
Comments by JackScott (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The most inappropriate place you've ever run into a dancer?
    The most inappropriate place? AT HER HOUSE! When I was a cable technician she was one of my customers. And of course I didn't know this upfront because I only knew her by her stripper name. But when she answered the door and let me in, I played it cool even though I immediately knew who she was. I didn't want to spook her or make her feel uncomfortable so I pretended as if I was meeting her for the first time. And it was a bit awkward for me too because now she knew MY real name. Anyhow I did my work without incident and when I was finished she asked me if I go to the XYZ club because she wasn't sure if that's where she knew me from. I jokingly said, "Yeah! You know about that place?" and then I came clean and told her that I knew all along but didn't want to co-mingle the purpose of my trip there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Woman worried about her husband's temper
    That was good! I gotta remember that one. I've had a female friends ask me why boyfriend doesn't say much and I told her that it's probably because she's talking way too much. And that's usually the case even though she didn't like my answer.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Savage behavior in strip clubs
    It's not "savage" to go after what you really want in a strip club. I believe in respecting people as human beings but you are in an environment where everyone in there is trying to get the money from your pocket into their pockets. But to answer the OP, the most savage thing that I did was to not pay the girl after giving me a dance. She was really pushy and didn't really explain the terms of the deal. She just got on top of me, started grinding on me and then pulled on her g-string in expectation that I'd stick some money in it like Ralph the doorman.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Decline in Strip Club Advertising
    Growing up in the Washington DC area for the last 40+ years, liquor stores and strip clubs had never been advertised, yet everyone in the area knows where to go. Even before social media, word-of-mouth was how the advertising was done in addition to just being able to see the signage from the main road. As a kid, I remember times when me and my dad would be around town running errands and we would get hungry. When I saw a big sign that said, "RESTAURANT" on a building I would say, "LOOK! There's a place we can eat!" and he would say, "No son.... that's not the kind of restaurant you think it is."
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    Why I brought Massage Girls and Escorts into the mix
    " When you're buying enough dance time to be close to escort pricing ($300+) then it's not a hard mental leap to say: 'Heck, why not pay for real privacy and a naked woman beside you.' " I agree. It's the reason why I've been venturing out into the "cuddle" services in addition to massage and escorts. Sometimes I just want that one-on-one contact with a woman and don't necessarily need to go all the way with her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Natural assets
    I'll take a 4 or 5 that's natural over an 8 or 9 that's fake. Also I find myself spending more time and money with the dancers who are more personable and better at selling themselves than the ones who lack personality. I once was at a club where there was dancer who I really wanted because she looked good on stage. But did only one dance because she was like a mechanical cold fish. Then there was the one after that who didn't look as good but she ended up taking the rest of my money because she was fun to be with.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What is a good source of mail order viagra?
    You don't need viagra. Just stop watching porn, stop masturbating, and in about 2-3 weeks you'll feel like you're 18 again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    To add what has already been said, the movie "Pretty Woman" with Richard Gere and Julia Roberts is the classic example of what every dancer or escort would want to happen to her even though the movie is more of a fairy tale than a reality.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Snow equals Stripper no shows
    That's one of the perks of working in a club. If they were working in telemarketing or big-box retail, they'd be obligated to be at work on time lest they lose their job.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In the VIP
    "Rituals" before heading off to the club?
    The only thing that I do.. and I'm not sure if you can call this a "ritual", but I'll put on a little bit of pheromone cologne to help me get some more mileage in the VIP. Whether pheromone cologne actually works is debatable but I do get a lot of complements on how good I smell. I do, however, have a ritual for when I return from the club. The moment I come through the door, I strip down completely and put all of my clothes in a bag so they can go straight to the washing machine. Then I'll jump in the shower to wash off the cologne and to get rid of any other cross-contamination that I might have somewhere on my body. I don't want to bring any of that sweat or bodily fluids from the other dancers and PL's into my house. I used to make the mistake of coming home from the club and going straight to bed. I would always wake up the next morning with pinkeye, a 24-hour bug, or some other short-term illness that I could only attribute to spending a couple of nights in the SC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How do you handle a ROB?
    If she required the money upfront for the first dance, then there is an implied agreement that you pay upfront for every dance going forward. When a stripper did this to me a few months back, I simply guilted her into not taking the money. I told her upfront that I only had enough money for 2 VIP dances but she kept going until after the 5th dance. I told her, "I'll gladly give you the money but you'll never get another dance opporunity from me."
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How I found TUSCL
    I bumped into this page while googling the other site with a similar name. The reviews here were more recent.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    When a dancer asks "So what do you do for fun?"
    I tell her "OTC from anyone who will take $100 for an overnight stay."
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossed out.
    Compared to all of the other nasty things on the club floor including but not limited to: drink spills, people spitting, gum, candy, etc. I think that urine is probably the cleanest thing to hit that floor. I wouldn't be surprised if one pass with the carpet steamer will create enough dirty water that it has to be changed.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NFL Play-offs
    The playoffs is when I start watching and paying attention. Over the last few days we've been seeing some really good games. It keeps me on the edge of my seat.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    Is it too late to say I'm sorry?
    Get a new name, start fresh, and we won't know that it's you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Relayed Business Idea
    I like it and hate it. I like it because I've been in situations where I've had a female barber pressing her tits into the side of my arm while getting to a hard-to-reach area on my head and I gotta play it cool. I don't know if it's intentional, accidental, or just necessary to get the job done and anything I say might come out awkward. But on the other hand I hate it because the whole situation can go terribly wrong when mixing 2 types of services. If I take things too far while getting a lapdance, the dancer will excuse herself and I'm back at square one. No big deal. But if I take things too far in a stripclub barbershop, she'll excuse herself leaving me with a half of a haircut and soap drying on my neck. I'll be sitting there in the chair with my dick hanging out while I start getting cold very quickly.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'm not complaining but...
    A lot of good points made here. And I understand that guys that have known each other through this site will eventually talk about other things. But it's just more or less me being observational than critical. :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anyone stay home so they aren't worried about catching the flu in strip clubs?
    I've decided to dial back my club visits. Even if the dancer isn't sick, she can carry someone else's virus. Being that she can very well engage with 15-20 guys a night and do everything from an air-dance followed up with a hug, to full blown skin-on-skin contact, the risks are higher.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Gray hair a turn on for strippers?
    If the situation was reversed and I was a male stripper, I'd say everything nice that I could to a cougar and complement her every way possible.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancers ordering expensive drinks ?
    From what I can see, the drink is more of a hustle than a treat. I don't know if getting drinks on the custy's tab saves the dancer on her tipouts or if she gets special perks for getting us to buy drinks in general but the last (and only) time I bought a dancer a drink, she didn't even drink it. It was $10 and I think that it was just a big glass of Dr. Pepper. I can't see someone drinking more than once or twice on their shift (if at all). It seems to me that by the 3rd drink, she'll be too wasted to make any money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Attitude improvement
    I don't know if I'd trust her with another OTC session unless she deliberately tells you that she'll do it for less or do it for free. (or if you happen to come up with a $1000 of play money). Something in the back of my mind says that out of all of the people she can have OTC with, why is she trying to get with you?