
Comments by Rick999 (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    You know you're a PL when...
    You might be a PL if the door girl waves you in. You might be a PL if the bartender has your drink and normal change before you even walk to the bar. You might be a PL if one of the dancers tries to make sure she is there whenever you visit. You might be a PL if several of the dancers refer to you by your first name. You might be a PL if 2 or more dancers in different cars say hi to you in a traffic jam on the interstate when you walk around. You might be a PL if a hot dancer ever threatens to go to your work place and tell all your friends that you have a thing going on with her because you never told anyone about her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    how much is in your wallet right now?
    only 259, I'm broke.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: So What Could Hillary Clinton Have Done Differently?
    I remember a time when republicans said if they could control congress and the White House, they could get things done and create a booming economy. Appears to be bs from the republicans so far. It's been almost a year and no tax cuts, still have Obamacare.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: So What Could Hillary Clinton Have Done Differently?
    Bernie wanted to turn our country into Venezuela with all his taxes but I'm sure if the democrats hadn't rigged the primary against him so he had no chance of winning, he wouldn't have been able to get anything past congress. So far though, neither has Trump. Bernie might have been an amusing grumpy old man to listen to making you think it's just a matter of time before you got free this and free that but a lot higher taxes for everyone and everything, if he got anything past congress.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The eclipse!
    I saw it and the weather was great. Sky was clear and the temperature dropped. I saw a large corona and the planet Venus. Locusts started making noises and got louder at about 99% before it went dark and the street lights turned on. I'm happy I got to see it and that the sky was clear here in western South Carolina. I didn't even have to go anywhere. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Would you like a dance ?
    If the moon blocks out the sun on Monday, I'd be willing to buy a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hate to do it but a semi political post
    With Trump in command, I wouldn't be surprised if the decision has already been made. We can hope Russia and China might have enough influence to convince Kim to change but I don't know if anyone is even trying. I will pray that Russia, China, North Korea, and the US see the light and that getting rid of nukes and signing a peace treaty is in the best interests of everyone. Let's all just agree to get along.
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    7 years ago
    Hate to do it but a semi political post
    As far as North Korea goes, I think the decision has been made already to do something about North Korea, maybe remove Kim from power and put in place a dictator or someone who doesn't say they will destroy America. Being destroyed by some third world country with nukes is not an option. It is not an option to wait a few years and hear demands from Kim to pay bribes or remove forces etc or face nuclear destruction. They have little to lose except their lives since their country is so poor already. When you are miserable, you can be suicidal like Kim appears to be. If he wants to stay in power his best choice to stop a war is to offer a deal to stop firing missiles and give up his nuclear program and make a peace treaty in exchange for peaceful coexistence and increased trade. Stop saying you will blow up the US. I think the words to remember are China saying NK is the US problem not theirs and from our side "the time for diplomacy is over" "locked and loaded". My prediction even though it is horrible, war with NK by next year. The alternative sounds like nuclear destruction of the US in a few years unless we keep paying extortion fees forever.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hate to do it but a semi political post
    Maybe congress can get something done there. Yeah right. Good joke right? We'll be lucky if they can muster enough support to get the debt limit raised. The democrats should have quickly eliminated that before voting for health care several years ago. I think it's stupid to debate on whether or not we as a country are going to default on our debt every 2 years.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hate to do it but a semi political post
    I didn't hear everything Trump said yesterday but he made a big political blunder speaking openly about both sides conducting violence. You don't defend racists and haters as president of the US ever. I do not support hate groups or racists. Now as far as policies on business and taxes I can still support the president and congress on that but alienating people by saying you support both sides is stupid. However this president hasn't been that smart with his words. I could give an example of the nazis in WWII and the US and say that both groups had violence on both sides. yeah, yeah, so what? Defending nazis as president of the US is stupid at best. That's like defending ok Kim in North Korea versus the US when Kim says he is going to nuke parts of the US and kill millions of our fellow citizens and then the president comes out and says there has been violence on both sides. Well my 2 cents. This is anonymous but I don't like all the hate and violence. Apparently CEO's don't want to be seen with Trump because of his recent comments. Manufacturing council that Trump was part of is being disbanded. So much for tax relief.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Meeting tuscl lurkers in the club by accedint
    I rarely talk to other guys in the club. Were you sitting at the bar next to someone? I often sit at a table and the only people I talk to are often dancers and waitresses.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Should couples pay double for dances ?
    I guess the work around is to get individual dances at the same time next to each other from two different dancers as long as the dancers agree on prices. Otherwise the club might still double charge.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Should couples pay double for dances ?
    I agree it's a ripoff to pay double but clubs and dancers rip off people how they see fit. If you think of it as paying for her time dancing, it's the same time for one or multiple people. That's like saying if a dancer does a table dance, everyone at the table should pay full price. She didn't spend all that time grinding on everyone all the time. If she's dancing for two, it's like you get half a dance but pay full price. It only makes sense to strip club employees and dancers. I guess if a couple got two dancers and each got a dance from one dancer they could have two dancers and pay the same price as they would have with only one with that logic because each dancer only danced for one person.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Did you ever wonder if you got into the wrong occupation?
    I could have been a medical doctor looking at vaginas. I would have been paid for looking at naked women.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Planning on watching the total eclipse?
    I remember someone wrote a review for platinum plus in Greenville and said front row seats at Talladega would have been a lot quieter. However the Greenville club was a lot quieter than the Columbia club. I've had my ears start ringing from noise after visiting the Columbia club after one minute. I always brought ear plugs from work or drug store foam ear plugs to stuff in my ears whenever I visited the club. It was still too loud even with ear plugs in sections. I've seen several partial solar eclipses. Unless you look at the sun with solar glasses, you probably won't notice a thing. Keeping people off the road during a partial eclipse is insane. I am in the path of the total eclipse this time. First time ever for me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Heather Graham at 18 gives me a boner. :)
    I must have been working too much in years past to see many movies. They liked to work me to death in years past.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Heather Graham at 18 gives me a boner. :)
    I think I saw one movie she was in. I didn't remember her. Must be one of those weird coincidences.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    education time!!!
    Some try to put down strip clubs by saying women are exploited. I've been exploited every time someone had me working long hours or lots of extra hours for no extra pay. I and others feel exploited when we leave a job and someone else who gets hired gets paid a lot more to do the same job. It' happens all the time to everyday people. It's why people get fed up with work and quit. You can work long hours with a boss that says if you jump through so many hoops you'll get promoted but then not get anything after the boss leaves except contempt from coworkers for getting a satisfactory performance rating to your salary after working 60 hours a week for months. Did I feel exploited? Definitely. Then the new boss is not impressed when you don't kill yourself working normal hours.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Heather Graham at 18 gives me a boner. :)
    I'm not familiar with her but looks like she might be hot without clothes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sofia Vergara . . .
    I'd rate her 8.5
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hot Waitresses
    Some waitresses are hot. There have been times when I would have liked to see the waitress strip on stage rather than several of the dancers. One time a bartender asked if I remembered her. I said no. Then she flashed me and everyone in the club with a very nice set of melons. Then she asked again. I said yes. I like girls who want me to remember them and their tits.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Psychology of Trump Supporters?
    Lame +1 I'd vote for almost any poster on this board over Hillary. SJG might have even won over Hillary. At least SGJ didn't say he'd like to do away with our second amendment rights and allow open borders to South America letting drug cartels and anyone into the country. Of course nowadays when you read news stories, you don't always know if it's fake news or real news. I did wonder if there was a secret conspiracy by the far left to do away with our gun rights by staging mass shootings and blame it on deranged individuals. I have noticed there have been none in the news since the people in charge changed. I do not trust our government to always do what is right.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Smelly Pussy -- Addressing Issue Directly
    My way of directing dealing with it even with favorites if I notice when they first approach me is just tell them I'm not interested in getting dances from them. If she had others tell her that and was wondering why, I might think about telling her but usually just want her to go away as quickly as possible. Sometimes dancers stink and I always suspect something is wrong with something inside their bodies. I once tried to ignore it and got dances anyway but I couldn't ignore it. I couldn't wait for the dances to end so I stopped getting dances from stinky dancers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many would...
    Plus if she wasn't trying to get a loan to buy a car or house, most of her stripping income might be in cash and she could save thousands potentially in taxes and a lot in health care premiums. I've heard stories of some dancers not reporting hardly any of their income. I have no idea how many do that. I'm sure the irs and some politicians would love to get a percentage cut of every lap dance etc, champagne room fee, etc, etc. One con, when it comes to social security income later in life, her lack of reported income will significantly reduce her social security income unless she made up for it later or got married. That is if we still get SS income later in life. Ok this is enough. Pros and cons.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many would...
    If a nice looking girl talked to me and wasn't related to me, I might give her some tips on why it could pay off well. Much better potential pay than anywhere else without a college degree and at least a few years experience. She won't be able to do it when she's a lot older. She might even be able to work a regular job and do dancing as a side job, with the right club management, she will be able to pick which customers she can dance for. She can tell any new guys what her rules are like no touching in covered areas and if the club already has rules in place followed by most customers, it might be fine. If she knows bouncers have her back in case a customer acts rude or doesn't want to pay, then it might be a good club. However some guys might try to steal sneak pics with their phones. Some dancers all try competing for the same customers in some cases and some get territorial about it. Dancers seem to form alliances with certain other dancers and other dancers become dancers they don't like that much. Maybe it's like high school,not sure. If you work at Folies type of club, anything might go. Might not be good as far as staying protected from stds but if that's no worry, no problem.