I miss Grrrrllllgonebad, or however she spelled it.

I appreciated her observations. She would have been fun to talk to in a club. I don't really think she left the country after the results of the election, as she threatened. Even if she did, she could still post.
I presume her subscription to the site lapsed. I give her credit for business sense to pony up the 50 bucks to join in the first place.
I presume her subscription to the site lapsed. I give her credit for business sense to pony up the 50 bucks to join in the first place.
In other words, someone like Subraman.
If somebody made that up, they have a pretty good imagination.
Give it a rest Kent Ape. Nobody wants to see your dick pics.
Now what kinda fun female wouldn’t want to post that kind of pic? Hell, I expected her to offer a pic with the sharpie in her butthole as a bonus. ROAR!!!