
Making Big Money is Relative

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Had a chat with an 18 year old dancer. She told me until last week she worked 4 afternoons a week at McDonalds. Said it was after school. So I figure maybe 25 hours a week tops. At what, $10 an hour that is $250 per week. With taxes and FICA taken out maybe she could net $200. Round numbers here.

Said she quit because she could make almost as much in one4-12 shift stripping as a week at McDonalds. Almost as much. Even at the same $200, that is not a very good night for a stripper, is it?

This is at a club where a girl can do as many $10 dances as she wants and a single VIP would go net $150. Said she did bad things in VIP, but when pressed would only commit to it being "better" and "fun". ROB code words. But a girl would have to spend most of the shift sitting on her ass to only make $200. She only works two days a week, so I guess she feels she is way ahead over working McDonalds.


  • April9424
    6 years ago
    lol, i talked to a girl of the same age who said about the same thing. she was very excited to have made $80 in one night, doing way more than she had to, and tipping out more than i ever would. she worked the drive thru at sonic tho.. where she met her "bf" who wanted to come watch her dance and bring his friends for "moral support" which he claimed would make him entitled to half of whatever she makes. she said this made her uncomfortable and she felt like he didn't respect her (no shit) then crashed into a barrel on the freeway with her kid in the car whilst giving me a ride home. and she was sober. very sweet, cute girl but jesus.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    ^^^^The douche-bag boyfriend thought he was entitled to half her earnings? Only if he sucked cock in the men's room.
    What an asshole. Why is it that every stripper boyfriend in the history of strip clubs has been a worthless piece of shit loser from everything I've read? Do these girls have such low self-esteem that they continuously get into relationships with worthless pieces of excrement?
  • ei8ht_Ball
    6 years ago
    Baby strippers are so precious, especially when they haven't figured out how the world works and still have no idea what a lot of money looks like.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Nothing says generation gap more than the fact that for men my age, we grew up in an era where you were an embarrassment to other men if you lived off a woman, or even let her pay for a date. I look at the little girls we call men today living off women and I feel nothing but sorrow for people planning on living off social security.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I once knew a late 30's dancer that worked at Big Lots 1 day a week unloading a delivery truck. I asked her why and she said in order to get their employee discount on toilet paper, etc.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago

    So goldmonger I’m assuming this girl is still in high school?

    Ah this reminds me of my favorite tryst at Flight Club in Detroit, met a 19 year old that was a cashier at Kroger before going to stripping. I knew it was going to be the first and last time I ever saw her because she was hitching a ride from another stripper driving an hour each way to work at FC, knew that wasn’t going to last.

    As for skibums statement I totally agree. This all started with GenX. You may surprised how many guys I know who are stay at home dads. Some of their wives have really good jobs others just average. I don’t care if my wife makes a million dollars a year, I’m still gonna go to work.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    The economy really isn't that great for young people with 25% of minimum wage jobs filled by college grads.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Other statistics too -- like a third of young people under 35 still living at home
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    Yes, the naivety is cute. There was a girl like that at Follies several years back. I met her when she just started. It was also a little sad to see how quickly she burned out.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    A third of young people under 35 are under 15. I hope they are living at home.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Random Member I agree but the question is why---and this goes beyond blaming a political party or a person.

    I recall leaving home in a used VW with about 100.00 in my pocket many moons ago to take a job 300 miles away with a little bit of college debt and the realization that I couldn't hit a fastball well enough to ever make it to MLB.

    Where is this mindset today?
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Full stat is a third 18 to 35
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    IDK @Warrenboy, could be structural changes from great recession. Going to college used to be a sure thing. Now it's a risk
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I deal with kids at home with elderly parents supporting them every day at work. Its not financial, its cultural. When I was 18, if you were not in college and living at home at 19, people assumed there was something seriously wrong with you. We were trained from early on to be self-sufficient. I never got an allowance; money for sports; or a ride. I hitch hiked everywhere I went, rode my bike or walked. When I got a car and the head gasket blew I had to work, save money and get it fixed. Baby boomers, the worst parents in history, raised dependent kids. They cannot survive on their own. They feel it is their birthright to be taken care of. I lived inb my Mom's garage for my last 2 years of law school, but prior to that had been out since I left for college. The first few summers when I moved furniture, there was a condemned building on the property. Our boss let us run an extension cord to the warehouse; we used the driver's portolets in the parking lot and showered in the warehouse before work. If you didn't fall through the holes in the floor going to the john late at night it was a good day. We wanted to run our own lives, even if they were filled with poverty. Young people today had it too soft and ended up dependent and immature.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Conventional wisdom is that you need to go to a 4 year college to succeed. Doesn’t matter what your degree is. This conventional wisdom has done more harm to Millenials than anything.

    Some degrees, like engineering, are an almost certain path to success. Other degrees, like gender studies, are certain to leave a student with loan debt that will never be repaid.

    Other non-college jobs, like plumbing or modern factory work, can lead to a comfortable life. For a generation, kids were taught that these jobs were beneath them. So, instead, they live with their parents waiting for an employer to discover how special they are.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    To get back to the original topic - it’s possible the girl made what she wanted (about $200) and stopped working at that point in the club. If she made as much as several nights working at fast food - she may have been happy to stop. Without declaring taxes - on her strip club earnings - that’s a decent take home for her.

    The other issue - regarding young folks not working or supporting themselves - appears to largely be generational. Somewhere folks began to accept being out of work as being ok.

    There’s nothing wrong with losing your job - and looking for work. But looking for work should be temporary - and not your long term existence.

    In my day - you wanted to get out and on your own as quickly as possible. It was almost a rite of passage - or a way to show your maturity (through independence).

    Life is not that different now, it’s just the acceptance of folks not having jobs, and folks moving in with parents - have both become more acceptable.

    Useful and readily applicable college degrees aren’t as common as they were in the past. It seems that people view college as a time for young folks to find themselves? It used to be that college was where you learned and found your path to a job. The point of college seems to be odd now - and colleges love having students staying around for 5 or more years - it’s more revenue for them!

    A lot of these changes seem to help Bernie Sanders - as they love the socialist agenda. Everything is free for the deadbeats - because the working folks pay for them. It plays off the classic rich vs poor - it assumes you are rich because you work - and if you aren’t working - you are still proud because you need to stick it to the man! It’s a crock of shit!

  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    10 million women's studies graduates vying for 10,000 taxpayer funded victim advocate jobs. What a dim future.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Skibum609 - that’s the root of the problem! Who lands a job with a degree in some bull shit major?

    I’ve been involved in women’s studies - while studying the tan lined ass of several hot Brazilian dancers... it’s an expensive way to study, but there are some extra benefits!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Geezaloo what a bunch of old grouches you guys are, you’re parroting exactly the same things my parents and grandparents said about us 40-50 years ago. This is actually funny to me. ;)
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Get a job dealing with the social misfits called the young 25 and check back.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I have two children in their in their late twenties, and close to 40 employees about 12 of them under 30 all under 50, my kids are fantastic no issues at all, and all of my employees pull their weight or better.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    +1 to twentyfive......same here with kids, and grandkids I might add........but overall nationwide it's a different story which is what prompted my statement above.
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