I miss Grrrrllllgonebad, or however she spelled it.

avatar for Rightfield
I appreciated her observations. She would have been fun to talk to in a club. I don't really think she left the country after the results of the election, as she threatened. Even if she did, she could still post.

I presume her subscription to the site lapsed. I give her credit for business sense to pony up the 50 bucks to join in the first place.


She was smart enough not to talk to us for free, I want more dancers here but I can't blame her.
She was a political troll. Total catfish. Quit being incels.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
I miss her too. But our stripper members tend to generally lurk and only occasionally chime in.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
Pink Sugar Doll was convinced GGB was a man. Maybe that was true. Maybe they got married, moved to Belgium, and bought a food truck that serves waffles.
Shut the fuck up gumaman. Your ilk and thoughts will be dead by the next generation. Just like the single shot musket ideas you grasp onto.
Whoever was behind that profile was a dude who lives in his mom’s basement. Lives off his parents social security and eats Hot Pockets.

In other words, someone like Subraman.
avatar for Rightfield
a month ago
I enjoyed the story Grrl told about meeting her family in church after her night shift and being accused (by her grandma, I think) of "smelling like a stripper".

If somebody made that up, they have a pretty good imagination.
Even Nicespice couldn’t come up with that because she’s never been to church, just Olive Garden.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
Yummm Hot Pockets.
^ even Juice didn’t eat Hot Pockets.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
How about these hot pockets?
It was a guy and I have the dick pics to prove it.
Give it a rest Kent Ape. Nobody wants to see your dick pics.
That said, this rick has doubts about girlgonebad. I suggested that she write “I LOVE LIONS” on her ass in sharpie and post a pic of that. She demurred.

Now what kinda fun female wouldn’t want to post that kind of pic? Hell, I expected her to offer a pic with the sharpie in her butthole as a bonus. ROAR!!!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@rtl maybe ggb was really a wildebeest, and you ate too many of her relatives.
She was really nice to talk to. I wish shed have stuck around.
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