
Comments by orionsmith (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    How much should it cost to have a good time at 24/7 strip club, at its cheapest.
    I'm not aware of any strip clubs in the carolinas open 24 hours a day. If you get sexual services like a tug job, wouldnt call it a strip club. Strip clubs are more heavily regulated in the carolinas. I think police would shut down a strip club that operated like that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?
    Hmmm, iPad messed up and erased my message. It was like watching a hacker erase stuff on my screen. Weird. Might need to call a tech guru. Would I care want sex they are? Nope.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?
    I don't believe it's fair to have quotas. I feel like a minority that's ok to be discriminated against now if you are male and not any special interest group.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Top speed you ever drove
    Factory tires on the car I drove were rated at sustained safe speed of 140. Overkill.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What do you think of Donald Trump as our President ?
    Well my vote for Gary Johnson didn't mean anything for years. At least this time I voted for someone whose campaign sent me a postcard with a thumbs up picture. That was better than all the political flyers from other candidates. Not my top choice. 3 He would have been immediately fired from the company I used to work for. Several reasons. I think if he made a campaign promise that he would shoot a hole in the ship he was riding in across the Altantic Ocean, he would take a cannon and shoot a hole in the bottom of the ship just to fulfill the promise. Thinking about steel and aluminum tariffs that affect a few thousand raw material producers but ignoring the hundreds of thousands of Americans working at companies that use those materials. I read companies may build facilities overseas to use cheaper raw materials now and ship partial assemblies into the US so now we can lose more jobs. I disagree with taxes on allies when China overcapacity I heard was the main issue. We import most steel and aluminum from Canada and Brazil. China is number 11. Going to hurt many US companies. What's next? Tariffs on textiles so that we can build new textile factories here in the US? It wouldn't surprise me if in 10 years, robots can make textiles cheaper here in the US rather than oversees anyway. I did hear some comment about tariffs for national security. Maybe for a future war, we want to keep a certain level of steel and aluminum production here in the US. If that's the case, seems like there could be some kind of quota cutoff for tariffs. I'm not sure how that would work. Market should be down over 300 points tomorrow after Gary Cohn resigned. Trumps soon to be former economic advisor turned in his resignation notice. It appears tariffs are going on full blast. Save a few hundred to a thousand jobs making steel and aluminum, hurt hundreds of thousands of jobs making cars, trains, and everything else since the US is the biggest importer of steel I read in the world.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Another TUSCL Tagline
    Where people place trust in people they never met. Subject to change of course.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    Jaded, so jaded...but who's the one that jaded you?
    So ends my career in poetry.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you experienced a 30 year repeating Ground Hog Day except it lasted 30 years
    The first time I knew I was repeating time, I'd become a millionaire and retire real early buying Microsoft, Walmart, Apple , crypto and use my millions to party like a rock star. Might take a few years to build wealth. If I got bored, I'd learn other skills while building up a trust fund.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is the complete list of most sexually diseased states, ranked from least to
    I wouldn't want to drink too much beer if I already feel cold.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is the complete list of most sexually diseased states, ranked from least to
    Drinking beer makes me feel colder. I could tolerate the south easily if I drank lots of beer every day. I'd gain lots of weight too though and probably never have to worry about std's. I have heard many people feel warmer after drinking. I never knew whether to believe dancers when they told me this or not.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    Jaded, so jaded...but who's the one that jaded you?
    There was a dancer called Jade. However my memory of her has started to Fade. Did she make me jaded? No idea because my memory has faded.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is the complete list of most sexually diseased states, ranked from least to
    must be too hot in the south to bother putting on extra gear. No idea why Alaska is so high.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    My kinda titties
    I remember seeing Nat Geo pics of girls in south American tribes. Undiscovered until recently. Titties hanging out. I also heard stories how it was a custom in some tribes that if a strange guy wandered into the village, he would have to stay and get all the women pregnant before he was allowed to leave. Something about expanding tribe diversity. On the other hand if the tribe shrunk heads, strangers got killed.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Top speed you ever drove
    Around 137. A governor or something was kicking in around 130 or 135. Momentum got me faster. That was a long time ago. I did not want to modify the car.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gynecology student
    The chase
    I'm not chasing anyone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rate this Korean KPOP Dancer
    Since she's not blond and I can't see her tits, I will give her an 8.4 She doesn't look like the hottest girl I've seen. Looks good though. If I could see her tits, might raise the score.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    When's the last time you vomited?
    I can't remember. I do remember years ago a couple of times. I do not remember last year or the year before anything like that. I avoid food I believe won't agree with me. If I wanted to throw up, I know of certain foods that will make me sick.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Another school shooting
    ^ Of course when the stupid girl called up the radio station to complain, the radio station instead of explaining things kept quiet containing their laugher and decided to put her on the radio so everyone could hear her complain about the highway department putting up crossing signs on very busy highways. I imagine some in rural areas feel a bit like the people in the radio station. However deer are not armed and have not been taking millions of dangerous drugs that preceded any deer mass shootings.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Another school shooting
    Smart republicans will realize if they do nothing, then many voters will vote for a democrat who promises to do something in a future election. Sensible controls on kids, better background checks, maybe a requirement to take certain drugs, you have to clear your house of weapons and a temporary buying restriction on guns if you have been prescribed certain drugs within days. If you feel fine and aren't on the drugs, no problem. Everyone else can go about their business. The crazed batman movie shooter was taking drugs for a mental condition. No law works 100% so I see this as imposing speed limits allowing authorities to put checks on people who want to do whatever they feel like even if someone thinks they should be able to drive their car 100mph down a city street with lots of pedestrian or school crossings. I did hear a funny story about a woman calling a radio station complaining about deer crossings on busy highways. She thought the crossings should be moved so that they weren't on busy highways because that's dangerous. She thought the crossing signs should be moved to slow streets maybe even near school crossings. No joke. She didn't understand why the highway department could be so careless putting up crossing signs on such busy highways.:)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Another school shooting
    Alternatives to the baize include spending billions of tax payer dollars turning schools into Fort Knox with controlled access points, fortified walls and fences, armed secure guards at each entrance and exit. This would cost billions. It would cost every tax payer. It's not fool proof either. If anyone saw the movie The Matrix, a heavily armed person could kill the armed guards and still go on a shooting rampage. A clever person who wants to kill and maim people could rig drones with explosives. If they got inside a facility with explosives, they could secretly set them up at key points and either time them for maximum effect or block exits. Water could be poisoned. However then we have moved past little school shootings and moved on to terrorist activities targeting hundreds or thousands of people. If you really wanted to go nuclear, I know how to kill all human life on the surface of the planet with just a little bit of material. I hope no one tries it. It would be so easy to do if they get access to the material. Then there are deadly viruses that could be released in key points. A massive outbreak could kill billions.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Another school shooting
    I think it's a lack of parenting oversight of kids but governments can't mandate better parenting to my knowledge. Some school kids get isolated and feel like outsiders. The problem starts small and grows bigger. In bigger cities, I think doctors like to prescribe drugs on a whim for everything. Soon some kids are having violent activity and feel at home thinking of themselves as a renegade and posting comments about could be a shooting etc. police stop these kids and parents take action in many cases. With so many kids getting drugs for everything, the problems explode and some kids slip through all the cracks in our cracked system and then people die. The prescription drugs make the problems worse making some suicidal and violent. Then the far left sees the problem as a gun issue instead of a people issue. We have a people issue first no then a violent mentally ill drugged people issue with easy access to weapons next. Just my opinion. If school kids really wanted to take action, they could create groups in every school trying to prevent school bullying, trying to stop outcasts from feeling outcast. Make friends with kids who feel like they don't fit in. It may be hard to do but if school kids really want to make a difference, they could start at home. Also stop texting and driving because more people die and get injured from that then from many shootings I heard. How many school kids will get this message? None unless they are law breakers accessing this site underage. An adult could secretly convey the message though. Teachers can take extra time to help an isolated student feel more at home at school. That could stop a future shooter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Compliment you receive from dancers
    If I hear sweet or gentleman then I think I either overpaid or could have had a whole lot better lap dance and was too hands off. I'd rather enjoy the lap dance 10 times better rather than hear I was a gentleman or I'd prefer to save 10 to 40 bucks on a set of two or three dances rather than hear how sweet I was. If someone else wants to spend an extra 15 to 40 dollars for 2 or 3 dances and hear how sweet they are, go for it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    are you the only one in your immediate family that loves SCs?
    I will say yes even though I haven't been to a club since last summer. Used to be a regular though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    club bouncer extorted $20-$40 from me. ever experienced this?
    I prefer just to mind my own business and not cause trouble. A dancer told me I was trouble out of the blue one evening. I know enough to cause trouble, You can also cause a strip club trouble if city officials or others with power are looking for ways to shut a club down. I'm not working for a city or trying to cause trouble. Give me no trouble and I leave happy. The trouble I caused in the past people deserved it because they were costing a club business and I was a regular customer not breaking any rules. If employees steal from customers, customers leave and clubs lose money they could have made. It's easy to cause trouble. It's when you stay quiet and let small crimes go unpunished that causes more trouble for others possibly the club as well. I remember a club was successful until a dancer started routinely stealing from customers. Some complained in the club before walking out angrily never returning. Fast forward 2 years of small crimes going unpunished by strip club workers. Club isn't busy at all on what used to be a busy weekend night. City is trying to shut the club down with a new ordinance. Dancer steals from me a regular of hers. I also walked out angrily after saying something. Thought about not ever returning. Instead I did the right thing and reported it online to the club and chain. I didn't want to bother with the police. Some clubs you get ignored if you have a general complaint. This club and chain took immediate action. Unfortunately the city successfully shut them down months later but I did return and the manager actually thanked me. I remember when I returned and told someone I sent the email, I was wondering if I was going to be immediately kicked out and not kicked out in a pleasant way. Was I looking for trouble? I was treated special afterwards. Manager and still working bouncers would wave to me on future visits or shake my hand in the club. Dancers seemed to treat me different. So much for remaining anonymous and blending in with the crowd. I had to stop visiting after less than a year. Club was shut down. Too close to a church.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    club bouncer extorted $20-$40 from me. ever experienced this?
    I've gotten people fired without even trying.