And the sites keep falling
The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
Yesterday it was backpage, and other sites are. Is worries about their future. Craigslist today shut down it's personal section. Also, do a quick search of other sites where escorts are reviewed and most have either shut down completely or seriously restricted content. The government doesn't have to actually go after them, all they have to do is scare them to get around free speech rights.
The bill did pass with huge bipartisan support 98-2, so it's hard to blame solely on the Republicans. I doubt much thought or debate went into the voting process; it's hard to vote against a bill with "Stop enabling Sex Trafficking" in the title, and that's probably why it passed.
I'm trying my best to keep an open mind. There are a few simple questions you could ask:
(1) Do we even maintain reliable nationwide data on trafficking?
(2) Is there any clear evidence that these websites have caused an increase in trafficking?
(3) If these websites are abolished, will we have reliable data to show that the bill and the strategy worked?
I bet the answer to the first two questions is "no" and that we won't have any reliable data to answer question (3).
Reminds me of living somewhere with a new phone number about 20 years ago and coming home and finding a summons on my door knob. Had my address but someone else name. Cops didn't even bother to check the name at the address. They just used last known phone number of someone else. I had the phone number for a year or 2 at the time.
Nobody yet knows how that provision will ultimately be interpreted by LE and the courts, but I doubt that many want to get into the kind of legal battle necessary to find out.
I think tuscl will be fine. Strip clubs are legal. Though in the future it might be a good idea for members to avoid linking specific acts with specific dancer names. I suspect twosheds felt that it was on shakier ground given what it had devolved into.
This new law about trafficking, not enforced or valid anymore. FYI, no one thinks gun rights will be eliminated while trump is president. Just trying to think what politicians are thinking of. I did read a town in Illinois or somewhere eliminated gun rights. Democrats are going at 2nd amendment rights non stop and trump. I bet they think this web site shut down is a side show before it gets really bad.