From a customer standpoint when is the best season to club? I've noticed in the summer that the talent level is very inconsistent I'm assuming due to it being so nice outside. Also, I've had numerous dancers tell me tax season is the worst time to go because dancers charge 3X as much because they know PLs have money to burn.
So I'm asking the consensus what do you guys think is the best time of the year to go clubbing?
From what I have observed starting around tax season is when the club attendance takes a dive.
The girls know it as well.......the one I have dated (probably a poor choice of word)off and on for the past few years tends to reach out to me right around the end of April because the money dries up. She takes time off until October and then goes back to the clubs. And she moves around so this isn't a single club or even a single city. When she first started off she didn't realize just how seasonal the business can be but after a couple of years she has caught on.
From a customer stand point ( your question) May/June in my estimation. Most bang for the buck so to speak.
January and February went guys are paying off holiday gift. Summer before major holidays. Follow warren and Ishmael's advise.
If your girl goes after tax refund money spender... she is fishing for minnows, whales and dolphins rarely get a refund. Says a lot about were her priorities and game planning skills are at this stage of her career..
I talked with a smoking hot Ukrainian dancer in Prague. She spends summers in Prague during tourist season and winters dancing in St Maartens in the Caribbean. There’s a dancer with a plan.
Next Monday December 4 is the last day rent can be paid without penalty and the height of gift buying season. Plus, dancers need to accumulate cash to let them take days off around Xmas. Dancer desperation will be tangible.
Subraman--I've never been to a club during the holidays but from what I have seen on line and heard some of them are lively.
Not just in my region of the country but Vegas as well
And as eyeofodin mentioned the concept of a tax refund is not something I have ever experienced.......I hear people talk about them and see way too many commercials on television --usually with people dancing as if they just hit the lotto but to me it is a foreign concept.
Best time of year for me is Summer, not many customers but plenty of dancers. During the Summer the dancers are more open to negotiating and extras are plentiful. Also the weather is hot so I can wear shorts ;-)
Seems summer slows down a bit - people taking vacations so less time and $$$ for the clubs - also those w/ kids spend more time doing stuff w/ them and less time in the clubs (same applies to dancers in that they'll take summer vacations or have kids out of school they tend to) - Jan and Feb also seem to be fairly slow one would assume mostly from holiday spending, or perhaps some new year's resolutions.
Whether the slow-seasons are good for PLs probably has pros and cons - yeah less PL-competition but also perhaps less talent in the clubs.
So when is the busiest period? Or the worst time for PLs to go and the best time for Strippers to make money? It would seem like early fall to mid fall (end of September to middle of November) based on what's left, but that doesn't seem right based on my experience in the last couple months where it just seemed average or even below average but better than here on out for the next couple months.
That would leave May to June but in Chicago, nice weather and busy strip clubs don't seem to go together. Most people tend to do other things. September is usually the worst retail month for all businesses and stocks as well. I don't see how strip clubs would benefit from that. Maybe February to March when it starts warming up just a little bit from deep winter and holiday spending. This period might be okay for the majority of people that actually get tax refunds and people that get refunds usually do their taxes earlier.
I don't think i have ever seen an entire period where a dancer or 50 hasn't complained about it being so slow.
It's also interesting how i used to like the busier times because more of my favorite girls would work. In other words, i wanted a large quality selection. Now with the ATF, i could care less about the rest, so slow times it is. But not too slow that she might quit the club or the business altogether...
Where I live now, it is Summer. This is followed soon after by a small stretch from mid-December through New Year's Day. I am very much looking forward a very merry pre-Christmas run with a few girls who will no doubt be looking to earn money for their kids' presents. ;)
It's different here in Phoenix. Clubs are packed Jan -Mar, with spring training and other activities. I like it more in summer when there isn't as many PLs around.
I can only speak to Las Vegas. January through April are busy months because of the conventions. The summer slows down some, May through August. Slight uptick in September (I'm told, haven't experienced that month), then October, November and December each get worse.
I was just there last weekend, and two of my favorites (who I have done lots of dance time with but never knew to be extras girls in two years of knowing them) made an exciting proposition for the three of us. I did not indulge for reasons this time around, but the general desperation on the floor was palpable! Girls I usually see stuck around til 7:00 AM (close), as did I because I didn't even get in until 3 AM (hey, it's Vegas), but then as everyone was leaving I over heard many conversations about walking out with $20 in their purses after a 10 hour night. It was a very different vibe than I've felt there in a while.
last commentThe girls know it as well.......the one I have dated (probably a poor choice of word)off and on for the past few years tends to reach out to me right around the end of April because the money dries up. She takes time off until October and then goes back to the clubs. And she moves around so this isn't a single club or even a single city. When she first started off she didn't realize just how seasonal the business can be but after a couple of years she has caught on.
From a customer stand point ( your question) May/June in my estimation. Most bang for the buck so to speak.
Towards the end of the month is good, because rent and other bills are due. This time of year is good, because they need money to buy gifts.
For me, those are the buyer's markets.
If your girl goes after tax refund money spender... she is fishing for minnows, whales and dolphins rarely get a refund. Says a lot about were her priorities and game planning skills are at this stage of her career..
March leading up to tax day, next deadest
Place is flattened.........and tourist are going to be very slim......…
Not just in my region of the country but Vegas as well
And as eyeofodin mentioned the concept of a tax refund is not something I have ever experienced.......I hear people talk about them and see way too many commercials on television --usually with people dancing as if they just hit the lotto but to me it is a foreign concept.
Whether the slow-seasons are good for PLs probably has pros and cons - yeah less PL-competition but also perhaps less talent in the clubs.
That would leave May to June but in Chicago, nice weather and busy strip clubs don't seem to go together. Most people tend to do other things. September is usually the worst retail month for all businesses and stocks as well. I don't see how strip clubs would benefit from that. Maybe February to March when it starts warming up just a little bit from deep winter and holiday spending. This period might be okay for the majority of people that actually get tax refunds and people that get refunds usually do their taxes earlier.
I don't think i have ever seen an entire period where a dancer or 50 hasn't complained about it being so slow.
This has been my experience the past two years in Atlanta.
I was just there last weekend, and two of my favorites (who I have done lots of dance time with but never knew to be extras girls in two years of knowing them) made an exciting proposition for the three of us. I did not indulge for reasons this time around, but the general desperation on the floor was palpable! Girls I usually see stuck around til 7:00 AM (close), as did I because I didn't even get in until 3 AM (hey, it's Vegas), but then as everyone was leaving I over heard many conversations about walking out with $20 in their purses after a 10 hour night. It was a very different vibe than I've felt there in a while.