Fantasy about LDK with everyone watching

LDJunkieEnjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
At one of my favorite clubs, The regular lap dances are done at the VIP area, but some lap dances take place in the general area. The club’s layout is one big round stage and the patrons sit around the stage. On most occasions the club is very crowded probably around 50 customers on a Thursday night It is very common that some dudes get high mileage dances in the general area, anyone can see you, although I assume everyone is focused on the dancer on stage, not the lap dances. Anyway i have this really odd and fucking horny fantasy to have a lap dance in the general area and LDK even in the middle of this crowded area. Is this weird? Should I go for it?
last commentWtf. Lol!
Could you imagine if the groom-to-be had an LDK during one of those sessions when they bring him up to the stage. That would be hysterical, especially if he was proud about it.
It's like dancing in bump and grind clubs.When I was in college I used to go to these dance clubs where everybody get busy in bumping and grinding after 11 pm. Nobody cares if many people are watching..Those days were fun..for just $20 cover you could dance with minimum 4 to 5 college girls in 3 to 4 hours
If you LDK - it’s concealed - so nobody will notice. It’s a no harm - no foul - situation. If it gets you more aroused - then go for it!
That's not how I have fun, but I'm not going to tell you that you're having fun wrong. If it doesn't get you beat up and/or tossed from the club, have at it.
I remember one time I was at Sapphire in Vegas and you can get lap dances in the main area, right at your table. No booth or nothing, she just dancing/grinding you in your chair.
Anyway, I was at the age where a cool breeze could set me off and she was probably one of the hottest girls I'd ever set my eyes on at the time. I busted inside my jeans with people at tables all around me.
Wasn't a fantastic experience for me, might have been my first LDK ever. I felt embarrassed and wondered who noticed. I was ashamed actually, lol. I was also total newbie and was worried I had done something wrong and may get in trouble.
Trird furiously to clean it up in the bathroom. I hoped nobody would notice in the club, the cab ride, or through the casino back to my hotel room.
Unless things have changed in the past 17 years, Hiphuggers in Kokomo, IN is the same way.
Some black-dives I hit some of the girls will fuck you right at the bar - the dances are barside floor-dances and some girls will discretely put a hat on you while dancing for you and slip you right-in from behind while your sitting on your barstool and it just looks like she's giving you a normal grinding dance except your dick is in inside her.
The naughty aspect of doing-it sorta in public that way is kinda a turn-on - plus I def like going straight from getting some good warm-up grinding dances and being turned-on to fucking w/o "any interruption in the proceedings".
Houjack your first LDK experience sounds kind of similar to mine except for a few things.
Anyhow, Sapphire Vegas is still like that btw. Especially on Friday or Saturday night. The place is so crowded that you don't have the opportunity to find some secluded spot on the floor, so you just get your lap dance right there in whatever chair you're currently in. Once you look around and see everyone squeezing tits and ass and doing serious grinding right out in the open you feel less worried about other folks watching. Still I've never had the guts to just LDK right out in the main floor in front of everyone so I always go to VIP. That plays right into the clubs hands I guess since you're paying more for mostly the same experience you get on the floor. Only thing extra I get in VIP is usually booby sucking. Next time I'll watch the floor dances and see if there's anyone getting boob sucking right out there on the main floor.
You know what? Fuck it, next time I go to Vegas that's exactly what I'm gonna do lol. One day at least. Gonna be like LDK82 or Houjack on his first LDK experience. It's not like my first time where I was wondering if anyone noticed or if I was gonna have a stain. We all know what to wear so there won't be any leakage. Haha, that's gonna be my August challenge when I go.