Lacking a voice of reason to tell me NO

avatar for Htxx
Sometimes I think that there's something seriously wrong with me. I picked my favorite stripper up yesterday afternoon, after a little shopping trip, and a nice dinner we partied and she spent the night at my place. I had a great night and great morning with her too, to the point my legs felt like jello walking to my car. Dropped her off this morning, and not more than 4 hours later, I find myself back in another local strip club, having a great time with a different dancer and getting her number for more OTC action. Not looking for psychotherapy here, but I think I'm a sex addict. Or have more money than brains. Either way, I'm justifying it to myself as you only live once. Anyone else in the same boat?


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avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
As long as you're not eating cat food in your retirement.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
JohnSmith, you're up
YOLO - life is for living - if you have the ability to enjoy yourself and you are doing so, then be grateful/appreciative and enjoy while you can; tomorrow is not promised to anyone - we don't get to live life twice; in the future you don't know what could happen and if you may have the health or the means to do so or even the desire - take it while it's hot.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
We all justify our actions one way or another. Been there, done that. As long as you can afford it why not.
And Purina tuna cat food makes a decent casserole in retirement.
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
Are you hurting someone? Are you forcing yourself on her?

If the answer is no then there is nothing wrong with you. Others have decided you are wrong for one of two reasons.

1. They are not getting it so it must be wrong.
2. Some sky fairy invented by bronze age sheep fuckers told them it is wrong.

Not knowing the details of your life I don't know if I can comment on you personally but let me put it in perspective.

October - I don't have much traveling for work, my wife is out of town this weekend so I have a mini PL event planned.

November - my wife and I are going on vacation for a week, returning on a Sunday and I have a 4 PL events scheduled for the next 2 weeks (which I will be alone or out of town) starting the Wed after I return from vacation. To me that 's kinda pathetic.

Anyway if you don't do it everyday I guess it's not that bad, take your PL experiences in stride and fit them in when you can. If it happens to be 3 days in a row, then so be it. Why do you think guys own multiple cars and multiple watches?
avatar for mrrock
8 years ago
Yes we've all been there. Yes you probably are a sex addict. But I have to agree with the others. As long as you can afford it. Enjoy!
If no one is getting hurt and you aren't digging yourself into a financial grave, then be happy that you are in a position to be envied by others in the club.
Yeah, I think money really is the issue. But you also gotta ask yourself what you really want. To be seeing both of these girls regularly? Why not. To be fucking as many girls as possible, one time each? That one I don't really see the point in.


Erik Satie: Relâche (Complete ballet) (1924)…
I don't think you are a sex-addict - that is like saying one is a food-addict b/c they eat everyday or a sleep-addict b/c they sleep every night.

Men like and need sex; it's a need and thus why the craving is there - not satisfying that craving/need does not mean it goes away - it's a need that needs to be satisfied similar to the need/craving for food and sleep; not satisfying that need will make one unhappy and unsatisfied - research has shown that those that engage in regular sex tend to live longer and healthier lives - talk about the best stress-reliever.
I feel ya, I'm going through the same inner turmoil. I've spent a ton of money on this new hobby I've developed this year, but it's hard to say I regret it. I've learned where to cut back and how to get more value. Everyone's advice in this thread is great, and pretty much exactly how I've been trying to view things.
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
YOLO like Papi said. You'll have your no moments. They may not last long, but you'll have them. I'm in a similar boat, just blowing money on strippers and gambling. Just make sure you can hit the brakes before it's really too late.
Anyone seeking the voice of reason in these pages is on a fools errand.
^^^ You know I'm split on that, in one sense I am offended, on the other I know you're absolutely right. Oh to be a fool with wisdom.
It's better than jacking off all the time. *shrugs*. If you have the funds for it .. and nothing else in your life is suffering .. why not?
Yeah fucking hot women is a lot better than collecting stamps. Unfortunately it's not for everyone (imamutt)
If you are truly enjoying your time and not just " going through the motions", absolutely rock on dude.I'm at the other end of the spectrum.I'm taking a sabbatical because it hasn't been fun for me lately.I'm relieved to see that I am OK with not going.So long as you can too,I don't see a problem.
If it makes you happy and hurts no one I say enjoy it. I really used to enjoy this and do this alot. Three weeks ago I had an awesome experience at my favorite club and yet woke up the next day thinking I was done. Even wrote here about it. Since then I not only have not gone, on the rare occasion I think about it I almost feel revulsion. Less than zero interest right now. Wondering if being in florida in 2 weeks will make a difference but I found myself looking to see where i can play poker instead of updating strip club knowledge.
for sale. collection of stamps. and coins. and books. and magazines. and cars. found new hobby and it is expensive. ;)
likes2look, brilliant point!
sal69. what club we gonna do next?
avatar for Htxx
8 years ago
Come to Detroit, we'll tear it up. Lol
"... Lacking a voice of reason ..."

You came to the right place

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