For those of you who OTC

avatar for Bavarian

Does it ever cross your mind that a jealous boyfriend might follow your favorite stripper and beat your ass or at worst bust a cap on you?

Let's face it. Some stripper boyfriends are not OK with their girlfriend seeing customers outside the club. In a fit of rage, anything can happen.

Once, a guy showed up when I was meeting a stripper in a public place. She seemed surprised that he showed up and went to talk to him. He immediately left.


last comment
avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

This isn't the first time you've gotten on here and talked against OTC.

One day, just one day a stripper is finally going to touch your wang inside the club, and your pessimistic attitude will change.

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

Your CF finally letting you fuck her OTC?

avatar for jackslash
8 yrs ago

I generally do OTC at my house where I have access to my guns. The boyfriend may be bigger than me but he's not faster than a speeding bullet.

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

Jack I bet he doesn't cook as well as you either.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

wang touching is a seminal event in a young man's life

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

^^^ especially when someone other than the young man himself is touching his wang.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

Bav, to be serious ... you probably owe us an explanation as to your own thinking here. You're not just throwing this out there to throw it out there...

Anyway, yes, I think a bf showing up is a possibility. So is his not just "showing up", but her arranging for him to show up specifically to rob me. Of course, there's lots of other things that can happen to. I can get by a car crossing the street to the hotel. There can be a random drive-by shooting. There could be an earthquake and a building falls on me. And, BY FAR the biggest threat, statistically: I could get in a car accident.

I don't sleepwalk through life, so I am at least aware of such things, and my surroundings. For what is by far the biggest threat, which makes everything else pale in comparison, I: drive defensively, wear a seatbelt, don't drive myself if I'll be drinking. For possibilities that are incredibly unlikely, like a random drive-by shooting or a stripper bf just "showing up", to the extent possible, I try to pick quality neighborhoods (where drive bys are less common) and quality strippers; beyond that, I'm aware, and where possible, have a plan. But if I sat around making up unlikely risks and was terrified that none of them could possibly be addressed, I'd never leave the house.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

-->" • ^^^ especially when someone other than the young man himself is touching his wang. "

Whooooa! They'll do that? Girls too?

avatar for Bavarian
8 yrs ago

It's just disconcerting that he showed up. I don't think it was mere coincidence. Physically, he's no threat to me but I am no match to a speeding bullet.

Jealousy can make people do crazy things.

I still see her though and it has not happened again.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

--->"Does it ever cross your mind that a jealous boyfriend might follow your favorite stripper and beat your ass or at worst bust a cap on you?"

Anyway, bav, I don't think you're being silly in thinking out such scenarios. But I also think, as mentioned above, there's far more probable risks. Plus, you face the exact same risk going out on a regular date with a civilian ... some women have stalkers, jealous exes, etc

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

I've seen three different strippers OTC a total of nine times since December. In two cases I knew them well enough from multiple club visits to know that they didn't currently have boyfriends. In the third case, "Veritable Shit Storm of Chaos" girl was actually delivered to my hotel at 1:30am by her brother (!), who turned out to be overly protective but not homicidal. Admittedly I was stupidly careless in that instance and have learned my lesson.

I visit my ATF in her apartment, knowing that I'm just a temporary playmate until her ex-husband gets out of prison in February -- at which point I will quietly disappear.

avatar for knightwish
8 yrs ago

I've had another customer show up who was under the delusion he was exclusive for OTC activities (he was a nice guy who did her favors, I just gave her cash in exchange for sex). The stripper was furious (or acted it, hard to tell) he was acting possessive at all they had a fight and he left. She was majorly apologetic to me and made it up both that and the next time.

No biggie More drama with civilian women all the time.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

-->"at which point I will quietly disappear."

What's he going to do with your body?

Ha ha! Just a little OTC homicide humor there!

avatar for knightwish
8 yrs ago

Just to add to my comment. I've also known lots of partners for the girls I was a customer too where there was zero drama. Most are perfectly aware of their girlfriend or wives' line of work and fine with it. I'm the wife's customer not her lover. She's a young pretty girl I'm not going to be her lover. No one is under any delusions.

If your wife owned a restaurant would you be upset with the patrons because she's not cooking exclusively for you?

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

Ha ha! Very little OTC homicide humor :)

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

I'll tell you another risk that I think is far more probable than the bf showing up. Heads turn and a bit of envy/jealousy happens whenever I'm walking with a hot OTC date. Most of my OTCs are daytime and early evening and we're having sex by evening, so I actually enjoy the attention, but I've done nighttime OTCs at bar and clubbing areas, and I will tell you, drunk, frustrated young men who are extra brave because they're drunk and in groups, can get positively pissed that the 23-year-old 9 is with you instead of them. Guys say things to me when I'm walking around with my insanely hot ATATF, but luckily so far it's all been respectful "damn I'm jealous dude" type comments. But I actually think that's the most likely scenario that would lead to fisticuffs.

Also, score one for me for finding a way to use the word "fisticuffs"

avatar for Bavarian
8 yrs ago

I agree with what your're saying Subra.

It's just that we are taking additional risks when we take things outside the club. I never expected him to show up and by her facial expression and demeanor neither did she.

It goes with the territory but it became more real to me.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

Anything is possible, one can always find reasons why they should not do something thinking of all the possible ways it may not work-out - life is for living, b/f you know-it life would have passed you by w/o having experienced many things and we only get one life to live. dating a civvy can also have similar risks (jealous ex, etc)

avatar for lopaw
8 yrs ago

I'm more worried that he'll want to join in.

avatar for K
8 yrs ago

Hopefully she isn't stupid enough to tell her BF about you but it happens. I'll save my stories on that for another thread.

I prefer hotels to motels, my place or her place. Most hotels lock the side doors and only guests can open them. yes, they sometimes don't work and people will often open the door for them but it reduces risk. The front is often locked after 10 PM and even before then many hotels will take steps to verify people are guests.

meet her in the lobby. if she is not alone, don't go back to the room.

This is probably more than enough to be safe.

if you are really paranoid, tell her the hotel name and time. Don't email or text it. But that of course increases the risk of miscommunication. if you have set up OTC with her before you could go with "The usual Time and place."

avatar for K
8 yrs ago

Subraman "you face the exact same risk going out on a regular date with a civilian ... some women have stalkers, jealous exes, etc" I think it is higher with strippers. A civilian woman is less likely to be juggling a BF, a few exes, a drug dealer or two and a few possessive customers. Running into a stripper's while knight wannabe is no fun.

avatar for K
8 yrs ago

Subraman "rustrated young men who are extra brave because they're drunk and in groups, can get positively pissed that the 23-year-old 9 is with you instead of them. "

I got so sick of this I try like hell to not go where these guys will be. it is worth the money to go to the better restaurants and bars. Better food and service. better wine. The women are impressed and that usually translates to a better session. Any guy there is likely with his SO and isn't looking to prove himself to my date.

avatar for jester214
8 yrs ago

I don't do OTC but couldn't this issue mostly be eliminated with a few simple precautions?

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

Bavarian, what you say does make sense. I had this three time looser BF of an AAMP phone operator calling my phone many times per day, filling my answering machine with profanity, for over a month. Thing is, I only met the woman f2f once. She was unfuckable, but I knew that. I had no interest in her. But this younger BF, a 3 time looser, was not going to stop. The woman told him about me, just to get him riled up.

It was nothing for me. But you got to remember that the guys who have nothing to lose are the ones who might do stupid things. And some girls are just right for them.

We used to have this magazine Spectator.

The editor Dave Patrick wrote this article about dating strippers, and the example he gave was a girl from those old fashioned behind glass peep shows. It can take a while to get to see the girl outside. What Patrick said was that most of them are just fine, just like any other girl. But watch out if you find one who changes her phone number every week and is always talking about being stalked by old BF's. Stay away from those types, because they play guys off against each other and set up bad situations.

So if you are talking with a girl in a strip club, I would try to detect any SO's. After she knows you, ask her if she lives in town, if she lives by herself. Sure she could lie. But usually the girls who have those sorts of problems will brag to you about their SO's, and also about any stalking. Stay away from those girls. Only deal with the ones who seem to be in charge of their own lives.


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avatar for londonguy
8 yrs ago

I'd rather die regretting the things I did instead of the things I didn't do.

avatar for Corvus
8 yrs ago

The chances of that happening are less than the chance @sanjoseguy will contribute a lengthy diatribe on the subject.


avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

Corvus, if you ever get tangled up with the sort of girl who tries to create extreme drama and conflict, then you will know what I mean. If you don't, good for you.


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avatar for goosman
8 yrs ago

Years ago down here a jealous BF came into a club & shot his girlfriend/dancer.

avatar for Dougster
8 yrs ago

I texted my ATF about OTC once and I guess her (unaware BF) had the phone. My text was a little vague so he pretended to be her trying to clarify. But it seemed a little off so I wasn't going forward. He then texted me threatening to kill me if he found out I was doing anything with her... Funny shit!

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

Do you think that just by talking to that dancer, that other guys trying to get her OTC would be able to detect that she was someone who encouraged such situations?

I believe that in strip clubs you will find girls like that, about 10%, much more than in other venues.


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Lenny Kravitz "Are You Gonna Go My Way"

Lenny Kravitz - Lady

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4 Non Blondes - What's Up

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

Dougster, do you think that was a good girl to be seeing, having her as an ATF?

Did you know that she had a BF, and that her private affairs were not always private when it came to him?

My view would be no, try to detect such situations early on and eliminate girls who aren't clearly in charge of their own affairs.


avatar for Dolfan
8 yrs ago

Yeah, it's crossed my mind. Like someone else has said, its crossed my mind they could be setting me up for a robbery. I try to take some precautions to limit my exposure, but acknowledge that the risk is nonzero. I've never once had a problem like that with a stripper though. I have had a number of altercations with civi's. Ranging from simple bar fights, to the exact scenario you describe where a dude follows us home and attempts to barge in or intervene as we go inside.

avatar for JamesSD
8 yrs ago

As someone who has put my dick in a lot of cheating married women over the years, the thought of a jealous hubby taking me out crossed my mind. In one case it was smart she didn't actually know my last name or where I lived, because her husband found our emails.

Avoid full names and addresses.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

K-->"I think it is higher with strippers. A civilian woman is less likely to be juggling a BF, a few exes, a drug dealer or two and a few possessive customers. Running into a stripper's while knight wannabe is no fun. "

Yes, no argument... I didn't mean the probability was the same, just that it's possible for a civilian to have a crazy ex- or whatever, too. But yes, strippers are unfortunately at the bottom of the social ladder, and more likely to have lower-quality boyfriends, etc.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

There is a higher risk OTCing w/ an unknown dancer but not to mean that something nefarious is eminent

avatar for Dougster
8 yrs ago

@SJG: I just assume every stripper has a boyfriend or is married (regardless of what they have to say on the matter). I think it's true in over 90% of cases, so close enough approximation.

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

To Bav's original point: I'd rather bring my gun to the hotel room and the strippers boyfriend follow her there, than have him follow her to my house.

avatar for impala
8 yrs ago

That's why I always do it at my hotel and almost always try to meet them in the lobby or parking lot. I very rarely give them the room number. That way the jealous BF/husband/stalker dosent know which room your in, and if thinks do turn south you can easily walk away. If you're followed in (and I have had it happen) you can stop by the front desk and say your being followed, the last think most want is an encounter with hotel security.

avatar for rickdugan
8 yrs ago

Paying for sex is never without risk. Most of the girls who sell sex have issues - it comes with the turf. Also, in my experience, most of them have SOs and many of them lie about it.

In most cases, reasonable precautions will do the trick. When I am on the road, I meet new OTC girls in the hotel lobby and bring them up. At home, most of my OTC partners are known quantities who have been dancing in the local clubs for some time.

I've only had a couple of problems on this front. One was in a hotel on the road and I simply bailed out of the event and went back up to my room alone after seeing an odd looking dude follow her in. So check - the precaution worked. Another was an irate husband who yelled shit at her from his car when we were standing at the room door, but he never got out and she went through with it anyway. That was also utterly avoidable if I had been alert when we left the club parking lot, so my bad.

But those were 2 single incidents among who knows how many and simple precautions did manage the first and would have managed the second if I had not been complacent.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

I agree with Subraman that the risk is higher with strip club dancers, more likely to be women who are juggling problematic men.

Dougster, I'm sure they all know lots of guys, but my experience at our local clubs is that most of them are indeed single women, unattached. Like say, 70% on the day shift and 95% on the night shift. And the reason for the shift difference is that the younger hotter looking ones are desired for the busier night shifts, and also being unattached and not having kids makes them more amenable to the schedule.

Though I like the young hotties, for myself I still prefer day shifts, and normally I would not want to be up at 2am, or to become a 2am statistic.

Now admittedly these are lower mileage clubs than the ones most people talk about here.

I believe though that most of the San Francisco dancers I have engaged with are also effectively single. There the ones to watch out for are the ones with the blue buzz cut under their blonde bombshell wig.

Like with everything else, the way to learn is just to spend time talking with them. They try to play a part, but the truth bleeds through.

Impala and others, I understand your precautions. But don't you think it would be better just to select a girl you like and then make the investment of time, plus some money, and talk to her more and get to know her. Usually girls are actually quite open about their personal affairs, if you are open too, and you can see if they are someone you want to be in a hotel room with, or in your own home with.

There was locally this girl N. She was the nicest thing. And like all the others said, which was obvious, "She never hustled."

But her life did revolve around destructive BF relationships. Lots of guys who lived off of her. And then what clued me in were the accounts of her running off without even taking much of anything, like her stripper costumes and high heels.

And then she had this BF. And there was this incident, the guy either hit someone or started a fight, disrupting a floor dance.

So the next morning he drove her to the club, and she got out and asked, "So am I still allowed in here?"

"You are, but your boyfriend is not."

"Okay, so I'm quitting as of right now."

So she was gone and off with the BF, of course not even acknowledging that she knew me.

So a few months later, another boom cycle becoming bust, and there she is at another of our bikini bars. I talk to her and she softens up a bit and soon she is really pouring it on for me, in effect saying, take me home with you, let me move in with you tonight.

So I tried to tell her not to enable drama scenes like what had happened. Either dance or don't dance, but don't make it revolve around stuff like that.

Even club management and bouncers insist on knowing what relationship girls have with guys. And owners at the Mexican Bars have told me that that is the problem, not the fully professionalized, but the still civilianized, because the boyfriends show up.

So I asked N. if she is going to keep dancing. She said, "I have to."

And then of the BF, she said that he left because he said that he knew she was going to start dancing again, as he had lost his income.

So I told her you can't approach it that way, dancing because you "have to."

If you want to dance, you dance, and no one can tell you not to. But you can't do it because you have to. Shouldn't do any occupation that way.

She was just over thirty, but an awesome hottie, Thai, Laotian, Cambodian. For a softcore dancer, she was reaching retirement age, but in her case she could keep going. But she did want out.

Seemed to be estranged from her parents. People say though she went back to them in Minnesota, and got married.

My point is, some girls encourage guys to get possessive and to get involved in their personal stuff.

In a building I lived in, there was on guy who seemed like a bozo and stole some stuff from a real nice neighbor. So I encountered a girl once and just politely spoke to her, assuming she was alone. Meaning nothing. But the guy showed up, "What, ARE YOU TALKING TO MY GIRL?"

I would explain this later to my neighbor, and he laughed, "Yeah, that was must of been him."

I noticed that the girl was a bit embarrassed by this episode, but she was not actually put off by it though, and so I would say that she was encouraging it.

So I feel that you do have to watch out for girls who keep such guys in their orbit, and do let them into their personal affairs, and do encourage such possessiveness and belligerence.

And then the guys with the least to loose are the ones who will go the furthest.

I mean, two guys fighting over a girl in a bar, then probably neither of them is employed and the girl is a looser among losers herself.

While precautions can be in order, I still feel that the best thing is to just get to know a girl by talking to her more, before seeing her outside, or even going into booths or back rooms with her.


Lenny Kravitz - Again

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

Plenty of guys on here hook-up OTC, if the worst-case scenarios were common there'd be threads about it all over the place similar to plentuly of threads and posts of flaky strippers

avatar for mrrock
8 yrs ago

I was never scared about jealous exes. If one showed up and wanted to start something I'd just kick his ass like every other guy I've ever fought in my life.

avatar for shadowcat
8 yrs ago

mrrock- How many asses have you kicked when you had a pistol pointed at you?

avatar for GACA
8 yrs ago

Death comes to us all. I dont mind going out having had a little fun

avatar for GACA
8 yrs ago

Death comes to us all. I dont mind going out having had a little fun

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

9mm hole in your chest? Some guys, if provoked enough, if they've already got nothing to lose, you never know.


avatar for timothyjames55
8 yrs ago

It's funny how different minds work. The crazy boyfriend scenario is probably third on my list of concerns. Probably because we meet at the casino level of a Vegas hotel, then go up from there.

I'm probably a little paranoid, but I worry first about being caught up in a sting type vice operation (I know, to use a stripper I meet and take to VIP would be quite an elaborate scheme), and secondly I worry about if she might have an STD, even though I'm super, super careful, the details of which I won't get into.

avatar for Ch3ll
8 yrs ago

I usually dont worry about a boyfriend or SO showing up if it's at the hotel of my choice. I usually choose my goto hotel which has the Presidential level, which requires a key just to move the elevator to that floor and I only get one key when I check in. Yeah, shit can go down in or outside the hotel, but I just remain cautious. It's the best you can do. I treat it like going anywhere else at night.

I've been to two of my OTC strippers place. Of the two I only went to one of their place just once. I was cautious the whole time, and just couldnt let my mind go and enjoy the sex. However, after the sex and shower together I relaxed a little.

The others place I wasn't too worried the first time because she had a friend girl there, kids, and it was 6am in the morning. So the next visit which was late night, I was just at ease.

I personally worry more when at their place of a SO showing up. Hell, I think I worry more of the stripper pulling off the whole job themselves as opposed to a SO being involved.

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