Escorts asking for more money

avatar for rickmacrodong
I paid this eros escort $500 up front.

She wanted me to take my clothes off right away. I wanted her to do a lapdance first and she wanted an additional $100 claiming its extra services since shes not a dancer.
She also wanted an additional $200 for “full service”. She gave a condom HJ and BJ while trying to upsell full service.
Once I got there it took about 25 minutes to park and get up to her room because there was no street parking or parking lot. Some alarm went off on her phone after just 35 minutes of being in the room. It seems like she started her timer before I actually got to her room. It was supposed to be one hour.

She also had odd rules like no fingering or touching the pussy allowed. Touching it with a condom was apparently allowed if I paid extra for full service. But she didn’t want hands going there. She also didn’t want to touch me down there without a condom, even with just her hands.

Is there anyway to avoid this sort of stuff other than reading reviews? A lot of escorts want the donation money up front. This escort was traveling from a different state. A traveling one might not care as much about building a long term regular compared to a local one. I would much rather have gotten an hour of VIP with no extras than 30 minutes of a condom HJ and BJ.


last comment
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I agree with your last statement. The strip club sounds like a lot more fun. I have zero experience with escorts, so I can't help you on this one.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Why don't you negotiate what you want from her beforehand? Why are you asking so many questions here but can't talk in real life?
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
She had odd rules? Those are completely reasonable rules establishing her boundaries. Maybe don't go into these situations with expectations and have a little more God damn respect for women.

And asking an escort to do lap dances? Lmfaoooo fucking idiot
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Icee is correct. Take his advice and learn from it.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
^ Say wha........... ?????????
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
^ I know. That’s an odd statement. But Icee is right.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Icee said "Why don't you negotiate what you want from her beforehand?"

Because most escorts will not discuss specifics over the phone or via email (for fear of LE). This is especially true for escorts at this price point and above. That is often spelled out in their ad and/or web copy.

That said, most escorts at this price point will not require the payment up front, especially if the customer has gone through her verification / vetting process (which typically requires that you give up a bunch of personal information).

It's also not true that traveling escorts care less about their reputation than locals. Traveling escorts rely on solid reviews on the various relevant websites (TER, etc.) to make sure that they are booked sufficiently before they arrive.

The answer to read reviews. There's no getting around it unless you have a personal reference from a buddy or another sex worker (that you trust).

But, I'll point out that this reads like another instance of BTE planting seeds for a dumb question farm.

Also, even if it's a fictional scenario, it still captures why I greatly prefer dancers over escorts. There's no bait-and-switch regarding age/appearance, you can discuss what you want specifically ahead of time, and you don't have to surrender your ID and work history to get the ball rolling.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
You cant discuss specifics with escorts over text. If they are discussing specifics it might even be law enforcement trying to set up a sting.

Bubble, i wanted a lapdance as foreplay. Its less intimate than sex so it shouldn’t warrant an issue or an extra charge IMO. I think it is an odd rule for an escort to not allow pussy touching with hands. She said its due to bacterial concerns but i wonder if its some SO rule that bare skin can’t touch the pussy area, so condoms dont count but bare hands violate that rule.

Ishmael this escort required no personal info besides sending a picture of yourself. There are a few escorts here charging $500 an hour who are doing the same, not asking for verification just a picture of you.

There is one escort who was fine with sending a photo ID showing just the picture, expiration date and first name. Her rate was $600 an hour.
It seems safe but the expiration date from my understanding is also your birthday?

One concern with escorts is while they require condoms, they may not care where their slobber is going. You could get their slobber all over your skin, anywhere not covered by the condom.

I thought escorts generally want the payment at the start of the appointment. Including the $1000 an hour high end and pornstar escorts
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
A few posters here have talked about getting lapdances from escorts. But in some cases it can lead them to suspect your undercover LE. This one was trying to take my boxers off by force and saying it’s making her uncomfortable that im keeping them on.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
An escort with a good reputation will usually have a verification process that requires more than just a picture. Because of the LE issue, they want customers who are willing to put themselves at some degree of risk in order to match or mitigate their own risk. A customer is less likely to do horrible things during an appointment if he knows the escort has his background, contact, and/or work info.

And, while I understand all that, I still don't want an escort to have my personally identifiable information stored away (especially if she does get wrapped up by LE). So, I go to strip clubs. Other folks can make other choices.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cim. You can always tell a hooker what you want before doing anything.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Its ridiculous to assume getting a hooker requires more info than a rental car
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
This probably the most useful thread BTE has ever posted. Calling all noobs. Read this thread.

Make better choices so BubbleYum doesn't yell at you...
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Public Service Announcement (PSA)

BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.

But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.

If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.

Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.

~ Call.Me.Ishmael
~ April 29, 2022

“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."

~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Icee are you trolling and trying to get people in trouble or something? The only place you can do that would be parts of nevada where hookers are fully legal.

A lot of escorts will actually refuse to see you or communicate with you at all as soon as you say anything sexual.

Once theyve done sexual stuff with you in person they’ll discuss specifics.

Plenty of escorts require more than a rental car
avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
"A lot of escorts will actually refuse to see you or communicate with you at all as soon as you say anything sexual. "

So weird a pimp, even a cosplay pimp, has no idea how escorts work lol

You (and CMI) are exactly right on this. The fact is, the one and only way to be relatively sure you'll know what you're going to get is reviews. If you're going to go with a traveling escort who has no reviews, you are going to have to accept that you'll occasionally run into upsell scams (and much worse); either you're okay being the guinea pig, or not. If not, stick to well-reviewed girls.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Would you go to a Kate Hudson movie, and then complain that Jennifer Lopez is an actress too, so Kate Hudson should be more like JLo? You're seeing a unique, individual entertainer.

Whenever you want to accomplish anything with anybody, you have to make an effort to understand their side of it. Many PLs consider sex workers as deserving of being shit on, we see it all the time in these discussions. She doesn't know if you're late because fuck her. She doesn't know you won't stiff her if she collects the $ afterward.

It's not legal for an escort to commit to doing any sex acts, she's only committing to a block of time of companionship. It's not reasonable for you to insist that a non-FS sex worker can't be an escort, because you end up feeling like you wasted your money. Just like you often feel like going to a movie was a waste of the money, you're often going to feel like seeing an escort was a waste of the money. It's true that one is less than $20, and the other is several hundred. Your alternative is to spend on dates with civvies. You're likely to spend much more getting what you're looking for like that, plus wasting more time. If an escort has a relatively low rate, that means it's much more likely she's less flexible about what she does with PLs.

Many escorts have danced or are dancers. Or they'll just wing it because the basics of lap dancing are not rocket science. You should be able to find one who will include this with no upselling. Gotta be (politely) persistent with this.

If somebody asked you how they could avoid seeing movies they didn't like, but without reading movie reviews, wouldn't you think they were a knucklehead?

Go on TER and write a review BTW, so others know what to expect, You'd want them to do the same for you.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
It’s very simple. If she starts out trying to get more money out of you - then you know she’s looking to drain your wallet and not your balls.

I won’t pay upfront. I don’t need to fuck an escort that desperately. I don’t use escorts - but rather OTC strippers. If it’s all an up charge, then I will give her a little cash for her time and then say good bye.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Doesnt TER require you to pay for membership before leaving a review? I could leave a review but it depends what they charge for membership. It might be $100 a month there.

Legally youre paying for the escorts time and anything that happens in that time is between consenting adults. But morally, you’re supposed to get almost whatever you want during that time.
And it also comes down to whether the escort wants repeat business. Obviously an escort who takes the hourly fee up front, and sits and does nothing likely won’t be able to get repeat customers.

In this case, the escort literally counted my parking time towards the visit time.
I scheduled for 12am with her but it took around 22 minutes to find parking and get to her room. She counted all that towards the one hour, and wanted me out of her room after 35 minutes. I also had to pay for parking even though it was a hotel.

Ilb you said you regularly pay $500 an hour for lapdances in hotel rooms so you’re looking at things from a different perspective. For some girls I might also pay for just a lapdance in a hotel room but that’s out of personal preference. An escort is generally regarded as doing more than a lapdance.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Cashman I agree, in many cases an OTC dancer, where you pay at the end of the appointment, is the better scenario.

In this area the escorts available on eros and tryst are significantly hotter than dancers.
Once in a while there are traveling dancers who are very good looking. But generally the escorts look much better than the dancers.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Ilb i didnt insist on this being a FS escort but noted she wanted to upcharge for it. She wanted to up charge for a simple lapdance, whilst giving a CBJ and CHJ. A lapdance is less intimate so shouldn’t have an upcharge IMO.

Can escorts voice record everything stated in the room with them and attempt to blackmail you with it later on?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
TER ... it's free to create a profile and post reviews. Regarding anything else, you can toddle over their on your own and figure it out.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
If a hooker vets you like that you must be creepy give off le vibes or are just getting loaded to make you think you're paying for something exclusive and or getting to be a mark.

Getting a hooker isn't complicated. Not even online.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
You got ripped off, man. Chalk this one up to the game.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
^^ Icee, you're adorable when it's obvious you you know you're wrong.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cim like a few other members here you sound like you get played and pretend not to. Or just post bs you read.

And with the most expensive hookers men are also paying for discretion. Not to supply personal info
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
As far as op goes. Cacaplop is full of shit. Every one of his posts describes the exact same scenario with the same stripperbhes obsessed with
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
BTE, what do yiu mean yiu paid $500 upfront? Did yiu cash app her the funds or hand over $500 cash before she performed in the room with you? Was she able BTE tested in the sexual act or just the money?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
It's okay, Icee. I accept your apology.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cim go back to reading about hookers online and slurping curry
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
^^ what do yiu mean by slurping curry? Is that supposed to be a derogatory statement pointed at Ishmael? How do you know what his ethnicity is?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
The more expensive escorts ask for more verification Icee.
It’s usually the cheap $150 ones who ask for no verification, likely because they have pimps or something.
This isnt a stripper scenario. Ive only seen this girl once.

Mate i paid her $500 when I entered the hotel room. Then stayed in the room 35 minutes. Although I was 22 minutes late to the appointment due to delays in parking etc. she wanted upcharges for a lapdance or full service but basically gave me a condom BJ and HJ by force.
what did you mean “able BTE tested in the sexual act”?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Icee said "something something... slurping curry"

I mean, even knowing that dumb hypocrisy is your mutant power, it's pretty weird that you use accusations of Indian ethnicity all by itself as an insult when it's you crying "racist" in nearly every single thread.

But, then again, your entire false persona here is all about picking fights rather than consistency or sincerity. So... go you, I guess.

Mate... At some point, Icee decided that I was from India. No, you shouldn't expect that to make sense.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
BTE, pick your women by f2f first meetings, like a strip club or AMP.

And always FRMOS. Take her where you want then and then move on her. Do have her doing services upon you.


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avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
I think ChampPhilly was the one starting this Indian thing. The way he typed, I thought he himself was Indian, but he started finger pointing the Indian curry thing, and mentioning smelly indians in clubs.
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Oh Boy BTE, looks fan of Busy Tired Escort. Hopefully insurance covers Testing for STDs STIs
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago

People like to fuck.


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avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
CIM whatever you take as an insult is your problem. Youre a malicious asinine trill who only comes ok here to attack others. And are a one trick troll pretending like you have a false consensus. You don't know shit about anything. Between pretending you need to give more personal info to a hooker than a car rental agency. Or pretending like being long winded makes you wound smarter. You're nothing dumb bitch. Now go slurp more curry
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
lol. Though I'm not Indian (by nationality or heritage), I don't take it as an insult. Why would I? It's just another ethnicity. But, you're the one using Indian heritage as the sole basis for an insult, which is racist and bigoted. And that's pretty rich for the cosplay pimp who waved the racist flag in pretty much every single post.

Also, as a guy who allegedly "manages" stripper hoes, if there's anyone who needs to brush up on Escort 101, it's you. No really, man. This would be embarrassing if you weren't 100% fake.
avatar for how
2 years ago
The experience described by the OP sounds very unpleasant.
Strip Clubs can be fun. And this is TUSCL...
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
BTE was not describing a strip club.

BTE, don't ever call escort ads or meet women from message boards.

Meet your women f2f, like in a strip club. Then get that preliminary makeout session going. THen and only then, you take them to where ever you want.

avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
"Also, as a guy who allegedly "manages" stripper hoes, if there's anyone who needs to brush up on Escort 101, it's you. No really, man. This would be embarrassing if you weren't 100% fake."

Do you think the other cosplayers will shun him now? "You, sir, are an embarrassment to the entire trolls LARPing as pimps community." Imagine building your entire social life around spending hours and hours each day pretending to be a pimp on a forum where literally everyone hates you, and you haven't bothered to read how escorts work. If it weren't so embarrassing already, I'd throw my bowl of vindaloo at him right now.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cim you did raje it as an insult.

Subrabitch. Go read reffitbabd repost what you read. Then act smart. That's all you do dumb bitch.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
You troll reddit then repost shit here thinking you're so smart
avatar for dogchain
2 years ago
You should have asked for a refund.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
BTE, you don't want to get into situations like that with women. Engage with them f2f when you first meet them.

avatar for jestrite50
2 years ago
First of all stay away from escorts. Even local ones. Build a relationship with a dancer and take her OTC for some GFE !
avatar for VanessaM
2 years ago
You can ask the escort to FaceTime but she’ll want a fee for that
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
BTE, imagine you had met a girl at a civvie night club.

At a strip club it is even easier because you can grease it by handing her money and let he see that you want to take care of her. But you still want to get her into Front Room Makeout Session right off and do as much as possible with her that first visit, and then get her outside as soon as possible.


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avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
BTE, with Escorts, condom might go for a swim with all pervious loads clogged up and bare pump gets gift of doc visit. Enjoy
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Champ, people like to fuck. That is not going to change. We need to be solving problems, not making them.


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avatar for DeepBluesKPVP
2 years ago
Ripped off man. Is it was
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Deep blue you're the weirdo whobstalks dancerS
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
It was on eros she was probably on tryst too. Not a well known escort and not worth the money, she edited her pics to look more like kim K.
avatar for JeffTUSCL
2 years ago
Haven't got an escort in years. Overpriced and became not worth the occasional ROB that started becoming the norm. I hunted & pecked for finding outcall girls who didn't advertise and that lasted a good amount of time but when CL and other sites dropped out the landscape for that changed. I make good money and can't fathom the prices nowadays anyway. Who can afford this shit anymore? Unless you're pulling in ridiculous money, have no bills, and give yourself a lot of time between ladies, how in the world is all this in the realm of affordable to even guys with decent incomes?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "I would much rather have gotten an hour of VIP with no extras than 30 minutes of a condom HJ and BJ."

Shit either one sounds like a trip through the nine circles of Hell in Dante's Inferno.

Thank goodness the choices aren't actually that binary. I'll take Option C.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I mean, the good news is that none of this actually happened.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
If you ask for more things then of course you'll be charged for them
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Lol icee you get a given amount of time, if i ask for a lapdance thats technically asking for less than full service or a bj. You think someone has to pay extra if they ask someone to mow half the lawn instead of the full lawn? 😂

She wanted me to pay extra for a lapdance but basically forced me into a condom bj and hj, at no upcharge

Escorts are paid by time...
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
Did you pay? omg
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
OP, you are saying you went to an escort and paid her. You went and not she. Why to complain? where this happened?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Champ what do you mean? Please be specific. Clarify your question
Plenty of people have paid for something they complained about
Why do you want to know where it happened? Lol
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
As I don't know anything about escorts, trying to understand cost structure. Where this happened means is it home or hotel. If hotel which city? so understand the expenses escort has to do in order to host you. if her hosting cost is high,she is fully justified to quote extra to touch feet, more extra to fingers. lol
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Lulz good post lulzy
It happened in a hotel
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Which city was that hotel bro? So can evaluate that extra money is worth?
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Lulz and Champ - the OP is a troll. As much as you try, the OP will never provide actual details.

This bizarre story never occurred - because this is all made up.

The OP has one review - and it’s not convincing that he’s ever been to a strip club. I continue to believe this is a worthless troll.
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Cashman1234, yes. This guy moneyman1234 posted mostly trolls like not paying a dancer for dances, not giving tip to dancer or escort, club banning for life time. Omg. All crazy troll. I am trying him to tell tell city and hitel where it occurred so i can believe thus story.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Thats weird as hell to ask which hotel it occurred in.

Cashman, i dont know your personal reasons for asking which hotel it occurred in.
But as far as champphilly and his alt lulz, this is basically an indian guy who denies being indian, sent me a ton of angry dms, got pissed when i dmed him back, now hes trying to figure out my location cause he wants to try to find me irl. Hes obsessed with trying to figure out who i am and where to find me, he even offered to meet me at one of the local clubs.
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Moneyman1234, i have better things to do. Bye. Take care.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Im not sure why additional details would be needed or the point of providing them. Its clear why champ is asking for those details based on his post and dm history.
I never “not paying dancer for dances” and you dont need to tip dancers or escorts.
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
I wont be reading any messages. So please do not send messages. Neither reading here as travelling.
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
It is gentleman’s club fotum. Reminder.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Lol. Illiterate?
avatar for londonguy
2 years ago
I don’t understand how a great country like the USA has such an intolerance of consensual sex and that LE dedicates so much time to stings. Trafficking and exploitation happens the world over but there has to be a better way than so much resource dedicated to catching women agreeing to engage in sexual acts with guys willingly handing over money for said experiences.
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
Disgusting. In a public forum he says he paid an escort. wow. very nice.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@Londonguy: "I don’t understand how a great country like the USA has such an intolerance of consensual sex and that LE dedicates so much time to stings."

Legislatures don't care about rights, only control and the revenue they can get from prosecution (in addition to fines and court costs, privately owned jails and prisons pay the government to house convicted criminals), and police cooperate with them when it means *they* get more control and fancy equipment. Cops *like* it when they can push people around who won't push back, not so much if they have to put themselves in the line of fire by going after *real* criminals.

The whole "justice" system is corrupt, top to bottom.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Georg I thought its the government that uses tax dollars to pay for private prisons? Why would the prison owners pay the government?

Those generalizations of cops arent true. Laws like this get created because voters or politicians at some point wanted them. There are some religious people who want to impose it on others, and religious politicians who want the same and politicians who gather votes by appealing to religious people or concerned parents.

Cops aren’t responsible for illegal prostitution. If anything, publicly funded cops are incentivized to be lazier and not care about crimes vs if they were part of a business and getting paid the more criminals they caught. Lawyers have incentives to want more regulation and laws so they make more money. Publicly funded cops dont have the same sort of incentives unless their pay structure pays them more for finding more criminals or rule breakers.

ACAB is an odd thing to say, cops are better than protester scum and people like breonna taylor. The cop who put his knee on george floyds neck is more trustworthy and honorable than floyd himself. Floyd would be salivating at the opportunity to rob you if he saw you vs chauvin would do nothing.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
A military member wouldnt care if they go to war or not otoh a weapons manufacturer company is always incentivized for there to be war. Military, courts, cops by virtue of being publicly funded mean they aren’t as prone to corruption but are more prone to not doing a good enough job. The justice system is fairly fine the issues like the war on drugs and prostitution are there because of weapons manufacturers, lawyers, maybe agencies like atf and dea who wouldnt otherwise need to exist, cartels, etc. strip club owners who operate low or no mileage clubs also probably want prostitution banned. Then you have the family men concerned their daughters could be solicited if it was legal. And you have the religious citizens and politicians who want to impose their views on drugs and hoes on other people.
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
Weird person. Ask you escort for rebates. Lol.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
You don’t like beef eaters hilly?
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
She has to understand our bangala man has daily withdrawal limit of 400. How she can expect extra money from this innocent man.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Mr. Patel, good to see you again! Are there any other threads of mine you want to dig up and examine Mr Patel
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
Mr. Bangala, very good job, did you pay in 100s or in 20s to that escort you mentioned?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Whats that mr Patel, I don’t understand cowspeak!
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
Mr. MoneyHasanBangla, please leave cows alone. Why are you not happy with your escort after you paying 500 cash?
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
MoneyHaasanBangala, You did not write whether escort allowed you to kiss her? Can you elaborate what all you did with her, because your complaint is hilariously funny.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
I didn’t initiate or ask about kissing so im not sure, VickyPhilly Patel
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