
FOVorite techniques and positions

Avatar for JasonMckin

FOV is a peculiar term, because it gets used for anything above medium two-way contact below the belt all the way up to FIV (which is by definition a bit more obvious). Do you think there are different levels and types of FOV? Is a high mileage FOV different from a very high mileage FOV? Is a Playboy level FOV different from a Penthouse level FOV different from a Hustler level of FOV? Do you prefer a certain dancer's position, from cowgirl to reverse cowgirl to side saddling to 69? Do you initiate the request for high or very high mileage FOV and then evolve the play based on performer feedback? What are your FOVorite techniques?


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Avatar for MajoraCream

I've always thought of FOV as any kitty stimulation that doesn't involve insertion. I measure mileage in this case mostly by just about how long a dancer let's you linger and whether you get access under the panties.

Reverse cowgirl will always be the best position for this (and most club activities) IMO. I don't know how anyone is getting FOV action in standard cowgirl, unless a dancer was leaning back doing some freaky stuff, there's not really room to maneuver. I did have a dancer coach me to reach around the ass and stimulate her from behind while she was in cowgirl but it's a bit tricky and usually interrupts the flow of the dance. Only even attemptible with a spinner to a mid-size girl, an even decently thick ass would make this impossible so better to stick to just enjoying those cheeks.

Honorable mentions to getting some petting in when a dancer has her ass in your face while standing (especially when bent over 🤤) or on all fours across the lap which gives a delightfully unique angle of access.

I always discuss touching boundaries with dancers as our first dance is warming up and potential FOV access is usually the last hurdle if I've already gotten good access to T&A. Asking to touch generally or go UTP are probably the most frequent explicit request I'll make to dancers and by far the most often rejected, but that's the life of a cheap-ass LDK-er and to be expected.

Curious what you mean when you say Playboy/Penthouse/Hustler FOV? I'm assuming this just a general mileage scale with a bit of centerfold nostalgia thrown in but I'm intrigued by what each of the levels means to you specifically.

Avatar for JasonMckin

Good thoughts! Re magazine references, without getting into medical detail, was referencing specific areas accessed during FOV (like something that rhymes with Mulva vs something that rhymes with Delores vs something that rhymes with Franz Rubis etc). The approach and techniques may be different, and maybe one request encourages, leads to, or backs into following requests?

Avatar for MajoraCream

Very clever. And a bit nostalgic.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I like all of her in my Field Of View whenever possible.

Avatar for Rightfield

You know, women are complicated. Many don't want to talk explicitly; civilians or dancers.

As another poster said in another thread, they move their fingers slowly closer to where they want to go, and judge the dancer's response. Despite my stupidity as a younger man, when women might have been attracted to me physically, I find I am much more intuitive now.

Now, I take the hint. When a dancer moves her pelvis even a fraction of an inch a way from me, I do not pursue. I would never touch where I am not wanted. But she is usually giving subtle clues as to whether I should advance or retreat.

I wish to fuck I had the presence of mind when I was younger to proceed thusly with civilians. If I had done so, I maybe wouldn't have to resort to strip clubs in my middle age to make up for it!

Unless you are completely obtuse, she is giving clues as to what she expects. Relax and observe.

Avatar for Rightfield

Damn it, "I" move my fingers closer to where I want to go, not "they".

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