Civvies are just getting uglier

avatar for gammanu95
Maybe I've been spoiled by online porn and 7up clubs, but civvie girls are becoming increasingly unattractive. Cosmetic surgery and fitness advances are not keeping pace with the increase of muffin-tops, mudflap asses, and cellulite that looks Deadpool's face.

I was reading an article on the South Padre Island Spring Break debauchery, and amongst over two dozen pictures I can count on one hand the number of girls who I found attractive. These are college nubiles who are supposed to be in their prime! Their metabolism will never be as prime or their skin as smooth as it is now, but netflix and poor diets or whatever are making them fat and ugly.

So really, is it just an unrealistic expectation, or is the general populace getting less desirable?


last comment
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
There are plenty of hot SoCal civvies.

From the malls, to markets, to fast food restaurants, the beach, the gym, it's a hoasis.
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
Lay off the porn. Women across the board are getting hotter it seems. At least in my neck of the woods. I was at starbucks after work today...enough hot women just getting coffee snd one working there for a full sc roster. I mean i literally would have paid to see at least four or five of them naked. Porns poison dude. Also sounds like your kind of picky so some unrealistic ecpectations as well perhaps.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I see tons of civies walking around that I would tap in a heart beat!
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Strip clubs have spoiled me in this regard. Girls I used to dream about can even get my shit hard anymore.
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
It’s not just you gammanu, and it’s not because of the porn. All you have to do is look at the BMI and obesity statistics and there is your objective, unbiased lens through which to see if women are truly getting uglier. And the answer? Yes, they are getting uglier. Teens are getting fatter, and college “nubiles” on average weigh about as much as I do... and i’m over 6’ tall.

It sucks. This is one reason why I made the thread about which countries are best for expats. Might be a good idea to move to Canada. Or some poor European country where the women are so poor they don’t eat and stay thin... maybe Maldova? Ukraine? Czech Republic? Prague?
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Yeah but then again they are also way bustier. Depends what your into. But girls of the new millennium seem way hotter then those anorexic 70’s movie star girl you used to see.
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
Oops, meant to concurr, civvies are arguably fatter and uglier than ever. I blame The Thirst. I have always been picky, and that seems to draw the talent. YMMV
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
While I agree that more young ones are overweight, I disagree that "civvies are just getting uglier."

Sometimes, we get spoiled because of porn, IG, and SCs.

I'm fortunate because where ever I go in SoCal there are a bevy of beautiful civvies.
avatar for rh48hr
6 years ago
I would disagree. I'm certainly not real picky, but I see plenty of attractive women.
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
For those of us who view overweight as ugly (one in the same) then women are getting uglier.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
I bet you are getting uglier also
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
FTS: Yes, and if you have been to Europe or Asia returning to the US seems like going to fat camp. Also I find excessive piercings and tattoos, especially sleeves, to be unattractive so that's a factor

MackTruck: I'll have you know I am becoming marginally less ugly!
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Prove it
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
Would have to disagree. Just go to a monied part of town. That's where all the fine ones are.

All the make up, extenisions , implants etc are do create the illusion of beauty.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago

To answer your question;

So really, is it just an unrealistic expectation, or is the general populace getting less desirable?

From a Seinfeld episode:

JERRY: Elaine, what percentage of people would you say are good looking?
ELAINE: Twenty-five percent.
JERRY: Twenty-five percent, you say? No way! It's like 4 to 6 percent. It's a twenty to one shot.
ELAINE: You're way off.
JERRY: Way off? Have you been to the motor vehicle bureau? It's like a leper colony down there.
ELAINE: So what you are saying is that 90 to 95 percent of the population is undateable?
ELAINE: Then how are all these people getting together?
JERRY: Alcohol.

You are right, you might have an unrealistic expectation in life and a superiority complex as well as a sense of entitlement as result of having being raised in our modern culture.

You might often times impose unrealistic demands on the world around you. You have to learn that you are not so special, and other people don’t merely exist to serve your needs and wants.

It’s important that you remember that we all suffer from personality and physical flaws, nobody is perfect.

You need to accept life as it is without imposing our beliefs, ideals or unrealistic expectations on others and life.

Today’s lifestyle and culture causes a lot of young people to be overweight and unhealthy. You should concentrate on developing compassion and empathy for their situation.
avatar for JeffTUSCL
6 years ago
I mostly agree. Current generation is too influenced by Kardashian fat-ass lazy entitlement, girls who should be in their prime are looking more & more like wrecks who cover their wreckage with fashion and makeup.

I partly disagree because it depends on the locale. As Cristobal said, SoCal is teaming with hot civvies, but even then it's very dependent on the location you're talking about. West Hollywood, Hollywood, just north of the hills, downtown near FIDM, and within a few miles of the vicinity of those locations it's always good. The premium beach cities like Santa Monica, Manhattan Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna, also the same thing. Most everywhere else it's fat Latinas or girls who look like they joined the Antifa bandwagon.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
I lift my leg and fart
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Our society is getting increasingly more segregated, even though we are more connected with technology, we are also getting more isolated due to our devices. This means that good looking people tend to not mingle with the riff raff in public places because their network of people create an environment where like minded(looks) people can hang out with each other.

If I was of means with decent clothing and looked good, I wouldn’t go spring breaking with all the hood rats in Mexico or South Padre Island. I’d go to Maui, Europe, or any other place where I’m not subject to stupid loud people who can fuck up a good time by creating an ugly scene.

If you want to see good looking people, you always can find some traveling through the airport. People with means and some wealth can travel, so it weeds out many of the poor ugly people you see tend to see at Walmart. Of course these are generalizations, but there’s some truth behind it, too.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
^^^ this is the ugliest mother fucker I have ever seen
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
6 years ago
Interesting that some of us think civilians are getting hotter. I can't agree with that assessment AT ALL. So maybe the standards for hotness are radically different among different respondents here in this thread.

First things first. I'm answering this question in regards to North American civilians. I'm not talking about chicks walking the streets of Paris, I'm not talking about Korean girls in Seoul, I'm not talking about the typical White OR Black Zuid-Afrikaner in Jo-burg. I'm talking Peoria IL, or Jackson MS, or Los Angeles CA, or Lubbock TX. North America, mostly USA, but many of Canada's locations are quite similar.

Second things second. I'm answering about all human females in this location. I'll leave out the trans-gendered, the hermaphrodites, and the other un-accountable .01% of the population that just doesn't make sense.

Third things third. I'm talking about date-worthy people, in the right age-range. Considering women who are aged (roughly) from young-adult-hood to middle-age but not senior-citizens. Women who have at least a POSSIBILITY of being within the target-field of my own sexual radar.

Fourth things fourth. I pretty much have mainstream heterosexual interests and desires. I'm a guy, I want to fuck girls. So, example, if I look at a magazine-cover in the grocery store checkout line, I see women on the covers who are the sorts of people whom I would wish to fuck. I'll do either of the recently married royal brides from England, most girls who have leads in typical Hollywood blockbuster movies, and most of the women people who have a speaking role in any of the Star Trek spin-offs (except the funny ones who are hired because of their weird body-shape so they can look alien). Couselor Troi, Seven of Nine, Doctor Crusher ... they'll do just fine. I think Crusher's probably the least appealing, but still, she's way more appealing than what I meet on the city streets. Captain Janeway? Sure. Kind of butch, but that's the point ain't it?

I recognize that the "definition" of hotness can change culturally. There are certain biological mandates which heterosexual males have -- appearance of child-bearing fitness and youthfulness, as evidenced by 3-to-2 hip-to-waist ratio, perky upright adipose tissue, clean white teeth and eyes, shining hair, clear complexion, fit-enough body muscle tone, etc.. Aside from these necessary markers derived of our evolutionary biology, there are cultural requirements as well -- pale skin? blondes? maybe a lot of female facial hair (there's an area in India that prefers that!), long toes, short toes, conical breasts, spherical breasts, small breasts, large breasts, etc.. Can't really define where the line between biology and culture (and individual idiosyncracies) falls, in terms of preferences of female partner characteristics, BUT, I add these extra grafs just to say, we can factor out all the subjective talk and simply agree, that we're talking MAINSTREAM here. Normal stuff.

So, putting all that together: North America, mainstream tastes, today's styles, not really going off the radar with odd proclivities, staying within biological mandates for heterosexual males but willing to broaden my horizons among various cultural suggestions of the standard for beauty, what do I find about the vast majority of civilian women whom I meet these days?


I'm not sure about anyone referring to women getting "hotter" than "movie stars" (in this thread, above), not sure what they're talking about. (Maybe referring to the anorexic trend of the late 60s through middle 70s? When "hot" culturally meant "too skinny" maybe. I can agree to that.) Generally speaking, humans in the developed world have been getting less and less visually appealing for, oh, about, 75 years.

Obesity. End of story. That is all. Thank you for your time.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
it does boil down to location location location. Where I hang out in NW Arizona and socal seems the only good looking women here are jail bait and a few rare legal aged girls. admittedly i hang out in two locations that are poor (lots of welfare and white trash) in comparison to other locations.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
MackTruck likes to hang out with shit filling turds in basement dwellers. So if she doesn’t look like a lot lizard, your shit out of luck, literally.
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
Well, yeah. when I say ugly, i mean "Fatty, fatty, two by four; can't fit through the kitchen door."
avatar for JeffTUSCL
6 years ago
>> "Our society is getting increasingly more segregated, even though we are more connected with technology, we are also getting more isolated due to our devices. This means that good looking people tend to not mingle with the riff raff in public places because their network of people create an environment where like minded(looks) people can hang out with each other."

This is most obviously true when you follow hotties on Instagram who go back & forth between posting photos of their asses in a bikini and platitudes that could have been a quote from Buddha. They want to come across like they are the opposite of superficial yet every time they are in photos with others everyone is of equal hotness in looks, they will never upload photos of them with anyone of even mediocre looks. They want people to believe they are so open minded and not superficial at all but apparently nobody they share time with can possibly be looks-challenged.

On the other hand, this is a small slice of people we are talking about. These are ego-driven types who need attention on social media. The typical girl you run into on the street will statistically not be this type and may very well be happy to hang out with you if you are confident and have a sense of humor. Even if you're not tops in the looks department, if you dress decently and carry yourself well things can sometimes work out.
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