Club Reviews

Am I the only one noticing that a good number of strip club reviews published on a daily basis are just plain gabarge. I read reviews where a pl will describe an exceptional lap dance experience and forget , decline to mention girls name, or censor letters in her name. WTF is up with this bull shit. What is the fucking point of writing the review if your going to sensor important information about a girl. There are the shill reviews that say a particular club is great without providing examples such as dance prices, quality and quanity of dancers. I really wonder if anyone actually reads the reviews before publishing them.
last comment^ lolololol hahaha
I can understand your point of view, but there are times that I don't include the girls names of girls that I fear could get in trouble by their management. In fact I just posted a review yesterday where I felt I should not include their names because I was aware that their manager reads the TUSCL site as a way to know if his girls are doing things that could get the club in trouble. In this case I've known these girls for ten years and the things we did were definitely against the rules and could get them released. In the past I have usually mentioned the girls names but lately not so much.
I only mention the name if she is a ROB. Otherwise, I'm more inclined to just gloss over the girl's name. Wallanon's post is a good example why.
Another user just posted an instance where another PL showed a dancer his detailed review, and now he's on the outs with an ATF.
Generally speaking, I agree about details. But you need to be careful about sanitizing those details a bit to protect the innocent (... or the guilty, for that matter).
I mention names under two conditions:
if I have positive things to say about a dancer, I'll recommend her by name but without giving details of anything that could get her in trouble. For example, "I had a very enjoyable private dance from Suzie."
I'll also mention names to "out" a ROB. For example, "customers should steer clear of Suzie, who is known for bait and switch tactics and miscounting dances."
I also know that this is a relatively public forum, available to dancers, managers and even LEO. So learn to use the private messages if you want to request or share more explicit information.
Ditto Electronman.... well said.
The dilemma is how to post helpful info while not alerting LE or putting your favorite dancers in an uncomfortable situation. If a review names a dancer, describing exactly what she did and for how much, it would put her in a tough spot. Like most reviewers, I choose to say just enough to let fellow SCers know what clubs are worthwhile without putting a dancer at risk. Anyway, that's my choice.
YMMV is a term used.....problem is when you start giving out names and details to the point a person can be pinpointed somebody always gets their shorts twisted in a wad when the mentioned girl doesn't provide the same level of service to the guy reading the review.......and depending how aggressive of a jerk the guy is-- the girl, the club, and even the original reviewer all get caught up in someone's temper tantrum. I've seen it, more times than I care to.
Using dancer names in reviews has been the topic of many discussions and it is pretty much agreed to not do it unless she is a ROB.
What doesn't get discussed much is the fact that most people are not updating the club details. Hours of operation. etc. You don't get VIP points for that.
Hey OP, what's the name of the girl in your avatar and which club can I find her at?
The review guidelines are clear: don't say anything about a dancer that could get her or her club in trouble! The only exception is that ROBs should be outed by name. Protect the innocent (who provide good service at the agreed-upon price) and expose the guilty (who don't) -- what's so hard about that?
Like others have mentioned, I don't mention the girls name for privacy reasons! The last time I checked a SC is not a brothel and selling sex is 'illegal' so I'm not going to mention such activities.
There is a wealth of information on here for you to do your homework regarding 'asking a dancer if she does 'extras'.
If she does, great! and keep it yourself.
At the end of the day it is very much YMMV depending on you and the dancer regarding extras!
I agree with shadowcat's point: If you see something wrong in a club's details, correct it! Founder can't possibly verify details of thousands of strip clubs across the country and around the world, so this site is only as accurate, and therefore useful, as we make it. I have often corrected details such as hours, dance prices, and even addresses when submitted reviews. Come on, guys and girls -- it only takes seconds!
I do agree that a lot of reviews are shitty. Not mentioning girls names is pretty far down on the list of issues with reviews though. There's a lot of other issues with reviews though. I'll take many kinds of reviews as good, the ones with a story of what happened on one particular visit, the ones that generalize the place over knowledge gained across multiple visits, etc. But, a lot of them are just 3-4 sentences that can be made up or read from the "free" part of other reviews.
I wish instead of the prop/flag we could rate reviews, either a thumbs up/thumbs down or a 1-5 kind of thing. Maybe a way to filter low rated reviews from view and/or reduce the amount of free VIP time shitty reviews get or increase it for good reviews or something.
To SC's point about updating details, that bugs me too. Another issue with that is the options can be a bit confusing. Like if a place has a full bar, IMO it should say full bar & not beer & wine only. The same idea with dancers, if they get nude on stage it should say nude dancers and not topless dancers. Someone else who reads the South Florida reviews must disagree with me, because I'm constantly updating those things only to find them switched right back a few days later. I wish those things were options, meaning you could only pick Beer/Wine, Full Bar, OR Juice bar/BYOB or whatever. The hours part is harder, I find a lot of clubs don't honor their posted hours and/or don't update their own sites with the right hours. At least around here, "Summer hours" are a popular thing, and clubs just start opening later or closing earlier on a whim.
I'm not about to jeopardize my relationship with my favorites or put them in an uncomfortable position by having some of the jerks on this board harass/molest them. I try to portray the flavor of the club and will let everyone know if extras, etc are to be had in general. One goes to a club for the overall experience and selection and not just for one girl singled out in a review. As someone else said, there is always the private message option.
@Dolfan i have noticed the club details switched right back after i update them maybe it is something in the programming .
25 - you can change features automatically. Everything else has to be done by Founder.
I think PM'ing comes in handy if you want names, rather than putting dancers on blast. Far too many people on here lack the proper strip club ettiquette to use knowledge of what a dancer will or won't do properly. I won't name a dancer in anything I write here publically or on any other SC site I use, but will be more than happy to share privately within reason to someone who seems sound of mind.
Since it was mentioned a couple of times, it would help if those who know their clubs could keep the details up to date. This weekend I ran into an issue with a club that should have been open but wasn't. Could have been a one day problem, or it could be the info is wrong. Not a total loss with other clubs around, but was a time waster.
"Remember to be honest. When describing the dancers mention looks, attitude, ethnicity, hustle factor. You can also go into detail of the private dances. Just be careful not to mention names if it may get your ATF in trouble. "
Heres a paragraph of the review guidelines regarding dancers. Its doesnt state that names not to be used or certain private details ommitted. Then i really see no point of having a club review sections. if it seems that updating club info is the only thing that can be posted. what is the benefit of paying for a membership when you can look up a clubs info online for free.
Don't let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
I have never mentioned a dancer name in a review and I doubt that I ever will. They are club reviews, not dancer reviews. Dancers come and go and whoever is mentioned in a review will likely be long gone by the time I go there.
"... Heres a paragraph of the review guidelines regarding dancers. Its doesnt state that names not to be used or certain private details omitted ..."
Seems you wanna interpret the guidelines to your personal preferences/desires - the guidelines don't say to use a dancer's name and give all details nor that's it's ok to do so - seems everyone else understands what the guidelines are saying except you (seems you actually don't wanna understand it and wanna look for "corner cases"/exceptions).
Most likely the OP is used to some of the local SoCal websites where it seems dancer specific details are the norm - what happens b/w a dancer and a custy is b/w them especially if it's illegal or against the club rules - if one wants to find out for themselves then try the dancer for yourself of find out thru private back-channels vs posting for the world to know
Many times I'll omit dancers names to protect the club and the dancer. I don't want to increase the knowledge of LE about the place and the extras, because I go to the place to get extras.
I also don't want the dancer to get another monger 2 days after my review posted who mentions what she did for me. Take away LE on this and other sites, and I'd be a lot more explicit.
That's my rationale, at least.
Getting your CF fired or your fav club raided because you're bragging too much about the UHM you got hurts everyone including yourself. Besides, maybe I don't more competition to have time with my CF... she's to damn popular as it is.
Shadow makes an excellent point. Not updating club details is a problem IMO.
The other problem with posting dancer names is that dancers tend to recycle a fairly limited number of stage names. Maybe last month's Sapphire was a ROB, but this month's Sapphire is willing to break club rules until it's spelled out in a review and she gets fired. Then the next Sapphire might get so fed up with the presumptuous extras requests that she starts complaining to the bouncer/manager, getting customers kicked out.
It would be a very bad ROB for me to name her, often I forget their names as I leave the club, but if I know she's been around for awhile, it's our duty to protect our TUSCL people from them.
Hey Socalclubber
I think that folks like you and I are spoiled by our local SC sites where we are much more open and candid with our reviews. On a site like this most of the juicy intel is shared between members via PM's.
Well I didn't know we were supposed to name dancers. It seems a little stalkerish and as said above, dancers come and go... by next month a mentioned girl might not be working there anymore.
There has been a quality control problem with reviews on this site ever since I joined. It's like panning for gold.
Even worse is when someone gives a bullshit review, saying that certain things happened when in reality nothing but a generic lap dance is what happened. They put a name to it. And then you go in and waste your money on her only to find out that the reviewer was full of shit.
Please be honest with your reviews. They are a great tool for all of us to find what we are looking for. No one is judging you or knows who you are. Dishonest reviews don't help us or the girls. Just food for thought.