
Hate to do it but a semi political post

On Twitter (it's a form of social media) both Barack Obama and Donald Trump condemned the stuff that happened at Charlottesville. Nothing surprising there. What was surprising was the response to the tweets.

Donald had four or five tweets on Charlottesville, most of them had around 100,000 likes with one of the tweets getting close to 200,000 likes. Obama had three tweets on Charlottesville, one of them got two million likes, one of them got a million likes, and the other one got close to 900,000 likes. That's ten times as many likes as Trump. I was kind of surprised to say the least. Same thing happened with the Manchester and London attacks, Obama tweeted about it and it got a million likes, Trump tweeted it and it got 100,000 to 150,000 likes.

Somebody explain this to me. What does this mean?
Is Obama that much more popular than Trump?
Is Obama more well liked than Trump?
Is it something else?

It's also surprising because Trump is kinda known as the king of Twitter right now.



  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    Left wingers have a much higher presence on social media and the news media. People that actually work have little time for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Younger people also tend to be more active on social media than older folks. As the old joke goes: If a person is not a liberal when he is twenty, he has no heart; if he is not a conservative when he is forty, he has no brain.

    If Obama was actually so popular, the Democrats would have won the last election handily based on his legacy. People got sick of a failing Obamacare, his race and class division, and his attacks on the police, military, and any religion that isn't Islam.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "What does this mean?"
    It's so thoroughly obvious that it doesn't need an explanation. White supremacy deserves to be condemned in the most unequivocal way. Trump was tone-deaf by stating that there was blame on both sides -- probably because he didn't want to alienate all the Breitbart bigots and KKK members that voted for him.

  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    I have to say that both sides of this protest got exactly what they set out to get!
    The klan wanted, at minimum, a confrontation with one of the extreme left groups and the extreme left group wanted exactly the same thing. Both sides in this thing are just two turds from the same pile.
    How long do you think this whole thing would have lasted if there had been NO! media coverage(10 or 15 minutes tops before the skinheads headed to the nearest bar). If the leftist douche bags had ignored the klan rally and stayed home they would have had the laugh on the klan douche bags. This whole thing just threw red meat(or tofu depending on the news outlet) to the media so each side would be back in the news cycle for a few weeks spouting their respective manure. I would not be surprised if we later found out the leaders of both groups got together beforehand and planned the entire rhubarb complete with time allotted to allow the news services to get into the correct places to catch the action on camera.
    I do not tweet and even if i did the last people I would follow would politicians or bureaucrats!
    Is Obama more popular than Trump? I think that is irrelevant as Mr. Obama is now nothing but an unemployed disbarred lawyer on a massive government pension. The only thing that matters is that Trump was more popular than the Hillary where it mattered (the electoral college).
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    "Left wingers have a much higher presence on social media and the news media."

    That is a weak ass take.

    "People that actually work have little time for Twitter"

    Uhh the President of the United States is on Twitter every single day LMAO.

    It's pretty funny hearing the bullshit spewed from both sides. The rights always use the liberals dominate news media excuse. The lefts complain about how Trump got elected president, uhh could it be because Hillary is even more crooked than Trump.

    I will say though Trump saved Twitter. Twitter was dying, but now more people are at least interested in looking at Twitter because of Trump.

    I will agree with Sinclair's take on younger people being on social media.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    David Duke's Tweet yesterday to Trump:

    "I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists"

    Finally something I can agree on with David Duke. I'm sure Steve Bannon would agree, too.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Way to be out of context as that was the reply to Trump's tweet.

    We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!

  • ime
    7 years ago
    Think you just push people away from your cause when you post stuff like that.

    Bottom line is both sides have shitty extremists that are drawn to these events, o don't think everyone on both sides there were all KKK Antifa BLM scumbags, but media can't sell anything if groups are allowed to peacefully demonstrate whatever the fuck it is on that day, and by police not seperating them violence was bound to happen and it is fucking stupid and pointless no one ever wins these things, and doesn't do anything but push people further away and has no henefit to our country.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Trump came into power with a racist conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya. He did eventually backtrack and blamed the whole thing on Hillary. Trump initially refused to denounce David Duke, but eventually backtracked under criticism. Trump's initial comment on Charlottesville was that there is "hatred,bigotry, and violence on MANY SIDES." He did backtrack several days later after intense criticism.

    Do you see any pattern, @IME?
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Is he wrong about this.."hatred,bigotry, and violence on MANY SIDES." ? If you say no then you are either stupid or a liar.

  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    ^^ This was a demonstration by white nationalists. Details are still unfolding, but the 20-yr-old who drove his car into the crowd, who killed one young woman and injured 19 others, was apparently fascinated by Nazism. There are not "many sides" to this issue and many main-stream Republicans denounced the demonstration immediately.

    I didn't start the thread and the answer to @FishStix's initial question is obvious: Trump's initial response was incredibly tone-deaf.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Trump gave a unscheduled little speech today amid all the criticism he's been getting. It sure seems like he's just doing this to get approval.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Random you are full of shit if you don't want to acknowledge all the recent violence from the left than fine keep being mr super lefty. If the BLM and Antifa didn't want violence they wouldn't have been there.

    I am not supporting anyone I think they are all bad, and it is a tragedy that someone was killed but these confrontations have been escalating for months, and it is stupid.

  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Quote's from David Duke @Tx, not me. Can't follow your post. Duke's reminding Trump that the KKK was one of his supporters.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    You don't have to be far left to hate Trump, the rights hate him too!
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    LOL! Hard to tell what @Tx and his alter-ego really believes. Maybe he's just trolling. Calling a moderate Democrat a "super-lefty" is truly idiotic @IME. Senators on both sides denounced Charlottesville immediately. It only took Trump a few days of intense pressure to join in. Who knows what Trump really believes? Probably the earlier, unscripted, version.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    It's all based on popularity not competence.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You don't need to be a card carrying lefty to get the idea that the neo nazis, storm front, alt. right groups have no moral standing in our country. Mr Trump had no reason other than pandering, to try in his initial statement to create moral equivalencies, that don't actually exist.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    What's the point of these threads ? Half the voters went for Trump, half for Hillary. Neither side listens to the other. Everyone has made up their mind. We've heard all the arguments before.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Let's all just agree to get along peacefully. If a city has rallies, please schedule opposite groups on different days. If one group wants to put on a huge show of support, they can have a million people to show how much more support they have over the other group. Violence is not needed. I put the blame on cities and states for allowing opposing rallies on the same day.

    As far as popularity of Obama versus Trump, Trump goes around pissing off different groups at different times without even appearing to seem to realize it. Obama as person seems more like able but I myself didn't like his policies.

    Recent example, many people were fully invested in the stock market and Trump sounded like North Korea's leader getting ready to start a nuclear war. If they sold after the sell off, they lost a lot of money due to Trump. Obama didn't do such stupid stuff. I now expect a war with North Korea after all the rhetoric. If Kim doesn't make it easy by launching missiles at Guam, they could evacuate Seoul South Korea and get Kim thinking we are going to strike making him strike first. Sounds sneaky but if that's what it takes to keep China on the sidelines, I thought I would throw it out there.
    I didn't seriously consider buying survival food while Obama was president but I do understand Obama helped let North Korea develop nuclear tech from what I read if it's not fake news. Russia likely supplied engine tech for the missiles.

    As far as the violence here, just stupid in my opinion. I feel sorry for the victims.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I did see a video clip of someone hitting the guys car with a bat supposedly before he stepped on the gas maybe fearing for his life and noticed that was not reported in the news. Makes me wonder what is real versus fake news and why was he driving towards a crowd anyway? Why is NC trying to draft a bill that protects rights of drivers near crowds? I think we're not hearing the full story on mainstream news. It makes me wonder if this was simply a hate crime of if there is more to it than reported.

    Of course I expect Trump to be criticized by the media. That's all the media have done since before he was elected. He didn't exactly side with the media. I just hope when we go to war, it's not too bad.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago

    "I have to say that both sides of this protest got exactly what they set out to get!"

    Oh really? Ok.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Trump has me convinced we are going to be in a war with North Korea before too long or we are going to default on our national debt or something bad. Tax cuts? I've lost hope.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    "How long do you think this whole thing would have lasted if there had been NO! media coverage"

    Well, a man murdered a woman by maliciously driving his car into her... the media didn't do that, the racist piece of shit did. How the fuck can you argue otherwise and still take yourself seriously?
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    Let's be real. Rhubarb is a plant. Fucking idiot.

    And Trump only just today called out the racist groups; he knew he had to, partly because Pence is clearly grooming himself to run in 2020 so he spoke out about it. Trump followed.

    Let's not be idiots here. You get what you pay for. That's why Trump's cheap ass got bought out. When you pay for people like Trump, this is exactly what you get. Ya get what ya paid for.

    Buyers' remorse?

  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    "bj bizness slo agin 2nite nino?"

    Oops ya caught me.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I wasn't happy with the choices of Trump or Hillary. Nothing I could do about it.
    I couldn't care less about all the confederate statues either. I think most don't either but some care a lot apparently. Not trying to defend any of the people involved in crimes. I'm just wondering if we got the whole story. I did see a video clip of some protestor hitting the guys car in the back with a baseball bat supposedly before he stepped on the gas. I'm not sure what most people would do if someone came up behind their car and hit it with a baseball bat. Seems like an obvious hate crime in the reported news but I have a doubt that maybe he feared for his life after seeing a video not shown on the news. Just saying if I was part of the jury and had to way evidence fairly.
    I'd probably agree hate crime since why was he driving slowly towards the crowded street anyway? He should have let his car get destroyed rather than stepping on the gas. Not trying to defend what he did, just wondering if his intent was really evil or not. The video I saw might have been fake. Not sure.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    The video you saw was definitely fake if it showed the driver driving "slowly" into a group of people when he murdered one of them.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I went to a conspiracy web site and they said the video was doctored. Apparently people trying to spread false information. I hate all this fake stuff. Guess you have to check the source. However that would assume a conspiracy web site is truthful.

    My internet went down again. Lousy service in my area.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    All I know is that dickwad who drove into the woman and killed her was some loser Nazi wannabe who admired Hitler (which means he's at war with America, just like Dolph was). He's some low-life piece of shit from Toledo.
    It's tragic that someone died, but here's the irony: The cock-sucker who hates blacks is suddenly going to be "dating" some black men in prison. I recommend soap on a rope and a lot of KY for this guy.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    @Tx wrote: "Hez jus a lil weeker verzhun ov sjloyd."
    Hey, @SJG is a little detached from reality, but he went nuts in a rather pleasant way. Just please don't compare me to @GammaNut or @TiredArgument, both of whom are repulsive bigots. And don't think for a second that @SJG's making out with AMP workers is any more goofy than @Smith falling in love with a prostitute and writing erotic literature.

    Another thing missing from the thread: It took two days of criticism for Trump to finally condemn the KKK, but only 45 minutes to start trolling the CEO of Merck (who happens to be black) after that CEO withdrew from Trump's advisory council in protest. The timing shows pretty clearly what Trump is really thinking.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Hez jus a lil weeker dummer verzhun ov grannynut.

    Now that's truly offensive.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    You wrote "Hate to do it" but then you go on to gloat about engaging with those who don't agree with you.

    I think you love doing this, muchbthe same as a juvenile loves pre-teen vagina.
  • yahtzee74
    7 years ago
    I don't understand this attack yet. Almost all media says he plowed into a crowd of people but I've seen 3 videos from different angles that show him plowing into another car and then backing over the people who attacked his car. When did he hit the people he killed and injured?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Obama's base skews far younger than Trump's. Younger people are far more active on social media than anyone middle aged or older.

    I wouldn't use social media stats as a *sole* indicator of popularity.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    interesting tidbit

    Obama's tweet about Charlottesville is the second most liked tweet in the history of Twitter. I think Obama is much more liked than some of you would like to believe.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "Obama's tweet about Charlottesville is the second most liked tweet in the history of Twitter. "
    Probably the most interesting thing you've ever posted, @FisthStix.

    Obama has always been known to be an eloquent speaker and he has the knack of saying the right thing at the right time. In other words, he's the polar opposite of that dipshit in office now.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    "Obama has always been known to be an eloquent speaker and he has the knack of saying the right thing at the right time. In other words, he's the polar opposite of that dipshit in office now."

    That's one viewpoint. Another way to look at it is that Obama is a bullshit artist and an empty suit who left this country more divided, and weaker, than he found it. He said pretty words while the world sank into chaos. Syria, Libya, and North Korea exploded on his watch. Iran, China, and Russia expanded their influence. Race relations got much worse. The economy crawled along. Other than that, he was a great President.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "The economy crawled along."
    The recovery of the economy after 2008 was remarkable. You could probably give a lot of the credit to brilliant federal reserve policy (from Republican Ben Bernacke), but a lot of credit also goes to Obama and Congress for getting a stimulus package through.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Gag me. This is the slowest recovery from a recession in history. GDP increases crawled along at under 2%. Historically, we bounce back at 3-4% after a recovery.

    The stimulus, rather than being spent on infrastructure and jobs, went to pay for local and state deficits and democratic allies. That's one of the reasons the recovery was so anemic.

    The only thing that propped the economy up was keeping the Fed lending rates near zero for the entirety of Obama's presidency. Obama had nothing to do with this, but it helped him get reelected.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    I just hope Donald sits on a grenade. Or falls into a bear trap and gets destroyed by coyotes. He is fucking insane.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Go get him Nina, :)
    Trump causes more damage to American retail investors by nuking our retirement accounts with his words as the leader of the most powerful country in the world than ol Kim has ever done because no one thought he was a serious threat.
    Probably just a matter of time before we are in another war. That's the bad part about electing a Republican, we seem to end up in more wars. However if aliens put us here to become warriors like in one Twilight episode instead of peace lovers, we might not get executed by our Alien masters when they return. Despite recent news to the contrary, I do expect us to be in a war with North Korea sooner rather than later. We have 2 hot heads in office in 2 different countries even though Trump claims he never wanted us to go to war in Iraq, he's saying similar words about NK. History repeats. However I hope not too much. The last time the US fought NK it ended in a stalemate with a lot of dead people. Those million or so solders in the NK army probably won't just surrender peacefully if they have been trained to fight to the death. I heard North Koreans were taught horror stories about how Americans are. Like during the last war, American solders cut off the flesh from North Koreans and then they ate it. They have been taught to hate us since they were little kids. If this is true, they aren't going to be waving white flags like the Iraqis did during the Persian gulf war.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    So, Obama sends weapons to the "moderates" in Syria while pulling all troops out of Iraq. That allows ISIS to form, killing thousands and creating millions of refugees. Smartest President ever ! So smooth !

    Trump gives the military orders to destroy ISIS, and the freedom to do it without Whitehouse interference. They kill thousands of ISIS terrorists in Mosul and Raqqa, bringing ISIS to the brink of extinction. Trump is an idiot ! He's insane !

    The same pattern continues for the economy. Obama controls the economy with oppressive regulation and GDP barely budges for 8 years. Trump eliminates regulation and consumer confidence surges and the stock market hits all time highs. Obama is steady ! Trump is in chaos !

    Obama sends $150 Billion to Iran, including $4 B in cash. In return, Iran promises it won't develop a nuclear weapon for at least 8 years. Once it has the money, it goes back to funding terrorism and developing ICBM's that reach the US. It claims that the US has violated the agreement and says it may restart its nuclear research. Trump looks for a way to use sanctions to stop the renewed nuclear research. Obama is a great peacemaker ! Trump is a Nazi war monger !

    Obama made it clear he would not intervene to stop foreign aggession. Russia seized parts of Georgia, Ukraine, and supported Syria and its gas attacks. China built artificial islands and claimed the vital South China Sea. North Korea built nuclear weapons and developed ICBMs. Trump has now made it clear that further Russian or Chinese expansion will be met with severe sanctions. We've passed a UN resolution imposing sanctions equal to one third of their economy on North Korea, with the support of Russia and China.
    Obama kept us safe ! Trump wants to get us in a nuclear war ! He's crazy and unstable !

    Trump is cleaning up Obama's mess, step by step. The only argument Obama's supporters have is name calling.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    If you can't condemn racism and hate you are a racist plain and simple. It's time for this fucker to go.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Obama spent 8 years defining Americans by their race, declaring certain races as victims while whites were racist. He encouraged a war on cops. Rather than being the great Uniter we hoped for, he divided us into ever smaller groups. The federal government became the great arbiter of who deserves help and who deserves punishment for the color of their skin.

    Trump condemned racism, declaring we should all be treated equally and fairly. He condemned the neo-nazis in Charlottesville but also condemned the Anti-Fa protestors who brought weapons and caused violence.

    Obama is so wise, knowing which race is evil and which races are victims ! Trump is a racist, because he says we are all equal and deserve equal treatment ! Up is down ! Darkness is light !
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Just curious @Mark94, do you have any formal education? Most of your posts are the most idiotic banalities. I would suspect that you're a @GammaNu alias, but you haven't hurled any racial epithets yet.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Like I said, all you seem to have as an argument are insults and name calling. Idiotic banalities !

    Yes, I'm highly educated and widely read. I also have a lot of life experience.

    If you disagree with the points I've made, feel free to explain what I've gotten wrong. I enjoy a good debate on the facts. I'll stay civil.

    Or, you can just call me some names. That requires less work.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    @Tx: In case it hasn't sunk in, I couldn't give a shit about your trolling. I'm guessing that you and your aliases are actually moderates, and that you're trying to get a rise out me. I just utterly don't care. I promise.

    The rise of racist, birther, bigot like Trump is a backlash against our first AA president. The fear of guys like @Mark94, against losing white majority in this country, is almost palpable. That's why Charlottesville and Trump's comments are getting so much attention
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Racist ! Birther ! Bigot !

    Another well reasoned argument.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @mark94. You seem to think I was an Obama fan, if that's what you think you'd be wrong. I posted a thread a while back that you Trumpists all had a lot of trouble with where I said he is a fat fuck. He is a bully and a bigot, there is no moral equivalency between the neo nazis and the lefties if you don't get that you must be a racist as well. The way I see it McCain, Jeb Bush or many of the other Republians would have been a far better choice than this ignorant jingoistic buffoon.
    this idiot is becoming a national embarrassment.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    BTW mark im being quite civil but you guys act like a bunch of snowflake while defending the vile behavior of this stupid motherfucker.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Fat fuck ! Bully ! Bigot ! Racist ! Buffoon ! Idiot !

    This is some world class debating skill. Yale ? Princeton ?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    NYU, NY Tech, Brooklyn streets how about you smart guy.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I'm being civil.........stupid motherfucker.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Classic snowflake on your part.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    To RandomMember.

    On May 18th, 2015 in this thread, https://www.tuscl.net/?page=post&id=3486… Dougster questioned your previous incarnation "Josh43" regarding why are you here posting on a strip club website.

    Quote* "Don't understand this guy. First of all it seems pretty clearly that his main, er, only motivation in being here is to argue for the Democratic party line. I mean I don't see ANY posts by him discussing strippers or strip clubs at all. NO reviews. Absolutely zero evidence, not even an affirmative statement by him, that he even visits strip clubs at all. No opinion on matters related to strip clubs.

    Okay, cool. So he's a family man and Democratic fanatic so doesn't bother with strip clubs. That's neat and each eo each their own. But how does a guy like that find his way to this site in the first place?

    Also what name would give you to a person who comes to a strip club discussion site, ONLY (and I do mean only, not even the slightest interest in strip clubs) to argue against the prevailing Libertarian views? And then when he does laced with emotional, polarizing rhetoric? Could it be a word that starts with a "tr" and ends in "ll"?" *end quote

    The telling part of your answer was,
    Quote* " I enjoy the discussions about current-events and politics more than the discussions about strip clubs. What makes TUSCL interesting is that there are folks from all different generations, different ethnicities, different political stripes, all in an UNMODERATED forum. The moderation by peer pressure works remarkable well --and if my posts are too political, I'll simply bow out. Your post mostly makes sense Dougster and this is not really the place for politics." *end quote

    You promptly disappeared after that comment then reappeared 3 months later in your present incarnation and haven't skipped a beat in continuously promoting your leftwing agenda even though you claim to be a moderate. It's presently 10AM EST so i doubt that the insomnia excuse will wash this time and the last time i checked this was still a strip club website.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    OSU: yes my previous incarnation was @Josh43 and I've been around for something like 3.5 years. And everyone knows that @TxTitty is one of @Dougster's aliases. Dougster enjoys trolling me mercilessly but, unlike you, he's a bright quirky guy and and his posts are interesting. I hardly pay any attention to you, @OSU, because you're just a boring. The whole notion that I'm radical lefty is just ridiculous.

    I didn't start this thread and I haven't started a thread in 20 months. In fact I haven't started any political threads.

    These days I spend most of my money on college girls I meet online. By and large they're more attractive, reliable, and accomplished than what you get in a strip club. To each his own. I still go to strip clubs, but it's just to relax and I'm rarely looking for sex.

    As I said in your quote, TUSCL can be an interesting place because it attracts men from all sorts of demographic backgrounds. I'm probably here to stay, and if @founder tells me there should be no political discussions, then I'll stop. In the meantime, you should just put me on ignore.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago

    Did I answer your questions @OSU?
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I didn't hear everything Trump said yesterday but he made a big political blunder speaking openly about both sides conducting violence. You don't defend racists and haters as president of the US ever. I do not support hate groups or racists. Now as far as policies on business and taxes I can still support the president and congress on that but alienating people by saying you support both sides is stupid. However this president hasn't been that smart with his words. I could give an example of the nazis in WWII and the US and say that both groups had violence on both sides. yeah, yeah, so what? Defending nazis as president of the US is stupid at best. That's like defending ok Kim in North Korea versus the US when Kim says he is going to nuke parts of the US and kill millions of our fellow citizens and then the president comes out and says there has been violence on both sides. Well my 2 cents. This is anonymous but I don't like all the hate and violence. Apparently CEO's don't want to be seen with Trump because of his recent comments. Manufacturing council that Trump was part of is being disbanded. So much for tax relief.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    Maybe congress can get something done there. Yeah right. Good joke right?
    We'll be lucky if they can muster enough support to get the debt limit raised. The democrats should have quickly eliminated that before voting for health care several years ago. I think it's stupid to debate on whether or not we as a country are going to default on our debt every 2 years.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    As far as North Korea goes, I think the decision has been made already to do something about North Korea, maybe remove Kim from power and put in place a dictator or someone who doesn't say they will destroy America. Being destroyed by some third world country with nukes is not an option. It is not an option to wait a few years and hear demands from Kim to pay bribes or remove forces etc or face nuclear destruction. They have little to lose except their lives since their country is so poor already. When you are miserable, you can be suicidal like Kim appears to be. If he wants to stay in power his best choice to stop a war is to offer a deal to stop firing missiles and give up his nuclear program and make a peace treaty in exchange for peaceful coexistence and increased trade. Stop saying you will blow up the US. I think the words to remember are China saying NK is the US problem not theirs and from our side "the time for diplomacy is over" "locked and loaded". My prediction even though it is horrible, war with NK by next year. The alternative sounds like nuclear destruction of the US in a few years unless we keep paying extortion fees forever.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    With Trump in command, I wouldn't be surprised if the decision has already been made. We can hope Russia and China might have enough influence to convince Kim to change but I don't know if anyone is even trying. I will pray that Russia, China, North Korea, and the US see the light and that getting rid of nukes and signing a peace treaty is in the best interests of everyone. Let's all just agree to get along.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    I love when racist pieces of literal human garbage want to display their unworthy opinions.

    Mark94 why don't you read an academic textbook?

    Why don't you fall on a knife?

    Crazy ass simple minded motherfucker.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Human garbage. Racist. Crazy ass motherfucker.

    Another cogent argument from the left. How can I argue with brilliance like this ?
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    Quote "Did I answer your questions @OSU?"

    Did you see any questions there professor even one question? I don't see where I asked you any questions I was just making an observation, an accurate observation I might add, contrary to what you post here.

    Quote "I hardly pay any attention to you, @OSU, because you're just a boring."

    I'm just "a boring"? Lol* is that your straight off the boat Italian impersonation?
    *No disrespect intended towards our Italian members as I can see them being insulted that I compared them to the professor but that's the kind of incomplete English I expect from a new immigrant not an esteemed educator but then again it does explain why we have a whole generation of aimless uneducated pupils.* Oh and I am so heart broken that you hardly pay attention to me, please continue.

    Quote "The whole notion that I'm radical lefty is just ridiculous."

    Spin it anyway you want to professor, that comment holds as much water as most of your other comments, none.

    BTW, excuse me for taking some time to respond, I don't sit here waiting to post as others are prone to do. I actually have a job and other things that are more important, hence my random *no pun intended* occasional posting history throughout my history as a member here.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Update: Obama's tweet is now the most liked tweet in Twitter history, 3.6 million likes and counting

  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "I hardly pay any attention to you, @OSU, because you're just a boring."
    Truth be told, the sentence was originally "just a boring idiot," but I did backtrack to tone it down.

    I wonder how many many hours it took you to track down some post that was 2.5 yrs old? What a fucking weirdo.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I actually was an adjunct professor for 15 yrs @OSU. Used to teach on top of working full-time in order to meet college girls. Didn't set foot in a strip club until age 38.

    Go fuck yourself @OSU, you mindless idiot!
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    It took me about 10 seconds to read the PM with the link to your outing that was sent to me by one of your "many many" fans so once again you continue to bat 0000 with your assumptions as is expected.

    Real classy of you to take a teaching job with the express intention of getting laid. That says much more about you and the sorry state of our education system than any study available. Your penchant for attacking JS69 because he pursues younger chicks is no different than what you do except he pays them and writes about it here whereas you use your position as mentor/teacher to take advantage of them and mention it now as a means to justify your supposed superiority to guys that visit strip clubs but the fact is that you're a bigger dirtbag than any strip club patron where things are up front, you instead prey on your students. You're a real classy guy!

    Lastly as has previously been mentioned when most of you leftist liberals come up short in responding to valid point you revert to insults and name calling. You are in fact the poster boy for weak minded liberals everywhere! Lol

    You're welcome to respond trying to justify how superior you think you are and throw out some more of your 5th grade insults because you've once again been exposed but i've had my say here and none of your excuses will present you in a better light.

    Goodbye for now, troll.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Isn't OSU some crappy state school?

    Anyway, what kind of "outing" does this represent, and who in the world could possibly care to dig up a thread that's 2.5 years old? Maybe the link was sent by one of our hardest of hard-core chickenshit Randoids? "The tyranny of taxation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    LOL, what a fucking idiot.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Looks like my pattern of skipping most fisherman posts, caused me to miss this fun one. (Nothing personal, Larry, just that most of your threads really dive into the minute by minute minutiae of customer/stripper interactions and I find that intensely boring.)

    Anyway, I am quite worried by Trump's response. I can't decide if it's just because he is afraid of losing the rightest of the right, or if it's something more sinister. He actually wants to see violence grow as some kind of plot to become Fuhrer.

    (Also, people have been conjecturing for a long time that I am txtittyfag. Not true. I do like most of the guy's work, but there are key difference: He is quite conservative, maybe even Libertarian, while I am just a boring ol' moderate. Also there is quite a symmetric difference if you look at the set of people on here we like and dislike.

    As juice would say: Just thank about it.)
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Don't know about that. He seems like a smart guy to me. One the highest quality poster on here, IMO. Maybe even in the top five with me and you. (Or is that the same as saying "me and me".)
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I still don't understand why I take so much criticism for being overly political. Easily 95% of my posts are John-Smith-midlife-crisis trolls.

    Also @OSU, I may have to reconsider stating that you went to a crappy state school. After thinking about it, I have to admit that Ohio State has a pretty good football team.

    And @Tx, I can explain that wave-particle duality to you sometime since I have a lot of experience teaching ditsy undergrads. It's strictly sex-for-grades for pretty female students; in your case it's payment in advance, Paypal only.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Back on subject, polls show that about 34% of Americans approve of the way Trump handled Charlottesville.

    ...whereas about 97% of TUSCLers approve.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^I wouldn't say 97% of TUSCLers I'd say a lot less just the approve group is very loud.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Cover of the most recent ultra- left-wing rag, "The Economist"


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    That is the way "The Economist" has consistently portrayed DJT. Not exactly a left-wing source.

  • mark94
    7 years ago
    For years, I subscribed to the Economist, but dropped it as it became more left leaning. They support high levels of immigration. In the US they support amnesty for illegal immigrants, they support universal healthcare. They believe in lowering prison populations and in liberal sentencing. And so on. It's no surprise they oppose Trump given their stance on liberal issues.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Most people in Europe don't want to walk over the same cliffs that the US is racing for.

    But Economist is still economically conservative.

  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Yes, mostly economically conservative but socially liberal. They are globalist and believers in activist government. Mainstream European on social issues, which is liberal on the American spectrum.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    The funny thing is my thread was just about comparing the popularity of Trump and Obama, and the thread went in a whole different direction.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    My approval of Trump is going to go up and down with the amount in my account. He did ok today but I'm still not happy about threatening to start a nuclear war with NK. I lost money that day thanks to his careless comments. I guess his parents never took his toys away if he misbehaved. I'm still wondering if insider information laws don't apply to the president. I was thinking getting elected to congress must be one of the easiest jobs with high pay around. Talk bs all day and then go home. Vote to screw over the people if you are in a bad mood. Get a lifetime pension for only a few years of service.

    I like dealing with facts instead of bs though and don't like long meetings. I once thought about getting into student politics and couldn't stand the 2 hour long meeting.
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