Why do some of you guys treat dancers as unlovable?

I'm seeing a lot of posts here from guys saying that they would never date a dancer or act like its a terrible decision to get involved with a dancer and talk about how untrustworthy we are. How do you guys think saying stuff like this makes us feel? I mean, I like to have casual fun too, there's nothing wrong with feeling like you aren't ready to be in a relationship or don't want to be in one but when you single dancers out and act like its such a horrible decision to date a dancer or that nobody should do it, it makes us feel like you think we're diseased and undeserving of love because we are dancers and that's really upsetting. You wouldn't want us to treat you like you're diseased and unlovable so why do you have to treat us that way?
I would, but sadly none have been interested in me.
2. And also just industry stigma. It attracts a lot of women who are either very socially rebellious or come from unenviable backgrounds.
Because some of these tuscl people who claim to cherish freedom and fairness have created and live in a sexually oppressive society.
From the poem:
Foolish Men who accuse
(Hombres Necios que acusáis)
By Sor Juan Inéz de la Cruz
12 November 1648-17 April 1695 (aged 46)
Or who is more to blame,
even if both do act incorrectly:
she who sins for a wage
or he who pays for sinning?
Then, why are you so horrified
of the blame that you yourselves bought?
Love them the way you make them
or make them the way you want them.
Cutie404 the fact that you care about the feelings of other is a good thing for you. The more you care for the happiness of others, the greater your own sense of well-being becomes.
In other cultures and societies not influenced by western civilization, women could become prostitutes and courtesans since there were not any particular taboos attached with these professions.
From my own limited experience I have found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility (and happiness) comes from the development of love and compassion.
The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater your own sense of well-being becomes. Cultivating a sincere close, warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. This helps remove whatever fears or insecurities you may have and gives you the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the ultimate source of success in life.
Please don’t worry be happy, don’t change remain compassionate and kind just forgive them because they know nothing.
Remember, the guys here are older than most strippers. We’ve been through a lot of shit already in our lives, and we may have been through shit in our kids lives too. We don’t want more shit from a girlfriend - or fuck buddy.
I’m sure strippers are lovable. However, some folks might not date smokers - or drug users. There may also be folks looking to avoid stripper drama. If that’s not an option on match.com or Christian mingle - it should be!
Oh yeah, sign me up for all of that. ;)
A tough minded young Russian stripper once said to me that she'd never want any guy who would be ok with her dancing. So she stayed away from serious relationships until she was ready to quit. That was very smart as most guys who would be ok with this are scumbags of one sort or another, which is why the loser boyfriend stories are so common.
While I'm not going to date a stripper myself, I think my CF is extremely dateable and I hope she finds a good relationship when she moves on.
I think Rick Dugan said it best: "A tough minded young Russian stripper once said to me that she'd never want any guy who would be ok with her dancing. So she stayed away from serious relationships until she was ready to quit. That was very smart as most guys who would be ok with this are scumbags of one sort or another, which is why the loser boyfriend stories are so common."
That's exactly what my CF is doing.
If I were still in my 20s, I might go on a few dates with a stripper, but in order for it to lead to anything more than that she'd have to stop taking her clothes off for money. Plain and simple.
They are sex workers it’s play for play. They can make good SB I fuked one thru her 5 yr marriage, Great sex super fantasy zone.
Once a whore always a whore u will always be a John to them and their hubby or bf is a cuckhold.
Doing one on reg basis will get the price down. They will even fuk y thru the first 2 trimesters of their pregnancy bareback (do hope it’s hubbys) lol.
U could even keep her on side if in traditional dating relationship / marriage with another women assuming y sb keeper girl.
And I'm with Daddillac on this one (HS) the issues are truthfulness and reliability.
Hooking up is one thing but a real relationship can't exist without both and from what I have seen close up and as a casual observer the longer a woman is in the industry the less likely they seem to be able to be a partner. that is capable of being fully honest.
For me, it has to do solely with your job. You chose a job that gives other men greater access to your naked body and, presumably, you earn good money for doing so. But making a choice like that comes with trade offs and if you know men at all, then you shouldn't be surprised that one of those trade offs involves how some men will view your work choice.
The Russian stripper I mentioned above was the complete package: beautiful, sexy, charming and smart as a whip. I have no doubt at all that she is well married by now and in a good financial situation. I also have no doubt that her husband has no clue that she ever danced and probably never will. She was a student of men and used dancing to get herself setup here in the U.S., but it was a means to an end rather than her identity.
Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm going to go around suggesting 50 year old guys date strippers, either, because:
1. The strippers I've gotten really close to, enough to glimpse into their lives and their relationships with men -- it's always been not-pretty
2. Lots of guys across many different forums have discussed dating a stripper -- once. All of our stories are VERY similar, with very few exceptions: a roller-coaster of high-highs, mixed with deception, manipulation, betrayal, flakiness, etc. It's not just a coincidence that we're all saying the same exact things
3. I can't prove it, but given that most of us are in our 40s, 50s, 60s ... I might hypothesize that a 23-year-old smoking hot stripper who is going to date a 50-year-old, is even more likely to be damaged in her romantic relationships.
In short, "don't date a stripper" has nothing to do with "diseased and unlovable", you're projecting that. Still, totally understandable that you're hurt over "don't date a stripper" advice, I totally get it. But what do you suggest -- we all pretend that we HAVEN'T all heard these horror stories of dating strippers, over and over? I will endeavor to state it in my sensitive and understanding terms, don't mean to make anyone feel bad
A. You have a lot of ups and downs, everybody gets a turn, and when you get off you want to puke.
Ministry = views
The few strippers I've gotten to know on a personal level, I like them. They're cool, they're hot, I appreciate their qualities, and I hope the best for them in their personal lives and stripping careers and ultimate post-stripping careers. Would I like to casually date those girls and have it include sex that comes with dating - you betcha. Have I? - no.
The problem I foresee would arise with catching feelings for her (inevitable most likely, for me at least) or being her SO. The ones I've gotten to know have a mixture of flakiness, deception, and personal and family drama I couldn't deal with long term and it's too bad because I like everything else about them. And I don't profess to be no saint - my PL-hood has a deception level too.
So to echo Subraman, don't confuse reluctance to date a stripper with the stripper being "diseased" or "unlovable".
I never could understand that logic. I’d think that if you were a secure guy you wouldn’t have to date a stripper because you’d have enough confidence in yourself to avoid the BS by dating a civi instead. Things that make you go hmmmm.
If you have a Monday to friday 9 to 5 job it can be hard to date a waitress. Strippers may often only work 3 days a week, but she likely is on a different schedule.
I've met a few dancers I would have considered setting up with a friend. One who legitimately hung up her stilletos at 25 to start med school. A couple artsy fartsy types who will never have a real career but seem relatively stable. And a bunch where the crazy is lurking beneath the surface.
At the end of the day most women want a guy who cares enough to get jealous, and that is not super comaptible with grinding on guys for cash.
And yeah dancing can be fucked up and a dancer may need to get fucked up to deal with her job. But guess what, its the tricks and custies who are the reason she can't do her job sober, yes they can be and are that repulsive. Hell a lot of the tricks in this forum are cringe worthily repulsive.
I don't really agree with labeling people with derogatory terms. Prostitutes and customers are still lovable.
RickDugan I feel the opposite of your Russian girl, I really wouldn't want to date a guy unless he knew about me dancing and was okay with it. I don't know why you guys think a relationship like this is less honest because I view it as actually being more honest than a traditional relationship where people are controlling and have to hide their extramarital sex from each other as if they were one another's parents.
To put the shoe on the other foot: I don't think we're unlovable, but we're probably not a great dating target for strippers, either. Works both ways.
Of course tricks are unlovable. You think a woman wants a man who is "lonely" and socially awkward so he resorts to paying hookers for sex and brags about it online???
Then you'll get the type of guy who would be ok with it. That's fine. Not every girl wants a vanilla lifestyle or necessarily needs a guy her own age who can earn in order to be happy. So long as you find what you want, that's all that matters I suppose.
In the case of the Russian girl, she knew that the types of guys that she was interested in would not approve, so she did what she needed to do to meet her own goals. To each her own and good luck. :)
It makes it harder for those who would be a good catch to be taken seriously.
Plus, most PLs just plain aren't looking for anything more than immediate gratification. Isn't that why SCs exist?