
Broadest Question Ever

Mom's basement
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 5:33 PM
How do you decide how much to pay, for what, and to whom? What's your System(TM)?


  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I think how much cash is in my wallet and leave $20 as an emergency fund.
  • l00ber
    7 years ago
    I bring $2k in $20's, and $10k in hundreds. I show the stacks to the girl(s) and ask them how much they think I should pay. What could go wrong?
  • gunrack
    7 years ago
    I bought a button shirt recently, 3 of them. I paid 18.40 each. I won't pay more than $23 for a button down shirt.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I guess the only way is to ask several girls and this may give you a range but you'll need to ask enough of them so you can get a more accurate range.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    always use the quadratic equation
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    OK, so I mean how do you pick a girl from whom to get a dance? How do you decide how many dances? How do you decide whether to go VIP? How do you decide how much to tip?, etc.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickyBoy gives excellent advice (as always) on these subjects in The System.
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    Do you have the Amazon link?
  • occurious
    7 years ago
    Depends on the club and what I'm going for. I only bring cash so I never get tempted to use the ATM.

    As for how many dances it depends on how good the first one was. I've given up after one and not given a tip. Generally if the dances don't get more friendly as they go on I cut them off where the routine levels out. Tipping depends on many factors.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Ricky boy in the system suggest looking up the price of a hooker on Craigslist in your location the price you find is supposed to be the correct offer you give the stripper web that's according to Ricky boy and his system
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    juicebox69, that sounds like a decent plan, except that strippers, at least at the clubs I visit, are a tier above BP girls in appearance, which should be reflected in the price.

    occurious, not using the strip club ATM is rule #1 of PL-ing. We've all done it, of course (I did it my last visit, in a moment of weakness), but I'll bet few of us have ever felt proud shelling out that $12 fee.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    The VIP private room price is set by the club and is usually non-negotiable. The tip for the girl may or may not be.
    The real experience comes in deciding whether she is BS-ing about her services.If you are in a full extras club she may just be exaggerating her skills, but if it is a maybe, maybe not club you need to be careful. If it is a chain club she is likely leading you on and the semi private will be the same as VIP.
    Juice box has a good idea but in many areas craigs-list and back-page are now censored and you must look under "dating". You also must keep in mind you get what you pay for.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    Dances: Whatever the club says the price is. Not worth haggling in my opinion. I've had girls try to ask for a different price than club advertised. In my early days I accepted or negotiated, now I tell them to go away.

    Everything else: I offer an amount based on what it's cost me in the past with other girls.

    I know how much I'm willing to spend before I enter the club.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    I look at this as discretionary income---same as what I think about before spending for anything that could be considered entertainment sex worker or not.

    The other night I took 500 with me to spend--I was happy because I had a great time and walked out the door with money not spent, enough so that I probably will go back to the same place before I head home this weekend.

    I make the choice once I am in the club and start talking to a girl how much I want to spend for dances with her or whatever might go on beyond her routine. Same with tipping---I like what I see or receive I'll tip accordingly.

    What I will not do is use their ATM machine or use a cc ( maybe the cc for food but that is it)

    I've seen guys haggle in the escort world for years then wonder why they didn't have as good as time as the guy who understands you start trying to get a discount you've just set the wrong mood and the wrong image of who you are ....and it's done for good. You'll never get a second chance in her mind.

    It is different if she broaches the subject --
  • gunrack
    7 years ago
    If I plan to only get regular dances (LDs) and not do vip room, then I normally take 250-300 with me.

  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Is my dick hard?----------->Yes--------> $40 dance
    +---------> No------> Wallet remains closed.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    One thing I saw written about Mexico is that you don't want to try and force the lowest price, you want it to be a fair price. But finding what that is may take some time.

    Overall, I would say from AMP experience that paying generously is good. But then sometimes if a girl likes you she doesn't really even care.


    nice tarot, including Star 17

    Tarot Contemplation
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... how do you pick a girl from whom to get a dance? How do you decide how many dances? How do you decide whether to go VIP? How do you decide how much to tip ..."

    Huh? Damn dude - sounds like you are a teenager that has never gone to a strip-club and waiting to turn of age and wanna know what to do once you go - these questions are too-basic not to know the answers to.

    "how do you pick a girl" - shit - one you like and wanna touch and wanna get grinded on from - basically a girl you like - if in a club where you can see the dances being given and she gives lame-dances then you don't pick her if you don't wanna also get lame dances

    "... How do you decide how many dances ..." - depends on your budget and if you like variety vs getting dances from just one girl - if dances are $20+ I usually just get two b/c I wanna try other girls (if the dance is mediocre then I stop at one) - if I really like her I may get 3 but usually 2 - if you just wanna get dances only w/ her and nobody else then either spend your whole visit-budget getting a string of dances w/ her or get a few at a time and maybe she'll hang w/ you in b/w sets of dances w/ you

    "... How do you decide whether to go VIP ..." - 1) decide if you can afford it - 2) know upfront by discussing it w/ her upfront what you will get that you are not getting w/ regular dances; if the experience is worth the extra-cost then you have a good-reason to do it - but if the mileage will be about the same as regular-dances then VIP is not worth it

    "... How do you decide how much to tip ..." - if dances are $20+ then I feel that is enough payment especially if I'm getting at least two dances - for $20+ dances I don't feel an obligation to tip on top; if I really want to give her more $$$ then I get an additional dance(s) - if dances are under $20 then I may tip the cost of an extra dance or two if the dances were good
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    My new System(TM): Nice tits? 1 point. Nice ass? 1 point. Not fat? 1 point. Not old? 1 point. Each point is worth $50 for oral, $75 for vaginal, or $100 for both.


    Bottom shelf = 50/75/100
    Lower mid-shelf: 100/150/200
    Upper mid-shelf: 150/225/300
    Top shelf: 200/300/400
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    I usually do not haggle that much. if her price is to high I say not right now and move on. If she wants to come down she will if not I will look elsewhere.
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