
Dancers passing on PLs

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
How often does it happen that strippers role up on a PL, but, after observing his demeanor, and/or seeing/smelling his hygiene, leave without offering a dance? In that situation, how often do strippers get shit from management for doing that?

Happens to me a lot that strippers never roll up for me, even when they're not busy with other PLs. Had a few who, also for no apparent/explained reason, cut me off after a few dances.


  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    You're talking about different things. Approaching a customer, then deciding "nope, don't wanna fuck with this guy" is very different from not approaching or even stopping after a few. They may all have common causes, especially the first and last one, but they may not.

    There's absolutely been strippers who've elected to sit quietly by themselves rather than approach me, it's often been discussed on the site so its obviously pretty common. My solution to this problem is to tip on stage or simply politely approach the dancer and ask if she's interested in joining me. It almost always works, but there's certainly a few who prefer not to. I can speculate as to possible reasons, but its hard to know why. But in any case its pretty infrequent.

    Strippers coming up, talking, and not offering a dance is a little more common. I hate to believe its a hygiene issue, as I rarely go to a club when that could possibly be an issue. But hey, who knows. I think the overwhelming majority of the instances are because of my clear and obvious disinterest, but sometimes if we've gone beyond the initial pleasantries and she's lingering without asking I'll let them know I'm not interested more directly.

    The last one about cutting me off has happened a few times. Being that its unexplained and there is no apparent reason, I'm unsure why again. But its pretty rare. I've seen in happen quite a few times, often at the clubs that offer table dances with moderate contact. Guys invariably try to push the boundaries and sometimes girls just decide that's enough & its not worth it. Can't tell ya how many times I've seen a guy try to pull a dancers panties off at Diamond Dolls in Pompano, seen her stop him two or three times, then take a few steps away and hold out her hand to be paid when she'd had enough. And I don't even go to that place very often and generally don't watch other people getting dances. There's one dude at Booby Trap I've noticed all the girls avoid too, although I'm not sure if its cause he's too handsy or too dirty, or maybe its the combo.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    "How often does it happen that strippers role up on a PL, but, after observing his demeanor, and/or seeing/smelling his hygiene, leave without offering a dance?"

    I imagine it happens, but no way to tell how often. Depends on the dancer, what she's willing to tolerate at that time, and the degree of unpleasantness presented by the customer.

    "In that situation, how often do strippers get shit from management for doing that?"

    Very rarely, I imagine. Setting aside their being independent contractors, I don't think strip clubs would be able to hold on to dancers if they started coercing them into spending time with customers they don't like. I imagine that might change a bit for a "whale" or some other prominent figure that the managers or owners want to keep in the club.

  • iknowbetter
    2 years ago
    I think dancers generally look for who they think will result in the best payoff for her time. I’ve never experienced a dancer cutting off dances, but if this happens it’s more likely due to her thinking she’s wasting her time if she’s unable to convert the dances to a more lucrative VIP. Or maybe she just got tired?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I've seen it a few times, most of the time it was an obviously sloppy drunk, she probably decided she didn't want to deal with, another time a girl just had enough of an obnoxious rude guy so she called the floor guy to make him leave her be.
  • RiskA
    2 years ago
    Haha trying to understand the thinking of a stripper is a recipe for futility. In general, the “best payoff” rationale is probably truest, but otherwise who knows could be anything, mercury in retrograde, you look like her creepy neighbor, the box needs a breather, etc.
  • 623
    2 years ago
    It happened to me a month or two ago, sitting at the bar at one of my favorite places where I am always hit on, usually within minutes of getting there. After about an hour and a half nursing my second or third beer a girl finally came up to me that I knew and said “who shit in your cornflakes” . Turns out I had been sitting there, stewing about what was not a very pleasant day for me so far and it was giving off negative vibes I didn’t even know about. Lighten up a little bit and things are back to normal in no time, sometimes you just don’t know it until someone points it out.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Sometimes you just put off a very creepy vibe. You might remind them of a "bad man" they know from their past. OR you may just stink. Who knows. Usually if I can get them over to me, we're gonna have a good time. Unless they have royal GPS.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I've never seen management care. I don't think the customers complain much anyways.

    As for putting up with weird or dirty customers. It depends on how much they're paying and the extent of their off putting behavior.

    But the number one reason I'd say they leave is if he's not spending enough
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I have more insecurities around my age than my smell. I think some dancers just don't like spending time with a customer in his sixties. I can do something about my hygiene but not much about my age, so I just accept that. I could have gone to strip clubs in my twenties or thirties but decided back then I'd rather have a girlfriend.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and answer your questions and comment on your discussion.

    Q: How often does it happen that strippers role up on a PL, but, after observing his demeanor, and/or seeing/smelling his hygiene, leave without offering a dance?
    A: As often as the strippers deem it appropriate.

    Keep in mind the Russian proverb:

    “People greet you according to the way you dress…
    and say goodbay according to the way you behave"

    Like restaurants, and other service providers, every stripper has her own unique way to do business, her own way to select customers, her own rules etc etc etc and more importantly they have the “right to refuse service”.

    Nobody can tell you what you are doing wrong, YOU are going to have do some “soul searching” and decide for yourself.

    Once YOU’VE identified a possible issue, like your appearance, facial expression, smell, etc etc etc YOU can correct it and go again to visit the place and see if you have resolve the issue.

    If you still have the same issue, YOU are going to have to keep working on yourself until YOU resolve the issue.

    Q: In that situation, how often do strippers get shit from management for doing that?
    A: It depends on the individual in charge of management, more often than not they won’t care, because YOU are the one with the issue.

    You wrote, and I quote:

    “Happens to me a lot that strippers never roll up for me, even when they're not busy with other PLs. Had a few who, also for no apparent/explained reason, cut me off after a few dances.”

    Again remember the Russian proverb:

    “People greet you according to the way you dress…
    and say goodbay according to the way you behave"

    You probably never will know/recognize why, because like you said; it happens to YOU a lot from different strippers.

    YOU are going to have to examine your own appearance and behaviour, to see if YOU can SEE the cause of this situation.

    At the end of the day, self-awareness is key to recognizing that the a**hole in your life may be YOU.

    Let’s be careful out there
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    My stripper FWB was picky who she approached. She was "that girl" who approached the handsome Daddy types first. She was not a natural hustler who maximized her cash, she was the kind of stripper who wanted to work the least amount possible and liked grinding on cute guys for money.

    I'll also add I definitely get approached less when I'm focused on my phone than when I'm watching the stage show.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Ilba, dancers pass on customers for different reasons... if theyre not approaching someone it could be they dont think he would be a good payoff. Even if they approach a guy and leave, that could also be if they think he wont buy dances

    Ilba you mentioned you never want extras and have paid $600 for no extras hotel room dances... maybe your lack of asking for any extras somehow scared those dancers away
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "How often does it happen that strippers role up on a PL, but, after observing his demeanor, and/or seeing/smelling his hygiene, leave without offering a dance? In that situation, how often do strippers get shit from management for doing that?"

    Stuff like that happens all the time. Any dancer could decide that a particular customer is not a good target for her for an infinite number of reasons. Trying to catalogue them would be going down an endless rabbit hole.

    I've never seen a stripper get shit for not offering a particular guy a dance, nor should it ever happen. First because, outside of the basics like doing her stages and not breaking any rules, how she conducts her business is solely her business. She is her own small business and she pays to be there, not the other way around. Second because her ass is not a generic commodity that the manager can choose to put within reach of anyone he chooses - it's her body and her choice as to who she puts it on.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I couldn't care less about a guy's hygiene so long as he is spending. I'm just dancing for him not fucking him lmao.

    I've walked off from a lot of customers because they've annoyed me, and are too slow to spend.

    I also rarely hustled towards the end so it wasn't so much "y is she not approaching me?" And more like "y is she not approaching any of the jerks in the room?"
  • loper
    2 years ago
    Some dancers seem to be waiting for a whale, either one that they've already arranged to meet or one that just might happen to come in. They don't want to be occupied with someone else when the time is ripe.

    And I agree that some dancers don't appear to approach PLs in their 60s or beyond. Maybe it creeps them out.

  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Custies kinda do the same – i.e. there are times when custies make judgements-on/avoid a dancer based on perhaps how she carries herself or her facial expression etc even if the dancer may be his type and that judgement can be correct or incorrect

    But in general; dancers don’t tend to turn-away $$$/sale$ - along the lines of what @Dolfan posted, it’s rare I’ve had a dancer approach me and then leave – it’s happened; but I can probably count on one-hand those instances in the 1000s of dancers I’ve interacted with – a dancer cutting dances short may happen *slightly* more often but again can probably count on two-hands the times it’s happened in the 1000s of dancer-interactions (probably b/c I’m a variety-guy and rarely look to lock dancers-down – I’m usually looking-forward to experiencing another dancer).

    Along what others have mentioned:

    + one’s demeanor – I tend to be a glass-half-empty/worry-wart/type-B-personality and this sometimes is reflected in my demeanor where I’m unaware I’m giving off a “don’t fucking talk to me” vibe; this is rarely b/c of what’s going in the club but more something that’s bothering me in my personal-life – a smile can make a huge difference in someone’s appearance

    + given I’m a dorky-looking-whiteguy that happens to be into big-booty-ebonies; not uncommon for dancers that fit this profile to not approach me in a club b/c they think they won’t be my type - have had a few dancers tell me this along the lines of “I saw you sitting there but didn’t wanna approach you b/c I didn’t you’d go for me” (they eventually approached me once they saw me getting dances from dancers that looked like her or just saw me getting w/ multiple ebony-dancers period)

    + I guess age-difference can *sometimes* be a factor – but this can often cut-both-ways – there are dancers that may feel uncomfortable dancing for PLs that are her grandpa’s age; and there are dancers that actually don’t like dancing for younger-guys and prefer the older-guys (and not only b/c the older-guy may have more $$$; but also b/c the older guy may be easier to get along with; etc)
  • Huntsman
    2 years ago
    I’ve only experienced this when clubbing on hunting and fishing trips. I’ve considered whether I’m repulsive when I smell like a combination of sweat, blood, fish slime, marsh mud, dog slobber and not having showered for days. But that can’t be it. It just can’t be.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Yeah we've t talk about the never-come-over case a lot. I was wondering about the approach-then-abort case.
  • JeffTUSCL
    2 years ago
    Could be resting bitch face. When in deep thought, it is easy to forget not to put a positive facial demeanor and from a distance such a person appears unapproachable.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    ^there are plenty of dudes I either never approached or almost don't approach because they do have that resting bitch face lmao
  • uniquename
    2 years ago
    @Dolfan wrote: “ Guys invariably try to push the boundaries and sometimes girls just decide that's enough & its not worth it. Can't tell ya how many times I've seen a guy try to pull a dancers panties off at Diamond Dolls in Pompano, seen her stop him two or three times, then take a few steps away and hold out her hand to be paid when she'd had enough.”

    I remember the first time I talked with Mercedes at Playhouse (back when she was pleasant). She rolled up on me and the first words out of her mouth were to complain about some guy who slapped her on the ass as she walked by. “Just because I work here doesn’t give him the right to do that.” She was right, and I told her so. She went on to tell me that lots of guys do that, including ones she’s performed with before. I don’t get it - unless you have a great degree of intimacy with the woman, where does a customer get off doing that sort of thing. It’s part of the reason that before I get into the VIP with someone new or repeat, I ALWAYS ask what their limits/rules are, and if I don’t like them I respect them and go elsewhere.

    It’s not difficult.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Uniquename you ask what their rules are before each dance, before each time you see them even if you saw them a week ago?

    Regarding your example, it varies by dancer, some will rub their asses on you without you asking, out on the floor area. Some may want to be much more professional and technical and only allow touching after you have paid.

    Papi chulo I thought you were a latino man.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Papi chulo have you been to ebony inn?
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    It happens. Try, in order:

    - spend money obviously… tip at rail, get dances, get vips, they notice
    - go at a time where there is a low PL/dancer ratio
    - check your rbf
    - be clean and well groomed

    It can still happen. But it will happen less.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Lol! I doubt I would bitch to 1 customer about another slapping my ass. I would probably slap customer 1 right back then immediately walk to the next customer or just walk off and sit alone with my rbf
  • Specialj
    2 years ago
    I am pretty sure I have I occasionally sport the rbf. It’s unintentional. Me being an introvert, as I sit by myself checking out the club, I often times catch myself sitting there incidentally frowning.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I just stay home and do some edibles if I'm torqued enough about something to have RBF.
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