
Buying dancers drinks

Yay or nay?


  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Big time yes. You loosen them up, and you’ll have a better time when it comes time for the lapdances.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    yes. I like sitting and drinking with my fav
  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    Depends, Most of the time yes. I don't like the bar rapping me in the process though.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I don't need to loosen up my favorites. I already know I'm going to have a good time but I do buy for them to be sociable.

    Tried a dancer new to me a couple of weeks ago. On the 2nd song I went for the kitty and she told me "No" and then asked me to buy her a drink. Fat chance!
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    It adds to the overall cost of clubbing, but I am amenable to it with dancers I am familiar with. I have noticed however that when buying a drink, they don't get a simple one... It is their moment to try out a fancier drink.
    But there can be exceptions. I know a few dancers who do not drink alcohol and will just get a can of energy drink instead.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
  • CouldBe
    7 years ago
    I will if it's a dancer I don't mind spending some time with before or after a dance or while waiting for another dancer to get freed up.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I don't go to clubs to drink my money, so it follows i would be even more reluctant to go there for random strangers to drink my money. Or to support the waitress; her bills are the last of my worries (or anyone else's even). I do agree that drinks can often "loosen" up a dancer or "make her able" to do her job properly as well as "buy" at least a minimum time from her on the floor often for some groping, although some drink whores will just laugh after you pay and just walk away with the overpriced if not top shelf drink. I'm sure many of you have choice words for this type of dancer. She'll also usually be more affectionate as well. I can see all that and these "benefits" are hard to argue with. To each their own.

    Drunk dancers are also more likely to under count songs making them easier to cheat and they tend to be easier to take advantage of in general. I guess i just don't really care for the "slightly" more nefarious reasons to get a dancer drunk, although I have sadly supported the drinking habits of some of my thirsty favorites, girls that have been fired because of their problem with handling alcohol...
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    If I'm asked, I say no, particularly if a waitress asks.

    If we're having a good time and I'll ask her, outside the presence of a waitress, if she wants something, then I'll order it for her.

    What I really hate is when they order something stupidly expensive or they order something and don't really drink it, or they order a back and try to trick you.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i sometimes buy... in tj it is buying her time with you in the showroom. and to note if she sips or slams down the drink.
    in coi it sometimes is a nice touch with a girl. it kinda depends if i feel chemistry or not. synn coi is relentless with the lady drinks. at least their cheap lady drink is $6.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    btw... in hong kong the ladies drink is $9. and if she orders tequila it is allmost allways water. at least the tiny bottle of tecate lite cervesa is 3.8.

    at tropical lei (upland) lots of pressure to buy drinks. same price customers and dancers i've noted so far.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Waiting for the drink to arrive allows for a little more time holding and fondling a stripper, so it can provide a little value.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Going into broken record mode for me :) ... Yes, I buy the dancers drinks. Partly because I love drinking with the girls, partly because a buzzed (not drunk!) stripper is the most service-oriented stripper. And partly, because buying strippers drinks is the 2nd best deal in the house (best deal is food). I can stretch a single drink out pretty long -- we spend a few minutes talking about it and waiting for the waitress, order drinks and wait 5-10 minutes for waitress to come back, and then the custom is for the stripper to stay with me until the drink is done. All told, this can be easily 30 minutes of her time for under $10, and at the low-touch clubs I go to, that time spent groping and socializing at the table is higher-contact than a lapdance.

    In short, unless you're against drinking because you personally don't enjoy it, not buying stripper a drink = penny wise, pound foolish. Of course, I have to admit mdfmk is absolutely right that everything I just really depends heavily on the club. At the clubs I go to, there's a stripper culture of "stay until your drink is over" and the drinks cost exactly the same for PL and floozy. While I haven't been to a club that has $20+ dance drinks and the like, at a club like that I imagine nothing I said above applies
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I will buy one only if I want to spend some civie tease time together. Like if she is already sitting on my lap, absolutely I will buy her one. But if I just want to get dances I don't.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    subraman... ditto on buzzed!!!
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I will attest to the fact that a buzzed stripper is usually more aggressive herself about teasing and also allows more groping and mileage. I have had hundreds of dances with my ATF DS and when she is tipsy and sober and tipsy is always just a little better.

    Also a lot of times a tipsy or drunk stripper loses track of songs and under counts them.

    I like a stripper that is buzzed and even better is not having to buy her any because she already is.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    If I am interested in getting dances or extras with her, I will gladly buy her a drink as it will give us time to socialize prior to getting dances/extras. Most of the time the girls have been very reasonable with me in their drink choices. On average, I usually pay around $15 for a dancer's drink, which I think is fair considering the fact a lot of these girls prefer mixed drinks over something simple like beer or wine.

    It always is YMMV when it comes to buying dancers drinks, though. I had one experience where a dancer took complete advantage of the fact that I was paying and ordered a drink that costs me $26
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    scam...why i stay away from baltimore. not interested in drinking and chatting with the girls tbh
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Sirlapalot-->"Also a lot of times a tipsy or drunk stripper loses track of songs and under counts them."

    I think drunk stripper is a crapshoot. Many girls get more fun as they get drunk, but many many many get really mean and aggressive. Many strippers have been traumatized many times in their lives, that's how they ended up at this point in their lives where becoming a stripper was the best choice, and damaged people aren't always fun drunks. But buzzed stripper is nearly 100% of the time an amazing win.

    s275ironman-->"Most of the time the girls have been very reasonable with me in their drink choices."

    Technique-wise, I never let the stripper pick her own drink. I control what she drinks and I order for both of us. By "control what she drinks", I mean, we have a discussion about what we're drinking beforehand. If I've decided I want to do shots, I'll tell her so ("hey, I'm ordering shots, do a shot with me!"), if I'm fine with mixed drinks, I ask her what she wants in advance. I am not remotely shy about telling her it's too expensive, I make it very clear that I'm not buying $15 drinks. Usually, the way to nicely get this across is, "I have enough for some VIP dances today, and for some cheap drinks so we can have fun. If we want to order expensive drinks, we'll do one less VIP dance, but I'd rather spend that $ on you". I think in 99% of cases, that's all it takes, she's not going to give up a $100 VIP just so she can drink Porfidio instead of Jose Cuervo.

    In short you should never be a position where a dancer could order a $26 drink. In fact, nothing should be coming out of her mouth during ordering time, you place the orders, and you've already discussed the drinks with her in advance. Just my advice, it's worked really well.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I wouldn’t be thrilled paying $15 for a dancer drink. I prefer more like $8 to $10.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I remember one time I was in the club with my ATF. Her ex BF came into the club and tried to get her to leave the "old geezer" and hang with him. She told him no. Awhile later the waitress came over and said that her ex BF wanted to buy her a drink. My ATF asked the waitress what the most expensive that the had was and then ordered one. She left it sitting untouched on the table. She rarely ever drank anyhow. :)
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    trucidos. you are a sick puppy. do us a favor and check out.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I guess the reason why I don't mind paying $15 for a drink is because I really don't run up much of a tab when I go to the club. Often times I can get myself a beer for $5 or less and I will be good for the night. If I buy dancers a drink, it will be just for one dancer. If I was buying drinks for multiple dancers, then I would obviously limit their choices to something less than $10.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    If they sit with me a while. Nay otherwise. I did get a BJ out of it one night in a club far far away. The girl started sucking during a lap dance and said you bought me a drink earlier.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    $15? The girls usually want a beer or an $8 drink where I've been clubbing at.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It is the exception that I buy drinks for dancers.

    I'm a variety PL and like getting lots of dances with many different dancers, thus buying drinks on top of that would put a bigger dent on my wallet than the already normal clubbing that I do; plus I'm not a drinker myself.

    There *are* times that I may just be in chill mode in a club and not looking to get lots of dances, in that scenario I at times may kick back with a dancer and chill with her for a bit and I don't mind at all buying her a drink or 2.

    There are also times when a dancer has put in some serious work dancing for me and shown me a great time and I don't mind buying her a drink even if she leaves to go freshen up, I kinda see it as them earning it.

    Some of these chicks are borderline if not full-blown alcoholics and seem they wanna have PLs subsidize their drinking habit - or those dancers that gotta have a few in them to do their job and want you to get them 2 or 3 drinks b/f they do anything else, not interested in either of those scenarios.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    s275: makes sense. I tend to drink with the girls, and we'll be buying a lot of drinks (and often food). I plan to spend as much as $100 on food and drinks, but that goes far too fast if we're both buying $15 drinks. Well shots cost $5.00 per during dayshift, so we can do a LOT of drinking, plus lunch, and still end up well under my $100 limit. If I were buying just one girl, just one drink, then I'd get her anything she wanted, within reason.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I buy drinks for dancers I want to sit with me. Sometimes I will party in the club with a stripper (or 2 or 3) and spend $300 to $400 on drinks alone. I don't do that as much as I used to.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @Subraman Amen, brother. A buzzed stripper is best. If she is too drunk, it is hit and miss.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    $300 to $400 on drinks alone?! Holy shit. Them Detroit strippers must love Jack.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    $300 buys me three Red Bulls and three high mileage LDKs with my ATF DS. And it buys three of my drink, a rum and coke.

    @jackslash I bet you get treated like a king paying for drinks like that.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    Only thing I enjoy more than getting drunk to loud music and tits is getting drunk with a stripper to loud music with a face full of tits. I am actually a little turned off by the girls that turn down free alcohol. Watch out for the ROBs ordering Jameson etc...
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    never. i dont do subtlety so anything without a clear, definable, immediate purpose is out
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m not much of a drinker. I don’t go to clubs to drink. So I’m less likely to be interested in buying drinks for dancers.

    If a dancer asks if I’ll buy her a drink - I’ll make sure it’s a girl I want to hang with. I’ll also make sure she’s going to let my hands roam. I’ll take control of the drink ordering process - and I won’t let her order her own drink. I’ve had dancers order drinks that took 10 minutes to explain to the bartender - and I knew it was going to be a hit to my wallet.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    If a dancer approaches and the first thing she does is ask for a drink, I'll ask her to sit and chat for a while first (if I'm interested). If she balks, I say no.

    If she sits and chats first, then I'll eventually offer a drink.

    On a few occasions, I've seen dancers ask a guy for a drink, he buys it, then she walks away the moment it's in her hand.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Not these days.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Yay, unless she hits me up right away to buy one for her. That is a big turn off
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I bought a Red Bull and shot of tequila for my ATF DS today. It bought me 45 minutes of a rock hard boner and allowance to play with her ass the entire time. Totally worth it.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ #2ndBestDealInTheClub

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