Front Room Strip Club DFKing
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
The accounts of DFKing in US Clubs, in the back rooms and along with FS, are innumerable.
The accounts of front room DFKing in Mexico are innumerable, and we have video.
And we have at least one expert for whom front room makeout sessions are requisite.
We have accounts of girls sitting on laps, licking a guys neck and nibbling at his ear, seemingly trying to start a makeout session, trying to make the guy start it.
DFKing does exist, though rarely in our local no touching clubs. Much much more of it in our underground Mexican bar circuit.
So people here on TUSCL write about girls sitting on laps. But they insist that this does not lead to front room makeout sessions.
These people, male customers and female dancers, they see what they want to see. Maybe they pick their clubs selectively. But just because they don't see something, that does not mean it is not common.
DFKing is the best way of opening a girl up so that the sex acts which ensue will be mind blowing. Some guys don't want this, they just want LDKing.
The accounts of front room DFKing in Mexico are innumerable, and we have video.
And we have at least one expert for whom front room makeout sessions are requisite.
We have accounts of girls sitting on laps, licking a guys neck and nibbling at his ear, seemingly trying to start a makeout session, trying to make the guy start it.
DFKing does exist, though rarely in our local no touching clubs. Much much more of it in our underground Mexican bar circuit.
So people here on TUSCL write about girls sitting on laps. But they insist that this does not lead to front room makeout sessions.
These people, male customers and female dancers, they see what they want to see. Maybe they pick their clubs selectively. But just because they don't see something, that does not mean it is not common.
DFKing is the best way of opening a girl up so that the sex acts which ensue will be mind blowing. Some guys don't want this, they just want LDKing.
And so no, Deja Vu is not the main source of the problem, even in San Francisco. But we must get more clubs, different sorts of clubs, opened, in the Bay Area, and everywhere!
I think it is fair to call Bullshit.
Those same people are actually writing a real world experience too. Not just writing about DFKing and not actually going to a strip club to do it. Do you know of any TUSCLers like this?
So tonight my ATF DS sat so her ass hung off the edge of a bar stool and I sat on the edge of my own stool with my dick and balls resting between her beautiful ass cheeks. It wasn't long before I had a boner and I was squeezing the underside of it and my balls with her fine ass cheeks. I squeezed them, jiggled them, and discreetly grinded my hard cock into them for at least a half hour straight. I got myself to the point that I could LDK if I wanted but didn't. I just kept my raging boner up because it just felt so damn good! LOL it's like I can play with myself at the bar under the guise of us just intimately spooning.
And the entire time we did this we had a casual civilian conversation about how our week went and how she couldn't stand her previous stinky customer before me because he reeked. She also shared pics of herself and her family from her phone. It was all just simple civilian flirting because we simply treat each other like that while also playing an extreme GFE tease. Also as we talked I would occasionally get up close and personal by getting cheek to cheek and spoon her with also some discreet cock grinding from behind. Furthermore she would wiggle her fine ass into my crotch and dance to the music.
As to kissing each other, it doesn't even cross our minds. I don't give a fuck myself and she just likes the ass massage and spooning with me. Also it is not about insisting that nothing led to a front room makeout session. It's just that a front room makeout session was really low on the "must have" list to have a great flirtatious and beyond just civilian time with a gorgeous stripper. Instead what it led to was a mind blowing LDK after two songs. Exactly what I wanted and what she has had zero issues with throughout her career as a stripper.
So here's a real world example that is completely contrary to what you just stated and your whole premise of the "ubiquitousness" of front room DFKing.
Where's your real world experience on it all? Have you actually front room DFKed with a stripper recently?
My ATF DS and I both know what our relationship is about which is ultimately me paying her for dances and her enabling me to LDK at the end, but also in the process of establishing this we have grown completely comfortable and civilian with each other and I get a lot more sexy teasing front room GFE with her than anyone else. I see her with other customers all the time before my turn, and although she flirts and has good convos with them, absolutely she gives me teasing and flirting that is above and beyond all her other customers, other regulars included. In fact tonight another PL tried to get her to have a beer with him as she was coming over, and he even told her that she shouldn't go over to me because I wasn't making a move on her. But LMAO to that she just laughed and told him that I don't ever need to make a move because we are good friends. I overheard the entire conversation, and then LOL she proceeded to come over to me, with him watching the entire time, and sit her ass on my dick and whisper everything that just happened in my ear and we laughed about it. This is how all that dick teasing I mentioned started tonight.
And furthermore, she could have easily just asked me if we could go straight to dances, but instead she chose to just sit with me and let me play with my hard dick with her ass cheeks for half an hour before going to the private booths. And LOL it cost me nothing. I even offered to buy her a drink but she declined it. And the reason she does this all with me for essentially free is because she simply likes me as a customer. We even openly talked about it all tonight.
And besides just being a regular, I have always just treated her like a "civilian" and she does the same with me.
And with all this, there's absolutely ZERO need and desire for us to DFK as some sort of end goal of treating her like a "civilian". Treating a stripper like a "civilian" like SJG suggests is a given and so painfully obvious that for him to have to preach about it is nothing but a straw man argument.
The reason I think that some are so certain that front room DFKing does not happen in strip clubs is just that they are going to clubs which do not favor FS.
But this I mean, in some clubs, FS is not possible. In others it does happen, but it is probably rare. When it does, the guy has probably had the girl in the dance booth a time or two already, and this even further runs up the cost.
But in some clubs it happens all the time, it is the primary form of "dance". As such, if not using words but by demeanor and actions, the girls are communicating this in the front room. The girls are competing with each other, and with the girls in all the other clubs in that area. The primary means by which they do this is by making the guy understand right off that FS is available, and immediately. And so it is well documented that in some places girls either lead with DFKing, or by encouraging DFKing. And then even when they are not doing that, in such situations, if the guy tries to steer it to DFKing, then probably they will comply whole heartedly.
Consider that we had one underground place where girls were doing front room FS. And then after LE stopped that, the core group of Latinas, sisters and cousins, were bringing their own mini-van into the parking lot. And so of course if they are on a guys lap, and trying to promote this, they are not going to refuse DFKing.
Likewise even in our strict no touching clubs, DFKing still sometimes occurs, as a girl is trying to set up immediate OTC.
People go to clubs where there is no onsite FS, and so there is no DFKing, at least not out in the open. And besides that, they just don't see what they don't want to see.
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You make valid points, like you usually do. There's a reason why SJG was voted 'most stubborn member' on this site. You could bring a panel of dancers to him and all have them confess that they have no problem with and as a matter of fact aim to have a guy LDK. And yet still, SJG would still write a manifesto saying differently and then write an even longer manifesto about DFKing.
Basically, it's pointless trying to reason. Everyone knows it, which is why his threads are just him talking to himself.
@Uprightcitizen Well said and amen!
By your own posts this includes you. Your own posts show your epic failures at DFK with AMP whores and beyond this you have never DFKed a stripper. You ended up trying to make out with AMP whores and they made excuses not to and then they disappeared on you. This is epic FAILURE by your own examples. It is irony that you project your own issues as the problem with others.
And the reason you think it is a difficult discussion is because you cannot make your fantasies a believable reality just by typing them obsessively. If you would just go to a strip club in real life and try to DFK all the time you would know and learn this.
lucky once, and figured this is what it’s about. Imagine sex workers opening up to you like a civilian relationship works, in the majority of interactions? No way, and to justify it by any means is psychotic.
Then if you read his earlier threads on his trials and tribulations with AMP whores he tries so hard to DFK with them but they LOL always try to avoid him and tell him stuff like they are on their periods so sex is not an option.
He's stuck in a FANTASY moment. And that is all.
Often these TUSCL accounts will be for very loose anything goes types of clubs. But it also happen when girls are trying to line up OTC.
There are also such accounts on Stripper Web, its just that the one making the post is usually condemning it.
These accounts were even more numerous on Black Strip Clubs (dot) Net. The idea is simple, day shift, the girls want to make money, so they do what it takes to get guys into the back room. They are just sampling in the front room what they intend to do in the back room. Yet people remain incredulous.
And then for TJ, we have innumerable accounts, and videos. TJ is not a fundamentally different situation, than what you find in the US clubs. Its just shifted a bit more to the extreme. What happens in TJ as a matter of course, also happens sometimes and some places here in the US.
If a girl is in competition with other girls, that is an extremely effective means of locking the guy in for the arriba.
Some guys cannot see this because they have something burned out in their brains. So let them keep paying money for LDK's. I hope the girls drain their wallets dry, and I hope their divorcing wives clean them out for everything else.
Any such wife, I'll be happy to find her a good lawyer, anywhere in the US.
Wiggins Law Group…
And as to DFK, just like FS and extras, I want to keep all of it reserved as exclusive with my wife. So again please realize there are other reasons for a PL not to want it with strippers.
In US Clubs and AMPs, DFKing is the way to get the girl totally opened up.