troll agenda

avatar for April9424
i know that i likely won't get any legit answers but i'm truly curious. what the fuck do y'all get out of it? this is a genuine question. is it fun to feel like you've tricked people which in turn makes you feel smart and validated? or that you've successfully been able to become a part of some clique? is it a social experiment? do you not even know why you do it? i won't go into boredom or lack of social skills bc i'm a recluse who spends hours online posting on forums, playing video games, blogging.. and the majority of my close friends IRL are girls i've met online. yet i've never felt the desire to "troll" people and i don't fucking get it. help a bitch out- troll squad! ... or just make jokes about poop and death. it's whatevs.


last comment
I PMed one of these trolls asking what is their rationale for this idiocy and he said it stems from a childhood incident that scarred him for life. When he was a young boy, his mother was unable to get a sitter and had to take him to her gyn appointment. Not wanting to leave him alone in the waiting room, she brought him into the exam room, where he witnessed a man who wasn't his daddy poking around in his mommy's tee tee. It relegated him to a life as a basement-dwelling loner whose only outlet is posting nonsense anonymously on forums like this.
i like playing characters that are very different from my normal self. being an entirely different person from who you are, getting inside that person's mindset and creating their life story is a lot of fun.
wha da fuck? did i just have a seizure?

ignore what i just fucking said, my homie just had a fit of insanity and hacked my account!
We do it mostly for the self esteem
Trolls are nasty and bitter people who can't do anything positive for themselves or others, and so they try to hurt and upset others. In real life these are the people we avoid whenever possible. On line the best thing we can do is ignore them.

Oooooh oooooh, now I'm in big trouble with April : (
I just wanted to make you laugh...
I dont have a problem with the amusing ones. I dont like the truly malicious on here and also those that get off on tricking people they are someone else are not ok in my book.
Trolls are anti-social losers and cowards. In real life they are impotent nothings and they come here to vent their rage. I wish them all ill health and constant misfortune. They are as funny as pancreatic cancer. All of them.
^^^ skibum describes himself haha

Now bend over and take it like a man
No disrespect April9424, but I think we all know what the “troll agenda” is. Everybody who posts on the internet ultimately wants some reaction to what they post.

It is often easier to say something that will get a negative reaction than it is to come up with something constructive to say. So, if a person feels that it is critical for them get a reaction, they have a way to do that: trolling!

Take BBBC for example. He is trying to get a reaction by posting a dick pic. You might say “seems kind of non-brilliant to post a dick pic as your avatar on a discussion board frequented by heterosexual males” (no disrespect to the dancers and any bi or lesbian posters, just saying the majority of posters here are heterosexual males)

But that’s the point. BBBC really needs people to acknowledge his existence. I just did so. He’s happy and it is no sweat off my back.
-->"Trolls are nasty and bitter people who can't do anything positive for themselves or others, and so they try to hurt and upset others. In real life these are the people we avoid whenever possible. On line the best thing we can do is ignore them."

There have been a number of studies of internet trolls, and jack's quote above pretty much sums up the results: they are all terrible, miserable, broken people in real life, always mal-adjusted, and he's right, they're exactly the people that most people avoid in real life... trolling is a much bigger part of their life than you think. You can't look at it through the eyes of a "normal" person, to understand why someone who spend so much time and effort doing it. Look at it through the eyes of someone who is miserable, and trolling is the only thing that makes them happy.
And Lil_Baller100, the reflective post followed by “wha da fuck? did i just have a seizure?” joke was aces!

Some people may call that trolling. But in the 4got book it’s just making a funny joke! ;)
Then how do y'all explain my reviews of others meeting me

They all descriptions of me as a playful and fun guy that is very generous and good with the ladies

Yet im a troll from time to time

I just do it out if boredom and trying to get a good laugh
-->"Then how do y'all explain my reviews of others meeting me"

One of a kind, man! The exception that proves the rule, makes the rule even more true :)
^That’s the problem here too many people generalizing everything, there is no one size fits all, even trolling as a verb is misleading, some are just goofing around, some have an agenda. My own take is , and I know I’ve said this before, if you don’t get the joke, maybe it’s you !
April, you’ve gotten and will probably continue to get answers to your questions but I doubt that, in the end, you’ll feel that much has been resolved. Human personalities, motivations and intentions are complex enough in direct interactions but anonymous electronic communication makes it even harder to understand what really drives anyone and why they participate on an internet discussion forum.

You ask good questions and I’ve wondered about the same things. But sometimes it’s hard enough for me to figure out who is trolling, much less how to understand the motivations of any group of anonymous people.
I believe their really is no definitive "troll mold" and that people do it for different reasons. I agree that a lot of the trolls fall into the category described by skibum and that they do it to try and make their lives feel better. Others are the Juiceboxes of the world that aren't traditional trolls and overall are pretty good people, but every once in a while get that twitch to throw a dinger in response to someone's post primarily for the comic value. Then you have the folks that are naturally sarcastic and that comes out in their posts, but because of the black and white nature of the electronic medium you may not get the subtle nuances of the sarcasm thus it can come off as trolling, which may not really be the case. Finally I think you have the folks that are your average straight shooters, but when they are offered that perfect set they just can't pass up that spike and throw out that troll-like comment.

In my opinion, the first group are detrimental to a healthy forum, but the balance simply add flavor.
"what the fuck do y'all get out of it?"

Satisfaction of a juvenile need for attention that is shallow, fleeting, and narcissistic.

Also... twats.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
I've always thought the "Milville Society" would be a better choice for you @Ishmael:…

The rest of us just don't have the intellectual heft that you have.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Is this a discussion about users in general who post “troll content” or specifically about creating aliases?

I want to clarify that before I respond.
Smash those tittys and let me lick on you button spice :)
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^ What exactly did I steal? You’re the one who keeps trying to steal my boyfriend. :(
Slightly off topic you specifically are the most interesting troll on here.

You create this “txtittyfag” character a long time ago because you picked a fight with a long defunct user named “txtittyfan”

...yet you still use the account. And yet you still try to *deny* having aliases.

From what I have gathered, you have succeeded in associating vincemichaels=pedophile
to most of the board from your spam campaign.

It doesn’t matter what the facts are. You understand repetition has impact, is more subtle, and not even the TrollWarnBot flags you. So I give you credit there.

And yet, despite all your malice, you don’t seem to handle it well when others troll you. Lol!
Strip clubbing is an expensive hobby that often caters to the lonely. I assume that the majority of the trolls are looking for free entertainment when they're not at the club, assuming all of these trolls actually go to clubs in the first place. At the same time, this is a community of people who would rather buy artificial friends who are attractive and easy to get out of their clothes than spend their time forming true bonds with their peers. Or, they spend countless hours trying to justify to themselves that the bond they formed with the stripper is real. I think it's only natural that the social skills for a large portion of this forum are simply lacking, and trolling evolves as a second hobby for the socially inept (when they aren't paying a beautiful woman to pretend that she likes them, of course).

But I will give props to the truly creative trolls. Two_bits was one of my favorites. He made laugh. And there's a part of me that hopes DC9428 is a troll, because he's way too young to concede to paying for a beautiful woman's attention. I didn't have to do that when I was his age. And I hope he doesn't think that this is the only way to interact with women.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“Two_bits was one of my favorites. He made laugh.”

Two_bits was one of my favorites too until towards the end of that persona’s posts. I don’t mind inappropriate one liners, but then he got lazy with the satire/wittiness and just started saying things that were straight malice.

A lot of them didn’t even have any basis in facts. Especially towards Nina. I wasn’t happy with her at the time either, but two_bits took it too far imo.
I'm not going to speak for him, but I bet @twentyfive appreciated quite a bit of @Two_bits's wit.
^ actually I thought he was kinda funny at times ;)
For anyone that’s interested I enjoy posting here, but only a few know anything real about me, as a result nothing anyone says here interferes with my life.
Like I noted in an exchange of PMs, with a few that do know me, living well is the best revenge.
"but then he got lazy with the satire/wittiness and just started saying things that were straight malice."

The things people can say after having a few too many at the strip club can be bad. That, and his back brace might have been on a bit too tight.

What about Randal_McMurphy? He had his moments too, until he got into it pretty bad with BJ.
"living well is the best revenge."

-->"Two_bits was one of my favorites too until towards the end of that persona’s posts. I don’t mind inappropriate one liners, but then he got lazy with the satire/wittiness and just started saying things that were straight malice."

Same. He started off juice but then went Dougster
They got no life, they’re just looking for attention. If you don’t give them attention, they disappear.
^ a bit like you in other words ;)
^ if so why are you being such a whiny little kid, stop posting about your parents and pull up your shorts, and act like an adult, in other words, stop making excuses and start taking responsibility for yourself.
DC9428 - it's way too easy to get a rise out of you!

But I agree with your response 100%. Good for you for sticking to your guns.
@DC go ahead vent and blow off steam but making excuses is weak, I haven’t attacked your age, it was your weak response, that brought out the fact that you’re relatively young, a grown man doesn’t need to hide behind his mommy or daddy.
i didn't read all this yet but want to clarify that i don't think trolls are bad people, or even that i think trolling is bad, some of it's even funny to me i'm just curious why people put time and effort into it
An awful lot of the trolling just corresponds to Far Right Political Views. These guys can't stand to see these challenged.

@ DC I've noticed male virgins who are online too much seem to just have the worst sort of personalities...It is a weird connection to make though, but I've made it. I don't have any problem with someone being a virgin later in life than normal. But it does seem a lot of these troll types are not even virgins by choice, but due to their (lack of) social skills and complete inability to talk to a girl.
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
"I don't appreciate people trying to remove the only thing that I have found that I know will get me out of this hole I'm in."

This is an Internet forum. The opinions of strangers you read here only matter if you let them.
So much of our culture now is driven by right wing hate media, and those most susceptible to this are stupid white people. So of course that plays a big factor on this forum.

avatar for NJBalla
New York
6 years ago
To answer the original question trolls are mainly attracted to forums/sites that provide a mix of high traffic and attention. There is unfortunately no hidden agenda. They are looking for some semblance of friendship that they cant get in thier personal lives. The best advice for them would be to log off the net for a year and get thier personal lives in order, but thats involves work wheras writing and posting comments is fairly easy
Wow , I’ve never heard of anything so racist in my life other than SJG’s latest comment.

Funny how he retorts in this forum to other members how the wouldn’t get by with saying those thing f2f. Do any of you believe he would have the balls to say these things to any one of white folks f2f? Maybe he should confront JimGassagain, and see what happens.
Troll lives matter
Umm so you are talking shiy abt me to.certain extent ?.

Most of the trolls here have been far right wingers, and they just want to force the conversation down to their level.

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