Does Boob Job = Girl On Outs With Her Parents?

avatar for san_jose_guy
Thinking about GACA's little predicament got me thinking about some I have known:

If a young woman has fake tits, does that mean that she is on the outs with her parents, maybe not on speaking terms with them and maybe never seeing them face to face?

Would it mean that the parents would have to be divorced, or never having been married, for her to continue to relate to them?

I mean, dressing sexy sometimes is one thing, it is within the range of normative. But breast augmentation, no.

Does it mean that her parents must never know?

One dancer I got along with very well, mentioned her before, name N.. She was usually living with some guy, who eventually ended up living off of her. N. would sometimes dump guys just by never coming back, and abandoning all her stuff, even stripper attire.

To live like that is tough and I worried about her, but I also then came to see her as a kind of self destructive nut. But a most delectable one. If there were ever a girl worth loosing one's head over, she would be it.

Other girls told me that she never ever did anything like OTC. And that fit with my own observations. But it was also clear that if I just ever gave the word, she would walk out the front door with me, quitting her job, and moving in with me.

So yes, there are other girls like the one GACA has discovered.

Reading between the lines it sounded like she was not on speaking terms with her parents.

She was Thai - Laotian - Cambodian, and the parents lived in Nebraska. And she had augmented tits. Really a bombshell of a girl.

She was pushing 30, and it sounded like she finally split, going back to her parents and getting married. Easier to get married from living with her parents than while working in a strip club? And that being a strict no touching, no private booths type club?

Got me thinking, how does she go back to them with her boob job?

And see also, most of the GF's I have had, I see this so much more clearly now, they were parent pleasers. They lived their entire lives in order to maintain the approval of their parents and of people like that.

Remember the one I mentioned, today listed on people finders as a "registered Republican". She had graduated from a highly prestigious private college, again tying her to her parents of the realm of those who think similarly.

Most of the GF's I have had worshiped the bourgeois family. So this always created conflicts, as I don't think that way, or more and more I have learned not to.

So the ones I have known, they would never think of something like a boob job, or of dancing in a strip club.

So how does this N. go back to her parents?

And if you find an augmented girl in a strip club, does that mean she is on the outs with her parents, or that they are not married?


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Full Concert…


last comment
avatar for stanlee
7 years ago
From personal experience it has nothing to do with the above. It was 100% self confidence thing for those that I’ve known.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Okay, but will her parents accept it? When she opts for the boob job, does it mean that things with her parents have already disintegrated?

avatar for stanlee
7 years ago
If you’re talking about a minor then I suppose parents come into play. If you’re talking 21 and up I’d say most women wouldn’t give a crap what mom and dad say.
avatar for wildbourbon
7 years ago
I don't see how a stripper's relationship with her parents correlates with a stripper getting a boob job. With your theory, how do you explain the number of women who are not strippers, have not been strippers, and won't ever be strippers but still get boob jobs?

Also, I'm not sure you're a man who should be designating what behavior is "normative" and what behavior is not.

avatar for TFP
7 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
wildbourbon, of the non-strippers I think they are usually older and have kids. Consider Nichole Brown Simpson. Also, that was a case where the parents were practically pimping her out, and her sisters too. The parents lived off of money from the daughter's BF's.…

Not sure how many civilian women go for boob jobs, and at what age. What is normative is culturally relative.

But I'm talking more about younger women, and who dance in strip clubs.

Stanlee, most of the young women I have known, say having just graduated from college, their entire lives revolve around normative societal standards, and usually socio-economically based. One had a gay sister, and the mother had talked to her Catholic priest and was convinced she was going to burn in hell. Another, from our local strip clubs had her parents shitting all over her. No boob job. Most of the young women I have known, like from college, would never do anything which permanently made for a rift with their parents. You can't hide a boob job, and usually the parents have paid for their college. And this factors into why college can be such a horrible place.

But this petite N. had her boob job. It was clear from talking with her that there was a huge rift between she and her parents, and that was before I ever thought about the boob job.

I mean, if the parents are committed to marriage, really believe that that is right, then why does a woman need a boob job, and how could they accept that in their daughter?

Like in The Color Purple, Shug Avery, night club singer, huge rift with her father, the town minister. And Alice Walker was really pissed about Steven Spielberg because that reconciliation between Shug and her father came completely out of Spielberg's imagination. The novel had none of that.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Anyone here ever been married to a woman with a boob job? She get it while married? She get it as a stripper?

Anyone here ever had a GF with a boob job? Was she some kind of a sex worker? Lots of AMP girls have boob jobs.

If you've been close to a stripper, and one who has a boob job, were things copasetic between she and her parents, and were the parents married?

From my own experiences, though just only now starting to think about it, inspired by GACA's little dilemma, and thinking about this dancer N., I don't see many married women getting boob jobs, and I don't see many young women getting them unless they are strippers or AMP girls, and I can't see how they could not be on the outs with their parents.

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avatar for goosman
7 years ago
Some girls in Colombia get new boobs from their parents as a present for their birthday. So the thought ain't universal
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Strippers get boob jobs because it's the only job they're qualified for.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^ So does that mean that the relationship with their parents has disintegrated?

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
What in the world is this question. I know a million girls with fake boobs who aren’t strippers or anything related. I got breast implants 3 years before I ever thought about dancing. Very good relationship with my parents. It is no longer 1987, what world are you living in...
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
"Does Boob Job = Girl On Outs With Her Parents?"

No, you creepy-as-fuck moron.
avatar for stanlee
7 years ago
What the fuck is happening here? Train wreck
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Typical SJG type shit here. I love his threads that garner responses from other folks because of the comedic responses. The ones where he speaks about weirdo shit but only keeps responding to himself? Those are boring.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. What do you think? Oh by the way fuck you I am never wrong you fuktards
avatar for AnonymousJim
7 years ago
I know a girl whose mom bought her implants when she turned 18. Mutual decision. Think the mom either had them herself or worked in that field. The girl was smokin' hot. Seen pictures of her mom on her Instagram and the mom's not bad, either.
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
I promise you that my parents and I are still in great terms with each other and me presently and before my enhancing.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
PinkSugar, thanks for your post. How many young women get boob jobs before they have been strippers. What age? After they had kids? Marital status?

For the parents to accept it, do they have to be divorced or never married, and non-church going.

If I sound like an idiot, well maybe it is so. But at least I am asking.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
People may not believe this, but I actually do have social contact with actual identity professing and church going Christians. They and I do not see eye to eye on much either. But mostly I just keep my views to myself, as it would accomplish nothing to antagonize them.

Amongst them, no boob jobs.

Every single one of the women I have known to have had boob jobs have been from strip clubs or AMPs. This is not just because I was massaging their tits either. Its also just by looking at ordinary women.

Anyone here have a mother, wife, GF, or daughter that had a boob job? Was she a stripper? Marital status? Kids status? What age?

They get to this subject here in this movie, hilarious about the doctors who invented the implants. They started in Texas at Baylor. Conservative Baptist run school. Some on their board objected saying that only strippers and prostitutes would ever go for it.

The way it is depicted in the movie though, lots and lots of women have an interest in the subject. But, mostly they will not allow the subject to be discussed.

On the other hand though, when the two doctors come to Los Angeles and take out a very discrete 'body sculpting' ad, they are booked solid with appointments. But often they are pandering to a kind of female insecurity about aging. They say in their pitches, "He looks good on the golf course, girls flock around him."

And you get the feeling that they are crossing over some line when they do get into the LA strip clubs, and they end up augmenting most of the girls, and going beyond natural proportions. And then they get this one seeming psychotic client who keeps saying, "They're not big enough", and going beyond the point where off the rack clothes will fit her.

But I think most of the non-sex worker women that they augment are unmarried, just like the divorced Nichole Brown Simpson, who had parents who were pretty much pimping out all three of their daughters, and then living off the pro-sports BF's.

I would say that probably a woman who has had a boob job is someone who pays attention to how much guys look at her, and dresses and carries herself to encourage that. People have written that about off duty strippers, and I have seen it myself.

Most women do not dress or carry themselves like that, and they seem not to have had boob jobs.

If anyone has either statistics of anecdotes about this I would be interested to hear them.


Lady Fantasy - Camel…
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Some stats?

Saying 5% of women, but mostly in the Western States

A high percentage have had to have second surgeries. Obvious to me from AMPs

"Women with implants have raised concerns about memory loss, difficulties with concentration, and other cognitive problems. FDA’s analysis of studies by implant companies found a significant increase in neurological symptoms, such as poor concentration, for women who had silicone implants for two years compared to their symptoms just prior to getting implants. These differences were maintained even when the women’s ages were statistically controlled.

Some experts believe these symptoms could be related to the small amounts of platinum that are used to make silicone gel breast implants, since potentially toxic levels of platinum have been found in the blood and urine of women with implants.



In 2015 in the US, 280k implant procedures…

21 things to know…

But all of this talks about the health issues, it does not get into what I am asking about, the lives of the women themselves.……………

real reasons…


About relations with parents…


In my opinion this is a predatory industry which preys on certain patterns of female insecurity!


avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
In my late teens, I knew a brother and sister who had upper middle class parents and were on the spoiled side. Rumor had it that the parents got the guy his nice car with an expensive sound system for graduation and got her a boob job for hers.

She would "find something stuck to her windshield" and lean over to try to scratch it off so they peeked out of low-cut tops, so I thought she was pretty great. She must have gone from slim Asian-sized to maybe a plump b and picked out a great surgeon.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Curious, the parents encouraged that and paid for it.

Were the parents seen as a bit unusual?

Still married I take it. Church going ( not something I endorse )?

Was this a big city where people have relative anonymity, or a small town where everyone gossips about people's lives?

To me this still almost sounds like pimping the girl out. Sorry, but that is the sort of feelings it evokes.

avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> Were the parents seen as a bit unusual?

I never met the parents, but my impression of them was that they were kind of money-focused/materialistic and ineffective as parents. I think the family was Buddhist. The guy with the nice car fucked off all the time and failed out of public community college, so they sent him to a private one that cost like 3x as much. It was in a mid-sized city where strangers kept to themselves for the most part, but people who knew each other tended to gossip as people do.

I don't think it was any weird sexual/pimping type thing. More like an "I am Jazz" type thing, except instead of a son identifying as a daughter, it was a daughter who identified as a hot chick with nice tits.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago

But do you know many cases of girls that young getting boob jobs, and with the approval of the parents? I certainly do not.

avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> But do you know many cases of girls that young getting boob jobs, and with the approval of the parents? I certainly do not.

I don't really roll with that crowd. In a town like Scottsdale, AZ, for example, I would expect it to be common, though. In other words, viewed as "That's what people do these days", and part of the price of admission to the Beautiful People cult for people not born into it - like getting braces.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Well, I have never known anyone who talks about boob jobs or has them except strippers and AMP girls.

But my above links do say that the majority of the boob jobs are being done in the Western States.


avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
Sjg just saw your comment @me.

I think plastic surgery and especially breast aug has become so common now that there isn’t a big fuss made about it. All the girls in my hair salon have fake boobs, one has boobs and a nose job, the Asian women in my nail salon have fake boobs, coffee stand girls do, my accountant friend does, my girlfriend and her mom went to the same surgeon.

I would say over 50% of girls who dance tell their families about it and most of us are terrified to do so. The response we get is typically that our families will love us no matter what—if we want to be dancers, if we want to climb Mt Everest, go to med school, fight a tiger, get fake boobs. My parents are very conservative and strict and they accept me, I have a great relationship with them both.

Most girls who I know that get breast aug—like 100%!—wanted fake boobs forever. Like since junior high or even earlier. There is no correlation between getting BA and then feeling you want to be a stripper. I have a very big butt, I always wanted boobs. I got two extra jobs after college in addition to my day job and I worked my ass off until I could afford it for myself. Never made me think of becoming a stripper.

The variable here is resources. I think most people, men and women alike, would jump at the chance to do something to improve their appearance with plastic surgery if the costs were not so high.

My answer: most girls who get fake boobs have desired them for a long time; whether they do or do not get the surgery is largely dependent upon their financial constraints.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
PinkSugarDoll: After reading your last post I think you need an avatar showing off your butt, Bj99 style.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
"I think plastic surgery and especially breast aug has become so common now that there isn’t a big fuss made about it."

PinkSugar, thanks for your post and you account.

From my vantage point almost everything is the opposite, not aware of boob jobs except in strip clubs and AMPs, or parents who would go along with any of it.

Thanks for the info and glad things are working for you.

I'll keep my eyes and ears open.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Does getting a boob job indicate that it is a girl who is on the outs with her parents? I do not know any parents who would not be deeply disturbed by such a thing.……

avatar for wildbourbon
7 years ago

Thank you for completing the chiasmus for us. I guess now it can end?
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