
A favorite turning on you

There have been previous discussion(s) of letting a favorite go for whatever reason, but has anyone ever had a SC relationship with a favorite that just turned sour from her perspective? For whatever reason, she just doesn't want to spend any more time with you or do VIPs or even dances with you. What do you think caused it? In my case, this would be hypothetical as i have yet to upset, turn off, whatever a favorite that bad that she would forego steady income, or been with a favorite that was batshit crazy. I have however let regular dancers go after they start forgetting how to count dances or mail in LD performances or start getting shy, lame or stingy in their lap dances; usually it was after they came back from having a kid which has its own issues. Or they got long in the tooth, or let themselves go or got less attractive (sometimes from the having kids factor) and i just weaned them off and they got the message. None of them were anywhere close to ATFs or even CFs though, so i don't really miss them at all. There are quite a few that just quit or moved on and i do miss them, but a new girl (hopefully better) makes me forget quite easily.


  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    I was doing OTC with this crazy hot hillbilly girl. Meeting at a local no tell motel. She was 90 minutes late our last get together which pissed me off. Claimed her ride was late. As a remedy she suggested meeting at her place in the future. Also claimed no husband or bf. So I took her up on it the next time she needed money and had called me. Guess who turned into a ghost...
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    My ATF gave me the silent treatment for 2 years when I got dances from another dances after saying I'd wait for her. One hysterical evening we sat on adjoining bar stools for 75 minutes while she landed a whale and not for a split second did she even notice I existed. Pretty damn funny.
  • K
    7 years ago
    It happens all the time. She gets a BF. She takes offense at an imagined insult. Something like she wants a pair of loubitan (sp?) Shoes. I refuse to buy them for her. She is insulted and cuts me off.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I don't preoccupy myself a lot with the inner workings of a stripper's mind. The reasons can be real, imagined, or even a function of medication (legal or otherwise). Too many variables.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    ITC and OTC to me are two different animals........ITC there are a lot of reasons why your favorite might turn away to another client or to simply avoiding you. For the most part let them come around....in time they will or at the very least you'll find out why not......it doesn't take long before another one of the dancers chats you up and they will tell you without you asking.......there are no secrets that stay that way in a club.

    Outside the club is a different story because there my expectations of how you interact with me are higher. You're asking me to commit my time (worth more than money as far as I am concerned)
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’ve not run into this. I generally cut the dancer off before she cuts me off. I tend to move on - since the grass is always greener - before the girls tire of my money.

    I’m sure that I’ve upset a few girls with my comments - but nothing that was offensive enough to make them not want otc money from me.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Hmmm...interesting responses. It seems to be more common than i thought as it has never happened to me in 15+ years. And i thought the lure of almost guaranteed money would always keep them around as long as they were there. According to SW (if you want to get into dancer psychology) the common reasons is that the regular tries to keep asking for OTC or extras ITC when the dancer supposedly doesn't do them or otherwise just starts becoming too "creepy". Or that's from her perspective. Maybe the girl is very political and finds out something about you that puts her off forever? I don't know, just throwing stuff out there. Yeah, i have seen the jealous, territorial dancers, but the "silent treatment" usually only lasts one visit which is fine as i'd rather not spend so much money on multiple dancers.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Oh, i thought of another reason, but it wasn't with any favorite or regular. I basically did one of those club features where you get two full-length songs and some crap club merchandise for a discounted price (2 for $50 instead of $30 each). Lot of the girls don't like doing them because they have to pay $15 for the merchandise themselves (or the customer really, although it seems like they get it for free) and another $12.50 or so for the dances @ $5 or each dance plus 10% of what's left afterwards ($25) so they're making around $23 off of two songs instead of the usual $45, but the way i see it is the girl is able to sell a dance that she might not have otherwise even if she spends around 20 minutes doing so instead of around 10. The particular girl in question left her undies on during the promotion (the dances are "supposed" to be nude) and when i asked her about it, she said she doesn't get naked for the promotions and i would have to get another dance. I cut it after the promotion and when she asked for a tip, i said i only tip on nude dances. I never heard from her again. Another dancer started toward the middle of a song. I cut it after she stopped right at the beginning of the next song and asked if i wanted to continue. I supposed she could have been truly ROB and just kept on going instead of pausing to ask. She then asked for a tip, and i said here's a tip: Don't start in the middle of a song. SMH. She never bothered me again. But in both cases, it was more good riddance to them.

    I guess if a regular or favorite started feeling she was spending too much time on a customer (probably a little more sophisticated or well versed in TUSCL knowledge) and found it more worthwhile to hustle newbie PLs, she might dodge you. That's usually not my case as i rarely spend a lot of time with a dancer or take up a lot of her time outside of the LD area. There was one dancer that just didn't seem to like me or something, despite me usually getting multiple dances with her and tipping too, but i would always ask to see her later and she'd just almost never come around. I only danced with her about 4 times in about 20 visits where i saw her, but she had seen me enough to know that i was one of the bigger spenders there and even told me so. So she had regular or favorite potential but never achieved it. She was one of the more popular dancers though so she already had a lot of regulars and interest from the new PLs. Maybe she thought she could hold my interest if she kept me waiting, but i pretty much lost interest in her anyway.
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