Going through an OTC surge at the moment. Met a dancer who was very GFE ITC. Let me grope everywhere including light fingering. Took the opp to do a sniff test and noticed a bit of funk. Ignored the warning sign.
Went OTC next day and just couldn't get used to the odor. Decided to address the issue head on and asked her what was up with the pussy funk. She asked what I was talking about. I said your vagina doesn't smell fresh. Asked her if she uses a douche. She said her mother is a nurse and told her not to douche. I relayed that my SB does a monthly water and vinegar douche after her monthly and she's always fresh.
My new friend just didn't see a problem. She mentioned she was taking some antibiotics recently after a surgery. I mentioned maybe the antibiotics affected her vaginal flora. Given some other disappointing aspects of the first OTC outing, I'll likely not see her again.
I've grown super sensitive about not wanting to deal with funky pussies. For me it's the number one turn off, beyond an ugly face.
Looks like you two are not vagina-compatible - she doesn't seem to think there's a problem and you do, when not compatible probably best to move-on.
I would have told her also b/c that way she's made aware and can do something about it but in this case she seemed to not wanna hear it - some people can take advice and some can't.
Touchy subject but it seems to be a much more common problem that it used to be. I've only mentioned it to 1 dancer when i noticed it on our first OTC. The next time the problem was gone. In a club if i detect a smelly pussy before a dance i pass on any more interactions with her, if i smell it during a dance, i'll usually tough it out to the end but won't buy any more dances from her.
Apparently the two best remedies for this are food-grade hydrogen peroxide and FemDophilus. I had a very attractive friend once with this problem and gave her some FemDophilus after she had been using some kind of chemcial spray that didn't what was needed Either she didn't use it (word on the street is that it has to be inserted vaginally, but the FDA would only approve oral), or it didn't work, but I thought she was otherwise awesome enough that I would just hold her after being turned off enough that no act could be completed.
Thanks ppwh! Just searched femdophilus and learned it addresses bacterial vaginosis (BV). Another product prescribed for BV is Metronidizole. Now I'll be able to suggest these along with food-grade peroxide as possible solutions. Like you, I've met some great chicks with this issue and want to be helpful.
Good topic. I have never tackled it directly, thank goodness. This will sound bizarre, but in a couple of stinky pinky cases with my college coed friends , I was also involved with DFK and found a way for the girl to get my fingers wet with their mouth. In both cases that was an "ah ha" moment and next time around both were much fresher the next time.
bubba267, agree about the "smell and taste yourself" tactic, and I've done that as well.
This topic and others, particularly related to STDs, shows that us committed mongers really need to understand women's bodies, especially sexual anatomy and issues, better than most of the young women we'll encounter. As Big Daddies, and educators of young sex workers, we gotta know our shit. LOL!
I just say no to smelly pussy. Some girls are just more pungent than others down there. The problem is that one cannot easily differentiate between those who are just naturally smelly vs. those who stink because they have some infection. No thanks.
Bad hygeine is an absolute no no. How is that supposed to entice anybody with any semblance of self respect? I'd tell her to come back tomorrow with a better smell. If Indians can't smell like spices, why can women smell like fish?
I actually never called out a stripper on this but told her no way. They usually get the hint when I won't even allow them to touch me.
As a woman I can get away with pointing out this issue a bit easier than guys can, and have had to a few times in the club. It's never an easy thing to do, but like bad breath & BO, some people just can't smell it on themselves. Tactful & delicate is the way to go.
Props to you HG for mentioning it or else she probably would never have known. Now at least she can address it.
^^^^^^ The reason this decriminalization does not happen is that capitalism in America depends upon continual denigration of the poor. And this depends on upholding sexual moralisms.
You can see this in how some of our people post, seeing the women they are fucking as living proof that poor people are bad people.
I've been near a few girls who I could smell before they were close enough to ask if I wanted a dance, and only once did "No thanks" fail me. The girl wouldn't let it rest, and I finally had to tell that she "needed to go freshen up." She sicced a bouncer on me for "name calling." I was a heavy regular in that time and place, the bouncer knew me, and told me that he could smell her, too. Nothing came of it.
lopow: " ... but like bad breath & BO, some people just can't smell it on themselves. Tactful & delicate is the way to go. Props to you HG for mentioning it or else she probably would never have known. Now at least she can address it." You nailed it. Sometimes we don't realize our own odor issues, like bad breath and BO. Unless she's like Ron Jeremy and able to go down on herself, she might not have known.
My way of directing dealing with it even with favorites if I notice when they first approach me is just tell them I'm not interested in getting dances from them. If she had others tell her that and was wondering why, I might think about telling her but usually just want her to go away as quickly as possible. Sometimes dancers stink and I always suspect something is wrong with something inside their bodies. I once tried to ignore it and got dances anyway but I couldn't ignore it. I couldn't wait for the dances to end so I stopped getting dances from stinky dancers.
agreed that douche (even douche with iodine) is out of favor with many who have nurses in the family. try baking powder. Have her put some in a dish, take it in the shower once a month with her, have her grab a big pinch of NaHCO3 and shove it *up* *there*. It seems to do the job.
I would tell her she smells. But that's me. I'm brutally honest at times.
last commentI would have told her also b/c that way she's made aware and can do something about it but in this case she seemed to not wanna hear it - some people can take advice and some can't.
In a club if i detect a smelly pussy before a dance i pass on any more interactions with her, if i smell it during a dance, i'll usually tough it out to the end but won't buy any more dances from her.
This topic and others, particularly related to STDs, shows that us committed mongers really need to understand women's bodies, especially sexual anatomy and issues, better than most of the young women we'll encounter. As Big Daddies, and educators of young sex workers, we gotta know our shit. LOL!
I admire the OP's frankness with the girl. I would have probably just cut bait and never contacted her again.
I actually never called out a stripper on this but told her no way. They usually get the hint when I won't even allow them to touch me.
Props to you HG for mentioning it or else she probably would never have known. Now at least she can address it.
This is because it is driven underground. Decriminalization would solve these problems.
You can see this in how some of our people post, seeing the women they are fucking as living proof that poor people are bad people.
Ritman Library
You nailed it. Sometimes we don't realize our own odor issues, like bad breath and BO. Unless she's like Ron Jeremy and able to go down on herself, she might not have known.
I would tell her she smells. But that's me. I'm brutally honest at times.
That's a turn I never saw coming. Too funny!