
The Track: How sex trafficking has taken hold of Bourbon Street

Detroit strip clubs
"If the pimps, prostitutes and tourists are the gears that keep the sex trade churning on Bourbon Street, many of the strip clubs are providing the grease that keeps the gears turning"



  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I find it odd that this article goes into detail about all of the terrible things going on in the strip clubs in NOLA and Bourbon ST in particular but yet the TUSCL reviews don't indicate that NOLA is a great place for mongers to visit.

    I have only been there once and it was a loooog time ago, but found it to be nothing more than a tourist trap.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Wow. That was one depressing article. This goes way beyond the taking advantage of "rent's due" and single mothers making conscious choices. Even if the club owners are not involved (and this seems to be the case in at least three of the clubs) keeping it out looks like Sisyphus rolling his rock up the hill for eternity.

    IDK what the solution is. :-/
  • Longball300
    7 years ago
    Clubbed on Bourbon about a half dozen times and agree that the activities in the article are available but, certainly were not prevalent. It is not a good place to club in general. When on Bourbon you are there to drink and enjoy the music and people watching in the regular bars. The clubs are better to take in small doses as an add on.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Last time I was in the French Quarter was before Katrina, and it seemed very 'whitewashed' to me, in that it wasn't seedy at all. But with the devestation from the storm and lots of unemployed women, perhaps it's changed for the worse?
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I lived in New Orleans for 10 years. I was only promised "satisfaction guaranteed" once in the VIP, and left dissatisfied. It's not that prevalent on Bourbon street. Those are mostly national chains like Larry Flynt, Ricks, or scores that know staying clean and open is more profitable than extras and raids.
    One town west, when Fat City was the seedy side of Metairie, I was propositioned by dancers often at Ships Wheel and Jaguars. I was also simultaneously civvie dating dancers at Celestial Bodies and Club Eden. Fat City got cleaned up and the clubs closed. Celestial Bodies was bought out by the trannie bar downstairs and turned into a gay male strip club. Club Eden always seemed to clean, I never got close to extras or mileage in there.
    It's possible that things have changed on Bourbon St. The city has been going steadily downhill after a brief post-Katrina boom. While the FQ used to be largely safe and violent -crime free, it has become as prone to guns and murders as the rest of the city. Maybe it has become as bad as the TP (an apt moniker for that rag) would have the reader believe.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    That was a long depressing article.

    So they did an investigation to determine that strippers do otc - and some otc strippers have hardcore pimps? Holy shit! That’s a newsflash!

    And some strippers also have drug connections - omg! I’m learning soooo much.
  • magicrat
    7 years ago
    New Orleans must not have many problems if touching a boob in a strip club is the worst thing that happens.
  • boomer79
    7 years ago
    I have a problem with the behavior of the pimps and the one example of there being an underaged girl. I also obviously am concerned about the grope and grab problem. Of course I’ve known for a long time that Bourbon Street was not a good destination for strip clubs.

    I’m tired of hearing overstated language about strip clubs and prostitution. It’s pretty bad when they cheapen serious crimes like human trafficking and sex slavery to the point where you roll your eyes when you hear them. Instead they’re used because conservatives and some types of progressives know they get people more upset than just saying prostitution.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    @boomer79, I wish TUSCL had luck button for posts.

    I read the same article and it say that they did find one underage trafficked, runaway. It sounds like her pimp went to trial. And I'm left with: that was it? All that police work, and that was it? Maybe they should stake out the McD or Walmart stores for 2 years. They might find second trafficked girl.

    Drugs are bad, but what types of drugs? I feel that the whole investigation is to sensationalize the moral outrage of the left and right wingers over perceived community decay. Yet the other posters make it sound family friendly, except you might see a boobie or cop a feel.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Article is focusing on the negative side, to support their position. Sounds like a place I want to be.

  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Like gammanu95 I lived in New Orleans for a number of years--decades ago.

    Prostitution was out in the open back in those days to the point there were areas in the Quarter girls worked and for the most part the police looked the other way.

    In my estimation the city became overly touristy in the late 90's and started to drift away from what made it a great town to have fun in be it as a visitor or a local. Katrina of course was the event that has reshaped it to where it is now, a shell of itself.

    I remember Fat City as well as parts of Algiers and Kenner (Yatville as we would call it)but I never remember the clubs being known for extras.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Murders are apparently less important than ruining a good time for tourists.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "Watch out for the boogie man" type sensational stories that are meant to cause shock-and-awe.

    As Dominik pointed out, in most raids they at best may find one traffic victim then call it an epidemic (if they find any) - not to say that one traffic victim is not one too-many, but they wanna sensationalize it and point the finger at the boogie man (SCs, or P4P in general).

    Strip clubs nor P4P is the source of the problem - girls that end-up in that predicament usually end-up there b/c of problems that precede them getting into strip-clubs or the P4P game - IMO SCs nor P4P is the source of the problem but usually more of the symptom of the problem - most of these girls would be messed-up w/ or w/o SCs or P4P - for most SCs or P4P did not mess them up and if it did something else probably would've - as far as I can tell 99% of women in strip-clubs or escorting do it b/c they choose it for themselves (at least in this country and not counting illegals that may not have much of a choice but that is a tiny %)
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "girls that end-up in that predicament usually end-up there b/c of problems that precede them getting into strip-clubs or the P4P game "

    Agreed! Papi +10

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