Tipping in Vancouver

avatar for stoyaf
How does tipping work in Vancouver clubs?
Do people just use $5 bills? Or do some people use US dollar bills?

Wondering if worth bringing some US singles.


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avatar for rickthelion
2 months ago
Just toss some loonies at the sexy females that you like and see how that works out for you. ROAR!!!!
avatar for stoyaf
2 months ago
Heard that they actually do that in Alberta, but it's not a thing in Vancouver. Also heard that some foreign clubs even sell US dollars (at a terrible rate) for tipping.
avatar for Electronman
2 months ago
Try swiping your credit card between their butt cheeks.
avatar for Muddy
2 months ago
Yeah you can tip in singles in Vancouver.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
I used to go to Toronto fairly often, although not lately. Stage tipping was much less common than in US clubs, but welcome, Canadian or US money.
avatar for origamiguy
2 months ago
I went to one club that sold "Dancer dollars" for tipping. I think it was in New Westminster, but it's gone now.
avatar for Rightfield
2 months ago
I decided to be direct when I was in a Canadian club once. Asked the hostess who was seating me how do I tip without paper bills? She said, "don't worry about tipping". OK. So then I get a few dances until one beautiful "friendly" French speaking girl bitches me out for not tipping. So I left.

Damn the girls were pretty though. Chez Paris in Quebec, I think.
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