Heels up harris
The voice of truth and reason
No surprise Joe endorsed her since she bowed at the altar of Biden. Remember when she accused Joe of being a racist for voting against integrated school busses in the 60's and then accepted his offer to become the first truly token vp? I'm concerned enough stupid people will vote for her because she checks boxes. The next four years will be a true disaster. Is there a dem that could get the nomination and actually be a better choice than trump?
Do we want the Biden budget which is 50% more than this one? Do we want America torn up by affinity groups? Do we want EV mandates for everything by 2035? Do we want another 10 million illegals over the border, straining social services? Do we want racial reparations and playing groups against each other? Do we want more Afghanistan humiliation, and funding of Iran and Hamas?
If the Democrats can abjure all of these positions, I'll consider. Until then, Trump/Vance 2024.
Not to mention, he's senile. Have you seen his stump speeches lately? Sharks and electrocutions and shit? He will be a puppet for dangerous far right religious extremists.
I don't know if the Dem nominee will be Harris. She's the front runner right now, but I don't think we'll know for sure until August 19th. I think Newsom and Whitmer are in the second tier of contenders, in terms of likelihood. And then there's a slew of Dark Horse candidates candidates including Shapiro, Buttigieg, Kelly and others who could show up as uniters of the party in late ballot scenario of a brokered convention.
Any of these candidates would be better than Trump.
" I'm concerned enough stupid people will vote for HIM because HE checks boxes."
Did you mix up your pronouns here?
"Remember when HE accused DONALD of being [America's Hitler] and then accepted his offer to become the first truly INTEGRITY LACKING vp?"
The point being that both sides of this political coin sound fucking stupid. Just change the names, and pronouns, and everything is interchangeable by world view.
That is all.
The key things to focus on really are immigration, abortion, gun rights, tax rates, forced vaccinations. Iran/Hamas get almost 0 funding, whereas trashy Israel gets more than every other country combined, is a country that isnt an ally in any way shape or form, and is basically attempting to start WW3 and forcing other countries to get involved.
We will know by August 5, if they want their nominee to be on the Ohio ballot.
Still expect a virtual roll call to name the nominee well ahead of the convention.
Could be further proof this was not at all his free will choice
Not to try to separate a right winger from his beloved conspiracy theories but I think the simple fact is, this was a decision he had to make quickly.
He did and made the right decision.
Maybe they did cancel the virtual and just decide to screw being on Ohio ballot. The state is probably going to Trump anyway.
This year, I know Trump is the better choice and I'm comfortable voting for him and contributing to a campaign for the first time ever.
Saying the two sides are the same is just untrue.
@AdolfNanoDong is just spouting antisemitic nonsense. Welfare to Israel, it's called foreign aid to the only friend we have in that part of the world. They're checking Iran where they chant Death to America.
@RonJax that's some impressive mental gymnastics to blame inflation on Trump. Biden didn't need to spend after one relief package and the worst of COVID was past. Basic economics. Bidenflation is real, and Americans are tired of getting gaslit on that fact.
Also, look at under whom Putin made invasions. I can just whip that point alone and win.
Why did the Biden campaign agree to a way earlier than normal debate?
Typically the debates start in September, well after the nominees are locked.
Had that happened the normal way this cycle, Biden wouldn't had even been able to drop out - he would have been in it until the end.
Instead, the unusual early debate was done, which led to the chain of events to get to this point. And then all this public outcry from your own party to drop out?
Yeah, that's not suspicious at all...
I’m watching CNN right now - and again they said he released his statement without telling Harris.
Perhaps different reporters have different sources.
they haven’t had a chance to coordinate yet, give them some more time they’ll come up with a plausible story line eventually.
I think a key indicator here will be IF they hold that vote. I think they'll do that if the party coalesces around Kamala. If they don't hold that vote on the 5th, the field will be open. It's going to be a wild month for sure.
> Oh and they were on track for a good sized loss under Biden.
Biden was the underdog in the race, for sure. Yet it was as close one and he was far from losing it. 538 was calling a 54% chance of his win, Nate Silver as low as 30%. (As I've said before, I trust Nate's model more than 538's.)
Still a 30% chance isn't insignificant. That's like the chances that the underdog football team wins a championship, which happens often. I think Republicans have been euphoric this week have been blindly overestimating their own chances.
And that was before Biden dropped out. I think all bets are off now. Trump has a low ceiling, he's grossly unpopular with Americans, and I would expect to see some significant downward movement in his odds of winning once Kamala starts wielding the Roe cannon.
Trump has a low ceiling but a high floor and a motivated base. Vance improves him in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. He's hardly "grossly unpopular" if he's been on top in polls. It's not that Harris got better, it's that Biden got worse...Harris has a tin ear and has pissed off a bunch of donors. And they've been flogging Roe for a long time, Harris visited an abortion clinic for fuck's sake. Their best bet is to unify around her fast, but that might not happen. Unless Trump says or does something extreme that isn't already baked into his stock, he wins. Of course no one could have predicted the last few weeks, either.
"[Trump] ran up a huge deficit with tax cuts for the rich (even before his gargantuan pandemic spending) which was the driving factor in the inflation the Biden administration had to tame."
- Seriously look at https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CPIAU… and tell me that you believe that. The Fed injected 3 trillion dollars. Supply chains were fucked. The CPI was on a regular, even trajectory before Covid. Covid and the fallout was the cause for the inflation.
"Trump kowtowed to foreign autocrats like Putin and Kim Jong Un."
- If by "kowtowed" you mean, "nobody started a war on his watch", I'll take kowtowing all day long.
"he tried to overthrow our republic on his way out (and still refuses to accept the results of the last election.)"
- We'll have to disagree about what constitutes "overthrowing a republic," but Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams also deny their election results. Want to call Trump an election denier, sure, he is. But have you ever called out one of your own? Seriously asking.
"Not to mention, he's senile."
- gtfo with this comedy, Ron. you're trolling, right?
This once again demonstrates Biden's good judgement and character. He is a true patriot.
Part of me would like to see a process not just a coronation, but I'll be OK if it's Harris.
In the few hours since the announcement, we've seen a flood of the usual lies, deception and vitriol from Trump and his supporters. That alone should be sick enough to dissuade some voters who may be on the fence. I'd like to see Harris (or whoever) rise about the endless bullshit from the right and counter it with class, tact and on-point facts to acknowledge where Dems have fallen short, where Dems have delivered, and present a superior vision for the future of our country.
Good judgment would have been doing this years ago. Doing it 3.5 months is piss ass poor judgment.
This much is true. She came in 5th in her home state.
> Covid and the fallout was the cause for the inflation.
There's no question about that. The fact remains that the vast majority of COVID spending occurred on Trump's watch: https://www.pandemicoversight.gov/about-…. And I think a lot of that money could have been spent better, or not spent at all, thus lessening the impending blow of inflation. The PPP, which cost half trillion, was basically a hand out to the rich, for example.
I'm thankful that Biden was able to take inflation down. Biden's major post-Covid legislative accomplishment, the IRA, reduced the deficit by $238 billion: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/cbo-scores-ir…
> I'll take kowtowing all day long.
Good to know. I'm fed up with the kowtowing to autocrats. I'm talking about incidents like Trump going to the Helsinki summit and siding with Putin over our intelligence services: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44… Or the time he fucking crossed the Korean DMZ to shake hands with Kim Jung Un, with no preconditions, which encouraged the DPRK to continue to test missiles: https://www.voanews.com/a/east-asia-paci…
>> he's senile.
> Ron. you're trolling, right?
Not at all. I've been watching his stump speeches. I saw his rambling convention speech. He's losing it. Just listen to the man yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W0p_yHk…
He's been delusion for a while. Too many incidents to name, but remember this: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1536/cpspr…
The question for Trump is whether he'll show the same graciousness and step down due to his age at fitness, now that Biden has done so. I doubt it, because the Republican party as it exists is a cult-of-personality which will quickly deflate without him.
Putin invaded Crimea and Georgia under Obama ("more latitude after the election") and Ukraine ("minor incursion" where we've thrown little bits for a trench war) but not Trump. Trump kept Putin in check while Democrats saw him expand.
To myself. Extremists like this puddy tat guy, make it absolutely embarrassing to vote for trump.
Lol “only friend in that part of the world” weve got turkey, saudi arabia, india, UAE… countries who also arent stealing money from us. Laughable. It absolutely is welfare mooching and theft.
Welfare doesn’t magically not become welfare because your giving it to one religion vs another or one race vs another. Youve got to drop the racial hierarchy and religious hierarchy nonsense… its utter insanity. People like you are why trump voters get accused of being racist or anti immigrant.
Yeah, you are biased. I don't recall Clinton and Abrams mounting a coordinated and sustained effort to cast doubt on the election results, having a fake electors plot, and urging the Vice President to not certify the election results, even trying to get him in a car and drive him off site so he couldn't do his job. There's no comparison with the scale of what Trump and his team did and the examples you cite.
And in 2017 and 2018 Putin was focused on slaughtering civilians in Aleppo, which Trump did virtually nothing about: https://www.britannica.com/event/Syrian-…
And when exactly do you think Putin's invasion of Ukraine was planned? Recall that Trump tried to interfere with aid to Ukraine during his presidency, in fact he was impeached for it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impe…
The timing of the Ukraine invasion though had more to do with Xi Jinping wanting Putin to wait until after the Beijing Olympics. But it was Trump who emboldened Putin with his obstruction of congress and frequent talk of dismantling NATO.
It will be free reign for the world's autocrats if Trump is in charge again. Recall that Trump once said he "loves" Xi Jinping. https://www.politico.eu/article/trump-on…
The "Guardians of Democracy" ran a Primary that didn't allow anyone except Biden, it was "rigged". The Dems/DNC, Super Delegates, Big Donors and Dem Oligarchs run as a Star Chamber, or as Machiavelli said, "The Ends Justifies The Means". Not the US Constitutions, not FEC Laws/Rules, not the DNC Rules, just want the Star Chamber says goes.
This is only about money, power and control. The Star Chamber fucked up thinking Joe was a good choice to win in 2020 and a 100:1 gamble Harris could be groomed in 4 years. Total failure, I mean a Krakatoa explosion.
And this Star Chamber is to be trusted yet again?
Biden, or someone said IN A LETTER not on live TV, that he was supporting Harris for POTUS knowing that she was the only person he could support as he has like $80M in donations that the DNC will just take, and take the hit after November if it is called illegal by the FEC.
At least in 1968 LBJ went on live TV to say " I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president." That took BRASS BALLS and vertebra!
Remember when Diane Feinstein (D-CA) staffers said she wasn't going to run, and during an interview she was asked about not running, and her response was "I'm not running?" She, just like Biden, was not making decisions, she was just a reliable Tool.
Harris and Obama's WH staffers have been around Biden for 4 years, and clearly knew he was rapidly degrading. The trip to Europe, debate and campaign drained him like a cheap battery. When it was said he has COVID-19, why didn't he mask-up?
Now, the Cabinet can do the 25thA to deal the final blow. That would give Harris a better platform as "The First DEI" POTUS in "history".
This was all Kabuki Theater. The Dems manipulated and then cancelled their "Democratic Primary" process and are still screaming TRUMP IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY! Really?
Mark your calendar: Ohio, August 7, 2024 - Ballot Deadline, and the DNC Convention is after that.
Yeah after having crossed Obama's bright red line.
"Recall that Trump tried to interfere with aid to Ukraine during his presidency"
Which went through. He sent Javelins while Obama sent blankets.
"But it was Trump who emboldened Putin with his obstruction of congress and frequent talk of dismantling NATO."
Instead he got NATO paying their share, and emboldened Putin so much he didn't invade.
"But it was Trump who emboldened Putin with his obstruction of congress and frequent talk of dismantling NATO."
I'll take photo ops with Kim and buttering up Xi over invasions and money to Hamas and Iran. Trump is a negotiator at heart, and part of the playbook is flattery. That's why the left underestimates Trump, they look at his words more than his actions.
Words matter and Trump is a fountain of mendaciousness.
Dismantle NATO? It's call negotiating, not capitulating, He got all to pay-up the 2% of their GDP as was a rule for membership that had been ignored for 75 years, except France and Germany are still delinquent. Biden took credit a few weeks back.
Impeached? For what? More Kabuki theater. Maxine Waters said Trump had to be Impeached the day after he was elected. He wasn't even POTUS, only POTUS Elect.
Aleppo, Putin? That was ISIS who was supported by Russia like Hamas is a proxy for Iran, and Trump took out ISIS.
I remember when ~500 Russian mercenaries and Syrian forces attacked one of our firebases with only 40 US Soldiers with heavy shelling and tankers in Syria in February 2018. After 4 hours, they retreated, about 300 dead and no Americans were killed. This was under Trump. That was the last time that was tried. He needed Congress to support the effort to deal with ISIS as had been ignored for 8 years under Obama.
Ukraine Invasion? Sure, the CCP didn't want that during the Olympics. It also had to do with who was POTUS. Trump stopped Nordstream, Biden allowed it while killing our Keystone XL pipeline and then blew-it up when it was almost ready AND stopped us selling LNG to our NATO allies. Biden did sell our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to China as well as releasing them to help lower gas prices he effectively raised a lot.
Trump respects powerful global leaders. And he deals with them. He kept illegals in Mexico as he prosecuted the Wall project against all odds from the Dems and GOP. He crushed Iran. He crushed ISIS. Within 48 hours of Syria using ammonia barrel bombs on citizens he launch a heavy attack. Like Reagan crushed the USSR with economics, Trump did same to prosecute his agenda, I too am tired of the World using America as a Piggy Bank.
I know, I know, you see Trump as "America's Hitler", yet, with no proof. Enjoy your TDS, it is only going to get worse for you and many others.
Instead, he further Balkanized America, continual "Clean up on Aisle 3", and Harris gives us daily Word Salad recipes. The Border is "Secure". Right. The WH/Harris says Biden is sharp as tack and runs circles around us. He works 10AM to 4PM. Had had more lids than any POTUS since radio was invented.
Obama said he "evolved" on same-sex marriage, and he was applauded. JD Vance was very critical on Trump in 2016, and today he says he was wrong, and MAGA applauds him - that 80M voters.
And why did Biden never contact the Gold Star Families, kept checking his watch as their coffins were returned or mention the names of the 13 soldiers killed, and DENIED any soldiers were killed in his 3+ years.
The 25thA needs to be used NOW. If this isn't a solid case, I don't know what it will take - a pine box?
Seriously. It's all WH Kabuki Theater. What Trump said in interviews 40 years ago, he still says today. That's consistency.
Particularly when those words are "Take out Soleimani" or the reputed threat to take out the Kremlin if Russia invaded Ukraine.
If you want to beat Trump you need to focus on what matters. Orange Man Bad got you here.
There are a lot of people on this site that needs to get out of their parents basement.
Unfortunately that crowd makes other trump voters look bad…hopefully the America first wing of the republican base can put a stop to this nonsense… one guy on another thread was trying to convince me that its not theft or welfare if taxpayer dollars are given to israel… but the same guy had major issue with racial reparations within the US or redistributing taxpayer dollars to homeless or poor people within the US… imagine the level of brainwashed you have to be.. to think it’s perfectly good and fine to send taxpayer dollars to foreign countries,, but be unwilling to help your fellow citizens with the same money
Always an opportunist looking for a way to stuff his pockets.
Money belongs to whoever earned it.. if someone takes your money that is in fact theft. It doesn’t matter whether the money mentions the federal reserve on it. .
It is also theft and welfare leeching if another country is given billions of dollars for free.
"The fact remains that the vast majority of COVID spending occurred on Trump's watch. And I think a lot of that money could have been spent better, or not spent at all, thus lessening the impending blow of inflation. The PPP, which cost half trillion, was basically a hand out to the rich, for example."
I agree it shouldn't have been spent, but PPP passed with a 96-0 vote in the senate. It had complete bipartisan, unanimous support.
Spending under Biden has been greater than that under Trump. His administration has done *nothing* to reduce inflation. The Fed raised rates in 2022 to combat inflation with the "price stability" part of their dual mandate. They've brought down inflation in spite of Biden's increased spending, not because of anything he's done.
On the one hand you're arguing that Trump's spending caused inflation. On the other hand you're arguing that Biden's greater spending has reduced inflation.
You're quite misinformed here. Quit watching Fox News. Trump grew the deficit twice as much as Biden did. https://www.crfb.org/papers/trump-and-bi…
Democrats would be better served by Shapiro (1st by a mile), Beshear (2nd), or Whitmer (3rd).
Shapiro and Whitmer would both be really smart choices. I think this election will be decided by the whether the Dems hold the blue wall of WI, MI, and PA. I lean towards Whitmer on this, I think she's better known and I think two women wielding the Roe cannon this election would be better than one.
This data refers specifically to the Alternative Minimum Tax, and changes that the Trump administration made to the Alternative Minimum Tax. These tax cuts were included in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
These cuts were advertised as gifts to the middle class. Who gained from these cuts, and by how much?
Two particular tax brackets gained the most from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The slivers of the population whose adjusted gross income was between $200,000 and $1,000,000 gained the most from their 2018 federal taxes.
Another data set from the I.R.S. splits taxpayers into percentiles. To be specific, it slices U.S. taxpayers into 100 groups. The percentile group that benefited the most? The 98th. In 2018, the 98th percentile referred to households that had an adjusted gross income between $359,000 and $540,000.
According to Jim Tankersley of the New York Times, that 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will be difficult for the Biden administration to roll back.
That Act was estimated to cost the U.S. government coffers nearly $2 trillion over ten years. Biden had announced that he would eliminate these tax cuts.
However, it looks so far like Biden will be constrained from removing those cuts. No tax increases of any kind arrived in the $1.9 trillion stimulus plan he released in mid-January. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that Biden would not reverse any piece of the tax “until later in the recovery.”
Take away the mortgage deduction and it is even worse for working Americans.
Shapiro is from a swing state and could be future presidential timber. And he's a finger in the eye of those who want Ein Judenrein Amerika (a Jew-free America) like yourself.
@Ron - on second thought swap Kelly for Beshear. Swing state, fairly moderate. Whitmer has her COVID policies and might give men pause in a party struggling with men, even black and Hispanic ones. Not sure if America would vote for a two women ticket yet.
“aspects of whiteness” (quoted or paraphrased):
Rugged individualism: self-reliance, independence
The “traditional” family, breadwinning father, homemaking mother, 2.3 children
“Emphasis on scientific method”; “objective, rational linear thinking,” “cause and effect relationships,” “quantitative emphasis.”
“Protestant work ethic”: “hard work is the key to success”
“Christianity is the norm”; “no tolerance for deviation from single god concept.”
Status: “your job is who you are.”
“Future orientation”: “delayed gratification”
Time: “follow rigid time schedules”
Asethetics: steak and potatoes, blonde & thin women
Justice: “Protect property and entitlements,” “Intent counts.”
The SPLC is a radical leftist propaganda machine on par Goebbels. Convince me otherwise.
I wouldn't count out Whitmer based solely on her denying interest.
"Lyin' Kamala Harris, the Biden appointed 'Border Czar' who never visited the Border, and whose incompetence gave us the WORST and MOST DANGEROUS Border anywhere in the World, has absolutely terrible pole numbers against a fine and brilliant young man named DONALD J. TRUMP!"
@goldeneagles9 - All good points
What's your point @puddy? I see nothing wrong with going on RuPaul's show and telling people to register to vote. What problem do you have with that?
I'm sure appearing on a drag show is really going to appeal to the laid off factory worker in Pennsylvania!
Anyways, appealing to 5% of the population already concentrated in coastal blue states is not smart electoral strategy. She should be campaigning in churches in the blue wall states where a "drag race" still involves fast cars and chutes.
Today you’re calling her the most liberal member of the senate.
Honestly I can’t even tell which straw man of Harris you’re trying to shoot at. It’s like you don’t even know anything about the candidate you vehemently oppose.
"She's going to attempt to make her campaign appealing to a broad and diverse coalition of voters"
Do you think voters don't notice what else they do? If someone appeared at both the Southern Baptist Convention and Democratic Socialists of America, would you write this off as "appealing to a broad and diverse coalition of voters" or just having no values beyond personal advancement?
Looking forward to her explaining that Drag Race appearance in a social conservative area.
Plus, who wants to look at that mug while pounding her, and not take advantage of muffling her mouth in a pillow to avoid her talking/cackling?
> Do you think voters don't notice what else they do?
My contention is that the only people who give a fuck that she appeared with RuPaul are probably bigots who aren't going to vote Democratic. I don't think your average dem-leaning voter who is on the fence about voting or not in PA is going to care one bit about such an appearance.
But by all means keep trying to label Kamala as an extremist. Extremism is an issue democrats win 3:1 on.
Didn't you just say this was going to be a turnout election and no one was undecided? LOL make up your mind.
Social issues turn people out, like it or not. They tried to hide that tweet where she was deemed the most liberal member of the Senate. The ads are already coming. Keep the Orange Man Bad. 9 years of that got you where you are. But I'm sure another 3 months will show the world.