
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    How Intuitive is the board software?
    Thank-you for the clarification. In hindsight I went out of my way to try and keep any means of identification a possibility but because the subject is a bit sensitive to me I decided not to start a discussion. I'll rephrase what I was going to ask and try a different route--if anyone has good recent knowledge about Legends in Detroit if you can direct message me I would appreciate it very much. Thank-you (sometimes life is stranger than fiction.)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Washington DC
    Fuegos in D.C is reopening
    " First off Fuego is NOT in Washington DC. The title of this thread is "Fuegos in D.C is reopening". It's a Prince George's County, MARYLAND club" syco has this part correct--I'll restate what I have said before, based on the criteria I have read on this site there isn't a good reason to go to any strip club in DC period. Never has been as far back as my first time around decades ago and I doubt it is going to change. Of course since I have one "shitty review" I guess my comments don't mean much.......the problem with putting all of your trust in guys with the most reviews and only using total reviews as a measuring stick is the same issue that real players have run into over on TER and going back a few years a board called TBD, possibly if you are old as dirt like me even further back to the "Creative Writing Workshop Board"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Population of actual city you live in? Number of strip clubs within city limits.
    30,000--no clubs.....closest clubs I have no interest in setting foot in.
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    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Is it racist?
    Actually Estafador I'm not. What I am quick to do is call out others who demonize sources of information as if they are all knowing. Simply including if there are WOC dancing at a club is not a biased or a racist statement unless it implies something negative. For someone to read more into it however in my mind tells me more about the thought process of the person complaining than it does what they are complaining about. As for other political views I'm pretty much an Independent-over the years no one party has ever held my loyalty simply for being a D or a R..........but I have noticed in the past decade the D's have become much more intolerant of anyone else's point of view than the R's. ( but again this is my own experiences and own observations)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Is it racist?
    It's not racist---it simply is information......I'd turn it around on the person who sent you the message---the perceived racism has more to do with their state of mind and how they are looking at the content.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    If Strip Clubs Didn't Exist...
    I'm sure all my other hobbies would have an increased percentage of my time when I am away from home base. I'm not one to sit in a hotel room or simply go to the hotel bar night after night and drink..... The clubs and the women for me are an interesting dynamic but I got bored years ago and quit...if I get bored again I'll probably do the same thing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The economy, how does it effect clubbing.
    The other thing I was going to comment and my hotel Internet connection dropped is the dancers tend to have a skewed view of the guys ( yeah I know, imagine that) For one thing the idea we all are making 250 K or more a year is doubtful. There are not that many guys who do ( 2% of the population in this country if I recall) minus all the ones that for one reason or another are not in a club---and the numbers don't add up. Strippers are good at looking at a guys watch or his gold card, etc. but math and finance are not their majors. So I feel many of the go in with unrealistic expectations, and when things do not measure up they go--good economy or bad this happens. What the economy impacts are peoples mood--clients/us- we see our 401's or our portfolio's climb and we relax--bonuses if in sales- higher home values, etc. The other entity that it impacts is the club itself......because middle of the road girl, or killer cash cow he gets a fee ( hell I found out some clubs charge even if the dancer doesn't show up--if she is scheduled she pays the club regardless if she needs the day/night off or not......they pull in the crowds increase- the bar sales.........( no I am not an attorney for dancers)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The economy, how does it effect clubbing.
    I skipped over the 1995-2016 years so a lot of the ups and downs I see being discussed I can't comment on but what I see both from now starting to go back into the clubs and also from a few girls I knew before they were dancers who now are dancers is if you are good at it, and in the right club, there is still money to be made. But there are fewer middle of the road girls--every club I've been in has 1-3 lookers and they are busy and all the other girls are at the bar, out of sight ( and not with clients-patio smoke breaks, in the changing room, etc. The other thing I am hearing a lot of in the last few weeks is the slow season is starting...... and it almost isn't worth dancing again until October ---I've heard this in three different clubs in the past month.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    I Wish I Lived in an Extras State
    The block was always good in Baltimore in the past but you needed to have an unlimited supply of Penicillin or expect to have parts falling off your body........never partook myself ( and I'm not giving away any secrets--hell the Police station is right around the corner and they all knew what was going on--same with the political types.....) If you read the reviews on here I think it becomes obvious where you get more bang for your buck..... bad pun intended.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Penguins Win!!!
    I go to Pens games whenever I can....been a fan for years........I'm amazed they have gone so far this year with all the injuries they have had .....hockey in my estimation is a physically more demanding sport than football. I plan on going to at least one Pens/Preds game
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Joke: Strippers Won't Tell You Their Name To Protect Their Privacy.
    I always thought their moms liked red wine and jewelry...................
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Grow a Pair and Try This:
    When you get a bit older you become more subtle.....me?.....I sit at the bar and lick my eyebrows with my tongue.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Escort Experience Story / Escort Boyfriend
    month) ......it becomes a slippery slope.....and once you get a few years under your belt and didn't get out like you planned the slope gets steeper and goes down faster......
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Escort Experience Story / Escort Boyfriend
    I think a fair amount of them start out thinking they are going to dance and that is it......then reality sets in.....pretty soon it takes a few drinks to work up the courage to go a bit further because the rent is due...or to forget what they did the night before because the car payment was due ( last
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Escort Experience Story / Escort Boyfriend
    Hammer meet nail-- "the way she explained it to me was that in her world, guys became drug dealers, girls became prostitutes, she literally didn't know anything else. we were friends for a brief while, but then she pushed me away because we just couldn't understand one another" Anonlvone just hit this one out of the park.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Escort Experience Story / Escort Boyfriend
    Most of these girls are bum magnets and the sad thing is they know it. Not all, but many/most. I spent a fair amount of years as a single road warrior and I got to know a couple of girls well enough that we hung out together off the clock, either when they were between guys or whenever they wanted to get away from their routine. The ones I knew were college educated, hell the one was a classic trained pianist, and were very much the girl next door types. They could have had any number of decent guys and no one would have ever known or believed they were sex workers. I never understood it--not how the guy could handle it and not why the girls made the choices they did for boyfriends.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have a Few Questions About Strip Clubbing
    I don't have the reviews of Dolfan but.........I have a little experience 1) If I called her over or if we prearranged us meeting at the club I would probably go with the flow. If not however I would be honest and tell her I am looking for variety. 2) Not interested plain and simple and no amount of her asking is going to change my mind. Normally I sit at the bar and I tip the manager and the bartender decently.....they tend to look after you a bit more if someone is becoming a pest. 3) Never did in my first go round with clubs, haven't yet since I started back up a few months ago. 4) Not sure what perverts row is exactly but I am more of a sitting at the end of the bar type of person so it doesn't enter the picture. I do get up and tip the girls I feel like tipping. 5) Lately beer the last two times I went to a club they have a microbrewery bar set up that also doubles as a scotch and bourbon bar. Second stage is right off the bar and a go-go dancer stage is actually behind the bar.....bit different of a set up.....normally with warmer weather I'm a gin and tonic person. Flat stomach is a must.....long legs and a bubble but are second and third on the list.......I'm not bit on Tattoo's but one or two small ones are fine. I'm just as happy at a sporting event or a concert......something.....I get bored easily and I travel...sitting in a hotel room unless I have a lot of work to do isn't going to cut it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How long did you visit strip clubs before your first p4p?
    I had my first P4P experience many years ago--escort not stripper.New Orleans, French Quarter.........if you're going to start somewhere why not start in the heart of the real Sin City. I don't think I'm comfortable partaking on premise just based on my first few experiences back into clubs after being away for a number of years...but OTC, yes......and I have noticed the women are much more open to seeing someone OTC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Club Reviews
    YMMV is a term used.....problem is when you start giving out names and details to the point a person can be pinpointed somebody always gets their shorts twisted in a wad when the mentioned girl doesn't provide the same level of service to the guy reading the review.......and depending how aggressive of a jerk the guy is-- the girl, the club, and even the original reviewer all get caught up in someone's temper tantrum. I've seen it, more times than I care to.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Time to go
    Katya--I missed the question in your first post. I'm somewhat of a newbie but I would ask again and see what you get in response. A discussion is going to generate different answers and I'd ignore the negativity. And a dancers perspective should be welcome. You are after all part of the equation......a very important part.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You must be kidding
    Mark94--one of my first post on here I asked what the differences were from 20-25 years ago because I had not been to a strip club for almost 25 years. Most of the replies alluded to the fact nothing had changed......from the few recent experiences I have had I felt differently. At least I know now I am not the only one. You just confirmed someone else sees something I have observed. Extras seem much more common in the club and dropping a couple hundred dollars in a club as a client seems to have a lot more clout and attention than it did a in the early 90's. I still am not so certain being a stripper is considered acceptable although the modern media and women's magazines/blogs etc certainly are doing their dead level best to make it appear so. To the 20 something crowd yes, and to the music video world yes, especially in the hip hop and rapper videos. I see a lot of self promotion but I'm not so sure there are all that many that have transitioned to the civi world beyond reality TV, ( Cardi B comes to mind) I went to the same club twice last week and got a lot further than I ever did my first go round with any of the women, and making friends with the bartenders, house managers, even the owner on the second night. The girls move in quicker for making you a regular and the intent isn't just to tease......
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Inside the mind of a stripper
    "I'm a firm believer in Occam's razor"--so am I. My first thought before scrolling down and reading all the replies is look out, someone is looking for a "babydaddy with a income stream for the next 18 years." As bad as it is to be considered an ATM with a penis attachment it is far worse for her not to need the pin number to access funds.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Broadest Question Ever
    I look at this as discretionary income---same as what I think about before spending for anything that could be considered entertainment sex worker or not. The other night I took 500 with me to spend--I was happy because I had a great time and walked out the door with money not spent, enough so that I probably will go back to the same place before I head home this weekend. I make the choice once I am in the club and start talking to a girl how much I want to spend for dances with her or whatever might go on beyond her routine. Same with tipping---I like what I see or receive I'll tip accordingly. What I will not do is use their ATM machine or use a cc ( maybe the cc for food but that is it) I've seen guys haggle in the escort world for years then wonder why they didn't have as good as time as the guy who understands you start trying to get a discount you've just set the wrong mood and the wrong image of who you are ....and it's done for good. You'll never get a second chance in her mind. It is different if she broaches the subject --
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $1K+ on a outing and the options ?
    If you look at one of my earlier comments today I referenced dating sites and some of them have multiple girls who are dancers looking to find a different type of client SA is one of those sites. There is also a significant amount of college girls, especially in areas with larger universities and there seems to be a decent representation of nurses. ( usually paying off student loans)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My theory on kissing
    With escorts I'd also make the distinction between girls who work for an agency and girls who are considered independents. From a fair amount of experience the independents are more GFE and are willing to kiss any way you want. Also it is somewhat market driven. Places like DC ( local to me) and NYC, Dallas, are well known for having a competitive market with good looking women who are willing to go the extra mile. My experience level this time around is too limited to comment......but I'll throw something out that might be new info--( or not) what brought me back around in part to the nightclubs is that I started to find a considerable amount of women on dating sites to be dancers looking for a second stream of income along with some ex dancers or women who work in clubs as bartenders, barmaids, etc. Regardless of what some of us are experiencing economically the 20 something women coming out of college for the past decade are not finding good jobs. They are at the least under-employed. Even for us old farts if you can dress decently, have money and can lick your eyebrows with your tongue, you have a good shot.....kissing included. So why go to clubs you might ask.......well I can meet the same girl in a coffee shop and see her dressed in every day clothing, or I can get a good look at her on stage and if I catch her eye see what her flirt/sexual comfort level is early on.........