
Comments by orionsmith (page 35)

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    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Not to worry about strippers not sending a text back, she will think of an excuse for when she sees you in the club. I've heard lots of excuses. Plus I've had strippers say to text them, they respond right away at first, then nothing. Routine with some strippers. In one case, I think the dancer asked for me to text her just so that I would be thinking about her. Apparently she liked that. She would tell me a week later when I saw her again that she got my text she asked me to send. She acted like she was worried I would fall asleep on my drive home.
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    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Many dancers set up second phone numbers for all the guys in a club and don't even check it very much. I remember one dancer asked me to call her and later on when I said I called but she didn't answer, she gave me what she called her family and close friends number. I believed her because when I called the number I heard her voice and real name. She must have trusted me. She called back after leaving a message on that number. She's probably getting several texts on a number she may not even be checking or just thinks, I will see him later at the club. I'm glad dancers aren't texting me. If I get one of my sisters started, she can keep texting for a long time. There are some days and times when they don't want any texts. I'm the same but I turn off my phone ringer.
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    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Inside Stephen Hawking's Surprising Love Life—Including Trips to the Strip Club
    Just remember if you have multiple sisters and you do something wrong as a kid, they will never forget it even if it was an accident.
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    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What am I--chopped liver?
    Reminds me of a busty blonde stripper I call Missy but she likes to stick to people she knows unless she's trying to get new business. If in a situation where I'm going wtf is she thinking, I remind myself if she was a rocket scientist, she wouldn't be in a strip club dancing for a few bucks here and there.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    UMBC beating UVA
    Miracles do happen. Maybe I can still win a million and make several more million. Then get back to visiting strip clubs in my spare time. Sounds like a plan. Just need one in a few billion luck. Maybe one in only a billion since I entered the PCH contest a few times. Maybe better odds of winning $75 worth of steak and Omaha burgers since I submitted like 20 entries for a chance to win that. I probably got better odds of striking it rich investing in stocks than any other way.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    UMBC beating UVA
    I missed it. Lost by 20 points wow. What happened? Did the other team shoot really good?
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    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: what to do and where to go
    I don't live in Florida but watched another one of those time traveler YouTube videos that says Florida will be underwater by possibly sometime in the 2020's along with much of the eastern coastline below 400 feet plus or minus. I'd be generous and let a couple of hot single girls from Florida move in with me for some rent with reduced rent assuming they gave me Bj's and sex. Could be fun. Shadowcat would be on the new beach. I wouldn't be far. Time travel videos are funny. Trump gets elected to second term. NK shoots a nuke at Honolulu in 2020 but it gets shot down. We return fire with 2 nukes and Kim is no more. Then one year later we go to war with China and Russia and battlefield nukes are used in a brutal war. LA has a 10.2 earthquake dropping the west coast down 10 ft. Amazing details on a video I saw last night. Should be amusing to watch in a few years. The guy can claim he changed time of anything deviates. Kind of like the time traveler who claimed there was going to be a civil war in the US before the US government changed it by doing 911 covertly. I never heard that one until last night. Another time traveler said Hillary and later on Chelsey would become president and things were horrible. He was trying to change it. Looks like he succeeded so far. The one video said trump would try for a third term but still get impeached during his second term. Weird.
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    7 years ago
    What do you do to make sure it's hard at the club?
    Alcohol usually numbs part of my body. It surprises me when a dancer seems to have a magical effect. Sometimes I think some females emit pheromones that can cause an erection when you aren't expecting anything. It's true that under 30 it was difficult not to get an erection very easily when seeing pretty naked girls. I remember one college class feeling really embarrassed when I got too relaxed and was surrounded by females who propped their nice legs up beside me. One bad thought and soon all the girls in front of me were trying to look between my legs. A bunch of girls looking between my legs didn't help. I had a couple girls already looking at me before. I had so many opportunities I didn't pursue back then. If I had a do over, I'd be busy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The physicist Stephen Hawking has died at 76
    He could use math to theorize in a singularity before the Big Bang but apparently never saw any unknown evidence he couldn't explain to believe in an afterlife it sounds like. He might be surprised if this life is more like a virtual reality world and he just woke up. RIP. I believe we have souls that get recycled and we keep coming back unless we get locked away in a prison afterlife because we were really bad. What I really wonder is if we get to choose what bodies we get reincarnated back into of if its random luck if we are male or female, etc. I was never taught this so I'm not sure why I believe it.
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    7 years ago
    steak and blowjob day
    This could be a good reason to get a stripper gf.
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    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Why We Fight
    This is one topic I haven't thought much about since I'm not married. I think if I got married now, it would have to be deep commitment and love or insanity. The other possibility would be she is hot but she doesn't do certain sexual things often enough or at all. In that case she is failing to perform duties of a wife and guys have needs. I just saw a show on sex robots. They aren't perfected yet. Guys start thinking alternatives if their needs aren't met. Maybe it's true, some women may believe Bj's aren't necessary after marriage. In that case I can believe the 85% number. Plus some women call cheating just doing the slightest thing wrong. I once thought my ideal mate might be a hot sexy porn watching retired dancer who could still be working. Then we might be compatible if she was into me. I don't watch porn much but if I want to watch topless girls on the playboy channel washing expensive cars, don't need a preacher wife or girlfriend telling me everything wrong with that.
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    7 years ago
    Gimme Girls
    I've loaned money to strippers many years ago, never got it back except one dancer promised half off all lap dances forever. Forever took a lot longer than the dancer anticipated. Forever lasted 2 years. I wasn't sure if that was paying me back because she did extra dances to still get a certain amount of money. She obviously liked me. I learned my lesson. Later on one dancer in my car just casually mentioned if I wanted to I could loan or give 100 bucks to dancer xyz or her drug supplier was gonna beat her up I heard. I just said that's too bad. Not an atm machine. That was over 20 years ago. I did give a dancer I knew a loan knowing it was really a gift of 300 one time. I knew she was pregnant and likely desparate for money after I moved away. I was not responsible for her pregnancy. She never asked me for money again. Most dancers who asked for money I never saw again. She actually called me up out of the blue 2 years later telling me she was working in South Carolina at Platinum in Colombia and had a no tip out weekend. Wanted me to visit. I was surprised she kept my phone number that long.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The physicist Stephen Hawking has died at 76
    Hopefully he's in a better place. I'm not sure if he believed in an afterlife or not.
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    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Stripper Boyfriend
    I'm very good at video games. However I haven't had anything to drink in days. Drugs and doctors I stay away from. I think I saw a doctor 2 or 3 years ago just for a physical just because I was worried I wasn't going to have a doctor if I hadn't visited for several years. Probably not even considered a patient if I haven't visited in 2 or 3 years. Decided to lose weight and get in better shape two days ago. I plan on losing 1 to 2 pounds average a week. Gained 6 pounds over last several months. I might have already lost 2 pounds in 2 days so that is probably too fast. Losing weight is simple math if your metabolism works ok. Probably not stripper BF material after all. I don't touch drugs. I don't even like people smoking in the same house.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Obviously I have to like a dancer. I won't know that if a waitress immediately asks me to buy a drink after one second after a dancer asks to sit with me. In that situation, it feels like a rip off set up and I usually say not right now or no. I've had dancers come over and immediately ask for a drink and then walk off, come back for a few seconds after a waitress delivers it, almost never to be seen near me again. That's wrong. I try to avoid rip offs. If I get to sit and talk to a dancer for a few minutes, I can form an opinion if I want her to stay longer. Some clubs do rip off customers and some dancers are in on it. I call it a rip off if she doesn't sit with you for several minutes after buying her a drink. As such, I usually only buy drinks for dancers I already know and like. This kind of rip off is not unusual in some strip clubs. Some guys seem to think it's expected but it is only because they put up with it. I've had a few surprised looks when I said no. Rip off didn't work. They were surprised. A few times might just have been bad timing on the part of the waitress and dancer but I figure dancers will approach again if I'm a regular.
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    7 years ago
    With Daylight Savings Time...
    Why don't we just argue as a nation which time we should stay on? I'd like to stay on daylight savings time and never switch again. I have an extra hour of daylight in the evening for possible outdoor activities. Accident rates go up and people die because of these annual time changes. Let's put an end to the mass carnage and waste. I save no money because of the time change. I think everyone else doesn't save anything as far as power use either.
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    7 years ago
    She likes me, she really likes me
    If a dancer likes you too much, that's when the drama can start. Now that I'm older, probably won't run into that anymore.
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    It's International Womens Day.
    It was a day for women to talk about equal pay so that female waitresses can make as much as male engineers in a female described fair pay or equal pay scenario. They never talk about comparing equal pay for same jobs because that's already the law. Such women want quotas and more pay for females regardless of position in my opinion. Women might say make the women CEOs or supervisors and in charge then they will get paid more than the men. They'd probably see that as fair. If you find female engineers doing the same work and job function as male engineers, I'm all for equal pay when you factor in work hours and experience. I think it's a bunch of crap comparing pay of waitresses to engineers and everyone else. If governments want to pay teachers an engineers salary because most might be female, going to have to raise everyone's taxes a lot.
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    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    OT: Right to bear arms; can I buy Uranium to build a fissional weapon?
    I met a few strippers who have never flown. I just applied to a job that said travel up to 50% and an hour later thought, oh crap, I said I was ok with traveling all over the US. At least it didn't say international. I really do not want to travel all over the place. I've been all over the US. Foreign food often does not agree with me.
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    7 years ago
    How to hustle
    I could add it helps to at least act like you like the customer. If you do a dance and are turned away most of the time, don't expect repeat business unless the guy liked that. Also make the customer feel like he's getting a good deal. Explain prices, when another song is starting and song count and cost unless he's on top of it. Wait until a song starts to start charging for a dance unless a quarter of a song is a freebie. If it is tell him or he could get riled up thinking he's getting ripped off because most people aren't mind readers. Ask him if there are dance moves he likes.
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    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What do you think of Donald Trump as our President ?
    I doubt the rest of the world wants NK to be a mini China with a promise not to build any more nukes after their long history of breaking deals. NK should release all American prisoners as a peace gesture if they are serious. I thought I read they still had American prisoners.
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    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What do you think of Donald Trump as our President ?
    Well I heard Trump and Kim will be doing peace talks about removing nukes from North Korea. I wish them success. I really thought we were going to have a nuclear war this year and thought neither would back down. Still could happen. It would be much better for everyone if it didn't. How it gets verified North Korea is honoring the deal is another story. Bill Clinton already did that deal a long time ago. If Kim was serious and ditched all his muscles and nukes, he could enjoy some major economic reforms if he wants to be like a minii China. Of course how he convinces everyone after reneging before is a different story. I would want North Korea to stop teaching their kids to hate the US. Number one though, get rid of nukes and missiles. The US will soon be a number 2 superpower after China. We don't need to waste money on another war if we can avoid it. More economic growth and more jobs, less deficit spending except for the poor and elderly is what we need unless it improves future job prospects and our economy. The demographic super cycle is about to cause a major slow down in consumer spending as baby boomers cut their spending so tax cuts and increased government spending might keep things humming.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    OT: Right to bear arms; can I buy Uranium to build a fissional weapon?
    Build a cold fusion reactor in the garage. That would get everyone's attention. Neighbors wouldn't be happy if it blew up though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What do you think of Donald Trump as our President ?
    At least I've gotten better at predicting Trump messes. Sell sell sell. Then like Vegas, give a little back to keep people in the game. Trump says people want to work in the White House. Less than 2 hours later, his economic advisor resigns. Guess he felt ignored.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What do you think of Donald Trump as our President ?
    I enjoy those fronts here in South Carolina. Was running my air conditioner for 3 days in February. It's awful here in June, July, August.