a theme throughout the Bible that evil can't be overcome through politics. Marxist politics have always failed, because Marx claimed evil would largely be eliminated by the elimination of private capital.
avatar for boomer79
a month ago
Imagine is actually in the Quaker hymnal. A lot of people see it as a condemnation of tribalism.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ No heaven, no hell, no religion--explicitly. Then what DO they believe in?

Reminds me of the time a friend invited me to a Unitarian Universalist service, where they sang hymns to the vague concept of "serving each other." The UU homepage reads like the Bernie Sanders platform. Guess the only sins they have are deadnaming, misgendering, and kinkshaming.
Was it a millionaire who said, “imagine no possessions”?
A wealthy little school boy who said “we don’t need no lessons.”
E. Costello
The Other Side of Summer
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Huh? Put down the crack pipe.
avatar for Rightfield
a month ago
I went to a Unitarian church service once as a young man. I barely got out of there with my virginity.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Virginity of your cock or your asshole?

I can at least respect conservative religious of any faith--they stand on business. The liberal ones, it's like they want the trappings of religion but don't take it seriously. Why even be religious in that case?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
Heresy is an issue mostly in the Abrahamic religions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…

The Unitarian rejection of dogma is similar to major non-Abrahamic religions.
"Imagine" the song......a communist manifesto? Fucking retarded. Again. The dude wanted it played at his funeral, and his wifes funeral. What the fuck is the problem? Who cares what a person wants played at their funeral?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Someone takes his funeral songs awfully personally.

Try this one.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
Carter did pick the song, go figure: https://www.tennessean.com/sto…
^ Someone takes his funeral songs awfully personally.

Someone can’t let a dead man choose his music, because…..it’s “unamerican”. Wtf?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ I didn't say it was un-American, I said the song sucks.
Man, I'm going to enjoy spiking your blood pressure for the next 4 years ;)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
Everyone should recognize that Carter's death was Puddy Tat's achievement. Carter, like everyone of course, was an avid reader of Puddy Tat's post. The lib-owning power of PT's writings upset Carter so much, he lost the will to live. His death had nothing to do with his age.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ cute
This thread is enough to make dead presidents turn over in their graves......
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