
The other guy

Friday, July 26, 2024 6:02 PM
We've all been there I assume. You know; you're sitting with a dancer having cocktails, laughs, sharing pics, she's into you and you're into her; and then suddenly you begin to realize that someone is going to stick a fork in you, because you're done. Dumped. Better offer? Better customer? Your cologne wore off? Wtf.

I head for the Boardroom. Huge crowd. A lot of dancers and when they call 2/30, there aren't enough seats. Too crowded for me, so despite a wasted drive, let's double down and head for Desires.
30 dancers. 20 customers and I see 1 or 2 dancers I might like and 28 I am never getting a dance with, and I am done. Going home. Pass by R.I. Dolls, not going I declare to myself. The sativa kicks in and I bang a uey and arrive at Dolls.

Sit at the bar and watch the very attractive, very young Latina with a customer. They are laughing, drinking, he is showing her pics and loving the attention. I sit and watch baseball and drink my beer. She notices me and lights up like a Christmas tree. Arms outstretched, comes over, hugs and kisses. Whispers that she will be back in a couple of minutes because she is sitting with someone and needs to get out of it. Before I can even get massages from Lynn, there she is. She will wait until I am done with massages. Might be I am getting old but getting a great massage with breasts rubbing on your neck while you cuddle with another is a lot of fucking fun.
The prior dude is looking sour; gets up; glares at us; and leaves the club. I am the other guy this time. Why?
Investing time and money has payoffs. This is only the third time I have ever seen this dancer, so why me? A month ago, I went on a Friday looking for Brittany. Not there, but this cutie is. We chatted and I found out she is a new dancer. Very new. First day. Been a dancer for 90 minutes. She hasn't been on stage yet or done a dance. One of the staff suggests that I take her downstairs, but make sure she wants to come back. New dancers are not fun. She was super shy, wouldn't go topless (I did not press it) and would not grind. She was hot and sweet so who cares? I had fun.
Two weeks ago, she is there again and came over during my massage. Hugs and kisses. Stays. Is thrilled to tell the massage girl I am her first customer ever and she is thrilled I came back. Do a room. Minimal grind, but top off, lovely b-cups, smooth as silk, but not the tiniest outfit and still shy. Still, I enjoy her so I had a blast.
The initial story where she blew off the guy spending money on her was the third time I saw her.
Really great dance, which was 5x better at the end of 15 minutes and almost the best you can get here. I invested time and money and became the other guy. Which one are you?


  • JamesSD
    a month ago
    In my observation when this happens the dancer usually quickly presses guy #1 to go get dances. If he accepts, she banks the cash and can then circle back to the whale. If he declines she can go to the whale.
  • CJKent_band
    a month ago

    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

    Good Times, Good Times.

  • Muddy
    a month ago
    Oh I am definitely the absolute last resort dude. And I’ve accepted that.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    I think you're dealing with smarter dancers, JamesSD, than I am. You report that they're able to get two different customers to patronize them in succession. I am not 100% sure that dancers here will figure out how to go with the higher-paying whale or, even, that dancers in my neck of the woods will bother to dance at all. I've had a few occasions when I was disappointed to learn, that I couldn't encourage a dancer into engaging with me for her profit, and it was usually because she wasn't really into working on that occasion. I've complained about it in various guises. So, it's not always the case. The OP points out that he has successfully "whaled" a girl away from other customers; and I've done the same; but there are occasions when the girl can't be coaxed INTO working at all. Evidently the cell phone distraction is more appealing than the dancing-for-profit thing.
  • j04n44r
    a month ago
    Bro! It’s funny you wrote this, because I’ve always been the default guy, but being a favorite of “whale” for one stripper is a good feeling.

    I know it’s costly but to see a stripper actually make a b-line to you, without else’s dollars newly on her, is such an ego rush. Like you feel bad for a minute for the other guy, but getting a stripper’s complete attention is like paying to feel like the poplar kid in school.

    Now, so long you don’t have a stalker or jealous boyfriend situation and you know how to budget, fuck it. Everyone knows what their role is, if you can choose to be seen as top choice, do it.

    I hope I answered your question, I think I got too excited and went in on a rant there for a bit. 🤣
  • jaybud999
    a month ago
    Money talks. Reputation talks. Respect talks.

    When you establish a reputation of respect with money.....it talks.
  • gSteph
    a month ago
    And you don't even have to spend that much. I'm too poor to spend a lot, but when you're nice, gentle, and compliment them sincerely, they will remember you, and find your lap.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    I did spend, more than most, on one woman but I also really got along with her. Don't care if she was just playing me or if we actually had a real rapport. Wish she was still dancing.
  • Manuellabore
    a month ago
    My meetups with regulars were always pre-scheduled, so they damn well better be free or get free when I get there. I stopped seeing an otherwise pretty good one after she kept me waiting for 45 minutes when she knew I was coming in.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a month ago
    I have sometimes been this guy with some dancers.

    It's really weird when a guy will just glare and pout rather than move on to another dancer (or another club).
  • rickmacrodong
    a month ago
    Its nothing to brag about. It doesn’t necessarily mean that youre better looking than the other guy… more of a stud than the other guy.. or that the dancer likes you more. Most of the time, it means youre a better customer or a regular while the new guy is new. The new guy might be uncertain if he even wants to get a dance, while the regular is likely to spend and continue coming back.
    Dancers, even dancers with husbands or boyfriends, take the time away from their partner to work at the club… yet it doesnt always mean they like their clients better
  • Mate27
    a month ago
    It’s well known predators prey on the weak, and this dancer like all hood ones can smell the desperation emanating from the OP. Weak!
  • funonthaside
    a month ago
    I'm generally able to get the attention that I want, at least at clubs where I'm a regular. Even if my favorite girls aren't not there, the other girls know my type, and know whether to approach me or not.

    For clubs not as frequent in my rotation, I try to signal my interest in a girl by tipping on stage. If she chooses to glue herself to her regular's adjacent barstool, I move onto another girl or remind myself that it's a regulars' bar and reduce visits to that club.
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    You became a regular at a known regulars club and got a little better treatment.
    Weird flex.
  • funonthaside
    a month ago
    I said nothing about me being a regular at a known regulars club. And, I wasn't flexing...merely noting that sometimes we get attention, and other times we don't.
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    ^ not you, OP
  • WiseToo
    a month ago
    Appearances can be very deceiving at strip clubs which makes it difficult to understand what is going on.

    I recall having a fun time getting some dances from a very attractive dancer. I was at the club again a couple of months later and there she was sitting on some guy's lap. They were both laughing and having drinks. She was glued to this guy; never left him for any other customers. So I thought he was a whale and I was out of luck.

    But she did leave to go to the DJ booth and was surprised she recognized me as she passed by. I mentioned getting a dance and she was happy to accommodate. She said the guy she was with was just a friend. Really? I left the club happy.
  • funonthaside
    a month ago
    Don't we all have female friends who sit on our laps? Lucky SOB.
  • loper
    a month ago
    Was the girl Unique? I thought that I was her first dance ever. WTF?
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    ^ Luna. Puddy. Haven't been a regular here in 2 years; saw her 3x total and got amazing treatment, not great. Besides when she met me I was just a random guy, out of 4 afternoon customers. Stop harshing my mellow bro...
  • rockie
    4 days ago
    I've actually witnessed more of the "other guy" being butt hurt recently than being the recipient of being left hamging.. What I'll never be is the "other guy" whose demeanor changes when I'm ditched. It's all part of the game, unless you are the "Whale".
  • twentyfive
    3 days ago
    Nothing wrong with a dancer having good feelings for you, treat them well and get treated well yourself.
  • gammanu95
    3 days ago
    Interacting with strippers may be a unique experience. They are there to work, this is their job, but they also want to have fun and enjoy the people they are working with. Except for the grubby old men trying to slip a dirty finger in their pussy, it would be a woman's dream job. For customers, it is like any business relationship, except that we are trying to get the vendors naked. I would like to see only 15% or so of my vendors naked at the practice. You have to build the relationship, establish the rapport, prove a willingness to spend money on services, and give the vendor (dancer) reason to service your account. Ask any salesperson and they will tell you that they stop regularly visiting accounts which do not give them business. Also, the established accounts which provide regular revenue get preferential scheduling and service over intermittent or low- volume accounts. At a strip club, while it may be a more personal rejection when she leaves you for a higher spender with more regular repeat business, it is still just business.
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