
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who
    Sowell was an economist- not a geopolitical analyst, nor a moralist, nor a political analyst. His political takes are usually stupid or violent or baseless.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    A cult is a group requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practice
    Sowell was a zoo animal. He presented himself as being more moral, conservative, refined and sophisticated than the stereotypical black guy… but when push came to shove he was essentially the black hitler. https://www.desertsun.com/story/opinion/contributors/2014/08/02/thomas-sowell-cease-fires/13533171/ A black gang member, (the type of person sowell would probably look down upon and accuse of making black people look bad), would perhaps kill a rival gang member in response to one of his own gang members being killed. Thomas Sowell on the other hand, believes you can destroy an entire country (he even proudly uses the term annihilation) if some people from that country attacked some of yours. Of course he doesnt genuinely believe this, because no one in their right mind would say its okay for someone to attack millions of Americans just because some american soldiers overseas killed a few thousand civilians. Him and walter williams are exactly where they belong… probably in hell as we speak
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Miami stripper boozes up patron, steals credit cards for $62K spending spree
    Shes not even hot- and she has a husband pimp. No surprise that a pimped dancer did this. Hopefully the cops take turns fucking her good- the client should have vetted her better for a pimp. She probably would have refused to tongue kiss.. refused to let him eat her out… etc
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Club Managers...STOP hiring Fat Hoes and tatted hoes.
    The fatness isnt being caused by eating. You dont get morbidly obese from too much ice cream. Only man made medications, chemicals, vaccines, xrays, supplements, environment, can cause that.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Curves Price Increase - Effective 7-26-24
    Readytomonger price of OTC has gone up compared to what time period? OTC is getting cheaper these days than in the last 3 years i think? Idk
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    A lot of times they scam together- like a thief version of a serial killer couple
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    2 months ago
    New York
    The pimped girls and their pimps arent smart enough to recognize the value of good service/good customer service.
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    2 months ago
    New York
    ^they may be but working for an agency isnt the same as being pimped. Not true at all, service might go up if theyre pimped by a gang. If theyre pimped by a boyfriend or husband pimp, they wont kiss and wont do all kinds of things they consider cheating.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Any foreign woman is going to be better because they havent been influenced by the american pimp culture. It’s generally only america, maybe the uk or israel, where boyfriend and husband pimps exist. Foreign girls in other countries might be pimped, but its more likely to be by a gang. Anytime a girls not pimped, service quality goes up and prices go down. So the reason these russian chicks are nice is the same reason the cubans or latinas are nice.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    So let me get this right, some crackhead ex-con OD’s on fentanyl we then proceed
    @funontheside if someone attacks you it doesn’t mean you can blow up their house or neighborhood or city or country. Hamas supposedly attacked 1200 people- and israel in response murdered 50,000 and blew up an entire country. Thats not self defense, its not proportional, not justifiable. Its just untermensch doing untermensch things, lol. Even if you make the argument of, X group attacked me, therefore more of them could attack me in the future, it STILL doesnt mean you can attack an entire city or country or neighborhood. It’s completely laughable to argue otherwise. You cant attack people because of the possibility they may attack you in the future. Not how self defense works boy
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    So let me get this right, some crackhead ex-con OD’s on fentanyl we then proceed
    It is true that floyd was saying he couldnt breathe long before he was cuffed on the ground. The full video showed that. Also, theres been youtubers like steven crowder who reinacted the floyd scene and survived. So at a minimum, floyds death had to be a combination of the knee + drugs or the drugs. Chauvins knee was resting across floyds upper shoulder blade- it wasnt around his throat or even right on his neck. We dont know if the knee contributed and how much it contributed. But the cops knee was on his shoulder blade while he died- so no matter what its a bad look for the cops. If floyd for instance died while sitting in the cop car, the cops would still be blamed and accused of driving too rough. Sandra bland died in a jail cell- it was ruled a suicide but even then, people were claiming cops snuck in the cell and killed her or the jail staff killed her. People who say the knee killed floyd are doing the same thing. Theyre assuming that because a cop was present, that the cop was solely responsible. A knee on someones shoulder blade doesnt kill them- its not the same as stabbing, punching, choking- where you can clearly see the damage being done. Also if someone is being choked- it’s impossible to be screaming and yelling for 9 minutes straight. The most you can argue is that the knee somehow, in combination with the drugs, restricted his breathing.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Rick how does the “agency” system work? Are you referring to escort agencies having their girls work in clubs? An agency is simply a company that hires girls to be escorts and takes a cut of their earnings… there might be a pimp behind the scenes but the agency structure makes it such that it can operate like a small business, the owner of the agency doesnt have to establish a personal connection/relationship with the girls the way a pimp would.. he just hires them as employees… And the agency will often have its own separate people for security… unlike the pimp who both provides security and takes a cut and is often also a boyfriend or husband nowadays. The agency girls are a lot better than your regular pimped out escorts… usually prices are lower.. and service is better. Agencies usually employ a lot more girls which allows them to reduce the profit needed per girl… for the same reasons a stripper working at the club, if she doesnt have a bf/husband/pimp, is likely going to provide better service than a pimped out hoe or escort
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The other guy
    Its nothing to brag about. It doesn’t necessarily mean that youre better looking than the other guy… more of a stud than the other guy.. or that the dancer likes you more. Most of the time, it means youre a better customer or a regular while the new guy is new. The new guy might be uncertain if he even wants to get a dance, while the regular is likely to spend and continue coming back. Dancers, even dancers with husbands or boyfriends, take the time away from their partner to work at the club… yet it doesnt always mean they like their clients better
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Paris Olympics 2024
    Misterorange well Islam is a minority religion. Also, they wouldn’t even have the freedom or legality to mock Judaism or the holocaust considering the anti semitism bill. It must be Israeli occupied territory since Muslims arent allowed to picture or mock Jesus.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Baby, Savvy & Rockin' Strippers Rule!
    What Turns On A Stripper?
    The same things that turn on any girl, and thats not looks for the most part.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Are posters compensating for something?
    There are some strippers on other sites/forums who want to normalize tipping. Some dancers could also try to normalize it at clubs. If you tipped in order to receive extras thats not a true tip. An actual tip is an extra bonus given for good service, without being negotiated or discussed beforehand.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    So let me get this right, some crackhead ex-con OD’s on fentanyl we then proceed
    I can see your points, but unfortunately there is another thing we’re dealing with now, far beyond the george floyd stuff I already saw it coming over 10 years ago… Everything that the left does, as far as allowing/promoting/justifying minority groups stealing killing or destroying, the right also does. The right just decided to appeal to a different minority group than the left. You have nearly half the country, maybe even 70% of the country, who believe Israel has the right to steal trillions and murder billions. Unlike BLM, which was mostly supported by left wing politicians and voters, Israel has bipartisan support.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Hot for Teacher
    My highschool had numerous hot teachers. They looked better than this girl. This girl is young but about average. We also had some hot substitutes. One substitutes ass was so thicc it was like her dress pants would rip at any moment. I wish I remembered her face better
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another failure for Atlanta.
    Are there no immigrants or latinas there. Why are extras so tough. Also air dancing is a scam unless theyre telling you up front that no touching is allowed etc
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    ITC full service
    What positions you can comfortably do depends on your individual belly to dong ratio
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    I know that you're young and inexperienced; but you can trust me to be sensitive and understanding. Now, here, have more tequila.
    Discussions vs Articles
    A discussion is you looking for other’s thoughts or opinions. An article is you telling a story, or giving out advice
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Paris Olympics 2024
    Gammanu if a woman takes enough juice- she can surpass the muscularity of any natural man. This is easy to see when you look at some female bodybuilders. Their muscularity far surpasses any man who doesn’t also use hormones. So the idea that if someone is born a woman, they have to be inferior to men athletically is untrue. They can actually surpass men if they use drugs
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Heels up harris
    Kamala is centrist after spending 4 years with biden. It doesnt matter if she was considered liberal years back. She even supports israel
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities…
    “And we tell the world, you come in the right way, bring a skill, work hard and stay out of trouble, learn and accept our language and traditions, and we'll happily add you to our melting pot. Like both sides of my family did ” I agree for the most part, but, fortunately, nobody should be expected or obligated to accept “our traditions”. That’s usually code-word for something like beer, guns, football, thanksgiving, other random stuff. It would actually go against the constitution to demand or require people to accept our traditions… they need to accept our laws yes.. but accepting traditions is something else entirely. Constitution allows for freedom of speech, expression, religion, etc so you dont have to, for instance, celebrate thanksgiving or july 4 in order to be American. July 4 is honestly the worst… insane traffic.. insane heat.. just for 15 minutes of fireworks.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Dc clubs and good guys
    I never mentioned you and actually my original post wasnt directed at you. It was something I realized about the dc clubs because of the rules