
Time to go

The only reason I was posting a comment was because I was looking for the answer to something and this was one of the sites they Google provided. So whoever posted that this is not a stripper board should read older comments again. Yes, you!
Time have changed for sure, but yes, as one of you mentioned, even $200/day on a bad day (after tipout) is still much more than I'd make working in the office. $100+/hour are weekend nights only where boys, not older men, come to party, celebrate b-days, bachelor parties, etc. Not every night is good, but mostly they're. Fast pace. "hi, how are you? Would you like a dance?" no time to sit and talk where there's rarely room to sit anyway.
My intention wasn't to join the forum, as I said. Just thought I'll post a little thing explaining how things are these days after reading so many comments about dancers earnings, people asking, guessing, trying to answer, but some frustrated creature decided to vent his frustration in here.
Anyway, have a good day, stay cool, you know who you are


  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry for the negativity that someone threw your way. It was clearly undeserved.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    You gonna let one idiot run you off?
  • Katya2U
    7 years ago
    Lol, no Larry, but you can't win an argument with an idiot. They'll always beat you with their experience, lol. I learned that looong ago. You just walk away from them, with a smile on your face, wink. Time to enjoy my Sunday now. Beeeaach time, yeeyyy...
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I'm a dancer and I'm glad I'm not the only one here. Why shouldn't we offer the dancer's perspective, or ask our own questions? That can't be the first insecure jerk you've run into as a dancer. Just block him and move on, or better yet, don't take it personally, and use everything you hear and learn to be a smarter more informed stripper, and get more money.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Katya--I missed the question in your first post. I'm somewhat of a newbie but I would ask again and see what you get in response. A discussion is going to generate different answers and I'd ignore the negativity.

    And a dancers perspective should be welcome. You are after all part of the equation......a very important part.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Wow. I just read it. That guy was way out of line, that was just plain sick of him. I'll be blocking that creep. That's just too much.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    When I didn't see what the comment was, I realized I already got the guy on ignore.
    I see he's consistent without even reading the comment.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    This is Katya's original post:


    The majority of those weighing in are open to a reasonable discussion. One is not. This is an unmoderated forum, so trolling is not a rarity here. You just keep in mind that it's all just typing into the ether. .

    Hope you keep participating. If not, no worries.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Katya2U and Bj99, you'll get some weird answers on TUSCL and there are a lot of crazy stories told. Some are likely to be true but many are pretty dubious. Don't let yourself get run off by desertscrub or the standard TUSCL request to dancers: "show us your tits!"

    I think desertscrub is largely joking. His comments are often funny when they are directed at unknown posters that want intel on clubs. He often alleges that they are LE. Personally, I'm dubious of the notion that LE trolls TUSCL looking for intel, but it is kind of funny to watch people get riled up.

    None of that justifies jumping down your throat. Just remember not to take anything too seriously if it is posted on a web site for deviants! ;)

    I'm a live and let live kind of guy so I don't judge dancers who do extras and I don't judge those who don't. Do whatever you're comfortable with.

    But I will comment that Bj99's name = brilliant! ;)
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    And I'll add that if either Katya2U or Bj99 want to show us TUSCL regulars your tits you will not see any complaints! ;)
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    You met our welcome wagon!! He's a big crotchety but we love him :)

    Anyway, under the probably ridiculous assumption that all of the above people aren't just aliases of juice:

    I think a stripper's perspective is always interesting. I think it's always worth mentioning that this works two ways. A stripper will absolutely have perspectives a PL can't get, at least first-hand. On the other hand, a lot of the guys on here have been SCing longer than you've been alive, and absolutely have perspectives many strippers don't have.

    Here's an example of a true story: A stripper Uber'ed came to my place, I took her out to dinner, we went SCing together, then back to my house, where we had sex and she stayed the night; I drove her back to her place the next day. She didn't charge me, though the cost for dinner, drinks, and SCing was $500+. True story, and not a very rare one. So, you may be thinking: "he found one of the unattractive day shift girls, or maybe one of the less attractive 'dirty' night shift girls". Incorrect on both accounts -- she is one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on, inside or outside a strip club, and while I met her on dayshift, she is one of the top-earning girls at the strictly-no-extras higher-end nightshift she usually works.

    Both longtime PLs and strippers should know, there's a strip club underneath the strip club. While I realize there are high-hustle night girls making $1000/night with no extras (at least in some clubs), you should realize that a lot of the girls CLAIMING to make $1000/night for no extras: aren't making $1000/night, aren't really no-extras girls, and ARE doing OTCs with tuscl guys who know how to work the system. You think that high-end night girl who spent the night with me is bragging to all her stripper friends about it? Nope ... just like your stripper BFF, she's claiming to be a strictly no extras girl, that she doesn't do OTCs, or that she does OTCs but "I charge him $1000 and don't even touch him!". She may strike that pose with you, but she spent the night with one of the tuscl hardcore PLs for $350 last week, no matter how much you don' believe it. That world exists all around you; if you can't see it, it's your perspective, not that it doesn't exist.

    None of which doesn't mean I'm not fascinated with your experiences, and the stripclub you DO see, where everyone makes $100/hour -- I am, and I'm sure I have plenty to learn. Just pointing out that the learning opportunity works both ways.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I'll also say thanks for the input. Personally wish we had more input from dancers, might help civilize some of the board members here. :P As for desertscrub, he likes to call out fake reviews. Sometimes I feel he goes too far, but he also calls out fake reviewers he thinks might be LE. I myself wouldn't discount the possibility. I've seen some odd things during my short time here, and if I were looking to bust a club it would be stupid not to do some online research beforehand, which is why I'm usually very careful about anything I put into a review. LE pretending to be a stripper could potentially be a brilliant move, not sure they'd actually be able to pull that off. Imo they seem to have enough trouble pretending to be SC mongers.
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    K2U- Nowhere in your rant did I see any question posed. So your first post is just a rant that belongs on stripperweb.com, which is a dancer support site. So naturally, you're going to get the kind of response that you got from "desertscrub". I often think he is a reincarnation of Sam Kinison.

    If you're ranting about the new realities of your job now vs 2002-2007 time frame, then many of the club customer base workforce may be experiencing the same in their jobs. (Doing more, getting less).
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I think she may have been responding to the OP here: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=4…
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    @minnow said: "So your first post is just a rant that belongs on stripperweb.com, which is a dancer support site. So naturally, you're going to get the kind of response that you got from 'desertscrub' ."

    You do realize that Katya's first post was more on topic than huge swaths of stuff that gets posted here, simply by virtue of the fact that it relates to strip clubs, right?
  • Katya2U
    7 years ago
    Ever wonder how much strippers actually make and where the money goes?

    Minnow, maybe I didn't explain things punctually, thought most of you will understand. Apparently now. So let me try again. I was looking for an answer to my question, doing a research online. I was curious about something and so I Googled it. Google gave me this website as a site where I could find my answer. Well I didn't. Instead I saw bunch of people guessing, how much money we could possibly be making, talking about "I know this girl and she has a friend and she said this and that". Something along these lines. And so I thought, naively, that maybe an input from an entertainer that's in business these days could help. Little did I know that people will stick to their opinion and wouldn't be open to a discussion. So else would be more informed about that topic than a dancer herself??? So you, not particularly YOU, but guys in general here, telling me to do my research... Uummm... Excuse me, pardon me, if I say that I do my research every time I come to work.
    To those other, civilized people here, thank you for your kind responses. I figured there will be a good amount of people opened to a grown ups discussion. This is a forum. And any input is, should be, welcome, good or bad.
    I have no intentions of replying to dessert whatever his name is, or blocking him. I see this kind of guys (but do we know he IS a guy??))) at work from time to time and I don't waste my time on them. My time is money, when if comes to work and by not dealing with him and his crazy comments here, I'll keep myself sane and above his level. Maybe he's/she's fed up that his or her life didn't turn out the way he /she had planned and turned him /her into one bitter, frustrated sad being. Maybe he lives in a dungeony basement and doesn't have enough sun to keep him happy... Who knows... ??
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @katya2u I really don't know the answer to your question but I do know the dancers working dayshift that hang out with me in the club usually anywhere from 3-4 hours at a time. I usually hit a club a few times a month and generally will spend from $150-300 each time including everything. So my lifetime of experience tells me that they are probably averaging $200-300 per shift or I wouldn't be having these girls hang out with me as they do. Keep in mind that 80% of my visits are from 3PM till about 7PM. Most dayshift here end between 7:30 and8:30 PM I am in South Florida if that helps my explanation.
    Two last things keep in mind TUSCL is the online version of the boys locker room so we can be rowdy at times, that's how boys are. The second item is show us your tits; )
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Please jump in and post of any of our other threads.

  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    katya, what was your original question?
  • Katya2U
    7 years ago
    The question I typed in to a Google bar was "how much can a dancer make in..." I was interested in a particular city.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Well, we might have people here who can help you with that. Might you again tell us the city.

    We have dancers here and they say not to be lured to unfamiliar places. If you think another club might offer better money, just try the next closest one to where you now are, or next closest to your home.

    People will always tell stories of far off places. And most dancers exaggerate about how much money they get, extrapolating from their best night, or their best hour, some guy just flooding them with money.

  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    If you have particular clubs in mind, perhaps you could call them and ask the management?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    We have members in most places in the US.

  • anonlvone
    7 years ago

    From here you can drill down to any club in any state. You can find contact info, ask about things like tip out fees, or just go to the club pages where you can find info on cover charges and read the reviews. Maybe you can find another stripper who already works in a club you're considering.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    We have people most places, just tell us where it is that interests you. But our dancer members say to not be lured out of your home area.

    People always tell grass is greener stories.

    If you want, give us some idea what sorts of clubs you are interested in,

    1. Neighborhood Bar
    2. Show Club
    3. Anything Goes

  • Katya2U
    7 years ago
    Thank you for all the responses. I do travel for business here and there. Been to many places, call it "getting a fresh air" wink. Can't call club, they'll make up stories to lure you there, just like some dancers will lie about how much they made there. So I usually just Google things, read reviews about clubs, comments and so on and just go from there. I'm not interested in place if I read multiple comments as "yes, for $200, $500,whatever amount, you can get whatever you want in VIP". I'm not a VIP girl, because let's face it : if place has rooms you can close off with whatever material, most of the time, NOT ALWAYS though, things go on. No thank you. And I know most of the people here will think that there's no way you can make $300-$400/shift without doing any extras, but the truth is you still can. It's harder than couple years back, but it's still possible.
  • Katya2U
    7 years ago
    So thank you again for your time. I didn't think I'll have all those comments and responses when I posted my first post last night. As I said, I was just trying to shine some light on things people were curious about. Make it nice and simple.
    So I think that's it for now. You all have a good rest of the day.wink
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Well, sounds like you want a Show Club, more selling a fantasy, and a pricey one, but not actual delivery. High looks standard though.

    We have people in most areas who would be able to tell you about the local clubs. PM me or someone if you don't want to post which metro.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @katya2u I don't doubt what you say is correct , but I don't think that you make that every shift. My thinking is if you ache $250 with maybe one good day making $500 that brings your weekly up to $300 per shift. That's my takeaway from years of clubbing, I'm sure in other parts of the country it's more but like I said I'm here in South Florida.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Tell us what metro, and very likely we already have people there who are very familiar with the local clubs. That's about the best a forum like this could ever offer.

  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    @twentyfine, it's possible. My consistent weekly average is from 2k -2.5k. I've had a few 3k weeks, but that's unusual. I work four day shifts per week. My lowest ever was 160 after tipping, and my highest was 1100, during an event. My mean is 550. I am upfront ab no extras, but I do encourage touching, other than my thong area. I allow some mild extras now and then for a regular, but that's out of appreciation and to keep things interesting, rather than negotiation in price.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @bj99 are you talking about Day or night shift, because if that were the same all over, the dancers that I spend most of my time with when I visit late afternoons wouldn't spend more than half of a shift and the busiest time period ignoring money. Like I said I'll average spend between $150 and 300 maybe a bit more but that usually includes me paying for drinks in that sum and the clubs I hit mostly don't upcharge lady drinks, I will admit to having become freinds with some over the years and I have helped a couple that I was seeing OTC in a few tough situations. Funny thing about that the two that come to mind, insisted on paying me back.
    Now show us your titties , )
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I work days.. and I'm not so sure you can afford to see my tities ;)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I can afford it honey don't you know we all make 350K+ here. )
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Well, obviously! All of my customers make at least 200k, but I can tell you are way smarter, and prolly better at eating pussy too!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You are pretty glib but yes I do reciprocate. Where do you dance ?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I'd rather not say. It's in the mid west. I think guys here just love their strippers.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You wouldn't be cat fishing me now would you?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @txtty that was the other dancer
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    @CMI- You have a point there, ignore works great. I stand by original assertion that post looks more like something I'd read on stripperweb under "dressing room talk" thread.

    @K2U- After you finally got around to posting subject link, now that puts your 1st post in its proper context. I'm allowing that you were unsure how to link threads, or were just too ragged out to post it. Still, you could have made a brief intro statement along the lines of "In case you guys are wondering what an average dancer makes, here's my perspective." Instead, first post came off as a straight up rant. I still stand by theme from above post that one reason for a change in earnings/working conditions since 2007 stems from the fact that a good portion of your club customer base has likewise experienced an adverse career path since 2007.

    Btw, did anyone notice that the linked thread was started in 2009 ?

  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Agree with Minnow on both points: original post came off as having a straight up SW attitude. And, more importantly, it's always best to come into a forum with a non-preachy non-know-it-all attitude (even if you DO know it all), that's just common sense.

    That said, with a slight adjustment, it would be great to have more stripper opinions around. Especially if the stripper realized that the information flows both ways ... we know a whole lot that most strippers don't realize, I reckon.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Speaking of which, no one has posted any nuggets from stripperweb recently. Papi Chulo has been slacking.
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