Gimme Girls

avatar for NatiNate
Long time subscriber first time poster. In such a simple service based industry it’s amazing how many girls are just like “Gimme” for absolutely nothing in return. During my travels I met a chill girl who when I’m in town we spend a few cool Otc hours together. She’s easy to talk to GFE just great I’ve seen her twice last time was 4+ months ago. I hit her up earlier this month to tell her I would be in town the end of the month to see if she’s still down which she is.

But outside of our time together nothing we don’t communicate. Today I get the desperate “Gimme” call for a couple of hundred with some lame excuse and I’ll pay you back please send now PayPal. At first I had my Cape on and said ok give me a little bit to send. After she kept blowing me up I set the cape down picked up the phone and said no we’re just not on that level I enjoy seeing you and all but no. I’ll send you $50 because I think you are a good person don’t worry about paying me back and that was that.

What would you have done? I did at least get a thank you text and I do want to tap that next time I’m in town.


last comment
If you posted on here more often you wouldn't be asking that question

I would have blocked her number. You don't know if you'll ever see her again. Now if she was a local gal at my favorite club, I would have made an OTC P4P offer.
Gimme a lapdance
Gimme head
Gimme dat ass
Gimme a kiss
Gimme drugs
Gimme nude pics
You have been lurking since 2015 and you don’t know how to handle this sad.
Next time tell her gimme chacken fangers first at least
Strip-clubs/strippers are bizarro-world - requires a different "logic"/set-of-skills when dealing with them - using the logic/skills one has acquired in the real-world often proves futile when dealing in strip-club/stripper bizarro world.

Many of these girls have kinda upside-down lives and it's often the reason they are strippers.

Money problems are common and often times the custy may be the only "normal" person in their lives they can count on - so yeah; they often have money-issues and often times being a white-knight will set a precedent -b/c they will have more emergencies in the future then likely they will keep coming back to you if you've helped them before - and the more one helps them the worse it can get - i.e. they may start making up emergencies whenever they want/need $$$ (they want a new handbag, take their BF to a nice-dinner; doesn't feel like going into the club; etc).

The chances of her paying you back are often zero - some "promise" to pay you back via free-sessions but even then they often don't follow thru - there are no "loans" in stripperville; any money you give them is to be considered a gift.

And 99% of the time if you don't give them $$$, they will still see you when you want b/c they will still want your $$$ then (i.e. it's not as if you're burning a bridge by not giving them $$$).

Nothing is universal and one may feel-bad about what she may be going thru, but giving $$$ to strippers upfront does not have a good track-record and can often set a precedent.
I don't mind helping a stripper or anyone else - problem w/ strippers that need help is that it's often never-ending and many are habitual-liars (lies and strippers go together like football and beer).
I'd probably be shopping for a diamond by now. Once you get married it's all communal property so she won't ask any more.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
The trick is to never do it. Make up an excuse. She’s texting her other customers, so let them deal w it.

“Awe babe. I’m so sorry to hear that. I really can’t help you.” And ignore subsequent texts. Also, there’s no reason to ever answer her phone calls. Dancers do this to each other too, when they get desperate.
Nate - if you’ve been lurking - you should know that you’ve got minimal chance of getting any money back from a stripper.

Many strippers view us as ATM’s. They need money - regardless of why - and they shoot off a quick text to a few pl’s - in the expectation that one will be dumb enough (or charitable enough) to send money.

Since I always want to believe a person won’t completely lie to me - I hope that there is a minimum of truth to a strippers story. In reality it’s probably a complete lie.

I’d recommend you not send any money. Even sending her a tiny amount will tell her that you are soft - and there’s a chance to get more. The next request might be more urgent - and the story might be more dire. But, it’s still a complete lie.

So ignore her requests, or politely decline (with a smiley face emoji). Tell her that you feel for her. Offer bullshit emotional support (for a fictitious situation). Ask her about the sudden death of her cat - the next time you see her at the club - and wait when she can’t remember her own lies. It’s a fun game...
The responses you get here are, unfortunately, based on a lot of experience. Not that every single stripper or every single experience is this way but two things are extremely common in this biz. Requests for money and sob stories are the norm. And strippers have had a lot of practice playing the game.

If you give money for nothing in return now, you should expect nothing in return in the future. Again, there can be rare exceptions but you are best off realizing that your stripper buddy views you as an ATM. If you reward that view, she will be asking for more with a new story soon. Further, you aren’t really doing her any favors over time even if she does have a legitimate need for money because she would be better off long term learning to budget and handle her own finances better.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
I would have done what you did and send 50.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
“Many of these girls have kinda upside-down lives and it's often the reason they are strippers.”

I met a really cool dancer two Monday’s ago and had a great time with her. I don’t remember what we were talking about/how it came up....but she mentioned she has bad credit. I don’t judge people....but I was very surprised when she said that because this girl was probably no older than 25 years old
avatar for NatiNate
7 years ago
Finally someone agrees with me. Big Ups to Lone_Wolf. From my lurking I know not to expect anything back which is Y I did what I did and told her not to worry about it. I agree with the ATM and setting a precedent comments. IMHO sometimes you have to pay to play and in this case I fully understand I’m paying and not playing and may never play again with her. But in my rational mind $50 should pay for ur Uber to work and a buy you meal and to me 50 is insignificant a couple hundred is not. + I don’t call it lurking most of the stuff I read cracks me up but I’ll definitely contribute more.
I'd give my cell number to a member of Isis before a dancer.
None of you guys are on the level of Gawker or Juice (who claims to had moved a stripper in with him).

$100 here $200 there you are getting off easy!

To answer your question I have fortunately never had to put more out over much more than $100. I consider myself lucky.
If that isn't lurking, what is lurking?

Nothing wrong with it, in fact I wish SJG only lurked.

I think most of us lurked for a little while, learning the protocols before contrbuting. Maybe not 3 years, but a few weeks or months anyway.

But most of us do appreciate when you provide insights, then we can patronize you to no end.
@flagoo stop patronizing the lurkers ;)
You think strippers are bad, wait until you hit SA :)

I think you just trained her to keep hitting you up, and in these types of girls, generosity is met by resentful entitlement, not gratitude. I'd say the odds are, she'll keep hitting you up for free money, since that what you taught her to do, and you'll either keep having to send it (while giving her a stern lecture about how your relationship isn't there yet) or fire her completely. If you wanted to best odds of continuing to tap her, you should have ignored her texts, or perhaps a short polite text explaining why.

Not that I don't make exceptions to this. I had an ATF who a few times I put money in her bnk account a few days before we met for OTC. On the other hand, she was also fine when I came low on cash; she trusted me to put it in her bank account when I got home (I've never done western union; had her send me a text image of a voided check, and used that info to deposit directly to her bank)
I may have done what you did and send 50 as Lone_Wolfe said, but only if I wanted too and could honestly say this is not to keep us on the SEX for RESOURCES option.

I thought it showed class. Good on you!!
LOL. It showed class.

Somehow that should be incorporated into a tagline.

Where getting fleeced by strippers after paying them for sex is considered classy.
Chivalry in strip clubs will often be exploited as a sign of weaknesses aka "being an easy mark"
+1 to both of my arch-enemies and bottom bitches:
-->"Where getting fleeced by strippers after paying them for sex is considered classy."
-->"Chivalry in strip clubs will often be exploited as a sign of weaknesses aka "being an easy mark""

Take this more as a brotherly what-the-hell-are-you-doing rather than criticism, Nate. But given the things I'm sure you know about strippers (that this wasn't a special request to you, but that she texted all her regulars and everyone she thinks is weak; that strippers often look at generosity as weakness; etc), it really is worth examining why you'd send her any money at all ... what negative thing did you think was going to happen if you didn't?
Easy for me to say I wouldn’t have given her a dime, since I’ve never been in this position. But I’m thinking if I gave her any money I’d tell her to come over and get it and be prepared to suck my cock, or allow me to masturbate her with a dildo or something. But that might just be my dick talking.
I used to give and give, I learned the hard way. There's always another emergency, always another excuse....They are always going to last time I was asked for money....Please western union to me..."ok.....I'll send you money"....I waited 30 min and texted her back, "apparently I'm banned from WU from sending money to strangers, sorry babe"....Yeah I'm done with the endless money unless you have something for me...its the only thing they understand.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
^ that’s an excellent excuse. I really am banned bc someone w my name was running a scam at some point.
JAprufrock-->"But I’m thinking if I gave her any money I’d tell her to come over and get it and be prepared to suck my cock, or allow me to masturbate her with a dildo or something."

You put it a bit coarsely but I think you have the right idea -- if you are inclined to give her money, keep it in the context of your relationship, which is strictly a business one. That said, remember that she's a person, no matter what eye-rolling bullshit she's gotten herself into, it might be very real and panic-inducing in her. It might be tempting to try to turn this into a win-win, but it definitely is worth thinking twice about whether you want to be involved in her drama or enabler of her negative mental state in any way. IMO.

max_starr-->"The last time I was asked for money....Please western union to me..."ok.....I'll send you money"....I waited 30 min and texted her back, "apparently I'm banned from WU from sending money to strangers, sorry babe"..."

I realize passive-aggressive and conniving type approaches are very tempting -- I used them myself for years, it just feels like an easier way to avoid conflict and not get her pissed at you, especially if you're intimidated or worried she'll pull the benefits. But as a general rule for the sex industry, my overall experience and how I felt about my own behavior both improved by order of magnitudes, when I started being more direct and assertive. And it also avoid followups like, "will you paypal it to me?" "Here's my checking account #, will you just go to the bank and put it in there?".
Interesting that PLs who generally won’t tips for things they perceive to be free, i.e., stage tipping, strip club convo, free pornography, etc, will fork over free money when asked via text message. I am thinking the difference is pussy or the promise of pussy (likely the former). I can understand fronting her as a token of goodwill or greasing if you will. But damn,, some of you PLs just get taken advantage of. Even if the sums (under a benji) are inconsequential.

Sorry, I don’t have a dog in this race. I’m just an outsider making comments.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
^ I actually think that makes it more reasonable. If I was a PL, I’d consider what I spend overall. As a dancer, I consider my time and effort overall. I don’t charge for meals out, sexy pics, and rarely my time ITC, but it all has to even out w what they wind up spending.
Thanks subraman, I will be more direct...That was an actual excuse I used and she did then ask me to buy moneypaks lol....another method to which I said no....I learned the hard way that generosity is weakness and it messes them all up.
-->"she did then ask me to buy moneypaks lol"

Of course! ANd she knew your initial response was bullshit from the beginning .... so now you had to be direct anyway, after having been caught in a lie... good lesson :) :)

Honestly, even after everything I said about not being passive aggressive, I do typically wait HOURS to respond
I don't know anything about sending money via Western Union, I don't get why you guys are so intimidated by a young girl in her underwear, I'd just say no and have many times and it has never, ever, had any negative impact on how I am treated when I see her again. I bet they (the dancers) are more surprised by how easily you guys cave, and as a result it probably gives them more reinforcement to treat you with disrespect.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I've loaned money to strippers many years ago, never got it back except one dancer promised half off all lap dances forever. Forever took a lot longer than the dancer anticipated. Forever lasted 2 years. I wasn't sure if that was paying me back because she did extra dances to still get a certain amount of money. She obviously liked me. I learned my lesson. Later on one dancer in my car just casually mentioned if I wanted to I could loan or give 100 bucks to dancer xyz or her drug supplier was gonna beat her up I heard. I just said that's too bad. Not an atm machine. That was over 20 years ago. I did give a dancer I knew a loan knowing it was really a gift of 300 one time. I knew she was pregnant and likely desparate for money after I moved away. I was not responsible for her pregnancy. She never asked me for money again. Most dancers who asked for money I never saw again. She actually called me up out of the blue 2 years later telling me she was working in South Carolina at Platinum in Colombia and had a no tip out weekend. Wanted me to visit. I was surprised she kept my phone number that long.
I've taken them grocery shopping from time to time but quit sending cash after learning the hard way that the cash emergencies never stop once you give in.

These days If a dancer tells me she is hungry or needs basic necessities I'll buy her a meal or take her to the grocery store. If she is thirsty I'll buy her a drink.

If she requests cash I quickly reply with a simple "sorry Hun. Can't help you in that way but happy to connect OTC and trade play for pay". Most times they will agree to meet for a play date

Max_starr for the win! Banned from sending money to strippers by WU is an excellent excuse!

LightningKay - lol! Chivalry - that’s funny!
Like the old saying... "it aint tricking if you got it"

@Natinate next time when she ask for money. Send her $25 more than what she asks, then act like u dont give a fuck about her or the money you gave her...

Thank me later.
@jaredlucas....These days If a dancer tells me she is hungry or needs basic necessities I'll buy her a meal or take her to the grocery store. If she is thirsty I'll buy her a drink.

Sounds like dealing with the homeless when they ask for "help"
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