
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 55)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Is Dad Detachment a Development Factor for Stippers?
    "Social media in general, and especially strippers' social media, is often used to construct an elaborate fiction of a wonderful life and wonderful relationships. Talking 1-on-1 often reveals a different story, and I believe that one-on-one is always more reflective of reality than the tapestry she weaves on her social media." Because I know a handful of girls who have turned out to be strippers and dated a couple before they were strippers I know first hand the difference between what they portray on social media and reality. In some cases it isn't even close. The reason I asked a question on here a week or so ago about how intuitive the board software is had to do with a question/situation that really hit home with me about my one ex. She paints a very perfect picture on her social media, hides from many what she is doing for money, and to the few others on a different social media venue where she interacts with other girls in the industry acts as if she is killing it...she reached out t me about a week ago.........it was painful to hear....... the truth.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    Is twice a week club visits excessive?
    $$$ count not the visits........no matter what level you spend it has to be comfortable for you, otherwise why do it. This is an enjoyable pastime supposedly, and as I referenced in another conversation we are the customer after all.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    #1 reason strippers will say is why they didn't return your texts/calls.
    Should read into your phone at the end of the second paragraph.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    #1 reason strippers will say is why they didn't return your texts/calls.
    Subraman-- I 've noticed it is a generational thing as well but I find it funny because so many people still use the technology. I know in my line of work it is a necessary evil--I never was a fan even years ago although the other side of the coin is the VM gives you feedback on voice tone and inflection so you have a better idea than simply reading a text. I've just observed and also been told strippers purposely keep their VM box full. So far what I have observed in the clubs I have been in the past year the girls if they are interested in you regardless if as a regular or for more will ask you for your number and enter into their phone or they will after a private dance enter their number into their phone. I am a variety guy, and I also try and let the girl come to me a bit as well. I am after all the client and I think a lot of guys forget this one point. I have had a great deal of luck so far since I came out of retirement so to speak from visiting clubs -it seems to be working for me. Admittedly I am by all measure an old fart now, although I do not feel like one and most people would never guess my age. There are four clubs I have been to in the Northeast Ohio area in the last few months, two in Maryland, and one in the Philadelphia area but I am by no means an expert. I'm reading the site and learning, picking up tips from the guys who seem to be enjoying themselves the most. ( what I would call the glass is half full type of people)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    #1 reason strippers will say is why they didn't return your texts/calls.
    Normally I don't ask for information--I let them decide to provide it. Nor do I text or call anyone first hand. I will return text or calls. But I've seen first hand from knowing women before they were strippers and once they become strippers- there must be a playbook somewhere for women when they dance that has a rule that states keep your voice mail box full.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Is Dad Detachment a Development Factor for Stippers?
    Two and Half Men made a show and a character that thrived on understanding strippers daddy issues. Hell yes, it is at the heart of their thinking process. It impacts them, even those that deny they have them, even the girls that do not recognize they have them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much spending is considered whale power?
    Vegas has become like a chameleon in the last decade........depending on the time of year and the night 1000 is a whale. I know four dancers and one bartender in Vegas that all either work at or once worked at a club----they have service industry nights----convention nights, etc and of course they are still looking for the bachelor parties and guys driving over from the west coast as targets, and the girls, at least the ones from this country, are all preds. I've never got a dance from any of the women I know---never been in a Vegas club although I spent a week out there as recently as last year and saw a couple of them outside the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    #1 reason strippers will say is why they didn't return your texts/calls.
    You mean the voice mail box isn't full when you go to leave a message? I thought that was 101 from the handbook. :--)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Did you know about extras before you first got extras?
    My first go round was usually in a group from work and most of the places we went were the well known ones back in the late 80's and early 90's.....clubs in DC ( no chance) NYC ( little chance) and Dallas ( back then no chance) Right near the end, and after I had become both jaded about going and the DD/wingman a smaller group of us crossed into Canada from Buffalo, NY.....I had my eyes ( and pants) opened that night
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much spending is considered whale power?
    I wondered the same myself---my last visit to a club I had two guys come around to where I was sitting and strike up a conversation --basically they were looking for info which is funny considering how little I have been to clubs. It isn't all about the money because I don't think I have ever spent 500 let alone 1000 on any one or in total any one night. I'm sure I am wrong but to me a whale wants to draw attention to himself--and he'll spend whatever he needs to do so and his only arrow in his quiver is cash. From what I have observed and contrary to some of the comments on here I think there are other factors that go into finding the dancer you want and having her do what you want.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Best Sports Trivia Question Ever
    Have to admit I was in the process of typing in Marcus Allen and Alan Trammell as a guess when the correct answer was posted. As it relates to Johnson ---25 insulted the sack of rocks.....the rocks should be outraged.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Who's ready for basketball ?
    I'm a Cavs fan--long term, like as far back as Bingo Smith/Austin Carr and crew, long term but Durant coming to GS was for one reason and one reason only, to negate LeBron. It won't stop LeBron but it changes how the Cavs play because someone has to put forth a lot of energy to cover Durant and be able to move with him full court. It also opens up Curry. The Cav's defense has been suspect all year to the fast break and transition game. They were able to pull it together so far in the playoffs but the teams they beat were not runners.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Average TUSCLer...
    Actually in my short time here Dougster is pretty spot on.....with the exception I don't short treasuries......I short Green Energy companies propped up by the previous administration that are more red due to their bottom line than any other color.......confirming my Libertarian beliefs as well.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: Stanley cup finals, who's watching?
    Pens tickets for Game 5 in the section I normally sit are 1500 per seat............seems like my club visits are going to take a hit or I am probably not going after all........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: Stanley cup finals, who's watching?
    Since the Caps series I have been saying the Pens need to teach James Harrison how to skate and suit him up..........they've been on the receiving end of a lot of cheap shots --this game they are fighting back.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: Stanley cup finals, who's watching?
    I am.....if they make it to game 5 I will probably attend the game live.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is there anything Donald Trump is willing to tell the truth about
    LOL--he is also at the top of his profession and one of the best known tailors on the east coast. If you are not aware of who he is I suggest you educate yourself a bit ....either that or start using the condiment of your choice on your foot since you just inserted it into your mouth. :~)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is there anything Donald Trump is willing to tell the truth about
    Not to jump around too much but I found this on line..... "Ihsan Dura, master tailor at Linea Pitti in Washington, has more than half a century in the business: "What I see is someone with a minimum 48 [coat] size, waist is about 43 to 44. Weight is at least 240, maybe more," Dura said by phone. “He’s a big guy. It’s a decent suit. There's puckering on the back because [he has a] fuller shoulder, fuller back, and he’s a little hunched in it — like a hunchback" It's the opinion of an expert on sizing up people's weight and girth. SJG--again I don't disagree---to me it only emphasizes my point she was resting on being a female and someone who has been in or near politics forever......in 2016 neither by their own merit or in combination were enough to beat an outsider with no understanding of how politics or the process works.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is there anything Donald Trump is willing to tell the truth about
    Actually SJG I agree with your last statement 100%. But ponder that for a moment--a guy runs for office and his heart really isn't in it and he still beats someone who has obsessed about being the first woman President since she was a law school grad. If she'd done anything correct ( avoid using the word right) she should have steam rolled over him and Bernie and actually Obama 8 years previous. Instead she tried to bend rules, talk out of both sides of her mouth and ass, be an oversized fake and flake and run on the single positive "in her mind" of being born without a penis.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is there anything Donald Trump is willing to tell the truth about
    Considering the Clinton trail of lies and death perhaps Trump should take lessons from her? From someone who is a real independent I've been simply amazed at how with one hand the Hillary and democrats in general have pooh-pawed her screw-ups and at the same time done anything and everything to demonize Trump. Neither one of them were my first, or second, or third choice but of the two I'll deal with Trump and his being a non-political over tweeting screw up as opposed to orange is the new black jump suit Hillary each and every day.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is there anything Donald Trump is willing to tell the truth about
    The largest accomplishment of the Trump administration will be there isn't a Hillary Clinton Administration.........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Population of actual city you live in? Number of strip clubs within city limits.
    Nope----I make a point of it........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Dancer Dynamic Duos
    Tell them you have enough for one of them to go back to the VIP room........watch the equal partner act dissolve into a "only the strong survive divorce" ..............
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    'OTC at Her Place' horror stories
    2 thoughts come to mind----I've been to home of three girls who are strippers. Only one had kids and they were over her mother's the night we met up. All three had immaculate apartments- I mean OCD type of drive to keep the place clean. Three is not enough of a sample set to mean much of anything but still Secondly and this is my curiosity.....at what point in the career of a stripper does the switch go off where they go from a girl who acts normal who the odds are high is flat broke and runs out of options to make money or get out of debt to the nut-bucket.....I'm not being flip, nor am I doubting any of the comments ( I've seen enough erratic behaviour myself in the past few months to understand its real) The worst experiences I have had and I only mention it because a few weeks back I referenced SA so I feel I need to point out one of the downsides can be going back to her place and finding out overall how much baggage some of the women on there have--including having their kids in the apartment ( without you knowing) as she bangs you and herself as if she hasn't had sex in months.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    How Intuitive is the board software?
    That should read an impossibility.