Lacking a voice of reason to tell me NO
Sometimes I think that there's something seriously wrong with me. I picked my favorite stripper up yesterday afternoon, after a little shopping trip, and a nice dinner we partied and she spent the night at my place. I had a great night and great morning with her too, to the point my legs felt like jello walking to my car. Dropped her off this morning, and not more than 4 hours later, I find myself back in another local strip club, having a great time with a different dancer and getting her number for more OTC action. Not looking for psychotherapy here, but I think I'm a sex addict. Or have more money than brains. Either way, I'm justifying it to myself as you only live once. Anyone else in the same boat?
If the answer is no then there is nothing wrong with you. Others have decided you are wrong for one of two reasons.
1. They are not getting it so it must be wrong.
2. Some sky fairy invented by bronze age sheep fuckers told them it is wrong.
October - I don't have much traveling for work, my wife is out of town this weekend so I have a mini PL event planned.
November - my wife and I are going on vacation for a week, returning on a Sunday and I have a 4 PL events scheduled for the next 2 weeks (which I will be alone or out of town) starting the Wed after I return from vacation. To me that 's kinda pathetic.
Anyway if you don't do it everyday I guess it's not that bad, take your PL experiences in stride and fit them in when you can. If it happens to be 3 days in a row, then so be it. Why do you think guys own multiple cars and multiple watches?
Erik Satie: Relâche (Complete ballet) (1924)…
Men like and need sex; it's a need and thus why the craving is there - not satisfying that craving/need does not mean it goes away - it's a need that needs to be satisfied similar to the need/craving for food and sleep; not satisfying that need will make one unhappy and unsatisfied - research has shown that those that engage in regular sex tend to live longer and healthier lives - talk about the best stress-reliever.
You came to the right place