Dinner with a stripper

avatar for docsavage

I've had several offers over the years from regulars to meet me for dinner in a restaurant. I feel like they do this as a reward for me coming in and buying lap dances from them rather than them just wanting to get a free meal out of me. So far, I've only taken up one girl on this offer. Have you done this and, if you did, did you feel like it was worthwhile or a waste of time and money? If you think it is worthwhile, is that because you find it enjoyable in itself or is it worthwhile because you think it might be or is a steppingstone to something else?


last comment

If it's as a customer. Her doing that is just good customer relations. Forming a more intimate relation or the illusion of, with a good customer. Take it for what UT is and enjoy her company.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I did it a couple of times earlier in my PL-career – at the time I wasn’t a TUSCLer and treated the situation more like it was a civilian-date and didn’t really get much out of it except hanging-out for a while – I still enjoyed some of the dinner-dates mainly b/c sometimes the dancer was pretty-cool and treated me more like a civvie-date than a PL; other times it kinda felt a bit awkward b/c it seemed she was just there b/c she wanted to keep a semi-regular-custy happy (felt more like a “business dinner” or kinda like when one has to attend a meeting at work and rather not be there).

I guess “it’s worth it” if one would truly enjoy just having dinner w/ the person; i.e. something one wanted vs doing-it b/c she said yes or b/c she brought it up.

If one’s hope/desire is to bang-her; then IMO it’s best to just get straight to the point and let her know what one wants either by skipping the dinner and getting to the point or having dinner to warm things up – i.e. if one’s goal is to try to get laid then the dinner-thing is not necessarily a must-do IMO.

If it’s the dancer bringing it up, then I assume she’s angling for some kinda payment whether that is the PL paying her for her time as a companion; or perhaps she’s hinting at OTC-extras?

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

I’ve done it with a girl whose company I truly enjoyed and she enjoyed mine. We spent hours together and it was a lot of fun. Like being a kid on a date again. We did get a few looks as she is obviously way out of my league and much younger, but she didn’t care. She was the one reaching to hold my hand across the table or otherwise showing affection that people could see we were together that night.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Icee regarding your points, strippers and other women could do this because of genuine desire for the person or desire for a longer term serious relationship. Some of these strip club clients are millionaires so its not surprising some strippers want them as more than just a customer.

avatar for Htxx
2 yrs ago

I do it frequently. Always a great time before, during snd afterwards

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

I've done it a few dozen times, but only with those whose company I already enjoy, though that doesn't necessarily mean sex. As for it being worth it, I'd say about half the time, it's resulted in a "maybe" turning into a "yes" for further fun.

My current regular, though to be fair, it's morphed into more of a sugar thing than simple OTC, said the fact that I was polite to the waitress we had helped her decide. :D

avatar for etsutwigg222
2 yrs ago

I do it quite often when I am traveling, since I am a daytime clubber. It keeps me from eating alone on the road & the road head after desert heading back to her car parked my hotel always relaxes me for a good night's sleep.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

If we’re not hooking up too, no.

He's asking about dinner with a stripper. As her customer not dating or p4p

avatar for prevert
2 yrs ago

Sounds too much like a date to me. No way.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Dinner´s just dinner. I wouldn´t do it thinking it would loosen a dancer´s boundaries, because that´s very unlikely, and ew anyways.

Did it regularly with a couple. Did it occasionally with several others. Did it with several more ITC in a club that had a full restaurant menu.

avatar for ATACdawg
2 yrs ago

I have done dinner with several. All I considered good friends, and they were comfortable with me. No mention of sex on either side. Three were OTC, two seafood and one sushi restaurant. In addition, where the club has good food, I have often bought dinners for my favs.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

I have had one dancer “offer” me this, but she wanted $400 an hour fot it and claimed other customers have done it. There wasn’t any implication of sex, it was very vague.

A different dancer who i wasn’t interested in, but discussed otc with, also claimed that people who took her out to bars or nights out paid for it since they were taking her time away from the club.

Icee thats insane. A stripper can easily be genuinely interested in a client. And even if not genuinely interested, could still want a relationship or kids with a client, due to the financial incentives involved. If she’s willing to fuck for X amount of money its very possible she would be willing to have a kid or relationship for more money or more consistent, guaranteed money.

Theres lots of potential reasons why a stripper could want dinner with a customer.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

I would do this if there weren’t fees involved and I wasn’t expected to pay for the dinner.

If you’re a regular with a dancer it’s possible they could do this and actually pay for your dinner, to try to retain you. Just like how people do this for clients in some industries. If you’re spending thousands on her, a $100 dinner is a small investment on her end.

There's a club where I send everyone on a shift dinner every month. Just so the asshole manager doesn't forget me lulz. Just pizza or tacos. Sometimes chicken fingers from raising canes. But the girls really appreciate it.

And there's girls I regularly order dinner for. Have it delivered to the club. Sometimes surprise them with their favorites.

It's about how you make someone feel.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Lol. I bet they dont know its stolen money

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

I’ve done dinner with several strippers over the years. All of them I had chemistry with and all of them I would meet for OTC, not necessarily the same night we would go to dinner. Some of the OTCs were free, but most were paid for.

I had never gone to dinner with a stripper that never ended up as an OTC partner, but I would consider a plutonic dinner meeting with someone if I liked them. Nicespice keeps asking me to go to Olive Garden but I’m always tied up.

avatar for Champphilly
2 yrs ago

You may feel you are on a date, but most times the wait staff knows she brought a new customer. 🤣🤣🤣

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

^ that’s why you pick the restaurant and not her.

avatar for RockAllNight
2 yrs ago

I read all of the comments looking for Olive Garden. Shailynn finally mentioned it on about the 20th comment.

avatar for Champphilly
2 yrs ago

might be known by most local restaurants, 🤣 unless she is ready to travel atleast 20 miles away. Good luck

avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

15+ years ago I had a plutonic relationship with a stripper and when ever I was in town we would have dinner together. She was thrifty and always had coupons for buy one get one free dinners. So that is where went went for dinner. Not Olive Garden but usually a chain restaurant. Once she suggested that we dress up to go to dinner. She said "I want to see the tongues wag when I kiss you and call you daddy."

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I’ve done this a few times. A family friend, who I knew from her days as a dancer, asked to get together for dinner. It was a good experience, as it was relaxed and we could just talk. We had a few dinners and we continue to be friends.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

I can count them on two hands if memory serves - I've done so much shit with so many girls over the years that I just can't remember every event. But I am positive that all but one were lead-ins to pre-negotiated hotel fun.

The lone outlier where OTC fun was not assured involved a Russian girl who was just so damned sexy and charming that I was willing to roll the dice a bit. I was trying to convert a "maybe" into a "yes" which involved a very nice dinner at Oceana in Manhattan, other entertainment and no small amount of alcohol. It all worked out in the end and was fun as a novelty event, but honestly wasn't worth the time and money on a repeat basis.

I hold nothing against anyone who takes a stripper out for a simple dinner. As I always say, I never criticize how another grown man chooses to spend his time and money. There just isn't much value in it for me. I'm neither lonely nor remotely lacking in female interactions - I'm constantly dealing with them day and night in both work and home settings. When I manage to get out I want to be the one being entertained. The thought of spending 1 1/2 to 2 hours wining, dining and chatting up a girl half my age with no common interests, without a not-so-clean payoff at the back-end, holds little interest for me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those dudes who think he's owed something just for buying dinner and certainly wouldn't have treated the Russian girl badly if things went differently. But I won't intentionally put myself in ambiguous situations like that anymore - I have neither the time nor inclination at this stage of my life.

avatar for captainfun
2 yrs ago

I have had a few meals out with girls that I’ve met. One that sticks in my mind is a lunch in a very small town. We were at an Applebee’s or something like that. One of the waitresses decided to sweep the floor right near our table mid lunch - most certainly to be nosy and listen in on the conversation.

I asked her to sweep somewhere else within seconds of her eavesdropping. Basically wanted her to back off on her nosiness and didn’t want her kicking up dust on our lunch.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Captainfun, why was the waitress nosy? Do you suspect she would have been open to p4p with you?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Sure. I've done this. Sometimes with all involved knowing that we'd be going someplace private afterwards for more fun, and sometimes not. There have been dancers where I've genuinely enjoyed their company and a nice dinner and some pleasant conversation has been its own reward. No, I've never been under the impression that these were dates with the possibility of "something more."

There was one dancer who would occasionally text "Coffee?" to me during the day. If we were both in the same area, we'd meet for a sandwich and coffee. Eventually, we started going back and forth on who would pay for each other; I mean, they weren't huge bills but a dancer paying for my meal was a new thing. And, yes, we did OTC, but not typically right after our lunch dates.

avatar for captainfun
2 yrs ago

Big3rd - nope, just being nosy. She was not attractive at all either - middle aged trashy thing.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

I'm assuming you're literally talking about just going out to dinner, no more, no less. Paying for dinner, but not paying for the privilege of paying for dinner. If so, yes I've done it quite often. I'm a customer who like to repeat with a favorite stripper so its pretty natural. It's always with a girl who I enjoying hanging out with and it's always been at modest to moderately priced places, similar value to what I'd get sitting in the club and buying her food there. It's always been their idea too, I don't think I've ever asked a girl to just go to dinner with me.

As far as it being a stepping stone, results vary. For me the value was there in and of itself so I never tried to use it as a gateway to something else. But, crossing the barrier to doing anything outside of the club is a big hurdle and once it's been cleared it's been my experience that it does often lead to other things. Not always, I'm sure there's been at least one time I took a girl out to dinner and that was our only OTC interaction, I just can't recall the specific instance to provide any context.

Other than that, in some cases it's lead to actual dates or date-like activities. Just two people hanging out, no exchange of payment for services, dinner/movies/drinks, a day at the beach, on the boat or at the pool. That's fairly rare and becoming less so as the age gap increases. In other cases its lead directly to OTC, as in imminently after. That's not uncommon, I think a fair amount of girls are just feeling me out in a safe place OTC before agreeing to go home with a basic stranger. Most of the time, though, its indirectly led to OTC. We have our dinner, say goodnight and return to the normal routine. Then, within few weeks she'll inquire about OTC. They'll be a slow week at the club or some other reason she doesn't want to go in, or a sudden need for extra cash and she'll bring it up. I'll usually have brought it up previously, but I don't sell OTC hard. I'll ask a girl and if the answer is no I'll tell her to let me know if she changes her mind and not bring it up again without provocation of some sort.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"Have you done this"?

I have. Not often. With dancers it's usually a way to do a double check before I see them anywhere else, and a way to let them get more comfortable with me if they're wanting that. But it's case by case, because sometimes I've already made my mind up but offer lunch or dinner because I enjoy their company.

"and, if you did, did you feel like it was worthwhile or a waste of time and money?"

It's never a waste of money. If I'm spending more time with anyone it's because I'm wanting to get to know them better. Knowing that the person I went out with is a person I wouldn't want to see again is a good thing. Like anything else, if I try it more than once and still can't get a read on what the outcome/value is going to be I'll usually take a pass.

There's literally one dancer ever I've just decided to be friends with, so that is not the ideal path lol. I'll probably end up with a second and third with the way things are trending, but I keep failing at staying out of the bedroom with the second lol.

The thing with female friends is that something sexual always ends up happening.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^spoken like someone who has no friend and never got laid. having beers with my female friend K this weekend. A yearly weird tradition to commemorate the night her boyfriend and three of his friends got mad at me for talking to her. The three friends held me down while her giant boyfriend (What kind of a pussy is a 6'6" guy who needs help) ground out a lit cigarette on my forehead. 1973 and except for 2020 we always get together. Met her in 1969 on the 8th grade school bus and we've never had sex, although to be fair I have thought about it cuz never seen anyone with larger naturals. Hell, she is still bigger up top than 95% of all women, despite breast reduction surgery. When I go out after work for drinks with fellow lawyers it's about 80% women and we just fuck out clients, not each other.

So women don't want to fuck you and even your wife prefers other men 🤡

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Why are lawyers fucking their clients? Is it some kind of p4p thing. Did you do anything to the boyfriend after that incident?

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Icee is bitter because after he ass fucked his Mom, he had to blow his emaciated crack addict Father. A whore and a drug addict produced Icee.

Skibitch you make shit up about me. But you admitted your wife likes fucking other men

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Everything I have said about you is true. Your mother charges $35 to let you watch her fuck a monkey.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Wow that sucks for icee to have to blow his own father, which has been confirmed and proven by longtime user skibum! That sucks i cant imagine the abuse you’ve went through iceeplop

Skibitch your wife let's you watch her fuck other men for free

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Naw I am too busy fucking their wives. For such a pussy know-it-all who pretends to know Vegas, you know jack shit about the lifestyle. Unlike a lot of men, especially "men" like you, I understand that women have the same desires we do and I'm secure in my manhood to not be a little jealous one-way bitch.

So you like your wife fucking other men

And she fucks them for free. Invite some tuscl members over

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

See you in February.....

Your threats are noted

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Airplane glue burns like a muthafucka, yet ice cubes don't. Go figger. Think of the Scott tattoo.

avatar for satsuma
2 yrs ago

"I feel like they do this as a reward for me coming in and buying lap dances from them rather than them just wanting to get a free meal out of me"

They're not mutually exclusive and it's likely they're doing it for both reasons. They also probably feel comfortable around you enough that they feel safe and enjoy your company enough (or at worst tolerable enough) to spend time with you. It can also be a stepping stone to something else, like extras or a sugar relationship. Or maybe they're just bored, or they're horny and want to fuck and get paid for it. You never know. Just go with the flow and don't overthink it, ask her what she wants and tell her what you're hoping for, and stay within your budget (or not).

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

The OP has been on TUSCL long-enough to know how to not get hustled (I assume) - but this thread reminds me of a review I read a few years ago where a PL went to dinner w/ dancer and after the dinner the dancer demanded payment "for her time" (like $200 or something like that; can't remember but it was $ignificant); and as often happens the PL gave her $$$ even though it took him by surprise since payment for dinner had not been discussed - as far as I can remember in that situation it was a dancer the PL had met for the first-time (he might even have been from out-of-town).

As some vet dancers sometimes say "strippers don't do anything for free" - the fact that in this situation it is a dancer proposing dinner is why I think one should be a bit-on-guard vs thinking it's just a-nice-gesture-for-a-regular; the latter could be the case but it may be kosher to square-things-away b/f agreeing especially when she's the one bringing-it-up.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Never, in 12+ years of averaging once per week in the club, had a dancer try to charge me for anything but dances. I'm guessing that, with a dancer who would do that, the alarm on your ROB-dar would go off within 5 minutes of meeting her.

avatar for bang69
2 yrs ago

I have had dinner with strippers several times. It has always been a great time. We all forget strippers are people to.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Well if this thread wasn't timely. My weekly OTC favorite just decided that she would like to be taken out to dinner during our next meetup before we hit the sheets. I suspect that she doesn't want to feel treated like a simple pump and go, a theme I seem to be running across a lot more lately with some of these girls. As I discussed above, I've taken girls out before, but lately I haven't been so eager to do it as I have a lot going on at the moment. But I sense that if I refuse it could impact what has been a very nice arrangement thus far.

The complication is location. She has a day job and relationships in the local community and I have my own exposure concerns, so we're both worried about discretion. Normally I use a couple of places in a tourist town directly south of me for these sorts of things, but she lives too far to the north for this to be convenient. Obviously I can't do it in my own area or hers, so I'm running out of map.

Sometimes I'll use another club with a decent kitchen (one she doesn't work at) for these types of events when other choices are difficult, but unfortunately this is not an option for her for reasons I won't discuss here.

I may end up having to use one of the nicer downtown hotels, one with an in-house restaurant. Fuck. I really hate paying that kind of freight (higher room fee, parking for two cars) just for dinner and a screw, but I'm running out of options. I hope she appreciates the upgrade from the local hotel that we normally use, but that she doesn't get used to it. 😆

avatar for Heaven-sent
2 yrs ago

Nope, but I have brought lunch to the club to eat with them. Some times planned by them. Sometimes a surprise. I took one shopping for her kids birthday once at Walmart. If I like her I’ll hang out with her.

I got a dinner date with a stripper hoe on Saturday. Keeps texting me how nervous she is

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"Normally I use a couple of places in a tourist town directly south of me for these sorts of things, but she lives too far to the north for this to be convenient."

It sounds you have a solution, but I'm wondering why her inconvenience is your problem. She wants the dinner. She can drive farther. Tis the season n' all that, but unless you just feel like giving gifts (or left out something relevant) this seems like a lot of extra work you didn't create.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

^ Wall I hear what you're saying and in theory you're not wrong. But asking her to do that kind of a round trip after working her vanilla job all day seems punitive. If I must have dinner with a girl, I want to be able to enjoy the event, including a few drinks together. If she is looking at a long drive back after a long day, it's not likely to be much fun for her - or me by extension.

So I bit the bullet and ended up using that nice downtown hotel with an in-house restaurant. It was a decent time but I'm not eager to repeat. We have since met back up in our normal way, so it doesn't look like something she's going to expect routinely.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Thats excellent Icee! Is she also into abusing purp? Does she believe clubs scanning ids is a non issue while pharmacies looking at them is very scary and unjust?

avatar for FLAP3000
2 yrs ago

Absolutely. Many, many times. Never anywhere fancy though. Places like Chili’s, Bennigan’s, Hooters. Recently, a dancer and I went to Twin Peaks to watch a football game. We had just met the day before and decided to meet there the next day. Awesome time.

It’s just dinner, don’t overthink or dwell too much on it. If you feel comfortable, then just do it. Otherwise, hold off. But nowhere fancy though, and don’t let her pick the place

If you're worried about discretion just have dinner delivered to your room

avatar for goldmongerATL
2 yrs ago

Early in my career some older sales guys took me to a strip club. I was at least 10-12 years younger than any of them, so one of the strippers with our group gravitated to me since we were close to the same age. The group convinced the both of us we should go to dinner that evening. So we did. It was sort of like a blind date feel to it, except I had already fondled and sucked on those tits, so that pressure was off in that respect. I had started to visit that club and get dances from her. This was before VIP rooms were a thing and there was no concept of extras. I could not afford that anyway. We had lunch or dinner two or three other times. Because I was spending on her in the club, this did not feel like dating, but we enjoyed each other's company. It gave us both a break.

avatar for ButterMan
2 yrs ago

I've had dinner with several strippers over the years. I actually had dinner with a girl last night at a place you all may have heard of. St elmos steak house. And is all part of the game. If I get them comfortable with me and trusting me the next step is OTC action at my place. Works every time.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"Works every time."

Just like Sex Panther...https://youtu.be/5ccp-lEmoAE

avatar for SerenitySinn
2 yrs ago


avatar for SerenitySinn
2 yrs ago

Here Comes dScrub In 3,2,1……………🥴🤪

Just had dinner with a stripper hoe only wearing a black t shirt fishnets and converse. Sexy af. Had sushi now gonna do hoodrat shit

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

Icee why don't you sit down on a two-foot-tall model of the Eiffel Tower.

We ended up so fucked up we blacked out lulz

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Lulz but you spent $300 on her just for a date you cant get anything without paying Then you went and looted footlocker. Thats the hoodrat shit?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

It's not very common, but I've gone out to dinner or lunch with dancers. Usually ending in OTC but not always. I've also had breakfast with dancers, and that's always been the aftermath of an OTC.

Have a date with a stripper have another date tomorrow. Not p4p

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Lmao. I am going out for burgers with Jesus and Marie Antoinette.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Icee you pay their rent and tip $800 on the stage these purp addicts are using you for purp and money just like that last purpho who got you to even pay her parents housing expenses lulz

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

Let's not forget that Iceydodo needs drugs for her junkie whores. LOL D4P. 🤭🤡😂😂😂

One is a Korean Mexican mix the other a Cuban girl. Lulz

Waiting on dinner with a stripper hoe. Getting boujee mexican food

And ended up getting so high we were driving around looking for dessert and forgetting what we were doing 😂😂😂😭😭😭

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

^^^D4P FTW!!!

It's amazing how willing junkie stripper whores are when you entice them with drugs. As good as paying them to hang out. 🤭🤡😂😂😂

avatar for Nixur68
2 yrs ago

Do it. If its terrible your only out $40.

avatar for JeffTUSCL
2 yrs ago

I once connected with a stripper over one of the sugar sites. She was cheap for the meet, don't know why, I think she didn't want to see greedy and it was just a dinner meet to feel things out. I thought why not. Then she showed up looking like a stripper. She was hot, definitely hot, but imagine you're a guy dressed pretty respectable and the girl you're meeting for dinner who you didn't show up with at the same time comes strolling in like she's advertising herself. Either clueless or on purpose. I picked a place reasonably close to my work & home and the whole time I was cold sweating that a coworker or someone I know would walk in. Never doing that again. I was trying to keep the engagement short but didn't want to cut it too short in case she made some scene.

Why the fuck wouldn't you want to be seen with a sexy girl? I love it when they dress sexy

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^A lot of men, unlike you, don't think being with a sexy girl makes them more manly. Impotent nothings like you feel the need for baubles to make you a man. Much rather have dinner with a smart woman, although I do understand that smart women make your tinny little dick shrivel.

avatar for JeffTUSCL
2 yrs ago

Do I have to spell it out? She was dressed like a pole dancing whore.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

No, you don't have to spell it out. Icee's shtick here is telling everyone that they're wrong about everything.

Two recommendations (though. I suspect you already sussed these out). If you're doing a meet-and-greet sugar date, then aim for further away from home and work. Also, it's totally okay to let the woman know that you're taking them to a particular sort of place, so please dress appropriately. But, even if you do that, it's impossible to say how that woman will interpret "classy casual" or whatever, or if they'll even care. So, choose a place that's a bit further away, even though it's a bit more inconvenient. That first meeting is a gamble; it's best to mitigate the risk.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

@Jeff you seem to always have some reason to avoid women. I think it's destiny you and the bi-curious guy popped up in these discussions simultaneously.

If you're going out with a woman only coz you expect sex in exchange you won't enjoy yourself and your vibe will show

Jeff your problem is your incel vibes

Cim your shtick is pretending you speak for wveryone and accuse everyone of trolling while you yourself are a troll and have even hacked the site.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^your problem is that you're a liar, a fraud and an overall fucking cunt.

avatar for K
2 yrs ago

Had dinner with a dancer last night. She's in the kitchen making us breakfast. It is after 12, maybe brunch is the better term.

We discussed where we would be going for dinner and drinks. She dressed appropriately. Sometimes "...dressed like a pole dancing whore" is appropriate. Last night it was not.

avatar for Huntsman
2 yrs ago

I’ve had dinner with dancers numerous times, just to have a meal and hang out a bit. Actually, more likely lunch, but whatever. As with any other walk of life, dancers vary in terms of whether they are genuinely enjoyable to hang out with or whether I want nothing to do with them. Over the years, several dancers became friends. And we had lunch. It’s pretty simple, really.

avatar for K
2 yrs ago

"you are getting burnt toast for breakfast - guaranteed!" you are wrong.

fresh coffee, Some sort of Caribbean seasoned eggs and sausage on a toasted roll. it was delicious and perfectly cooked. This is not the first meal she's made for us and all have been good.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Icee he already explained in his post why he didn’t want her dressing sexy. Its redundant to ask him why when his post already explained it. Happy to help

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