
Comments by Rick999 (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    Unfortunately there are politicians with the motive of never letting a crisis go to waste to achieve an agenda of theirs. Conspiracy theories arise because of all the agendas out there. One agenda some say by the global elites is to take away guns from Americans. The easy way to do that was via the Supreme Court. That was taken away with Trump winning and appointing conservative judges for at least 4 years. The other way is to pin the blame on lone gunmen with lots of mass shootings, using fire arms in all cases because just killing people using other means won't help with gun control. Then only criminals will have guns like the left wants it. Bump stock will likely get banned. Hotels and high rise structures near large crowds will likely have more security checking baggage and rooms. If the conspiracy is real, then more mass shootings with guns will likely happen but get blamed on loose gun control. I agree we would all be safer if criminals did not have guns but we would all be safer if no one ever shot anyone else and everyone obeyed the law. I could go on and say that we would all be safer if no one, not even the police had a gun. They shoot first out of fear and claim it was self defense. In that case, I think we have a fear issue among police forces. If they weren't so afraid, I dont think they would be shooting so quickly. In this mass shooting, it was evil and hatred at society at large in my opinion. If someone has to have a motive to feel better about it. He wanted to further the pain among the public by not leaving a clear motive and wanted to hurt as many as he could. Pure evil. He liked his guns and wanted to use them. He could have used other more destructive methods but enjoyed his guns. There's a motive. Evil enjoys causing pain to others. Evil feels pleasure in causing pain. Some people do not understand evil and deny it exists.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    I avoid this at all costs!
    At one club with terrible stalls, no door, a troll, and piss all over the seats, no way, I'd leave and visit somewhere else. At another club, a few times over several years but the toilet was clean. Not every club has shitty stalls. The club at West Platinum has fancy stalls and cleaner than most fast food restaurants. I really don't like to go at a club but if nature suddenly demands I go, I hope there is a clean place. I avoid eating late at night if there is no clean stall and I'm wondering if something is not going to agree with me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Any of you 60+ guys believe youd live this long ?
    Did you fall asleep watching ancient aliens Juice? I remember another thread that stated looking at tits prolonged life. If that's true, there should be a bunch of old geezers in the strip clubs. By the time we're that old, hopefully they have perfected vr tech so that we can program our own strip clubs with the best girls and have it interactive so it feels real too. Juice's nurse in the nursing home might be giving him a blow job as therapy while he's watching the vr strip cub and Juice is saying Damn this feels so real!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Yes please
    I'd be good with her. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Old tuscl members at the club like
    Did you find shadowcat?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Any of you 60+ guys believe youd live this long ?
    I'm closer to juices age rather than shadowcats age but at one time, I didn't think I was going to live past 30. I thought doomsday would come. I'm older and wiser now. If Clinton, Hillary and Bush and Obama haven't killed us, we might live longer. My health has been decent. I have lost over 20 pounds in the last 3 years. Gained a few recently. I blame Wendy's for this mornings gain. I told the girl the bacanator. Not the double bacanator. They never seem to get my order right. On the bright side it tasted pretty good. I will make sure to drink more pomegranate juice to help remove plaque from my arteries. I read years ago an Israeli study on senior citizens with clogged arteries that drinking 1.5 ounces a day of the juice before morning meals removed a lot of the buildup in their arteries over 3 months, more after 6 months and that more juice may be better. Lol talking about juice. https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/news/20050321/pomegranate-juice-may-clear-clogged-arteries If you don't believe me. One link.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mass Shootings/Terrorism
    Mass shootings, stupid politicians do affect my life. I plan on posting on here. I will try to refrain from posting too much though. I prefer talking about nice tits and strip clubs. After 911 I was wondering if one terrorist looked like someone I knew in college. I thought again, can't be, that would be crazy. As far as places I go, I like for security to be in place. However I expect others to do that job.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    Some people are saying there were multiple shooters. FBI was investigating this before it got shut down by orders from FBI headquarters. I've read about several people claiming they saw multiple shooters. Makes me wonder but I haven't seen video proof. I don't think too many people were standing around taking panoramic videos though. I also read a woman claimed an hour before the shooting, you are all going to die, they are all around you. I read she and her boyfriend were escorted off the grounds and had no ties to the shooting. Makes me wonder what she saw.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    What would you name your club?
    Jake's pool hall Then I would change it after I confused everyone. Same thing I did to my mother in college when she called a couple times and I answered the phone as Jake's pool hall.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Personal stats
    I was thinking if I wanted to take her home, she might be easy. Problem would be getting her to leave. I'd rather pick up girls from a strip club rather than a street corner.
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    7 years ago
    Personal stats
    Me single white male. 39 to 40ish look and fit. A bit muscular. Seeking attractive females and a new job. Saw a homeless girl at Walmart parking lot 2 weeks in a row and thought she looked better than some strippers I've seen working in strip clubs. Face was only average though. Legs looked decent. She was wearing shorts. Makes me wonder if she was really homeless or just standing around trying to get free handouts.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    How petty some people on this board are
    I think I must have missed something here. Kinda of entertaining though. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Interesting question - How much do you think you must have spent in strip clubs
    I enjoyed my strip club visits in years past and don't regret spending all the money I did. I couldn't do that today even with more money because of age and lots of new rules and club restrictions in local clubs. I may have to work longer but like others have said, I could have saved thousands extra to only have lost it elsewhere with no benefit or fond memories. If we all die tomorrow or a few years from now etc, at least I can remember a lot of fun times instead of a number on an electronic account. With the way things are going, there is no guarantee that our money will still be worth anything 17 years from now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    Unfortunately having a large crowd near unsecured areas in the perimeter seems to be asking for trouble nowadays. A couple weeks ago, I thought If I could have a super power, I would want it to be to instantly heal people and even raise them from the dead and even make their bodies physically much younger and pain free. That would be a marvelous super power. There is too much pain and suffering in our world.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips on starting conversations with strippers interested in
    Getting a girl to talk has almost never been a problem in my opinion. It's getting her to be quiet that can be tough. If you act rude or pretend to be a rock, she might get quiet unless she's already on her phone or fell asleep.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is TV ,cable or satelite worth the cost?
    Apple engineers could come up with a pay as u want model so I can get news, sports, science fiction, msnbc, history channel, whatever and LinkedIn learning plus split screen with 2 different tv shows one side and so with LinkedIn learning filling up other half of screen and sound for all with option to turn down sound or mute and pause any of the streams and I would be interested in that. I could watch and hear the Internet and listen and watch 2 separate tv shows at one time. Might need separate speakers or good sound control to turn down sound on certain streams.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is TV ,cable or satelite worth the cost?
    Worth the cost? If you are on a tight budget, probably not unless you like watching a lot of tv. In my case I need to upgrade a lot of tv gear to use Netflix etc and don't want to spend the money to upgrade everything right now. I'm still using old style TV sets but had a digital picture years ago. I know I'm wasting money keeping the same old satellite plan subscription. Apple just needs to get on the ball and come up with a super cheap fantastic plan that includes everything including playboy etc. that I can order from any device. Plus maybe come up with a LinkedIn alternative where you can finger swipe text on the LinkedIn like site so that everyone using an iPad can more easily read text on LinkedIn without trouble even if they aren't 20 something anymore. I can force almost every site except LinkedIn to make text bigger. I might even spend several hours a month using LinkedIn learning videos if I could enlarge them enough to see them on an iPad. I hate watching LinkedIn learning videos on my hard computer chair. Of course the more time I spend online, the less time I spend actually watching these other tv shows. I can easily multitask on my sofa if I don't fall asleep. Apple TV could have LinkedIn like learning on the tv screen and the tv show spit screen so you could learn and be entertained at the same time. That would be a great reason to upgrade my tv. As long as Apple didn't dictate what I could watch.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is TV ,cable or satelite worth the cost?
    When I'm not using the show to fall asleep.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is TV ,cable or satelite worth the cost?
    Oh in case someone is interested demon grandma on BBC show right now called Legion. I saw this part before. Demon grandma crawled up a wall and ceiling in the diner. I think I'm usually doing stuff online at the same time as several of these science fiction shows.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is TV ,cable or satelite worth the cost?
    I still have dish but dropped most of the movie channels but still got HBO Cinemax because they had something on I watched the last time I thought about dropping it. No also have the playboy channel which I watch a bit. They have some interesting shows. I watch the BBC channel and syfy channel both for science fiction and local and national news channels more than all the other channels. I also like the history channel and msnbc channel listening and watching financial news if I'm home during market hours. History channel has a show called ancient aliens which I like listening to, although it's also good to fall asleep too as well. Science channel and discovery channel I also watch. I used to watch the weather channel but now not so much except I do like their sos survival tips series they recently started. Useful info in that series. I never knew in a survival situation, you could start a fire by prying open a digital camera and use an optical lens inside like a magnifying glass to start a fire. I didn't think about that. The series has tips and a real life story of people getting into survival stories, usually someone got lost somewhere in the wilderness but never intended to get lost.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Oh DAMN!
    However instead of requiring cows to wear butt plugs and methane collectors over their mouths or drive cattle out of state, some smart folks discovered this. From linked article above. the fact that SLCP doesn't know how to achieve this, the smarties at Group Danone of France (owners of Dannon and Stonyfield Farm) figured out that—surprise!—corn and soy are not healthy feeds for ruminant animals like cows—even when organically grown. Rather, feeding cows a natural, polycultural diet of Omega-3-rich grasses, forbs, flax seed and alfalfa—which is what they were born to eat anyway—restores the internal ecology of the cow’s digestive rumen, which in turn considerably reduces the amount of greenhouse gases they belch and fart, er, emit. As an added benefit, the “new” diet gives the cows shinier coats, fewer foot problems and no stomach ailments. And when the cows are out grazing on grass in the pasture or on steep hillsides that can’t be farmed, farm feed and vet bills go down, and less pollution is created in growing and transporting feed crops. (Imagine that!) Plus the act of simultaneously grazing and manuring the pasture builds topsoil and sequesters carbon from the air, overall reducing greenhouse gases and helping to solve climate change. And to top it all off, the milk from pasture-fed cows is appreciably more nutritious, has significantly less bacteria, and is less allergenic.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Oh DAMN!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Oh DAMN!
    Apparently California is on top of the situation. Cow fart regulation passed. cows with methane collectors
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Computers in the work place
    2 years ago where I worked at, even YouTube was blocked without signing an online waiver saying you needed it for work. No way would I try to access this site. Almost everyone with a company office computer had internet access over a decade ago. Finding a work place with office computers not online would seem like a trip back to the 1980's. I remember I was frustrated several years ago when I had a couple of retirement accounts and every web site with the word trade in it was blocked for at least 2 years. I guess they didn't want people looking at a retirement account on their lunch break or any break. I didn't find out company policy changed until maybe 5 years later when my boss used my work pc to log into a scottrade account of his own.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Being uncomprtable in a club
    I remember a club where I saw 3 cops standing around inside. I suddenly felt less safe and thought about leaving. I didn't leave early though. They left after a while and I felt safer. You never know when there are cops hiding along dark roads ready to pull you over for the slightest thing and make false accusations. I usually feel less safe when I see cops. It doesn't bother me at all if I see a fellow customer with a knife as long as they aren't making threats.