Comments by JeffTUSCL
discussion comment
2 years ago
Everyone's perspective seems to hover around their hobby theme of choice. Strip clubs, massage parlors, escorts, street walkers, brothels. I'm speaking holistically.
Los Angeles was cheap when the talent was plentiful and economics didn't work well for hot women. Even with a crappy economy they have a lot more choices now that take nothing more than a smart phone in their hand to take advantage. Then again, it's possible my perspective is lost or I have less time on my hands to put energy into the search. I'm trying to inspire myself to find new angles, have just been coming up empty a lot more often of late.
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2 years ago
Do I have to spell it out? She was dressed like a pole dancing whore.
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2 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Could be resting bitch face. When in deep thought, it is easy to forget not to put a positive facial demeanor and from a distance such a person appears unapproachable.
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2 years ago
It was a rant, what can I say. As far as hobby expense, yes it's not a cheap hobby. The gripe is that in the past 3 years it's become problematic in multiple ways, not just cost but diminishing talent, and diminishing options. If the only issue was cost, I might find some way to absorb and move on. It might be that I am unaware of new avenues that are more hidden.
Back when I first started all this many years ago, I thought the only option was escort sites and that nothing ever happened in strip clubs. I was wrong and I started to find different ways to find consistent talent. Maybe I am wrong now, though it seems daunting.
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2 years ago
I once connected with a stripper over one of the sugar sites. She was cheap for the meet, don't know why, I think she didn't want to see greedy and it was just a dinner meet to feel things out. I thought why not. Then she showed up looking like a stripper. She was hot, definitely hot, but imagine you're a guy dressed pretty respectable and the girl you're meeting for dinner who you didn't show up with at the same time comes strolling in like she's advertising herself. Either clueless or on purpose. I picked a place reasonably close to my work & home and the whole time I was cold sweating that a coworker or someone I know would walk in. Never doing that again. I was trying to keep the engagement short but didn't want to cut it too short in case she made some scene.
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2 years ago
Haven't got an escort in years. Overpriced and became not worth the occasional ROB that started becoming the norm. I hunted & pecked for finding outcall girls who didn't advertise and that lasted a good amount of time but when CL and other sites dropped out the landscape for that changed. I make good money and can't fathom the prices nowadays anyway. Who can afford this shit anymore? Unless you're pulling in ridiculous money, have no bills, and give yourself a lot of time between ladies, how in the world is all this in the realm of affordable to even guys with decent incomes?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
>> "Our society is getting increasingly more segregated, even though we are more connected with technology, we are also getting more isolated due to our devices. This means that good looking people tend to not mingle with the riff raff in public places because their network of people create an environment where like minded(looks) people can hang out with each other."
This is most obviously true when you follow hotties on Instagram who go back & forth between posting photos of their asses in a bikini and platitudes that could have been a quote from Buddha. They want to come across like they are the opposite of superficial yet every time they are in photos with others everyone is of equal hotness in looks, they will never upload photos of them with anyone of even mediocre looks. They want people to believe they are so open minded and not superficial at all but apparently nobody they share time with can possibly be looks-challenged.
On the other hand, this is a small slice of people we are talking about. These are ego-driven types who need attention on social media. The typical girl you run into on the street will statistically not be this type and may very well be happy to hang out with you if you are confident and have a sense of humor. Even if you're not tops in the looks department, if you dress decently and carry yourself well things can sometimes work out.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
I've not done OTC with strippers but have done plenty p4p. The goal is to have a reliable regular and paying past a certain amount misses the point. The girl will need to see you as a regular or potential regular and thus not get greedy. $250-300 per meetup and time is never talked about. Sometimes you take them out for a nice meal or something fun, depends on how likely or OK you are with running into people either of you know. If time never comes up, the ones who are OK with a reasonable amount will never clock watch - or at least you will never catch them clock watching. 2 or 3 hours is typical and if you click with her it makes it a great experience that can be maintained for quite a long time. Strippers may want more for OTC since $250-300 is what they would make with just 1-2 customers a night. Also have never paid up front, always end of meet. I have had a few p4p ask for up front and they were all one-and-done boring mechanical and a waste of time.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
I mostly agree. Current generation is too influenced by Kardashian fat-ass lazy entitlement, girls who should be in their prime are looking more & more like wrecks who cover their wreckage with fashion and makeup.
I partly disagree because it depends on the locale. As Cristobal said, SoCal is teaming with hot civvies, but even then it's very dependent on the location you're talking about. West Hollywood, Hollywood, just north of the hills, downtown near FIDM, and within a few miles of the vicinity of those locations it's always good. The premium beach cities like Santa Monica, Manhattan Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna, also the same thing. Most everywhere else it's fat Latinas or girls who look like they joined the Antifa bandwagon.
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6 years ago
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
I'm not sure if you're aware of this but strip clubs are covered in cum and snail trail residue all over the place. Anyone who drinks from a glass in a strip club should presume there is human funk residue all over and inside the glasses no matter how clean the bar or bartender try to be. Drink from bottles (that you open) and wash your hands before putting your hands on your face, nose, mouth or eyes.
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6 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Tow observations for you:
The way you worded your post has a constant back-and-forth tension practically every few words. "I do this but this and that and only this unless that or if this but else then if but only if this and carefully this I am sure to but only if..." it's like you are constantly trying to assure us that you assure yourself that you are a good human who questions what he does. You've got an inner struggle for sure.
I've looked at lots FB accounts of girls I've done "things" with and curiosity always takes me back to their earlier life to see what they were like and everyone of them in their earlier years were "adorable" and "full of life and laughter". Of course, because who would share pictures on Facebook of their miserable times? I sense you begin to think that your influence is dark on them when in reality they ended up on their path either all on their own or because of other people you don't see in the shadows.
These girls would be doing whatever they are doing with or without you. I would be more concerned with my own well being first and unless I picked up on a belief that she landed herself into her role because she is currently being abused or forced to do something she didn't want to do, and in that case would probe and decide if I was just exacerbating problems for her.
I will give you an example, one of a few I have encountered. Years ago I met an adorable 22 yo who came over my place from a craigslist post. Intent was not sex but we ended up having sex. She had just moved to the area and didn't ask for much $ and seemed happy. We started connecting regularly and initially we pulled back on the sex but soon enough it was constant. She was just a regular girl who had regular jobs that sometimes were inconsistent and I became her fill-in for extra cash. I would sense often that she was passive about sex, and often we would just talk without any clock watching in-between our coitus.
As I got to know her I felt she came from low means and always struggled to keep positive to contrast those struggles. I began having feelings for her that I knew would never get reciprocated so eventually I cut things off. She eventually finally got into a relationship and I felt like even though I always treated her well that our entanglement kept her from moving on with normal life, yet she herself couldn't end it on her own because for her it was tied up with a dependency (money) that she really didn't need any more, it was just an attachment.
We kept in touch and now years later we are genuine friends. She is single again and always happy to hang out with me when both of us have time. For all I know she's still doing p4p somehow, but it doesn't seem to be the case. She is working on building her life, taking care of herself, and is always displaying a level of care and concern for me the best way she knows how.
The point is that at some time in her life she needed what I had, and it was only partly about money. I provided her some aspect of a foundation she was lacking and had I not been involved with her I believe she would have gone down a dark path. Ultimately I let her go when my foundation as such was now an attachment that would hold her back and since then she has flourished as a human and if she ever gave me a sense that she wanted more from me I would give it to her in an instant.
So no matter what you think, if you know you are a good human then stop questioning yourself with these girls. You are balancing out the good in their life that they don't have enough of. Use your instincts to know what influence you have over any individual girl. Sometimes girls do this because they need a comfort that needs to be fulfilled but don't want the attachments associated with it because in their life they may have experiences that associate attachment with negative outcome or if they have attachments they can't easily let them go when it's time to move on.
I have a few stories like this, sometimes I am the one letting go, sometimes the girl is the one to let go. For our times together I would reflect on the experiences later to realize that we were just fulfilling a need for each other and it's all good if we both treated each other well.
discussion comment
6 years ago
New Jersey
Never read so much bullshit in my life. A few anecdotes are stretched to the extreme. Most of these "sex slaves" drive home in their BMWs and Mercedes and apparently even though it's slavery and we live in an age where anyone can communicate with anyone else at any time, fresh meat arrives year after year bamboozled into sex slavery. Apparently they also all die as sex slaves, they don't disappear into the middle class after their time is up. They just wither away into thin air like the Infinity Stones hit them. The claims of being hustled by johns who don't pay? Sure, that sounds like 1 out of 1,000, meanwhile $40 bucks at least per hour to wank dudes while most (even illegal) immigrants get by at $10-15 per hour (if that). This "sex slavery" bullshit is the a fairy tale. It may happen in some places, but to have a write-up claiming that thousands of massage places across the country that rotate hundred of thousands of masseuses somehow all consistently bamboozle these women into sex slavery is the biggest turd of a claim I've ever read.
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6 years ago
Same guy also would not apparently clear his browsing history, same fuck up. Same guy can log off, if he's going to leave his browser out it's not like 24 hours makes it less likely for his wife to find than a session that lasts a week.
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6 years ago
A year, a month, anything, just not so short as 1 day. Or, if you set it for a short time, at least renew/extend the session whenever it's used.
I realize I'm kind of dickish but I did say please!
discussion comment
6 years ago
"Don't your browsers save your password?" Yes, but I don't want my browser to save my passwords. Your car's GPS might save directions to your favorite strip clubs but would you want it to?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Who the F would drive 5 or 6 hours each way for SC bullshit? Also telling him to go to TJ - from Florida? For strip club fun? He's clearly hoping for better suggestions that those. Florida has a porn scene in addition to may many young babes open to p4p, many of them relocate to LA and get ruined here. Get them while they are fresh over there.
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6 years ago
New Jersey
What's the issue with scanning the receipt? Just pay cash for the prepaid. Sometimes gift cards don't work, so opt for the Amazon card option. You lose a few $ but if you just want to read some review details and share a few of your own it's not that expensive compared to how much any of us blow on various services. I pay for access every now & then, share reviews every now & then, but I don't depend on the resource monthly because then it would become a waste of money.
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6 years ago
New Jersey
Even if he wasn't a billionaire he would get off on this charge, all evidence was either obtained illegally or gotten through coercion. The worst that he will endure for this is public embarrassment. I doubt he will turn around and sue as it would just stretch things out into the public more but I hope he does after it's over and takes the department for all its got.
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6 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
There's nothing wrong with choking the chicken.
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6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
I'm pretty sure her life was already ruined being a stripper. Keep an eye out for nut jobs, stay away from them.
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6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
They should rename that site BoneHeads.
discussion comment
6 years ago
The only difference to me so far is that roll call for day time doesn't spill into night time, so if I feel like visiting a SC I don't know until later in the evening whether any dancer I have interest in will be there or not. Reason being that they are no longer allowed to do double shifts or come in late on the day shift and let it creep into the night shift. The roll call also seems to be less reliable, not having some dancers listed who turn out to be there when I decide to visit.
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6 years ago
Why would you buy an air mattress when you could give a homeless guy $10 to borrow his tented setup for 15 minutes?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Papi_Chulo this is why the gubment hates bitcoin. Imagine one day being able to trasfer part of your bitcoin stash into a card you can carry in your wallet, like a credit card but no identity, just like cash and just as untraceable. The card would re-key itself after every transaction so even if LE grabbed the card and pulled the key off it, there would be no way to tie it to any past transaction.