
education time!!!

Exploitation- the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.

To my fellow dancers stop using this word. You obviously dont know what it means. If you auditioned and agreed to work at a club then you arent exploited regardless of how you are treated. You are working. You know what happens long before you start working and if you dont then you can leave at any time. Being exploited means you have lost control due to abuse or drugs etc that you feel as if you cant leave. we are so much better then what we are represented by (we meaning dancers). If you want to be a banker then be a banker but if you want to spread your shit on stage friday night then do it but dont call it being exploited. Off my rant now just tired of hearing that word lol


  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    thank you
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    As a dedicated PL I hate being exploited. )
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Sometimes I feel like I'm just an atm ; )
  • poledancer83
    7 years ago
    you are :)
  • warhawks
    7 years ago

    Tired of only being used for money. :)
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    The idea expressed by the OP is mostly true in U.S. clubs, but there is some shit that happens off the books in some clubs that makes some disadvantaged folks feel like they don't have a way out. I'm not going to be the one going around on soapbox advocating for exploited people, but I'm also not going to say it doesn't happen at all in strip clubs. All kinds of bad shit happens in the world, and I do my best not to contribute to it.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Ahh but I'm an atm that receives what he wants
  • poledancer83
    7 years ago
    being forced to do that then yes is exploitation but chosing to do so and then screaming exploitation is wrong.
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Is this a joke?
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    As ye sow, so shall ye reap. People make their own luck and their own lives.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    7 years ago
    I would recommend you to read
    What Life Means to Me
    by Jack London
    This is just an example of the mentality of america, a country built on the genocide of natives and slavery of Africans and of course capitalism, the exploitation of the many for the benefit of the few...
    "As a brain merchant I was a success. Society opened its portals to me. I entered right in on the parlor floor, and my disillusionment proceeded rapidly. I sat down to dinner with the masters of society, and with the wives and daughters of the masters of society. The women were gowned beautifully, I admit; but to my naive surprise I discovered that they were of the same clay as all the rest of the women I had known down below in the cellar. “The colonel's lady and Judy O'Grady were sisters under their skins”—and gowns.

    It was not this, however, so much as their materialism, that shocked me. It is true, these beautifully gowned, beautiful women prattled sweet little ideals and dear little moralities; but in spite of their prattle the dominant key of the life they lived was materialistic. And they were so sentimentally selfish ! They assisted in all kinds of sweet little charities, and informed one of the fact, while all the time the food they ate and the beautiful clothes they wore were bought out of dividends stained with the blood of child labor, and sweated labor, and of prostitution itself. When I mentioned such facts, expecting in my innocence that these sisters of Judy O'Grady would at once strip off their blood-dyed silks and jewels, they became excited and angry, and read me preachments about the lack of thrift, the drink, and the innate depravity that caused all the misery in society's cellar. When I mentioned that I couldn't quite see that it was the lack of thrift, the intemperance, and the depravity of a half-starved child of six that made it work twelve hours every night in a Southern cotton mill, these sisters of Judy O'Grady attacked my private life and called me an “agitator”—as though that, forsooth, settled the argument."
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    By definition of exploitation, as dancers we are technically exploited. I don't complain about it and I don't mean it in a bay way because it is generally harmless; also, by that same definition, we dancers exploit the customer as well.

    I agree with anyone who complains about themselves being exploited shouldn't be dancing.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    Bad* way.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    America was built on self-reliance and hard work, despite what the lazy liberals claim. This country is nor for failures and that is why Europe still exists. Jack London lol.
  • DisRuptive1
    7 years ago
    I don't mind being an ATM as long as you input the right pin number.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Can you define "trafficking" now? I get kinda annoyed whenever the verb "to traffick" (or, "to traffic"?) is used to refer to people who are in a non-trafficked situation. Women who get, for example, exploited or pimped, are not necessarily trafficked, are they? I mean, maybe I just don't know what the term "trafficking" means.

    My impression is, that "human trafficking" should involve travel. IMO, the term should refer to exploitation of a particular form, in which travel (possibly forced travel; possibly coerced; possibly just encouraged on false pretenses) to a distant place, lack of access to reasonable escape, and generally being moved around against your will, are part of the methods by which the exploitation is accomplished.

    If, to the contrary, you're free to walk to the drugstore, or you're still in the town where you went to high school, then you probably are not being "trafficked". You may be exploited (although, please see original post in thread, that term is often misused too) and you may experience being pimped or controlled or ... I dunno, spanked or something. But to have means of travel and the right to change location in order to avoid any bad situation, is to imply that you are not trafficked.

    So I think. Maybe I'm wrong? I just hear about "home grown trafficking" and I don't get it! What about, a girl who grew up in Orlando (f.e., making this up), got a meth habit, was walking the main prostitute stroll there (I can't remember the name, Orange Blossom? is that it?) and some "helpful" fellow from the local strip club drives by. "Hey, you can work out of our club. C'mon and head on over, the bus will get you there any day of the week. The usual rules are ..." and he tells her all about how much she has to tip-out to the bartender and the DJ, whether or not she can get away with blowjobs in the back room, whether or not she's required to blow him and his manager in order to get away with blowjobs in the back room. So, she replies, "No way man, I'm a freelance meth-head! You can't traffick me!" I don't think she's using the verb "to traffick" correctly.

    Not that a meth-head's grammar ever really needs to be carefully parsed in the first place, but, that's a different issue. :)
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    "the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation."

    Human trafficking.

    Pimps don't take their hoes to other destinations for monetary purposes? Ha. Ok.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    In Arizona, the buzzword trafficking is used by some politicians instead of the word prostitution. They propose legislation to crack down on prostitution, or any sex industry, but refer to it all as trafficking.
    They figure they have a better chance of imposing their view of morality on the population if they fool us into thinking that sex workers are always exploited by men. In some cases they are, and that should be illegal and aggressively prosecuted. But, lets not paint every act as trafficking and exploitation.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Yeah that was my worry, this idea that "trafficking" had become a buzzword for ANY form of sex-industry sale. That's a misuse which potentially devalues the extreme harms typically done in a trafficking situation and conflates it with situations that may not be doing any harm at all.
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    I guess the line between whether a person is being exploited or not would be whether or not conditions are fair or unfair. Like pornography, I can't precisely define it (fair/unfair), but I recognize it when I see it. I think most people with an ounce of humanity, or common sense in them can too, without consulting a rule book
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Ugh. If I wanted blanket lectures, I'd go get a corporate job. :P I know, I know.. like water off a duck, but still.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    Some try to put down strip clubs by saying women are exploited. I've been exploited every time someone had me working long hours or lots of extra hours for no extra pay. I and others feel exploited when we leave a job and someone else who gets hired gets paid a lot more to do the same job. It' happens all the time to everyday people. It's why people get fed up with work and quit. You can work long hours with a boss that says if you jump through so many hoops you'll get promoted but then not get anything after the boss leaves except contempt from coworkers for getting a satisfactory performance rating to your salary after working 60 hours a week for months. Did I feel exploited? Definitely. Then the new boss is not impressed when you don't kill yourself working normal hours.
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