
Comments by TFP (page 118)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    Nina you really know your stuff! I enjoyed the playoffs this weekend, especially aincey Warriors opened up strong for game one. I think the draw we got gives us the best chance. I did NOT wanna see OKC or Utah first round. Spurs without Kawhi is almost not fair. I mean I know they got Aldridge but that's just not enough. Next round will be a totally different story for us. If we have to face New Orleans we're gonna be seriously tested. Not gonna.be the same as our first round against them in 2015 where we swept. I LOVED seeing the Cavs get smacked at home. That man Lance Stevenson was balling! That dunk he had over damn near the entire Cavs team pretty much summed up that game. Utah vs OKC wasn't as entertaining as I thought it was gonna be. Timberwolves/Celtics however was amazing, especially the last minute of the 4th. The game that just concluded was pretty damn good also. The expected result, but I thought it was gonna be a shalacking, not the game I just saw. Go Warriors! Man I hope Steph will be ok to go by at least the third game of the 2nd round.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Front Room Strip Club DFKing
    SLD it's pointless with SJG. Besides, I think he has you on ignore so he doesn't see your posts. You make valid points, like you usually do. There's a reason why SJG was voted 'most stubborn member' on this site. You could bring a panel of dancers to him and all have them confess that they have no problem with and as a matter of fact aim to have a guy LDK. And yet still, SJG would still write a manifesto saying differently and then write an even longer manifesto about DFKing. Basically, it's pointless trying to reason. Everyone knows it, which is why his threads are just him talking to himself.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    ID scanning vs. Facebook comparison reboot
    ^^^^^^^what he said. Got a good supply of popcorn for two threads now. With this one I'm pretty much just reading A21985's responses and scrolling past all of SJG's rambling.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ::Michael Jackson popcorn eating gif::
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Help someone write a better review
    +1 to lolruned's point of reviewing the same club over and over. Just like he said, he could really damage the reputation of one club with negative scores. The adverse effect is someone could also boost the score of a club falsly. Case in point, mdb2203. He reviews Pure Gold in Rancho Cordova every single month. The only bit of information of value in each review is the names of new girls. The rest of his review reads like a club ad every single time. Then he scores the club all 10s, every single time. He alone has boosted Pure Gold into top 40 status in the country, when it's probably not even top 40 in California alone. As for a decent review, this is the info I care about: Is parking easy, or is it a pain to find a spot? Was your visit during dayshift or nightshift? Cover price, drink prices, dance/VIP prices. Where do the normal dances take place, on the floor or in a separate area? What about the VIP, is it a communal room or is it one on one private rooms? What were the ethnicities of the women you saw? Were they mostly spinners, average, or thick/BBW? Were the dances air dances, one way or two way (high) contact? Mention if there's a tip parade. That's all I can think of for now, I'm sure there's more.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Enjoy your day!
    Excellent! But we still need a pic of that curvaceous backside you were speaking off in the other thread.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Poof! TUSCL is Gone, How Do You Continue?
    I'd be quite bored during those 'looking at phone' periods. I used to spend all that time looking at Facebook and Instagram, but now this place is stop #1. I'd definitely miss all the different discussions and varying opinions from all the regulars on here. I'd absolutely miss the daily reviews, as that alone is great reading material for hours. Thankfully from this forum I have a list of great clubs to try out in different areas, but I doubt I'd find a place as great as this to get the inside scoop on every one of them. Sounds pathetic, but I've grown quite fond of this place and all the regulars I see here. Well, most of them at least. Still don't care to join any site recommended by SJG but I have taken down Papi's side email at least. If this place were to vanish I'd probably go back to looking at FB and Instagram, and maybe Reddit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Guaranteed way to make her think you're funny and cute
    I agree with TheeOSU. On that note, @TheeOSU who's worse, Mtent or SJG?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    Shit, even TJamigos is down.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What It's Like To Be Married To An Instagram "Influencer"
    There's just so many of them out there though. If you search one and then search for similar profiles you'd spend the rest of your life scrolling through shot after shot of wanna be models showing off their natural or store bought goodies. But like Shailynn said, if it really is a simple as taking a shit ton of selfies and having your SO snap a bunch of provocative photos and getting good money then you can't blame all these chicks for trying. I'm curious what the benchmark number of followers is for these 'Instagram Influencers' to be able to make a decent living off of sponsors?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Let's Make Some Enemies !
    Mtent can kick rocks.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    So let me get this right: all she'd be doing is stage dancing? No lap dances, no VIP/CR? And only when you can attend? What club would hire her for those extremely limited terms? Sounds like the only purpose for this is an adrenaline rush for her, no revenue for the club besides the tips she'd get onstage. I can't see any club hiring her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Jonsnow76 sounds to me that she just misses all the attention. I've noticed that beautiful woman seem like they NEED to be desired by not just one man, but by a lot of men. This is why they constantly post the sexy Instagram pics or why they have to dress hella sexy even going some normal place like Target. I had a past GF who was like this and it got tiring reading all these random dudes posts on her social media pictures complimenting her body or just plain nasty posts. I ended up breaking it off with her when I saw she'd never stop all the social media flirting. I plain didn't trust her at that point, who knows, she could've been fucking all kinds of other guys. I don't know what to tell you because I'd have serious problems with the scenario you posted. All I can say is good luck. About the only way I would be ok with it is if it was a straight up air dance only club. Then, they're looking but not touching.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Fantasy about LDK with everyone watching
    Houjack your first LDK experience sounds kind of similar to mine except for a few things. Anyhow, Sapphire Vegas is still like that btw. Especially on Friday or Saturday night. The place is so crowded that you don't have the opportunity to find some secluded spot on the floor, so you just get your lap dance right there in whatever chair you're currently in. Once you look around and see everyone squeezing tits and ass and doing serious grinding right out in the open you feel less worried about other folks watching. Still I've never had the guts to just LDK right out in the main floor in front of everyone so I always go to VIP. That plays right into the clubs hands I guess since you're paying more for mostly the same experience you get on the floor. Only thing extra I get in VIP is usually booby sucking. Next time I'll watch the floor dances and see if there's anyone getting boob sucking right out there on the main floor. You know what? Fuck it, next time I go to Vegas that's exactly what I'm gonna do lol. One day at least. Gonna be like LDK82 or Houjack on his first LDK experience. It's not like my first time where I was wondering if anyone noticed or if I was gonna have a stain. We all know what to wear so there won't be any leakage. Haha, that's gonna be my August challenge when I go.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Papi is this one of CF's lol
    Didn't like the one in the right. Not round enough for my taste. It was wide, circular enough. The which on the left has less ass but looks like her boobs were nice and big. I didn't like the hair though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FKK TOUR service my experience
    Lol the butthurt is strong with this one. You sound bitter, like a timeshare salesman once he realizes he's not gonna get $20000 out of you. No one's reporting you or any crap like that. This is a pretty relaxed forum. We're just wary of folks acting like they're just normal folks but really have a hidden agenda, like selling/promoting something. We get a lot of that on the club review section and it's fucking annoying. Welp, have fun with your FKK tours!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Lenny Dykstra = Gone
    A-FUCKING-MEN! If we could have had this tiny bit of moderation before we could have saved a lot of scrolling time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Does Boob Job = Girl On Outs With Her Parents?
    PinkSugarDoll: After reading your last post I think you need an avatar showing off your butt, Bj99 style.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FKK TOUR service my experience
    Excellent job, Rick. The whole 'first time poster' bit 3 times in a row makes it too obvious about this shill thread. Especially when 'King' made one of the longest posts I've ever seen for a beginner on this site with all kinds of numbers. So a new member would really go through all that effort to show some guys in here why it's worth it to use an FKK tour site vs going on your own? Yeah, I'll trust Rick's numbers instead. Not like I'm going to Europe anytime soon anyway.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strange Dreams w/ My Ex-Wife
    +1 to the first comment.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    titty fucking
    Hell yeah, try it out! I'd say don't take anyone's opinions about it too much to heart. We all enjoy different sexual acts. If it sounds good to you, give it a try! You might like it, you might not. But you'll have experienced it for yourself and not just taken someone else's word on it. Now for my personal feeling: FUCK YEAH titty fucking is amazing! But I am a self admitted titfuck and assjob fiend. And yes, make sure the girl has some big, soft tits to put your dick between. Some girls have rock hard implants and a titfuck with those feel a lot different. My favorite girls to titfuck are actually girls with those gummy implants. They're fake but they have the perfect balance of firmness and softness. And a little lube makes it a lot easier to slide up and down. And the best part, no condom needed. Most girls will let you finish uncovered. Great feeling to let loose a load and then a great sight to see those boobs leaking with your cum afterwards. The fact that you're hitting up TJ often enough, you have the perfect opportunity to try it. Compared to a conventional strip club in the states where you'd have to be in an extras friendly club to even attempt a titfuck. And even then, most girls will still want you to wear a condom. I've found the occasional girl that let you finish uncovered (shout out to Playhouse, Paradise Showgirls, and Little Darlings). But in TJ you should have no problem trying that out. Have fun!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    One City in the US for 3 Days
    Galiziabob did you say you are SIX hours away from Hong Kong? Please tell me you mean round trip six hours. Even then, how do you explain the time away to wifey? As for me, I guess my destination would be South Florida. After reading so many Diamond Dolls reviews about all the fake asses and tits down there I'd wanna be all up in that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Follies sues The City of Chamblee over police raid.
    Isn't this the same kind of thing that started happening with Hi-Liter in Phoenix? The clubs were similar also, I remember a member calling Hi-Liter 'the Follies of the west coast'. Both had cheap $10 high mileage floor dances and full menu VIPs. After the raids, Hi-Liter has lost it's luster, according to reviews. We can only hope the same doesn't happen to Follies.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your favorite strippers move...
    I like a variation of what Meat said: RCG looking back at you. But I like when she's in the RCG position and then leans all the way back against you and is either looking over shoulder at you or cheek to cheek with you. This gives you a great view of her fabulous tits, and her shapely legs. Any time a dancer does that move she can pretty much empty my wallet.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Have you ever?
    ^^^^^^same. I've done reviews, then read reviews where another member was at a club at the exact same time.