
Comments by timothyjames55 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    how much does it cost to have a CF/ATF/DS
    I calculated that I've spent about $7,000 on my CF, since April. I'm not proud of that, not bragging, in fact I call it a rookie mistake. I got super head over heels for my very first CF, and she took full advantage. I'll bet anyone any amount of money that no one here has received less value for $7,000 spent on one girl, than I have. But the heart wants what the heart wants... which was my first mistake (letting the heart get involved). In fact, I am planning on visiting this club in a week or so, and was going to post the story here, maybe later today or tomorrow, of my last, very shitty experience with her, so that any veterans who care to chime in could offer their two cents as far as how to gracefully bring this thing to an appropriate conclusion.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Embarrassing Risk Question
    Cooties would be fine if it weren't for the incessant itching.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What are you most known for on TUSCL?
    Me? For spending way too much on a favorite who gives way too little... but being a pussy and sticking around anyway.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Embarrassing Risk Question
    Well when you put it like that I feel much better! It's very rare that I ever get hit by a bus... and meteor? I can barely remember the last time. Thanks again dudes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Embarrassing Risk Question
    Thanks guys. It of course is not the hand contact I was worried about, but the saliva, who knows, getting into the urethra or something.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I think I'm developing feelings for her....
    I feel where you're coming from. I'm about to board a plane and head home from where I've been dealing with this. I could write a novel about the woes from the last couple of days I just had in Vegas, but the general idea is that I'm in absolute stripper-love with Girl A, who is wanting more and more while dishing out less and less, knowing I'm wrapped around her finger; flaking on less profitable ventures like lunch the next day, etc.... While Girl B is there, offering MUCH more, for way less than Girl A, and generally being awesome to hang out with and not flaky, yet like a dumbass I can't get away from Girl A because of the feelings I have for her, and basically just being in stripper-love, even thinking about her when I'm with Girl B. It sucks.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    Experience Says:
    I was lamenting to my married friend the other day ( I'm single), about how much I've spent on this hobby. He said, "sh!t man, we're all paying for it." Then went on to explain all the ways in which he believes a married man is paying for it, factoring in frequency, quality, etc.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Spinners? Should I?
    Man, I love spinners. Almost exclusively.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strippers are gonna be strippers
    Stripfighter, great points. I've spent a little time OTC with my CF, but very little time. I'm planning it again soon, and that will require her to actually meet me somewhere. One time worked out great, one time she was two hours late, but made it. But when I go to the club I do exactly what you're saying. "I'll be there Thursday night." And if she makes great, if not it wouldn't be a big deal. Would allow for a little more variety that night. But so far, she always makes it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strippers are gonna be strippers
    I've only had one favorite, and she's my CF, so I admit I've got caught up in treating like I might a civie relationship, because that's all I've known. If I text first I'll usually get a response later in the day, or rarely she might wait til the next day. But it's always hours in between responses, and never lasts more than about 2 or 3 back and fourths and then she's totally checked out. I've worked on adjusting my mindset, however, and my expectations. I'm with Subraman though in that part of what makes her a CF is that there is some communication. If I were to quit getting any response at all, I'd drop her and find a new one. That part is infinitely easier to do in the club than in the civie world.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Stage tipping practices
    E. I can appreciate the skills and lack of inhibitions from any dancer, even if I don't want dances from her. But I'll usually $2 to any ol' dancer and $5+ if I want to draw her attention.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Helicobacter pylori From A Dancer
    Makes me worry about civvies too. It's not as if non-strippers don't get around. Eff.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Current Fave...now what.
    ppwh, you said things with that CF reached a new level... do you mean she realized you weren't as pussy-whipped as she originally thought and started to go back to being more of a favorite? Or that things got worse?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Current Fave...now what.
    Papi, you very well could be right. All the more reason to stick to the advice I was given above and just go to the club with expectations of simply having a good time, whatever and whoever that may involve. Maybe a new CF, maybe the current fave comes back around, or maybe remaining in between CF's for a while and just enjoying some variety for a bit.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Current Fave...now what.
    ppwh, those are great points. Although the strip club world shouldn't be confused with the dating world, there are still a bunch of parallels, and what you are mentioning would totally work in the real world. Not sure why I didn't give that some thought. I think when I go back I'll play it more cool, play it like I did before I have a CF. Just there to have a good time. Responses from you veterans are what make this forum great. I signed up for the reviews, the forum has just been a bonus.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Current Fave...now what.
    Flagooner, you say you don't care how your fave sees you; for me that doesn't fly. Of course that's just me. With my favorite I see the dynamics changing fast. Slower to respond to texts, if at all. Sweet comments both in person and through text are diminishing. Attitude in the club changing. Almost morphing into a person completely different than the one I thought I met. And believe me, it is not for lack of cash going her way. Part of the fun for me is at least the appearance of a GFE. I'm not dillusional, I know it's not real, and knowing what I know about her I wouldn't want it to be real even if she did... but that is the way in which I enjoy my clubbing. If things totally fall apart with my CF (who happens to be my first), I'm quite certain I'll immediately but methodically look for a replacement. I can totally grasp why many of you guys like complete variety and no attachments, but it's just not the most fun route for me. To each their own though. That's the beauty of it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    L.A. All Day
    Heading to Vegas. Where should I go?
    SJG, you literally named about the last six places in Vegas that I haven't been, and would never want to! We clearly have different tastes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Current Fave...now what.
    I have enjoyed having a favorite, it is more fun cultivating that, and I'm not too proud to admit that it's all about the GFE that she provides. But as some have alluded, the problem I suffer from is getting too attached; forgetting it's fake. I have to constantly remind myself to keep it in check, as I think about her all the time. I'm relatively new to this though, so what I'm hoping is that with each favorite down the road it will become easier and easier to stay detached from. And whoever said strippers are flaky, wow, truer words have never been spoken. It's as if it's a prerequisite for the job.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is Baltimore Worth Visiting?
    Oh, ha. Fried = friend. That shit always happens when using my phone instead of a keyboard.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Current Fave...now what.
    Being about 4 month in to my first ever favorite, I can say that switching it up a little is a good idea. It helps keep things fresh, and I think it keeps her on her toes if she sees you with others. Plus, she won't start to expect it, which is the problem I am having with my CF.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is Baltimore Worth Visiting?
    Thanks everyone for the ideas. I'm going to take that info, go through reviews of those mentioned, and I'll let you know how it goes! Beguiled, it's always a strange town for me, as there are no clubs within hours of me. But I'm not much for drinking, if that's what you mean by getting fried.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Locked down by a whale
    Ah Dominic, even better.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    L.A. All Day
    Heading to Vegas. Where should I go?
    Curious, did you go to Palomino? I always liked it better than Little Darlings.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Locked down by a whale
    I know I'm considered a whale where I go. For the past few months I've spent most of my time with the same girl, but the dynamics are changing. It's hard to keep seeing the same value for the same money, is what I'm finding. I spend the same, but things grow stale. I guess the only plus side is that if it ends, I'll save some money until I find a new one. I would imagine having a regular whale is in their interests, however. My other concern is that I'm not sure you can keep going to the same club after dropping a CF... these girls can be catty, I can see one trying to tarnish your reputation.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What's the most you've ever spent for one night in a single strip club
    "One solution is to vary it up. Vary how often you see her and how much you spend when you do. Sounds like you've conditioned her expectations." Superb advice. It had been on my mind, but it's great to hear it from others.