
Added Precautions for the Anonymous Customer

Saturday, February 23, 2019 7:05 AM
I've never used a credit card (or ATM) in a strip club and generally avoid any club that uses a license scanner for the club's (not the customer's) protection. A strip club is not an amp, but with today's video technology - is more required to maintain one's anonymity, when visiting a strip club (for any level of entertainment). So in my for instance, does the clubs interior (general area) video camera and their parking lot video camera extend the ability of law enforcement to put a license plate with a customer who (perhaps) used a private room - while certain unlawful activities were taking place. Law enforcement has never worried about rounding you up and calling you a suspect, when it suits their narrative. Let me be clear, I don't want to pay any lawyer to clear my name on a bullshit charge or subject my name to a "spectacle" roundup.

So the central question is: Is more required in 2019 to preserve your anonymity when visiting a strip club?


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Just take your shit out of the club, if you convert girls to OTC you'll be safe, with the prevalence of camera's, facial recognition technology, why would you knowing what we know, put yourself in such a position
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    If you go into a club with the fear that you will get busted for something, I suggest you stop going to clubs. It's hard to enjoy yourself if you are so paranoid.
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    In major cities, nearly every inch of downtown streets are monitored by public cameras. When you shop, eat at a restaurant or go to a public place you're most likely be surveilled. Get used to it or move to a shack in the mountains of Montana.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"So the central question is: Is more required in 2019 to preserve your anonymity when visiting a strip club?"

    I think the answer is "yes", if by "preserve your anonymity" you mean completely stay off the grid even theoretically. Yes, there may be cameras pointed at the parking lot or main room. Someone could, in theory, connect you to the strip club. The question is, is this something even a married guy has to worry about (assuming he's not committing criminal acts like assault or larceny in the club)? The only act most of us here commit in the club is various lewd acts, but those tend to happen in the private rooms -- which sometimes also have cameras, which are a bit more of a concern.

    What kind of example scenarios worry you about exposure to parking lot and main room cameras? I'm not challenging you here, but I do think it's worth a quick examination of how far off the grid you need to be, as a practical matter

    Just a curiosity question -- does anyone know about any cases, anywhere, where police used strip club video to pursue prostitution charges? I know they pursue assault cases that way, and minor larceny cases... has anyone ever
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    Looking at the operation in the Robert Kraft case, the cops went in and hid surveillance cameras without the business knowing. They matched in-room footage from their own cameras to other footage capturing license plates, etc.

    So what if without anyone knowing there had been a cop camera in your favorite extras VIP room for the last 6 months?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I wonder if @rockie is Donald Trump posting from Mar Lago.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I had one problem using a credit card... and that was at the Texas Station casino in Las Vegas. I tried to get an advance for cash using my Discover card and they called my wife at around midnight (shortly after I separated from her). i Already had already driven 350 miles and stopped in Las Vegas to enjoy some drinking, gambling and the girls...
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    so much for “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    What happened at the AMP can def theoretically happen at a club especially a high-extras club - I think a key difference is that an AMP has a much-higher probability of human-trafficking than a strip club (I said much-higher, not that there would never be human-trafficking in a club).

    But the tide seems to def be turning against sex-work where the powers-to-be seem ok with throwing the baby out with the bathwater - so with the current climate I would not be shocked if something similar went down in a club somewhere particularly with some overzealous politician wanting to score political points.

    I'd say it's unlikely for it to happen in a club but more likely in today's environment - I wouldn't even be surprised if they even start going after porn at some point.

    All this may perhaps end up having a silver-lightning in the end as it may eventually lead/cause pushback to maybe legalizing sex-work bc it's getting ridiculous. At the end of last year when Tumblr said it would take down anything sex related there was a good amount of pushback - I can still see many of the Tumblr pages I used to so it seems they only may have gone after the more hardcore ones, IDK.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    The purpose of my advance on DiscoverCard was to enjoy a VIP session with a beautiful mixed girl that I met at sherries cabaret nude strip club in Vegas.

    I was absolutely paranoid of using the ATM in the club itself. as i was after getting denied a cash advance at Texas Station casino on my Discover card (and The phone call to my wife ...) I went to the bank ATM. i withdrew the money I needed for the VIP dance.

    The VIP dance turned out to be awesome to my very innocent and ignorant ways.

    kind of funny... it was actually so low mileage but it was a mind blowing experience at the time.
  • rockie
    6 years ago
    The extra steps I might consider: Would be to not park in any "club specific lot" and to consider the walk to and from "my clubs of entertainment choice" my fitness walk, I am still somewhat trackable under certain circumstances - if I were to use an uber directly to a club lot in a "Kraft type scenario". A cab wouldn't be an issue when paying cash. It's that perhaps an added step or two is needed to generally remain off the grid on a club visit. I'm aware of what's required if I was to commit a more egregious act (assault or robbery is not my stick). I'm aware I can bump into an acquaintance anywhere! It's to generally fly below the radar today, might one want to add a step or two to not identify themselves so easily. Taking all precaution can still lead to that dumb ass moment that many believe they are impervious too.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    The amount of surveillance, security, and tracking is ridiculous but it's the world we live in.

    The only thing anyone can do truly be anynomous at the SC is to not go, I will take my chances.
    6 years ago
    use cash if at all possible. i'm very concerned about this. i think privacy is shrinking
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    They planted video cameras in the FL case. No privacy is out there. Life is all about risks. Im going to get a HJ tomorrow and will wave at the camera while I release.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I assume it'll get trickier when the US does away with cash and things go all-digital meaning a record of everything.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    Cameras exist everywhere now, at least in public places, and most businesses nowadays would be crazy not to have cameras in their common areas at least. Just presume your face is on camera all the way up until you enter a private room and you may want to consider that a concealed camera is in any private room that you yourself do not have any control over.

    Before you start getting scared shitless over it, realize that recordings from cameras operated by private entities can only get into LE's hands if there is a crime being investigated and generally unless you are the target of their investigation you really shouldn't worry about it.

    Of course there are fringe situations where someone captured on camera during an investigation just happens to overlap the time of investigation and incriminate themselves. Like Robert Kraft allegedly did (twice) at the massage parlor in Florida.

    Keep in mind that visiting a strip club is not illegal. Visiting a massage parlor is not illegal. Just don't put yourself in situations where you might be entrapped and if you are ever questioned by police then use your 5th Amendment rights and don't say anything, at least not without a lawyer present.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    Using myself as an example, I am not married and no girlfriend currently so I don't care about that aspect of being known. But I do have a good job and a mortgage and all the perks of being a professional human being, so I do everything I can to minimize any connection of myself to anything that, if got blasted on the evening news, would seriously make a negative and permanent dent on the rest of my life.

    I am always low-key, don't go by my full name and usually use my nickname. I use cash 100% in all situations and never use any ATMs near to any "lewd activity" location. I use a VPN service whenever I feel like I am seeking or sharing information which might be questionable, and don't post on sites that have no SSL security. I will turn off GPS and sometimes phone service itself depending on where I'm going and if it's practical I will not park directly at the location. Partly not because I don't want to be tied to my car but I know that if I happen to be napped on something I'd rather pick my car up from being towed than being impounded. I have a pre-paid burner phone where all my p4p's go, which is left off most of the time. For OTC I prefer my place and not hotels.

    I am still in many ways on the grid and if I were the detective trying to pin me on something, I could manage a way. Yet for someone else trying to pin me on something, the fingerprint is so faded that nothing could ever stick.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    Papi_Chulo this is why the gubment hates bitcoin. Imagine one day being able to trasfer part of your bitcoin stash into a card you can carry in your wallet, like a credit card but no identity, just like cash and just as untraceable. The card would re-key itself after every transaction so even if LE grabbed the card and pulled the key off it, there would be no way to tie it to any past transaction.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Just don’t do p4p, which is difficult if you’re visuting these establishments.

    If anyone accused me of doing something illegal in visiting the club, I’d say “if there’s something wrong with it, then why is there a parking lot?” And then I’d refuse to speak any more about the topic without legal representation.
  • SuperDude
    6 years ago
    My Bank of America debit card has been cancelled four times in the past five years. With the latest replacement I went to a bank to activate the card so I could ask questions. The bank officer advised me with a straight face that BofA routinely cancels a debit card if it has been used in a place where fraudulent use of a debit card has occurred that same day. "You don't have to be the one committing the fraud. If a fraud occurred in an establishment with one of our debit cards, all other debit cards from BofA used on the same day in the same place are automatically cancelled." I have stopped using my debit card at The Coliseum in Detroit, Michigan.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Rockie, don't get overly paranoid about it. In order for you to have a seriously problem, LE has to be able to prove that you committed a crime. Strip clubs are legal. As long as your dick stays in your pants, you've done nothing wrong. Just take anything more heavy duty OTC.
  • rockie
    6 years ago
    Or take extra precautions to not connect my vehicle to me at the 3 locations of concern :).

    It’s truly a current local climate in my current area of participation in the hobby.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Taking steps that ensure that SC video cameras can't easily trace you back through your car, is definitely far more caution than I felt warranted even when I was married -- but I also don't feel it's in tinfoil hat territory, either. If it helps you sleep at night and makes you happier at the club, doesn't sound like it's too terribly annoying to do
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I don’t worry about my car being there and if you keep your zipper closed there’s not much going to come back to you, anything heavy duty take it out of the club it’s really just a no brainer.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Many localities have laws in the books where touching dancers is actually illegal, even in areas where 2-way-contact is the norm - it's just those laws are not enforced and have been there a long time.

    e.g. - 2-way-contact is the norm in Dallas - when I lived in Dallas and SCed in Dallas in the 2000s, the old Baby Dolls location was in a residential area and the neighbors had wanted BDs out and had fought them for a couple of years - at one point the city clamped down and touching was all of a sudden not doable at BDs bc apparently the city all of a sudden enforced a no-rouch rule that was actually in the books from way back but not normally enforced - the clamp-down didn't last very-long but not long after BDs moved to an industrial location.

    i.e. even if your dick is not out in the club, in many areas they can still go after you if they wanted to.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ that’s true but generally enforcing those laws falls on the dancers or the clubs it’s rarely if ever used on customers.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Even in this environment, nobody is getting all CSI over clothed lapdances. Seriously now, this is kinda' getting silly.
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