Once in a while out of curiosity but since there really isn't anyway to know I don't put much thought in it (unless if he's surfing TUSCL on his cell ph and you notice it).
I sometimes surf TUSCL in the clubs when in b/w dancers - anyone else?
I always assume Morbidly Obese Dude Who Always Wears Shorts And Never Looks Up From His Phone is at least a lurker here, Also the corner dude at HL who always gets there at opening has got to have an account here, as well as a couple other regulars at Hi-Liter and Bourbon Street Circus that I always seem to run into. Hard not to be a hardcore regular at any strip club and not know about TUSCL, even if you choose not to wallow in the mire of this discussion board.
TUSCL really is your one-stop source for everything strip-clubbing. I don't club much since getting back in the game two years ago, but found the information on here about Club Hong Kong and TJ as well as Allure in Toronto invaluable prior to my first trips there. Anyone who even clubs occasionally would be wise to join TUSCL at least for the info, if not to contribute reviews.
Beyond the reviews, it's good to hear about life experiences from like-minded men and the occasional stripper's point of view.
I have wondered but never ran into anyone I knew was a member at the time. On a few occasions I found out later after writing a review, there was another member at the club at the same time.
I try not to concern myself with the other customers, but I did manage to meet one TUSCL member at my regular club I went to when I lived in Omaha. We travelled to some of the same clubs, the only real difference being he got to the East St. Louis clubs regularly.
Also, like some previous posters, I have read reviews where another member was at the same club I was at the same day.
I've seen TUSCL in the wild twice, via guys tapping away at their phones at the bar. The previous mobile site design was easy to spot, even at a glance.
Wow I just sat and realized, when is the last time I actually talked to another customer in a club other than just the simple head nod or “hello” when passing by in close quartes around the bar when it’s busy or in a narrow hallway? It’s been at least 4 years.
I guess Chili Palmer just described me except I’m not obese and I usually don’t take my phone in with me, so I’m staring at boobs on the stage like you’re supposed to at a strip club!
TUSCL has a good amount of traffic (top 150,000 website) and so I wonder at times if other people in the SC are TUSCL users. I'm sure some of them are lurkers or have posted a review here and there
Probably mostly lurkers and newbs that i have no idea who they are, and i would expect them to be there more when a club is busy than when it's slow just from probability, although the day shift seems to be the popular one on here. TUSCL has decent traffic, but i think it's only the same 100 or so people, maybe, that post a decent amount of volume, and spread across the country, i doubt that i would run into any of that group, but who really knows...
I suspect that I've seen a guy that's done reviews of a couple local clubs but dorsn't post in discussions. He was a regular at these clubs, so regular that I saw him every time I walked in and club employees told me that he would come in almost every night. The reason I suspect him is someone wrote glowing reviews about some dancers that I wouldn't even give a second look but I saw him often getting long dance sessions from them.
I consider it when I'm there sometimes. I know Eastcoastdude and mrbasketball have each been to my favorite club at the same time I've been. We've realized this over direct messages or by doing reviews for the club during the same time period of a particular day.
I sometimes surf TUSCL in the clubs when in b/w dancers - anyone else?
Beyond the reviews, it's good to hear about life experiences from like-minded men and the occasional stripper's point of view.
Also, like some previous posters, I have read reviews where another member was at the same club I was at the same day.
I didn’t say anything to them. It would be non-brilliant if they went “wildebeest” on me!
I guess Chili Palmer just described me except I’m not obese and I usually don’t take my phone in with me, so I’m staring at boobs on the stage like you’re supposed to at a strip club!
I spend most of my time looking over the dancers - as I try to act civilized!