
So let me get this right, some crackhead ex-con OD’s on fentanyl we then proceed

to burn down half the country, ram through as much commie legislation as humanely possible and then finally bury this motherfucker in a GOLD CASKET in a week long funeral that eclipsed even the Queen of England.

Meanwhile a 12 year little girl is brutally gang raped under a bridge, strangled and thrown in the fucking bayou by two shitbird illegal infiltrators and not a peep. NOT A FUCKING PEEP. (Except of course for the calls to not call the Venezuelan gangbangers illegal murderers “illegals” as that would be racist)

Wow when we’re not too busy protesting in FULL support of yet another faggot islamic terrorist group, America in the 20’s sure seems fucking crazy to me.


  • RonJax2
    3 months ago
    I find your description of the death of George Floyd to be appalling. For the record, he did not OD. The county medical examiner who conducted the autopsy listed Floyd’s death as a homicide and determined that the cause was “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” https://www.factcheck.org/2023/11/no-cha…

    I also have no idea what you're talking about with the 12 year old girl. Care to enlighten us by linking to your Fox News source on this?

    If you are concerned with Venezuelan immigration, you should be very concerned about Monday's Venezuelan election: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Venez…

    If socialist incumbent Maduro wins in that election, experts predict the Venezuelan migration crisis to reach new heights. https://www.theguardian.com/global-devel…

    The US's current immigration laws include a special humanitarian exception for Venezuelan nationals: https://www.uscis.gov/CHNV, A loophole which House bill HR 2 would have closed, had it not been filibustered by Republican Senators. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congres…

    GOP lawmakers have set us on track for a huge wave of migrants from Venezuela.
  • jaybud999
    3 months ago

    Muddy doesn't want to hear all of that, it doesn't fit with his generations worldview. He also thinks your sources are part of the "commie" news media.

    If it doesn't match a worldview, it is an "other." And I state that for both liberal, moderate, and conservative worldviews.
  • skibum609
    3 months ago
    If stupid progressives could read, they would know that 2 of the democrat's favorite illegals, kidnapped, raped, and murdered a 12-year-old girl very recently. It was in none of the news sources the rats called progressives read, just news for normal people.
    Derek Chauvin was a terrible person and is where he belongs. Same applies to career violent criminal and drug addict George Floyd, a vicious, violent, demented individual and typical of the base of the democratic party. Fuck George Floyd supporters.
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    Two things can be true. Floyd was a druggie shithead but unlikely he would have died if he hadn't been pinned down. Still, why did leftists burn down and loot black neighborhoods as a result? They're only setting businesses that serve the black community back decades. Why are leftists intellectuals justifying this destruction as the language of the oppressed or even reparations? We somehow coddle the leftist rioter whether for BLM or Palestine.

    It's in their own self interest to self police rather than act like barbarians.

    I remember when some obese tortoiseshell glass barista type said the left should go raise hell in conservative areas. Yeah, bitch, go do that. You'll get picked off from a quarter mile before you can say "abolish the patriarchy!"
  • gammanu95
    3 months ago
    @RonJax2; fuck George Ffloyd. Good riddance to a druggie ex-con who terrorized, robbed, counterfeited, bullied, and served no useful purpose in life. Fuck him, fuck the people who lionized him, fuck the politicians and racebaiters who profited from his death - not-murder.
    Appalled? Triggered? Good. Watch this:
  • mickey48066
    3 months ago
    Ron jax, I hope that you or anyone supporting crimianals ends up on the wrong end of a george floyd or one of these illegals you/they work so hard to support. The criminals can show their appreciation with a violent carjacking. Whatever you do, don't call the police you have such disdain for.
    The 12 year old was Jocelyn Nungaray from Houston. Not hard to find with a simple google search.
    The case of GF was an interesting one. Keep in mind that democrats have manipulated black people for decades into believing they actually care about the blacks (actually, they only care about fooling them badly enough to keep getting their votes). When GF died, they couldn't say "well, he contributed to his own demise by committing a crime, resisting arrest, etc."

    When chauvin gave them the photo op of a lifetime, the dems couldn't pass it up. It was them and only them who could protect the poor blacks from the racist white bullies. Naturally, many blacks who have been fooled for decades by the dems, hit the streets at their request (remember "burn it all down!") and threw rocks at the police, causing many resignations. They actually made their neighborhoods LESS safe from the criminals like GF who ironically spent decades committing crimes against other black people.

    By sanctifying the black lifetime criminal who fell to the bully white racist, dems ensured that they'll have the blacks in their pocket for the next 200 years. They secretly thank chauvin for making their manipulation of blacks so much easier.
  • Book Guy
    3 months ago
    They holler a lot about immigrant criminals but don't sound so loud when the stats about white Christian nationalist violence are cited.


    George Floyd supposedly did porn. This is supposedly him. I don't know.

  • mogul1985
    3 months ago
    ^ "George Floyd supposedly did porn. This is supposedly him. I don't know."

    "stats about white Christian nationalist violence are cited." What are you talking about?
  • Book Guy
    3 months ago
    In response to your first question (why post shit like this) the reason I post it is that George Floyd is the subject of some of the foregoing discussion. Because persons A, B, and C mentioned George Floyd and some various information or opinion about him, I became person D mentioning George Floyd and some other information or opinion about him. It's really not a difficult concept.

    In response to your second question (what am I talking about) I was talking about the content of my sentence. People were mentioning that there exists some complaining about violence perpetrated by illegal immigrants. I was contrasting that to other potential complaints about violence perpetrated by white Christian nationalists. The way you know what I'm talking about, is to read the sentence. So, when my sentence includes the phrase, as you quoted, "stats about white Christian nationalist violence", you can probably understand, that what I am talking about, is, obviously, stats about white Christian nationalist violence. It's also really not a difficult concept.
  • misterorange
    3 months ago
    Fuck George Floyd and all druggies. Who gives a damn?
  • motorhead
    3 months ago
    Geez. Are we still arguing about George Floyd. Just watch the Fall of Minneapolis and be done with it.
  • rickmacrodong
    3 months ago
    I can see your points, but unfortunately there is another thing we’re dealing with now, far beyond the george floyd stuff
    I already saw it coming over 10 years ago…

    Everything that the left does, as far as allowing/promoting/justifying minority groups stealing killing or destroying, the right also does. The right just decided to appeal to a different minority group than the left.

    You have nearly half the country, maybe even 70% of the country, who believe Israel has the right to steal trillions and murder billions.

    Unlike BLM, which was mostly supported by left wing politicians and voters, Israel has bipartisan support.
  • funonthaside
    3 months ago
    You're overlooking the fact that the current war started when Hamas attacked Israel, including civilians. Israel has a right to defend its people.

    How much of this conflict impacts the typical US citizen? Yet, so many people seem to be getting deeply wrapped up in this conflict.

    If Americans should be concerned, it should be over harm caused to US citizens by the Hamas terrorists.
  • skibum609
    3 months ago
    Progressives are such vile scum it is astonishing. They justify the murder of a 12 year old girl by two men who are here illegally because of the policies they vote for, by saying that since there is white Christian violence then the illegal status of the two who will one day be electrocuted in Texas doesn't matter. Really? Since we have locals who commit crime, its ok for illegals to do it. No difference? Since we have crime and violence its ok to commit more? God what a hateful concept. Time for Progressives to truly understand why our forefathers gave us the first and second amendments: progressives.
  • rickdugan
    3 months ago
    ===> "I find your description of the death of George Floyd to be appalling. For the record, he did not OD."

    RonJax: Agreed that the cause of death was neck compression. It was excessive and utterly inexcusable. They already had him cuffed and on the ground.

    But I understand the rest of Muddy's point. George Floyd was a piece of shit with a history of violence. His death made the world just a little better than it was when he was still alive.

    Indeed, even on that day, it's not like the police were called because he was singing church hymns outside the store. He was menacing people. Now there's one less drug addicted animal on this earth to hurt and threaten others. It just wasn't the job of the police to make that happen.
  • gammanu95
    3 months ago
    If you would watch "The Fall of Minneapolis", the link I posted, you would know that the cause of death was NOT neck compression. The ME falsified the reports to support the woke narrative. The police who took him into custody diligently followed all MPD procedures. George Ffloyd started complaining he couldn't breathe from the moment they confronted him in his own vehicle. He refused to be put in a cruiser. Anytime they stopped holding him down, he tried to run. Watch the video. Do not fall for the woke lies. Those officers got railroaded, and everyone involved in denying their justice should be thrown in gen pop for long, long, time.
  • Mate27
    3 months ago
    From the rhetoric being spread around, I believe we all should agree that everyone needs to start being nicer to each other, except for SkiDumb. He deserves whatever thrown at him due to his constant rage typing with each and every post. I mean how do you go through life typing with one hand and jacking it with the other? Maybe he’s an octopus, or definitely some sea like creature swimming w/the underbelly of society.
  • Hank Moody
    3 months ago
    George Floyd was murdered for passing a bad check. The murderers were convicted multiple times and it’s on video FFS. To suggest he OD’ed is bullshit. He wasn’t a great person, but we don’t get to murder anyone we feel is beneath us.

    His death motivated a lot of people. Is he a hero? That’s a little weird given what he did with his life. But victim blaming? That is always bullshit.
  • twentyfive
    3 months ago
    ^ agree with you Hank it strikes me as odd, though, that the George Floyd’s and others of his ilk, are the so often the Rubicon, that inspire the ultra left, to make their stand.
  • skibum609
    3 months ago
    The fact that Mateswithinfants27times is fixated on me shows just how nauseating progressives can be. George Floyd committed the felony of counterfeiting, to add to his violent home invasion prison sentence and killed himself. He was a fucking drug addict, a loser and quite frankly if a lifelong criminal is caught in the act of committing a crime and instead of running way sits in his vehicle across the raod doing drugs and then resists arrest, ends up a suicide victim as far as I am concerned. The sickest part is he motivated a lot of people to assume crime was ok and progressives encourage them to commit crimes and then claim to be a victim All part of replacing everything that made America great with everything that makes socialism terrible, i.e. France and their left-wing Olympics.

    Mate lol fucking sucks to be you bitch. Fixate more on me loser.
  • Book Guy
    3 months ago
    If this is a reference to my call-outs of white Christian nationalist violence then it's a misrepresentation of anything I said.

    "Progressives are such vile scum it is astonishing. They justify the murder of a 12 year old girl by two men who are here illegally because of the policies they vote for, by saying that since there is white Christian violence then the illegal status of the two who will one day be electrocuted in Texas doesn't matter. Really? Since we have locals who commit crime, its ok for illegals to do it. No difference? Since we have crime and violence its ok to commit more? God what a hateful concept. Time for Progressives to truly understand why our forefathers gave us the first and second amendments: progressives." @skibum609

    I'm the only one on this thread to have mentioned Christian nationalism so I think the comment is referring to me. If you can find any truth at all in the mis-quotation, the utter total mis-representation, pleas
  • Book Guy
    3 months ago
    ... please let me know so I can correct myself. In the future, I'd suggest, stating someone's opinion is X when the person hasn't said X, is simply troll-baiting.

    (Sorry for the double-post, something went wrong with my browser.)
  • rickmacrodong
    3 months ago
    It is true that floyd was saying he couldnt breathe long before he was cuffed on the ground. The full video showed that.

    Also, theres been youtubers like steven crowder who reinacted the floyd scene and survived.

    So at a minimum, floyds death had to be a combination of the knee + drugs or the drugs. Chauvins knee was resting across floyds upper shoulder blade- it wasnt around his throat or even right on his neck.

    We dont know if the knee contributed and how much it contributed. But the cops knee was on his shoulder blade while he died- so no matter what its a bad look for the cops.

    If floyd for instance died while sitting in the cop car, the cops would still be blamed and accused of driving too rough.

    Sandra bland died in a jail cell- it was ruled a suicide but even then, people were claiming cops snuck in the cell and killed her or the jail staff killed her.

    People who say the knee killed floyd are doing the same thing. Theyre assuming that because a cop was present, that the cop was solely responsible.

    A knee on someones shoulder blade doesnt kill them- its not the same as stabbing, punching, choking- where you can clearly see the damage being done.

    Also if someone is being choked- it’s impossible to be screaming and yelling for 9 minutes straight. The most you can argue is that the knee somehow, in combination with the drugs, restricted his breathing.
  • rickmacrodong
    3 months ago
    @funontheside if someone attacks you it doesn’t mean you can blow up their house or neighborhood or city or country.
    Hamas supposedly attacked 1200 people- and israel in response murdered 50,000 and blew up an entire country. Thats not self defense, its not proportional, not justifiable. Its just untermensch doing untermensch things, lol.

    Even if you make the argument of, X group attacked me, therefore more of them could attack me in the future, it STILL doesnt mean you can attack an entire city or country or neighborhood. It’s completely laughable to argue otherwise. You cant attack people because of the possibility they may attack you in the future. Not how self defense works boy
  • misterorange
    3 months ago
    ^ rickmacro that's about the dumbest thing I've seen, even on this board where dumb things are the norm. You're comparing a hypothetical case of an individual that takes revenge on the community, to a sovereign state that was invaded and its citizens were murdered, raped and tortured. Kinda not the same thing.
  • rickmacrodong
    3 months ago
    ^yeah, not the same thing but the principles of aggression and self defense remain exactly the same.

    “Sovereign state that was invaded blah blah” sounds like a fluffy way to word things.

    I think its a question a lot of people need to ask themselves. If a group of people attacks and kills a few hundred of your people, does it mean you can wipe out their entire country, city, or even their entire race? For a lot of right wingers and even some left wingers that answer is unfortunately yes. Were at a point where potentially 70% if not more of the country is willing to support terrorism as long as its their favored group.
  • rickmacrodong
    3 months ago
    We saw some cases with the left where they were willing to support murder, theft, property destruction, when it came to BLM/Antifa protesters. Now were seeing the same thing with the right and israel, if not worse. If israel mooches taxpayer dollars thats still theft, just a different method than robbing the stores like some protesters did.
  • chiefwiggum
    3 months ago
    Late to the thread, but I found Fall of Minneapolis to be compelling. To hear two sides argue even more in-depth, read/watch the arguments between Coleman Hughes and Radley Balko. Coleman's viewpoints are logical and methodical and easy to follow. Radley was good, too, but I later found out that he misrepresented, quite badly, some of Coleman's arguments, so it was all strawmen. Additionally, Balko turned off the comments to his substack, so that, too, is showing additional weakness.
  • Studme53
    3 months ago
    Black guy murders 3 little white girls and nearly kills 7 more in a knife attack in England and the press and cuck police say, “We don’t have anything to say about his motives, but he was born in Wales.”
    If the races were reversed, the headlines and police would be “HATE CRIME!!!”
  • skibum609
    3 months ago
    ^Socialists and progressives in England are traitors there, just as they are here.
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