

avatar for Darkblue999
Somewhere in the club

Why the heck dancers give phone numbers when they don't want to respond ? I texted a dancer two times in two weeks to know if she is coming to the club. Second i went to the club and texted saying that i am in the club and i would like to spend some money on you. No response.She did not come to the club.

But I wanted dances from that girl only.I am frustrated and sad....


last comment
avatar for Bj99
6 yrs ago

Why do you only want dances from that girl? Doesn’t sound like she is that nice.

avatar for chessmaster
6 yrs ago

They aren't going to tell you NO. easier to just ignore you and hit you up when they need something.

avatar for Huntsman
6 yrs ago

Unfortunately, that’s pretty common. It doesn’t make sense but there is nothing you can really do about it.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

She's not your wife or GF - she has her life outside the club and most dancers deal with PLs when they have no other choice (need $$$) - this is the norm, get used to it

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Unless you are a solid good spending regular, then you're just another guy

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

You don't have to like it, but if it makes you frustrated or sad, some introspection might be in order

avatar for RandomMember
6 yrs ago

I offer online therapy - but it's PayPal only

avatar for K
6 yrs ago

You need to give her enough notice so she will see the text in time to get in. You also have to offer enough money for her to be interested. With stage fees, tips outs, gas and tolls she may break even only after she earns 100. If she thinks you will drop 20 or 30 she doesnt care. If she knows you will get her to at least break even she is much more interested.

avatar for Bj99
6 yrs ago

Did you try to ask her out a bunch, and beg her to go to dinner w you, or for otc? I often ignore guys who nag me for more, after I tell them no.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

^ Yeah - perhaps saying something like "I wanna go to the club to only see you", might entice her.

avatar for UKfan
6 yrs ago

This has happened to me several times, that’s why I don’t even bother anymore, some of my regulars will give me their Facebook and they normally respond on Facebook.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

Do you need a tissue?

avatar for larryfisherman
6 yrs ago

They respond more on Snapchat IME.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


She was nice in conversation,during lap dance and after lap dances. She danced exactly the way I wanted i.e topless in cowgirl position with neck kisses and our frequency matched. She was surprised when I tipped $20.00 for 5 songs.If I liked the dances I usually tip $20.00

She is 19 yrs hot blonde with the body I wanted.No other dancer in that top rated club didn't interest me. She told me she has unpredictable schedule and asked me to text if I want to see her so that she can pop in.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


I understand that she is not my wife or GF but she acted like normal GF.:) unlike regular dancers That's why I like her.


When I had dances with her last time I spent $60.00 + $100.00 plus tip of $20.00 And I LDKed after the last song.I offered her drink she told me she is not 21 yet. Before I took 5 dances she gave me the number.

I gave 2 days notice.

If she don't want to come fine.just say no.i received No from other dancers before.


No.I didn't ask any of those and I don't do or like OTC.I just sent two lines. Are you coming to the club tomorrow.I would like to spend some money on you.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

So, she gave you her number, then you came in your pants?

And now she won't respond?

I'm shocked.

avatar for Bj99
6 yrs ago

It’s prolly not ab you at all. Maybe she quit dancing, or her boyfriend freaked out ab customers texting her.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


Hahaa.No. I said after 5 dances I LDKed. Before taking dances with her, I had dances with couple other girls they didn't bring it to satisfaction.But this girl made it.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago

This girl lap dances with so much passion so into it.I admire few girls who dances with passion unlike regular dancers who just want to fetch money by just faking it during the dance.

Few girls really know how to dance.

avatar for Huntsman
6 yrs ago

No matter how much you like this stripper, she’s not going to text if she doesn’t want to text. You’ve got two choices. You can look for another fun stripper or you can....I guess there isn’t a second choice.

avatar for PaulDrake
6 yrs ago

Sounds like you are a little obsessed. Maybe you scared her off.

Nothing helps cure obsession like variety.

avatar for crazyjoe
6 yrs ago

Bj knows best

avatar for crazyjoe
6 yrs ago

Good advice

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


May be obsessed but didn't scare her off.

Time to take a break until I find her in the club.

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

It's amazing you niggas are only spending $200 in the club thinking you're Big motherfuking spenders unless you drop in at least $500 stop wondering why these bitches time

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

***Don't want to waste their time with your broke no personality having asses

avatar for TFP
6 yrs ago

TUSCL is the definition of tough love. You ask for advice here you better be prepared to take a verbal beating lol.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


Where did you get the indication that I spent only $200 in the club.Go read my posts again you MFBS.

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

Darkblue You Weak ass nigga you posted...

"When I had dances with her last time I spent $60.00 + $100.00 plus tip of $20.00 And I LDKed after the last song."

Like a $20 tip is something to brag about ...

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

Broke niggas always want they $1 to he treated like it's $50 ... Smh

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

Man fuck your broke ass... You can't afford to have a big ego nigga, so you need to get over yourself

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

As an aside to this discussion: anyone else think the n-word is never not funny?

avatar for orionsmith
6 yrs ago

Many dancers set up second phone numbers for all the guys in a club and don't even check it very much. I remember one dancer asked me to call her and later on when I said I called but she didn't answer, she gave me what she called her family and close friends number. I believed her because when I called the number I heard her voice and real name. She must have trusted me. She called back after leaving a message on that number.

She's probably getting several texts on a number she may not even be checking or just thinks, I will see him later at the club.

I'm glad dancers aren't texting me. If I get one of my sisters started, she can keep texting for a long time. There are some days and times when they don't want any texts. I'm the same but I turn off my phone ringer.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

She probably set your contact name as "small dick, no spending loser"

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

^^^ I'm annoyed that strippers are using my nickname for other guys

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago


avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

Man the N-word is always funny ask Richard pryor, Chris rock, etc

avatar for chessmaster
6 yrs ago

No content provided

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

the n-word is never not funny?

I'll second that (unless it is Chris Rock)

And Darkblue---Orionsmith is correct. Chances are she gave you her work phone number and work isn't or at least wasn't on her mind when you called. --chances are the voice mail on that number has been filled up and not accepting messages for weeks.

avatar for chessmaster
6 yrs ago

Well that went rong. Lol

avatar for PaulDrake
6 yrs ago

@dark blue - I hope you didn't scare her off. Seriously through if you are obsessed it isn't healthy. Try to find someone else. One thing also to keep in mind is even if you find her again it might not be as good. Some times it is more magical, and some girls aren't super consistent. There is probably a good chance no matter what this is going to end in some degree of disappointment. I wish you the best my friend.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


You are wrong..I never mentioned club..I mentioned dancer.i spent that on the dancer . I never mentioned anywhere how much I spent in da club

BTW I am not what you r assuming

I am a pure white guy

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

Fuck you're white broke nigga ass... Spend more on one dancer before you start crying like a bitch

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago

Warrenboy and oriensmith,

When she gave her number, I entered it and texted her.She immidiately replied.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


I am homeless European

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

^^^ so that's why less than $200 is a big deal to your broke European nigga ass

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


I am homeless German Mexican mixed breed

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

Fuck your your broke mixed breed nigga ass...spend more money before your white sense of entitlement comes out

avatar for orionsmith
6 yrs ago

Not to worry about strippers not sending a text back, she will think of an excuse for when she sees you in the club. I've heard lots of excuses. Plus I've had strippers say to text them, they respond right away at first, then nothing. Routine with some strippers. In one case, I think the dancer asked for me to text her just so that I would be thinking about her. Apparently she liked that. She would tell me a week later when I saw her again that she got my text she asked me to send. She acted like she was worried I would fall asleep on my drive home.

avatar for orionsmith
6 yrs ago

Some dancers are funny, when I told her I fell asleep in platinum plus a couple times, she said if she found me asleep she would take a picture and post it on social media. Same club someone said the music was louder than front row seats at Talladega. I didn't think it was anywhere close to the volume in the Columbia club. It's odd, I'm suddenly remembering dancer names years later. Might try looking them up on Facebook.

avatar for rogertex
6 yrs ago

Yeah - I'd become curious and disappointed too.

(Just the dancer you like - and she clicked with you too. )

Keep in mind a thousand things can happen in a dancer's life in a couple of days.

You can call the club everyday to check if she is working that day. It only takes 10 seconds.

I did that recently looking for a dancer that gave me great satisfaction the first time I got dances from her.

On subsequent visits to this club, she was not there.

Then I started calling the club first everyday - and the door girl would also furnish unnecessary information about that dancer after saying no she is not working today.

But one day (like after 6 days) the door girl says - "she just walked in"

Of course I went to the club. She was with a customer and did not recognize me. But smiled at me just like she would for any new customer. So later we went for dances. In the middle of second song she erupted "HEY! I know you for last week! Where have you been?" ... and dancer remembered a lot of details from our last convo - a few even I had forgot. I think some dancers have compartmentalized memories - they are vivid during the customer interaction. But each dancer goes through 100s of customers each week that things can get mixed up. (Happens to me w.r.t. dancers).

Also a few years ago - I only wanted dances from one dancer (because she scored 10 out of 10 on rogertex's personal rating system). I visited the club just for her - but did not find her. Then I called the club prior to next visit and the doorgirl said she's moved to Florida. That was that.

As others have said - keep her in your memories, and start hunting for another cowgirl.

It's not highly likely you will find your next Perfect 10.

It is a certainty.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

i agree with GACA. you gave a 20 dollar tip and expect this hoe to be on demand and offered to buy her a drink lol. Hoes get offered drinks, free bottle service and the price of admission just to pop in a regular clubs or SC. She gave you her # to get rid of your ass. let her EARN it, about +350.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago

Haha Salty, she gave me the phone number after 2 songs. Then after break she danced for 5 songs.

avatar for rh48hr
6 yrs ago

As it had been stated, many strippers are flaky. You may not hear from them for days, weeks and sometimes months. Until you learn you can't expect them to respond in a timely manner you will be frustrated. Many of them do not operate on the same principles of common courtesy other people do.

Chances are if you see her again you will hear something about a phone issue (lost, broken, couldn't pay) as to why she did not respond.

In the meantime you need to find other dancers for the times she's not there or the inevitable time when she is no longer stripping.

avatar for scgato
6 yrs ago

You just need to drop serious money for a dancer to be at your beg and call and reply to your text. First time I met one that I really liked, I dropped $500 and she gave me her number. Replied to my text asking when she worked.

Next time I went in, dropped around $800 and bought many drinks. Third time about $1k. So she kinda responds to my text telling her to work a certain day but not guaranteed.

Remember these girls got majors problems. That’s why they gotta do what they gotta do. You can’t expect them to be on top of shit.

I’ve had girls where I dropped 200-400 in a couple hours and they would ignore you for another Custy unless it was slow.

If she doesn’t save your number under a special name like baller, rich dumbass, getabag, stacks, then your prob just another random.

avatar for s88
6 yrs ago


For clubs that dont publish dancer schedules online, when Ive tried calling or asking cover girl at front door with the dancer sign in clipboard right infront of her (hard to read upside down for me), they said "pay cover and find out, we cant tell u if she is here".

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

Ya, I agree, most clubs I have experience with either refuse to state who is or isn't working, or simply lie and say "yes she's working" to get the prospective PL in the door.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

"Haha Salty, she gave me the phone number after 2 songs. Then after break she danced for 5 songs"

she likes you dude and is playing hard to get, my bad. keep chasing, eventually she will return your texts

avatar for rl27
6 yrs ago

You aren't picking the right dancers. Most dancers whose numbers I have and text with, are very good at letting me know if they are going to be working. Most you don't even have to ask, they'll let you know they are working. Usually letting you know there are there all alone waiting for you.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 yrs ago

When I first started this sc debauchery years ago, it was still kind of special thing to get a dancers number. Now, many (if not most) will give out their numbers to anyone and probably do a dozen times a night. They probably get so many txts its like spam to them. Just take a no replay as a "no".

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


How did I forget This? I should give it a try.Not sure if the girl at front desk gives genuine reply.

You can call the club everyday to check if she is working that day. It only takes 10 seconds.

avatar for Sammycalila
6 yrs ago

GACA was funny and gave tough love, as in good advice in mean way.

OP, find another girl who will take your hard earned money if you gotta waste it on strippers. Most strippers probably have horrible customer service on the call return

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

Did you text her 2 days before you went to see her? So you scheduled a time to see her in advance?

She’s a stripper. Strippers are flaky. Most strippers deal with their urgent needs for money. A 2 day span is far too long for a dancer to show up! If I told my dog - that he was going to get a big juicy steak in 2 days - it’s not useful at all!

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago


Once I texted her a day before.Second time i texted her a day before and same day from the club.

avatar for houjack
6 yrs ago

It's rare to get a text back. You'll learn that is normal stripper behavior. Find another one.

Also, these girls are flakey as fuck, no plans are guaranteed. I've had girls flake on sessions after agreeing 1 hr before meetup. It's insane.

Also, these can girls ghost/quit/whatever at any time. Every time you see her could very likely be the last.

Getting fixated on one is a recipe for disaster. I have favorites obviously, but notice I said it in its plural form. You'll reach ruin very quickly the minute you only want one in particular, and expect her to treat you with any normal amount of etiquette.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

You understand that this girl is a stripper - correct?

You understand that strippers are totally focused on themselves - correct?

If she didn’t immediately need your money - your appointment doesn’t matter to her.

I recommend you repeat after me: I’m a PL. I will store strippers names and numbers on my burner phone. I won’t call or text them. My desires only matter when a stripper needs my money.

Continue to repeat that affirmation until you understand your role in the club.

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

Repeate after me...If I want a stripper to pretend to like me I need to tip more than $20. I will wear a three oeice suite in the club and spend at least $250 on the object of my obsession at least one, preferably three times before expecting any feigned regard on her part.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago

Ok.I texted her this weak on Wednesday and i got the reply back immidiately.

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