
Strange Dreams w/ My Ex-Wife

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
I have recently had two strange dreams, each including my ex-wife.

Now as usual, when one awakens and thinks about the dream, one will see that much of it was highly improbable. But then beyond that, does it mean something?

Dream One

My ex had some how gotten me to a meeting in San Diego
( high improbable, as I have already refused to see her and would not be likely to be lured anywhere. That is a place I have some history with though. )

There was kind of a negative discussion as I was pressing her to explain why the meeting. She blurted out something which included the phrase, "My husband .."
( so she was talking about a new husband. Possible, but probability only so so. Then it came out that he was a professional wrestler, much younger than she, and that this came as the result of a 17 day shack up and fuck fest. Not likely, but not totally impossible either. Just not in her character or temperament )

But I felt great rage at her, and the desire to verbally cut her to shreds. I got tough in talking to her.
( Why was I feeling rage, no right to put any holds on her. I think it is just that I still feel she was never being open and honest with herself or with me, and that she then cost me a great deal of life. But she wants some sort of emotional whirlwind, or she thinks she does. But I know better, keep a safe distance. )

So then about 2 days later a second, Dream Two.

So we were I guess around me here. There was talk about this car of hers, and she indicated that she still had the car, and it could be made to work again, but it has problems with the oil pump.

( Well, that car is almost certainly long gone. But one of the better connections I had to her was the care taking of that car. But the engine's oil pump failing? That is like a heart attack. The oil pump life is usually the life of the engine.

So what could this really be about, her in effect inviting me to fix this car, which is in critical condition?

Well it is saying that there is something between us still, as I know, but there is some serious impediment still playing out as it did during the long hard years of our marriage. One guy, about failing business deals, talked about "Heart Cancer", it is something like that. Some serious impediment which has remained insurmountable. )


Jimi Hendrix, live 1969, very good


  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Go die in a fire
  • rockie
    6 years ago
    But you are awake while posting this shit on TUSCL. You can't be helped!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    PaulDrake and rockie, just for the two of you, threaded at both ends:



  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    What do SJG and cockroaches have in common ?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ both will dissolve you in acid and then eat what remains.

  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    OOOH, SJG eats people.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    +1 to the first comment.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    What does it mean? It's obvious. Your dreams suck. In my dreams I'm doing a 16 day fuck fest with some girl who said that was the best she ever had. I forgot to ask if she was married but it was just a dream. Doesn't mean anything. She sure was horny. It was like she was missing something from her life. She did not want me to leave.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It means you write shit Penthouse Forum letters.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    6 years ago
    Am I the only one here who has dreamed of punching SJG in the face ?
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Hey creep.your ex-wife dreams of happily fucking a conservative Republician. Wait! It's not a dream, she really is happily fucking a conservative Republician, and he's also a Born again Christian.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    She's also happy to be with an experienced real man and not some gravy drinking punk that has zero real life experience.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    welp, somebody wasn't wearing their helmet again and fell off their Huffy bike.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    6 years ago
    @ OSU you mean to say you are taking sloppy seconds from SJG and his ex is fucking someone who believes in FAMILY VALUES ...for anyone other than themselves?

    (yeah I get we are all on this forum for essentially the same reason and cognitive dissonances affects the entire political landscape but hypothetically if that woman left SJG for someone like you, she did not 'trade up'. Quite the opposite of 'trading up' - and I'm no fan of SJG}
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    When you are asking the TUSCL crew to shrink your dreams your gonna be in for trouble.

    You know there are professionals who can help you. They will at least listen and help you resolve whatever is going on in your head. You clearly are looking to talk to somebody who will listen and it aint here.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago

    You've gone over the top, SJG
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    @ Huge JACKASS, shove it up your rectum!
    Perhaps she would be better served by a able semen lover like you? I doubt it Lol
    Remember how you previously cried that I supposedly attacked you? Just like the other times I responded after your flame you dimwit eunuch. Go lick your buddy vince's asscrack.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    All it means is that SJG is still feeling guilt about how he ruined his own marriage by blowing all his and his wife's money on AMP whores and strippers. He's now homeless in San Jose and no woman wants him any more and he has dropped so low in life that he has dreams about it all.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    LOL. This thread is classic. When I first saw it I was guessing that SJG responded to himself 19 times.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Wow! I thought SJG was delusional - but this proves his mind is way off.

    I think SirLDAlot mentioned that SJG never got over losing his wife. This discussion offers confirmation of his inability to accept it. He definitely needs professional help....
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    Actually I don't remember any of my dreams lately. I wasn't joking about having super powers in my dreams though. Occasionally god like super powers. A few times I dreamed I was in a nearly frozen time zone. If I wanted to, I could set a cup of water aside in mid air at the beach, go fuck a girl at the beach, come back and grab the cup out of the air without it barely moving. However I thought fucking a girl without her knowledge seemed like it might not be ethical. She would be really sore though and might wonder what happened to her clothes. I actually disassembled some people down to the molecule and reassembled them with a mere thought in some dreams. I also permanently destroyed some demons from existence in other dreams without letting them return to hell. In one dream I went back in time and wiped out an entire alien species before they could develop. They ticked me off when one of their ships fired at me in intergalactic space while I was watching a massive battle between fleets of opposing enemy fleets. I initially just destroyed all their fleets in all star systems. However I was still ticked off and went back in time and extinguished the entire species. It was kind of disappointing returning and the other species that was celebrating didn't even recognize me after I returned to this time. I dreamed I changed entire sectors of alien civilizations and none of them realized it.

    I've even dreamed I fought creatures in another plane of existence. Hopefully these were all nothing but dreams. I'd hate for something to follow me back.

    In my lucid dreams, I can create people and planets and star systems if I want to. I've had sex with different female aliens in my dreams. Actually quite a lot. One planet had nothing but hot females. I taught one girl how to give a BJ and before I knew it, I was getting Bj's left and right.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    My ex is not the worst person in the world.

    But, Marriage, and even Co-Habitation, are horrid.

    Done both, and NEVER AGAIN.

    That the girl will want this does not make her wrong. But we have to find other ways to steer things so that such never happens.

    It was real stupid that people allowed The Family to become the primary economic unit. But then this is not a new insight, Comrade Engels was showing us this 140 years ago.



  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ "Wow! I thought SJG was delusional - but this proves his mind is way off.

    I think SirLDAlot mentioned that SJG never got over losing his wife. This discussion offers confirmation of his inability to accept it. He definitely needs professional help...."

    @Cashman1234 Your words ring true with this last post by SJG. He's become obsessed with all things that pertain to his divorce and moreover he is obsessed with finding reasons for his failed marriage without blaming himself for it.

    And now this thread is the confirmation and proof that he is haunted by his failed marriage and LOL see how he continues to post and search for a reason by rationalizing the purpose of his dream? It's obvious he's fraught with guilt!

    The guy has turned TUSCL's discussion board into his personal 'therapy'.

    His obsession with DFK is also a by-product of his trauma. He wants a woman to love and worship him so bad and the closest thing he can get to this is to just post about his delusional fantasy that a stripper or AMP whore can become his GF and wants to just by him treating her like a civilian and DFKing with her. It's sad, but his posts are all he's got in terms of a woman's affections.

    I think in reality what has happened with him is that he blew all his last money with AMP whores in San Jose a few years ago (per his earliest TUSCL threads). Now he's homeless and gets free internet time every afternoon, and so he comes on to post all the shit he does and when he posts about DFK he actually lives the experience in his mind as he preaches about it all over the boards.

    And, sadly, he will never end what he is doing. Therefore he will be in a perpetual state of needing help and posting the way he does. Consider him TUSCL's version of a village idiot.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    My ex wife is not someone who ever would have been sexually unfaithful. But the reason for this is that her identity is not bound up with sex, it is bound up with 'being right'.

    She was extremely disloyal, but never in ways which involved sex.

  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ Translation -> "I feel guilty because I cheated on my wife with strippers and AMP whores while she was faithful to me."
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Still creepy as fuck.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > She was extremely disloyal, but never in ways which involved sex.

    I often have wondered about this, since it seems like daytime TV's primary purpose is to break up marriages.

    > The guy has turned TUSCL's discussion board into his personal 'therapy'.

    I thought that was what we're all doing in one way or another. How dare SJG try to seek social support as a cis het white male, right?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @ppwh posted -> "> The guy has turned TUSCL's discussion board into his personal 'therapy'.

    I thought that was what we're all doing in one way or another. How dare SJG try to seek social support as a cis het white male, right?"

    I don't see it that way. I see it as most others are sharing their actual strip club experiences and doing it in an interactive fashion and they are not preaching to others like SJG does all the time and derail threads to make the same point.

    To me it's how dare he derail threads, create threads for his own personal discussion with himself, and disrespect others that simply and respectfully disagree with him?

    He's not seeking social support, he's pushing his social agenda on others while also being a constant dick about it. Nobody else on WRX (excluding the parody trolls) is anywhere near like him in this regard.

    And yeah I know we all have our own issues and we share them here for validation, but to extrapolate that to what SJG is doing is a real stretch. Just my opinion.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > To me it's how dare he derail threads, create threads for his own personal discussion with himself, and disrespect others that simply and respectfully disagree with him?

    Obviously there is far more value in threads about getting your cock teased at the bar and cumming in your pants. Any discussion about relations between the sexes is clearly outside of the kind of Groupthink you are proposing should be enforced.

    > He's not seeking social support, he's pushing his social agenda on others while also being a constant dick about it. Nobody else on WRX (excluding the parody trolls) is anywhere near like him in this regard.

    Pushing an agenda is so common, it's hardly remarkable. If you read closely and don't rub your dick against your boxers hoping to be offended, you might be able to notice it more. If not, it's OK. I promise not to start multiple rants about you.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Yeah... the real issue is that he's creepy as fuck.

    Full stop.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Yeah... the real issue is that he's creepy as fuck. Full stop.

    Well, I'm definitely not going to give him lapdances now. I know there are several bitches who enjoy the suffering and will give him 10 at a time, but I don't have time for that if someone on the internet is saying shit like that about him.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    >Obviously there is far more value in threads about getting your cock teased at the bar and cumming in your pants. Any discussion about relations between the sexes is clearly outside of the kind of Groupthink you are proposing should be enforced.

    Oh please @ppwh if you think what I post about (or anything by anybody else by comparison) is no different than what SJG posts, then yeah we disagree again.

    I'm not pushing any agenda on what I do, nor am I trying to have some "deep" convo about dick teasing and cumming in my pants. I'm sharing a story about an actual experience in a strip club, not much different than your posts in your own experience. There no agenda or intent to say it has great value other than it is at least to the point of the boards. Which again is clearly a contrast to what SJG does.

    > "Pushing an agenda is so common, it's hardly remarkable. If you read closely and don't rub your dick against your boxers hoping to be offended, you might be able to notice it more. If not, it's OK. I promise not to start multiple rants about you."

    Actually I do notice pushing agendas more exactly as you suggest and I do read posts and points very carefully. Yours included.

    And if you read my post more carefully, more closely and be careful not to rub your own dick wrong, you will see that my point was not just about him pushing an agenda. If you read more closely, and again watch your dick, you will see that I had a bigger point to make than just him pushing a social agenda. But if you don't see it, no worries.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Oh please @ppwh if you think what I post about (or anything by anybody else by comparison) is no different than what SJG posts, then yeah we disagree again.

    That was actually the opposite of my point. SJG's commentary about the relationship between the sexes is actually a lot more engaging to me than posts about dry humping at the bar.

    > I'm not pushing any agenda on what I do, nor am I trying to have some "deep" convo about dick teasing and cumming in my pants. I'm sharing a story about an actual experience in a strip club, not much different than your posts in your own experience. There no agenda or intent to say it has great value other than it is at least to the point of the boards. Which again is clearly a contrast to what SJG does.

    To each his own. I don't have any problem with what you value in an experience. When you try to shame other posters over what they value, I find it unbecoming, though.

    > And if you read my post more carefully, more closely and be careful not to rub your own dick wrong, you will see that my point was not just about him pushing an agenda. If you read more closely, and again watch your dick, you will see that I had a bigger point to make than just him pushing a social agenda. But if you don't see it, no worries.

    Well, there has been a pretty nice run on Pornhub recently, so I hope you can work with me here. My main point is that I just don't see an upside to cutting off SJG from social support, even though I disagree with him wholeheartedly on many issues. He posts a lot of stuff that obviously both of us disagree with, but what he posts is not without value, and IMO, he hits upon stuff that's very meaningful to the discussion board posters. Maybe you're not like this, but a lot of us are recovering RILs, whether it's by marriage or otherwise.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    > To each his own. I don't have any problem with what you value in an experience. When you try to shame other posters over what they value, I find it unbecoming, though.

    One of my main points about SJG is his constant insults and shaming of anyone that disagrees with him on anything. If you haven't seen him do this on levels beyond most others, me included, then I encourage you to read his posts more carefully, also mine, and reassess who is VERY unbecoming. I'll stack my unbecoming and shaming posts towards other TUSCLers and compare them to SJG's no problem. If you are going to hold me to this standard, hold SJG to the same.

    > Well, there has been a pretty nice run on Pornhub recently, so I hope you can work with me here. My main point is that I just don't see an upside to cutting off SJG from social support, even though I disagree with him wholeheartedly on many issues. He posts a lot of stuff that obviously both of us disagree with, but what he posts is not without value, and IMO, he hits upon stuff that's very meaningful to the discussion board posters. Maybe you're not like this, but a lot of us are recovering RILs, whether it's by marriage or otherwise.

    I get what you are saying and if you have read all my posts about SJG in the past, I have already stated that he is a cautionary tale to all TUSCLers, married ones in particular. And yeah at the same time I loathe him, I am fascinated by him and I like to "study" him.

    And honestly, I would have much less of an issue with him and would not be trolling so much if he would simply not be such a dick to people that he doesn't agree with. He's simply a condescending asshole constantly. And again I recognize TUSCL is full of them and I'm one too. But seriously per my whole point he's on another level. And IMO for every bit of "value" in his posts, he brings ten times as much devalue.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    >That was actually the opposite of my point. SJG's commentary about the relationship between the sexes is actually a lot more engaging to me than posts about dry humping at the bar.

    And my point was simply that I'm not trying to make dry humping a deep and engaging discussion to begin with. For you to draw the comparison to begin with was my point. Read the point I made after the point you quoted again.

    Note that when you quote a very specific statement I make and leave out the context of the rest of what I said you may miss my bigger point and find that it's not just about what you choose to quote.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > One of my main points about SJG is his constant insults and shaming of anyone that disagrees with him on anything. If you haven't seen him do this on levels beyond most others, me included, then I encourage you to read his posts more carefully, also mine, and reassess who is VERY unbecoming. I'll stack my unbecoming and shaming posts towards other TUSCLers and compare them to SJG's no problem. If you are going to hold me to this standard, hold SJG to the same.

    I agree, it's unbecoming when SJG does this, too. I'm not holding either of you to a standard. I am just giving you my POV, for whatever my contri-level of 0.85 counts for.

    > I get what you are saying and if you have read all my posts about SJG in the past, I have already stated that he is a cautionary tale to all TUSCLers, married ones in particular. And yeah at the same time I loathe him, I am fascinated by him and I like to "study" him.

    I have a different take. I think he mainly needed a more dominant wife and things would have been OK.

    > And honestly, I would have much less of an issue with him and would not be trolling so much if he would simply not be such a dick to people that he doesn't agree with. He's simply a condescending asshole constantly. And again I recognize TUSCL is full of them and I'm one too. But seriously per my whole point he's on another level. And IMO for every bit of "value" in his posts, he brings ten times as much devalue.

    Agreed that SJG can be gratuitously malicious. As stated, that's hardly a distinguishing quality on TUSCL, though. By my estimate, about 2/3rds of the posters are struggling to be the tallest midget.

    SJG and Papi_Chulo were the ones that inspired me to post here. Maybe getting me to post here is negative value, too, but I found them interesting enough to want to talk things over with them.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    > SJG and Papi_Chulo were the ones that inspired me to post here. Maybe getting me to post here is negative value, too, but I found them interesting enough to want to talk things over with them.

    I understand why you feel the way you do about SJG then. But again we disagree. SJG has been a condescending asshole to me the moment I started posting. He's given me 110% disrespect and it has been constant. And it is in a level that no other TUSCLer has ever been towards me and as such he gets the same back from me.

    And it wasn't always like this. You can go to my profile and read my very first and initial posts to WRX and a lot were exchanges with SJG. And you will find that I never treated him with disrespect or anything of the sort. If you follow my interactions with him then you will find I gave him the same respect I initially give anyone online. But by contrast from the start with me he was an asshole and stayed that way.

    So now I can see and I hope you do too why we have different perspectives of him.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > You can go to my profile and read my very first and initial posts to WRX and a lot were exchanges with SJG. And you will find that I never treated him with disrespect or anything of the sort.

    It was the same thing with me, brother, but I think he still needs grace and social support.

    > So now I can see and I hope you do too why we have different perspectives of him.

    I do, but I think the main thing is that I don't seek his validation.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    > I agree, it's unbecoming when SJG does this, too. I'm not holding either of you to a standard. I am just giving you my POV, for whatever my contri-level of 0.85 counts for.

    By stating

    "To each his own. I don't have any problem with what you value in an experience. When you try to shame other posters over what they value, I find it unbecoming, though."

    at me as a defense of SJGs actions which are just as unbecoming, if not more so, comes across as holding him to a different standard than you do me.

    I am just giving you my POV on your POV.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    > It was the same thing with me, brother, but I think he still needs grace and social support.

    Disagree completely. He deserves everything he brought upon himself.

    > I think the main thing is that I don't seek his validation.

    FWIW I don't seek his anything. I do feel a little sorry for him. I've accepted him as being a permanent presence on the boards (per my first post) and I'm just sharing my POV just like you. I am making the most and entertaining myself with his posts and threads and that is all. I like posting my opinion and thoughts about SJG as much as I do about cumming in my pants. Validation is the last thing on my mind.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > at me as a defense of SJGs actions which are just as unbecoming, if not more so, comes across as holding him to a different standard than you do me.

    You don't need either SJG or me to validate you. FWIW, I like you a little better than SJG, so I spent more energy here than I have on his recently.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    >> It was the same thing with me, brother, but I think he still needs grace and social support.

    > Disagree completely. He deserves everything he brought upon himself.

    Ah, so you're a Pharisee... I see. Let fuck those motherfuckers right up who can't get their wheat without gleaning!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    > You don't need either SJG or me to validate you. FWIW, I like you a little better than SJG, so I spent more energy here than I have on his recently.

    And you don't need to assume I'm seeking yours or SJG's validation. The bigger point of me making that point was really just me highlighting that you are being hypocritical without outright calling you a hypocrite. It has nothing to do with validation. Again, read beyond just what you quote.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    > Ah, so you're a Pharisee... I see. Let fuck those motherfuckers right up who can't get their wheat without gleaning!

    Ah I see, you just like to argue and assume what I'm making a point about. I'm just saying SJG is an asshole that reaps what he sows. It's just a disagreement from your POV. That is all.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > And you don't need to assume I'm seeking yours or SJG's validation.

    Of course. You make it so obvious.

    > It has nothing to do with validation.

    Of course. You make it so obvious.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > > Ah, so you're a Pharisee... I see. Let fuck those motherfuckers right up who can't get their wheat without gleaning!

    > Ah I see, you just like to argue and assume what I'm making a point about. I'm just saying SJG is an asshole that reaps what he sows. It's just a disagreement from your POV. That is all.

    As far as I can tell, SJG married his wife with good intentions and followed The Narrative and it just didn't work out for him. If you think that makes him a bad person who deserves to be destroyed, there is a difference of opinion, for sure.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    > Of course. You make it so obvious.

    Of course, you miss the entire point. That's obvious to me.

    LMAO you were the one that repeated that I need validation multiple times. It was from your own posts and the reason I replied multiple times was because you said it multiple times.

    But LMAO you may need to quote yourself prior to my quotes to see it.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > LMAO you were the one that repeated that I need validation multiple times. It was from your own posts and the reason I replied multiple times was because you said it multiple times.

    I must have the soul of a stripper. You're not getting rubs at the bar this time, though.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    > As far as I can tell, SJG married his wife with good intentions and followed The Narrative and it just didn't work out for him. If you think that makes him a bad person who deserves to be destroyed, there is a difference of opinion, for sure.

    As far as I can tell, you read into my posts beyond what I simply post and create new arguments from them. It's called a straw man argument. For example, the straw man above is

    "As far as I can tell, SJG married his wife with good intentions and followed The Narrative and it just didn't work out for him. If you think that makes him a bad person who deserves to be destroyed,"

    This is a straw man argument. Go back to my posts and you will see that I made no point about his marriage as to why he deserves what he deserve. It had NOTHING to do with what you just said about his marriage. And how you derived this counterpoint to make an argument is beyond me other than it meets the definition of one.

    And if you understood this all we wouldn't even need to argue and have a discussion to begin with.

    As such, I'm done. It's been fun exchanging thoughts. See you in another thread.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > This is a straw man argument. Go back to my posts and you will see that I made no point about his marriage as to why he deserves what he deserve. It had NOTHING to do with what you just said about his marriage. And how you derived this counterpoint to make an argument is beyond me other than it meets the definition of one.

    I think the logical fallacy here is that I'm arguing by logic. I'm not. I'm just calling it how I see it: You seeking approval, and SJG trying to exorcise a marriage that didn't go as hoped.

    > And if you understood this all we wouldn't even need to argue and have a discussion to begin with.

    Obviously discussions are terrible. Unexpected points can crop up and totally fuck up your validation.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO keep playing that "validation" card so it doesn't fuck up your own validation. I see now you need it from me bad. Here I am for you one more time.

    I'm just dying to be quoted one more time. Like LDKing.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > I see now you need it from me bad. Here I am for you one more time.

    I would, but you're a fucking tease. What I really want is my mouth on your glans, not chafing from boxers.

    > I'm just dying to be quoted one more time. Like LDKing.

    As you wish, daddy!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Oh fuck! Is SJG actually trolling us? This shit can’t be real! SJG posting his dreams of his ex is just too obvious...
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    What the fuck?... this is not what I expected here lol.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    The initial topic seems to have gotten derailed just a bit!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Gotta have fun with a SJG thread. Make a mockery of them. LMAO so much "value" in the scintillating conversation in the process of it.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    People have posted tons of crap on this thread.

    Leaving a spouse by the side of the road is a really difficult thing to do. Is makes no difference that one does not really support marriage. It is a matter of personal integrity and fairness, and in what one believed would work out, life long.

    The two attempted stints of marriage counseling were horrid. I should have sued that first one, she was making a bad situation worse.

    But without having at least tried, I don't think I ever could have acted.

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