
How long did you visit strip clubs before your first p4p?

Monday, May 15, 2017 10:57 AM
I was dangerously close to doing so with a stripper but I also had looser inhibitions thanks to overdrinking which also deterred me due to being too dizzy to do concentrate half the time. But boy every day the feeling gets worse with each passing trip. Which has become sparse these days. Plus now that recently every trip I made, girls are unabashed about trying (and succeeding) to kiss me, the natural progression from kissing to fucking is becoming overpowering. (Yes I am still looking for a girlfriend, these women just like taking shit slow and my libido is through the roof), not sure how much longer I can last before I start paying strippers or worse...escorts *dum dum dum*. How long did you guys abstinent before doing hour first p4p?


  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    There's plenty of guys on the boards who ended up here looking for action, not avoiding it. The girls you date don't have to get mixed up with club stuff. Strip clubs can make for convenient side action without the drama that the other options bring. It sounds like the strippers might be onto your issue and are messing with you. Call their bluff.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I'm a quick study. It took only 21 years and 9 months from the time I started clubbing (March 1994) until my first OTC date (December 2015). At that dizzying pace, maybe I'll do my first OTC threesome when I'm 83 :)
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @wallanon oh no the girls I'm legitimately talking to aren't strippers. Strippers just happen to have a consistently bad habit of always wanting to kiss. And I know they been places if they're too eager to make out.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Sadly, it was a few years (2-3, maybe) before I learned that Chris Rock was a liar. It was a whole new world after that. I'm still annoyed about those few years, though.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Estafador, are are becoming larryfisherman? This sounds like one of his topics! LOL Good question. I'd say 2 years for my first OTC P4P, and it didn't work out. Typical SS. That would have been around 1996. It was all her idea too and I was truly a PL to go along with it. She was fun but too much 'pay' and not great 'play'. Lesson learned.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    I had my first P4P experience many years ago--escort not [view link] Orleans, French Quarter.........if you're going to start somewhere why not start in the heart of the real Sin City. I don't think I'm comfortable partaking on premise just based on my first few experiences back into clubs after being away for a number of years...but OTC, yes......and I have noticed the women are much more open to seeing someone OTC.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Never done P4P and my first ITC P4P experience was in 1985.
  • UKfan
    7 years ago
    Not sure what P4P means but I have done ITC a few times, back at platinum plus but it's platinum dolls now, but never OTC. I'm 28, seven year veteran, go once or twice a month to the club so it's very rare and hasn't happened since platinum plus changed owners, nor did it happen before my platinum plus days.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    It took me about 12-13 years. But that was mostly because I was married and didn't want to cheat on the old ball and chain.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    In the 90's I went a couple times before I got married. Nothing much happening then. Got married and never went again to a SC until about 5 or 6 years ago. But in those 15 years between my first club experience and now, it's a whole different type of game. P4P and ITC was something I didn't know about or experience in my first visits years ago. But now, it only took a couple visits 5 years ago to open my eyes to the brave new world it had become in my area...
  • K
    7 years ago
    Only a few visits. I went looking for it. I was sixteen, the drinking age was 18 but no one checked. My older brother and his friends talked enough that I had a good idea of who would do what. The only reason it took so long was I was too naïve to understand when something was being offered and then I was too chicken shit to accept.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I think it took 3 years, but it was so long ago I don't remember the exact time of everything.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Years. 1993 - 2015. There were a couple ROBs during that time. If you count attempted p4p with ROBs, then it moves up slightly to 2008.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Took me about six months, after a later-in-life start in this hobby. My first OTC dancer said it was her first OTC also. Our date centered around shopping for new stripper duds. Had a chance to enjoy pre-shopping fun at my hotel. When I handed her a wad of cash based on previous P4P convos, she said she wasn't expecting any money given the shopping plan. Of course I could have kicked myself for overpaying, but it was worth it. During our next OTC, I didn't offer any cash. It was a meetup after we had played at the club earlier. The third and final OTC was a dinner date I expected to end with a romp. Unfortunately she had just gotten serious with a new boyfriend and wanted to nix the OTC playtime. I was hurt. Fuck! I really liked that girl. She moved away, but we stay in touch. Hoping for a reunion someday.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I still haven't felt the need to peruse p4p OTC. I've clubbed on and off for going on 22 years. I am still fine using the clubs for their main legit and legal purpose.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    It has been years since I've done P4P, but all my experiences have been with escorts, not strippers. My first P4P experience with an escort was 3 years after I had first visited a strip club.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    My very first club visit resulted in P4P. I wasn't the one paying, but she did charge.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    As somebody once said "just ask" is the system for extras seeking services. Sure you'll get some no's, but eventually someone will catch word of your need and supply will seek demand. Not sure if Rickyboy created this system or the large % of historical PL's did. It goes back to B.C. days (before Christ). But don't ask SJG about that, because he is a godless creature, and he openly admits it. A heathen that guy is.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    Man, it seemed to take forever from my first SC visit until I ran into a dancer who was actually a working girl who was dancing while looking for OTC customers. It was six and a half months before I ran into that girl. I've put that knowledge to good use ever since.
  • jaredlucas
    7 years ago
    I'm not exactly a quick study. Took Me about 20 years to figure out that all kinds of adult fun could be had in clubs. Now P4P OTC or ITC is 2-3,times a month ... for the past 2 1/2 years. Had a fun with a couple new girls today!! 3 somes are awesome but pricey.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    About a year. I prefer OTC, having her all to myself for some time and not worrying about any other PLs wanting her attention is nice. Too bad of the girls I've liked only a small percentage will see me OTC.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    houjack says: "I prefer OTC, having her all to myself for some time and not worrying about any other PLs wanting her attention is nice." i saw my CF two days ago. as expected, it was slow for a monday night. and i figured it would be slow---which is why i came in that night. so after about 5 minutes or so, my CF appears out of the dressing room and chills with me for about 15 minutes or so. then, another guy came in and she said to me "i gotta go say hi to someone, but i'll be back" so right then, i knew this was another one of her regular customers. so then she went and sat with dude for at least 30-40 minutes and i sat alone unhappy for the majority of that time. then she went on stage and after she got off she came back to check on me and said "i'm gonna get some dances with this guy and then i'll be right back". she did a 30 min VIP with the dude and then he left immediately after they were done with the dances. she actually did a good job of balancing her time between me and the PL. and once the other guy was gone, she was all mine for the rest of the night. but like houjack said, that's one of the main advantages to OTC, you don't have to share the girl with other PL's who are interested in her
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    GoVikings....sounds like the my story in the "Fired The CF" thread! But in my case she handled it less skillfully.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @GoVikings I would have dumped her ass right there and then.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive really? why?
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    About 40 years. I visited TJ in 1961 when I was 19 but really didn't get into strip clubbing until the 90's when my marriage was on the rocks.
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    During my first strip club visit, in the early 1970's, I got an offer for very reasonable P4P and that night enjoyed the company of a very willing young woman for several hours. That - it turned out (much to my disappointment) - was NOT the usual. The next time I successfully snagged a P4P out of a strip club was in the 1990s. Admittedly, that first visit got me hooked on strip clubs in spite of the "no touch, no lapper" 70s and 80s and the very rare successes in the 90s. I was successful in dating horny civi women, and strip clubs were not my only outlet (for years they were not an "outlet" at all) but they were a place (in the 70s and 80s) where my imagination got fuel, and in the 90s where "hands on" fun was beginning to be found and hope for more was reignited. Now, in SCs it is no longer maybe. In just about every strip club I have been in for the past 5 years, there are women who WILL meet you OTC. I suggest you go ahead and hit it!
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    dallas702 says "Now, in SCs it is no longer maybe. In just about every strip club I have been in for the past 5 years, there are women who WILL meet you OTC. I suggest you go ahead and hit it!" you're probably right. but something tells me its a numbers game and you have to ask a lot of strippers just to get a few who will say "yes". kind of like how houjack mentioned above that only a small percentage of strippers met him OTC in all the time i've been on here, i've actually never done OTC. but i've also only asked ONE dancer about it and she ignored my text, so i think its safe to say she's not interested in that sort of thing. not too bummed about it--because i figured it would be a long shot. i'm definitely no OTC expert as i've never done it before, but it seems like it would be a long shot in most cases
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @GoVikings because she just totally disrespected you , IMO these women are thinking I can get money from him and you'll just sit there quietly while she is with him. Sorry unless you are in love with this girl it's your money and she has no right to waste your time. I go to the club for my enjoyment and if she makes bank I don't care but I don't club for her benefit so as a custy she caters to me or I find another that will.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive you may be right, perhaps it was disrespect, (because she was with me FIRST) but i think it's debate-able if I was a stripper and I was sitting with a regular, and another regular came in, I don't think I would let the one who just came in to sit alone for a long period of time without at least saying hello. Seems like that would be bad for business Seems like bouncing between the regulars as best as she can would be the best move, but what I do I know What do the rest of you think?
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    GoVikings, I don't dispute your "numbers game" assertion. In my opinion, you are correct about clubs - most of the time. Even in ATL's Follies there are likely dancers who don't offer extras and in some "prim and proper" clubs it might be hard to find the few "extras" girls. But difference is in what clubs you choose to visit, when you visit, and whether you are looking to just watch, enjoy a lapper, ITC or OTC. If you hit ATL's Follies on a Friday night do not expect to score OTC, the same club on an early afternoon will likely get you $152 VIP FS ITC and OTC with only slightly more difficulty. Other places ITC FS is almost impossible but take out is almost certainly available. When I have asked the "wrong" girl (that happens a lot) usually the response is not an upset dancer, but a "referral" to another dancer on shift who does OTC. There is a new generation of dancers in the clubs these days. Dancers who have a very casual attitude about sex and "hook ups." They are willing, available, and sometimes eager (if the money or the vibe is right). Even if they don't "do it" themselves, they don't seem to judge coworkers who do, and are likely to help you.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^If you care about his good time more than your own I guess that's the way you think not my intention to be nasty, but if you act like a loser then you are going to lose every time. Try thinking like this, that guy got what he wanted I'd must rather be him then me. Again I am not trying to be nasty and I know if it was me I'd dump her on her ass for choosing another over me.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    One more point if she bounces between regulars and they are like me they'll both dump her ass so I guess she has a come to Jesus moment.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Are we talking about OTC? I've done ITC FS, but I've yet to do OTC P4P. I've been in the strip club for about a year and a half.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Still haven't done p4p, but have gotten it free periodically. It was about a year into my clubbing days when I had my first offer, "I bet you have a big dick! Do you have a girlfriend? Wanna fuck?" That was the first conversation I had from this single mom who was dancing. She was also horny and we got off on each other about two hours after meeting. We happened to live a few miles from each other. I've learned to wait for the ones who want to play since they will let you know. U just have to wait out all of the robs until u find one in heat. Of course it helps if you've got game, and let them chat. It's an addiction for them to talk and then fuck.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @meat lol that's the type of thing you only here in sleazy night clubs. @goviking 30 minutes bro? You should have kicked her to the curve bro. She's playing on your emotions and that's not cool
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    GoVikings: maybe it's something about the club, the time of day, or maybe something you're doing. I usually talk to 4-7 dancers when I club and I'll get 1 or 2 to pitch me an OTC offer. And I'm not even looking for that sort of thing. Plus I club on Fri or Sat nights. I agree with dallas in that times are different today than in the '90s. They seem to have a sixth sense that they can make more money off of me, so they become proactive, realizing there's a limit to dancers or convo they can sell, once they find a quality customer.
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